129 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan keterampilan batik jumputan sebagai kegiatan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak tunagrahita di SMPLB kelas VII SLB Muhammadiyah Purworejo. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan jenis pendekatan penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu one group pre-test post-test. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah anak tunagrahita SMPLB kelas VII yang berjumlah 10 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan pemberian tugas. Tingkat kemampuan motorik halus anak tunagrahita sebelum diberikan kegiatan keterampilan batik jumputan dengan persentase sebesar 3,33% dan setalah diberikan kegiatan keterampilan batik jumputan masuk pada siklus I mengalmi peningkatan 21,3% meningkat 17,97%/ Pada siklus II mencapai 33, 3% sehingga mengalami peningkatan 20,97%. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kemampuan motorik halus anak tunagrahita sesudah diterapkan keterampilan batik jumputan. Artinya penggunaan Batik Jumputan dalam penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak tunagrahita

    Makna Filosofis Batik dalam Novel Canting Karya Fissilmi Hamida (Kajian Estetika Resepsi Sastra)

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    AbstrakPeneliti menyusun penelitian ini, untuk mengungkap makna filosofis batik yang terdapat dalam novel Canting karya Fissilmi Hamida. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pendekatan estetika resepsi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada novel berjudul Canting karya Fissilmi Hamida terdapat makna filosofis batik yang meliputi proses membatik yang merupakan perlambang manusia dalam berkarya mengupayakan diri agar bermanfaat di dalam kehidupan, peralatan membatik yaitu canting yang merupakan perlambang sikap dan tindakan yang harus dimiliki oleh manusia yaitu keimanan pada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, sikap kebesaran hati, dan sikap pengendalian diri dan hati-hati. Motif batik melambangkan banyaknya cara yang dapat ditempuh untuk menjadi orang yang bermanfaat serta harapan-harapan untuk disatukan dalam kehidupan yang penuh kebaikan dan cinta kasih. Penelitian tentang makna filosofis batik yang terdapat dalam novel ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh generasi muda agar semakin semangat dalam melestarikan batik.Kata kunci: Karya sastra, Estetika resepsi, makna filosofis, batik, canting, motifAbstractThe researcher doing the research to reveal the philosophical meaning of batik contained in the novel Canting by Fissilmi Hamida. This research methode that used is a qualitative descriptive study, with a aesthetic approach of the reception. The results show that in the novel titled Canting, there is a philosophical meaning of batik which includes the process of batik which is a symbol of humans in working to make themselves useful in life, batik equipment, namely canting, a symbol of attitudes and actions that have to be possessed by humans, namely faith in God Almighty. Oneness, an attitude of greatness, self-control and caution. Batik motifs symbolize the many ways that can be taken to become useful people and hopes to be united in a life full of kindness and love. Research on the philosophical meaning of batik contained in this novel is expected to be used by the younger generation so that they are more enthusiastic in preserving batik.Keywords: literary works, reception aesthetics, philosophical meaning, batik, canting, motive

    Analisa Korelasi Rasio Arus Kas Dengan Financial Distress (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Telekomunikasi di Indonesia)

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    Cash flow ratio analysis is useful for detecting financial distress, which occurs as a result of a company having negative cash flow so that it has difficulty meeting its obligations. This study aims to determine the relationship between cash flow ratios and financial distress in telecommunications companies in Indonesia. Research methodology that was used is descriptive study that utilize a quantitative approach. Sources of data are obtained from secondary data, with data processing methodolgy using the Spearman correlation formula and SPPS version 20.0. The results showed that the cash liability ratio, cash need coverage and asset efficiency ratio, and cash to debt ratio had a positive and significant correlation to financial distress as measured by the interest coverage ratio. This means that when the cash flow ratio increases, the level of financial distress will decrease. The positive cash flow ratio is caused by an increase in company cash receipts, especially from operational activities, which have an impact on increasing the company’s ability to pay its debts

    Management Of Regional Property: Utilization Of Bengkulu Provincial Assets As A Source Of Regional Income

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    This study aims to find out how the implementation of the management of Regional Property of the Bengkulu Provincial Government in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 19 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for The Management of Regional Property and Utilization of Regional Property that has been carried out by the Bengkulu Provincial Government. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, where informants are taken using purposive sampling, namely the Head of the Regional Financial Management Agency of Bengkulu Province, the Head of the Regional Property Division, and the Head of the  Sub-Division of Needs Analysis, Procurement and Utilization. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the management of Regional Property of the Bengkulu Provincial Government has been carried out in the form of utilization in the form of former leases. PPI (Fish Landing Port) in Muara Ketahun, North Bengkulu Regency for 20 years with a rental amount of Rp. 364,141,000,- (Three Hundred and Sixty-Four Million One Hundred and Forty-One Thousand Rupiah) per year. Recommendations for the implementation of the management of Regional Property of the Bengkulu Provincial Government can be optimized through the establishment of Regional Regulations on Guidelines for the Management of Regional Property of the Bengkulu Provincial Government. Keywords: Regional Property (BMD), Implementation of Regional Property Management, Utilization &nbsp


