27 research outputs found

    Solidaritas 6.0 Melampaui Jebakan Pendapatan Menengah: Apakah Ukurannya hanya Pendapatan per Kapita?

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    Salah satu tolok ukur kesejahteraan dan kemajuan suatu bangsa dapat dilihat dari pendapatan per kapita penduduknya. Mengacu pada proyeksi dari Bappenas dan batas pendapatan kelas menengah dari Bank Dunia (12.500 US Dollar) terlihat bahwa mayoritas penduduk Indonesia masih berada dalam kategori penduduk Kelas Menengah. Simulasi Bappenas memproyeksikan Indonesia bisa masuk Pendapatan Tinggi pada kurun waktu 2035 - 2040. Proyeksi ini hampir sama dengan perhitungan yang dilakukan oleh Suharto et al. (2016) menggunakan "perkiraan teknik (engineering judgment)". Sedangkan proyeksi PricewaterhouseCoppers (PwC) memperlihatkan saat ini posisi pendapatan per kapita Indonesia sudah mendekati Pendapatan Tinggi. Berbagai tantangan infrastuktur, energi, politik, dan pendidikan tentu saja berkontribusi pada pemerataan pendapatan per kapita dan proyeksi-proyeksi ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan bagi bangsa Indonesia ke depan untuk menghindari jebakan pendapatan Kelas Menengah (middle class trap)


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    This paper derives mathematical equation describing the relation between errors in FRF due to limited record time length, record time and the time constant of a vibration system modelled by the I- dof vibration system with viscious damping. It is assumed in derivation of the equations that both impact excitation as well as response signals are not contaminated by noises. Moreover, the impact excitation is assumed to be a delta Dirac function. Consequently, the spectrum of the excitation is constant for all frequencies. The derived mathematical equations results show that the FRF error is a complex function so that is can be expressed by the magnitude anf phase functions. The magnitude of FRF error represent the maximum possible error occuring in the FRF magnitude. The maximum possible error occuring in the FRF magnitude at fn is influenced by parameters, such as record time and time constant of the structures. This maximum possible error shows an exponentially decreasing nature as the ratio of these parameters increases. Based on the derived equation, a recording of the response signal within three times of the system time constant results in the maximum possible error at fn in the FRF magnitude in the order of 5% of the theoritical FRF magnitude. Such recording can be performed if the peak amplitude of the response signal ceases to about 5% of the initial peak amplitude at the end of the record time for between 0.001 and 0,1


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    This research presents development of vibration-based crack detection method using operating deflection shape (ODS) analysis from data measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). Two types of work are conducted in this research. The first work is a numerical study, while the second work is an experimental study to verify the proposed method. In the numerical study, two types of specimen are used to simulate 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional problems using NASTRAN code. For the 2-Dimensional model, beams with two types of crack are tested, namely center and edge cracks. For the 3-Dimensional model, a plate specimen is tested. The length of the cracks and their locations are used as parameters to observe the ability of the proposed method to detect the existence and the location of the cracks. The results of numerical study show that the existence of cracks can be detected by using the natural frequency drops and the location of the cracks can be pinpointed by using the proposed S.Sd.D.Ms method (Square of the Second Derivative of the Deviation of the Mode Shape). In order to test the reliability of the proposed method, an experimental study is required. In this experimental study, FRF ODS measurements are conducted to derive the mode shape. Three types of specimen are measured, namely intact beam, center cracked beam, multiple center cracked beam and multiple edge cracked beam. The results of experimental study confirm that the proposed method can be used to detect the location of the cracks

    Design and development of a low cost fluidized-bed dryer for Tapioca

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    This paper explores the study of numerical determination of roller bearing stiffness as a result of wear increment by using contact Hertzian method. This study is part of the research on the determination of roller bearing vibration response as a result of wear increment. In this paper, wear is assumed as diametral clearance, Cd, and force work in radial direction. Computational method shows that increasing wear causes the decrease of stiffness. The relationship between deflection and stiffness, radial load and stiffness as a function of Cd can be determined

    The Enhancement of Melon Fruit Quality by Application of the Fertilizer and Gibberellin

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    Abstract: Generally, the diameter of organic melon fruit relatively short (the fruit is small), weight of fruit just as big as 1.25-1.49 kg only, while weight of inorganic melon fruit can reach 2-3 kg. The research was conducted by experiment method with the aim to enhance quality of the organic melon fruit. Experiment I is: N, P and K fertilizer solution concentration as main plot (0, 20, 30, and 40 g L-1 ) and dose of cow manure fertilizer as sub plot (0, 10, 15, and 20 ton ha -1 ) (there are 16 treatment combinations). Experiment II is kinds of dung as main plot (chicken, cow, and goat) and dose of fertilizer as sub plot (20, 25, and 30 ton ha -1 ) (there are 9 treatment combinations). Experiment III is dose of cow manure fertilizer as main plot (15, 20, 25, and 30 ton ha -1 ) and gibberellins concentration as sub plot (0, 30, 60, and 120 ppm) and (there are 16 treatment combinations). Each of the treatment combination replícated 3 times. The result showed that chicken, cow, and goats manure can be used in organic cultivation of melons, and cow manure has the highest potential. The role of the dose is relatively low in plant growth, but to improve the quality of fruit need dose of 10-15 tons ha -1 . The addition of inorganic NPK fertilizer solution or use of gibberellins can increase growth and fruit quality of melon (the used of gibberellins are recommended)

    Pengaruh Proses Tutorial Model Tutorial Tatap Muka Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Program S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang UPBJJ-UT Semarang Masa Registerasi 2014.1

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    Dalam proses belajar mengajar, Universitas Terbuka (UT) memberlakukan sistem belajar secara mandiri. Cara belajar mandiri menghendaki agar mahasiswa dapat memotivasi dirinya sendiri untuk mendisiplinkan diri dalam mengatur waktu belajar secara berkesinambungan. Untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam menghadapi dan memecahkan kesulitan belajar, Universitas Terbuka (UT) memberikan layanan bantuan belajar dalam bentuk tutorial tatap muka. Program ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan rangsangan dan motivasi agar mahasiswa punya greget untuk belajar secara mandiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Strategi Tutorial terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang, 2.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh materi Tutorial terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang, 3.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh keefektivan Tutorial terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang, dan 4.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi tutorial, materi tutorial dan efektivitas tutorial secara bersama-sama terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang UPBJJ-UT Semarang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis regresi. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan sebanyak 81 mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan rumus formula statistik dari Yamane Tarro yaitu n = Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan : (1). Strategi tutorial berkontribusi positif terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang sebesar 26,30%, (2). Materi tutorial berkontribusi positif terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang sebesar 18,50%, (3). Efektivitas Tutorial berkontribusi positif terhadap Prestasi Akademik mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang sebesar 12,22%., dan (4). Strategi tutorial, Materi tutorial, dan Efektivitas tutorial secara bersama-sama berkontribusi positif terhadap Prestasi Akademik mahasiswa S1 Pendas Kabupaten Rembang sebesar 32,30%

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    Ekstrusi sekam padi sebagai pengganti kayu bakar : laporan perkembangan

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