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    This is entitled Analysis of Service Quality Claiming Old Age Insurance Program (JHT) at the BPJS Employment Office of the Bengkulu Branch. The purpose of this study was to study the quality assurance program for Old Age Insurance (JHT) at the BPJS Employment Bengkulu Branch Office. Aspects in this study add Tangibles (Direct Evidence, Reliability), Responsiveness, Assurance (Guarantee), Emphaty. Informants in this study consisted of 1 head of service, 2 service employees at the BPJS Employment Office of the Bengkulu Branch Office, and 7 participants of the Old Age Insurance program who made claims /withdrawals of funds. The technique approves data using Observation, Interview, and Documentation. In the technique of data analysis using the theory of Miles and Huberman 1984, namely how to reduce data, present data, and try Conclusions: The results of this study are as follows: Tangibles (Direct Evidence) aspects are good, not optimal; The reliability aspect is good; Responsiveness aspect (Responsiveness) is not good, still in accordance with the provisions; Guarantee is good; Emphaty is good; Suggestions from this study, BPJS Employment is expected to provide information to JHT program participants Disbursement of funds due to the lack of information received by JHT participants, BPJS Employment is expected to require a cash disbursement system, because it involves a transfer system that requires a long time, expected BPJS Employment Bengkulu Branch Office can receive documents in completing the JHT claim requirements, and it is expected that BPJS Manpower Bengkulu Branch Office pays attention to the customer's car park

    Kualitas layanan Rumah Sakit M. Yunus Kota Bengkulu

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the implementation of job assessment of government official formingBengkulu Province based on government regulation number 18, 2016.The design of this research was descriptive method through qualitative approach where the data collected by depth interview, observation, and documentation. The data was analyzed by using interactive analysis technique introduced by Miles and Huberman’s. The informants of this research were five of government officers of Government SecretariatBengkulu Province, which the job related to the implementation of government regulation, namely Organization Department. The result of the research showed that the implementation of analysis job assessment of government official formingBengkulu Province had been compatible with Government regulation number 18, 2016. Nevertheless, in the implementation, the data used as a variables consider from official Government, without doing some validity and verification of data in the field that used as data variable of technique based on Government regulation number 18, 2016

    The Government's Efforts to overcome Poverty In Bengkulu City

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    Poverty is one of the economic and social problems that are difficult to overcome or at least can be reduced little by little. Poverty is a problem that is considered complex and can occur in any country. Poverty has an impact on some levels of society in urban and rural areas. That's why overcoming poverty must be done comprehensively, covering all aspects of people's lives. This study aims to determine the government's efforts in overcoming poverty in the City of Bengkulu. This paper concludes that the government has carried out various ways to overcome poverty in the City of Bengkulu, including improving education, revolving fund policies, financing working capital, fulfilling basic rights, and other programs implemented as an effort to overcome poverty in the City of Bengkulu. Therefore, the suggestion to be conveyed in this paper is that the strategy used to overcome poverty cannot only be seen from one dimension but requires a complete and thorough check of all aspects that cause poverty locally. 


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    The trend of increasing sales in the bottled drinking water (AMDK) industry in recent years has attracted many companies to enter this industry. The tight competition in the industry requires a company to run its business operations effectively and efficiently, so that organizational goals can be achieved. This study has two objectives, namely (1) to see whether there is a relationship (correlation) between promotional costs and the level of sales of bottled drinking water and (2) to see the development of sales levels in the next three years. The research method uses case studies, data collection by means of observation, interviews and literature study. The data analysis technique uses linear regression and correlation analysis by processing data on promotion and sales costs for 2018-2020. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation (relationship) between promotion costs and sales levels, this was evidenced by the r value of 0.997. Then, there will be a trend of increasing sales in the next three years (2021-2023). This can be used as a guideline for companies to make the best decisions in order to increase company value


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    This study aimeds to investigate the implementation of tasks Civil Service Police Unit in controlling street vendors Bengkulu City. This study to a qualitative research. Qualitative Methods is a research method that is used for scientific research on objects where research is a key instrument. Informants from this study are street vendors, officers Civil Service Police Unit and Head of Market in the city of Bengkulu. Terms of informants in this study are: willing to become informants, understand the research problem, and would cooperate with investigators. Determination of the research informants using purposive sampling method. Analysis of the data in this study using inductive analysis techniques that for abstracting after recording special phenomena are grouped into one. stages of data analysis used in this study consisted of four concurrent flow of activities, namely: data collection, data analysis as a whole, to see the data and conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of the Civil Service Police Unit tasks in controlling general conflict between street vendors Civil Service Police Unit, which often occur controlling street vendors insurgency by hawkers when the demolition is done. Therefore, the solution should be done by making use of vacant land around Pasar Minggu and Pasar Panorama to provide opportunities for traders to sell, so the merchants selling remai


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    Abstract:This study aimed to investigates the effect of Mathematical self-efficacy on the students’ learning outcomes of Teaching Practice Placement (PPL). This research used ex-post-facto with simple paradigm design. The population were 80 students’ Department of Mathematics Education. Sampling technique used was saturated sample so that all the members of the population selected. The instruments used were questionnaire and documentation. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The findings indicate that the average of the students' self-efficacy is 95.66 which is categorized as ‘fair’, the students’ learning outcomes of teaching practice placement is 3.87 which is categorized as ‘A’, and the regression gained through regression testwas Y = 2.359 + 0.016X. Thus, there is significant effect of self-efficacy on the students’ learning outcomes of Teaching Practice Placement.Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki efek self-efficacy matematika pada hasil belajar mahasiswa dari Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL). Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan ex-post-facto dengan desain paradigma sederhana. Populasi terdiri dari 80 mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh, sehingga semua anggota populasi dipilih. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistika deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata self-efficacy siswa adalah 95.66 dengan kategori 'sedang', hasil belajar siswa dari penempatan praktik mengajar adalah 3.87 dengan kategori 'A', dan persamaan regresi diperoleh melalui uji regresi, yaitu Y = 2.359 + 0.016X. Dengan demikian, ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari self-efficacy terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa dari Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan
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