49 research outputs found

    Akulturasi Budaya Kubur Tempayan Dan Megalitik: Studi Kasus Situs Muara Betung, Sumsel

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    Budaya megalitik yang tersebar di Indonesia, mempunyai satuan waktu (kronologi) perkembangan antara 2500 SM - abad-abad pertama masehi. Beberapa situs megalitik yang terdapat di Sumatra, Jawa, Sulawesi, Ambon, Nusa Tenggara dan Papua, hampir semuanya cenderung memperlihatkan budaya megalitik yang mandiri. Hanya beberapa situs tertentu yang memperlihatkan karakter budaya yang lain, seperti : Gilimanuk, yang memperlihatkan adanya budaya penguburan yang berbeda antara kubur megalitik, kubur tempayan dan kubur tanpa wadah (langsung). Kemudian situs Lambanapu di Nusa Tenggara juga memperlihatkan temuan kubur campuran antara kubur tempayan dan kubur langsung tanpa wadah. Pada umumnya dalam tradisi megalitik terdapat satu kebeasan dalam memilih wadah kubur yang akan dipergunakan. Hal ini terlihat dari berbagai jenis dan bentuk kubur megalitik yang ditemukan, mulai dari menhir, peti kubur batu, waruga, kalamba, temu gelang, dan dolmen. Pada prinsipnya semua wadah kubur batu itu dapat dipergunakan sesuai dengan keinginan dan kemampuan, yang juga disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan bahan baku di lingkungan mereka.Megalithic culture that spreads in Indonesia, has a unit of time (chronology) of development between 2500 BC - the first centuries AD. Several megalithic sites found in Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Ambon, Nusa Tenggara and Papua, almost all tend to show independent megalithic culture. Only certain sites show other cultural characteristics, such as: Gilimanuk, which shows a different burial culture between megalithic graves, jar burials and burials without containers (direct). Then the Lambanapu site in Nusa Tenggara also shows mixed burials between jars and burials without a container. In general, in the megalithic tradition there is one freedom in choosing a burial container to use. This can be seen from the various types and forms of megalithic burials found, ranging from menhirs, stone cists, waruga, kalamba, stone circles, and dolmen. In principle, all the burial containers can be used according to their wishes and abilities, which are also adjusted to the availability of raw materials in their environment

    Perubahan Nilai Dan Makna Baluntang Dampaknya Terhadap Pemeliharaan Dan Pelestarian BCB (Kasus di Wilayah Kabupaten Tabalong Kalimantan Selatan)

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    Changes in the value and meaning of Baluntang can occur due to several factors, such as the incorporation of old beliefs (Kaharingan) in Hinduism. This amalgamation had an impact on their behavior towards old traditional rituals. Even though in reality they still carry out the old traditional rituals, the implementation of these ceremonies is merely routine as a manifestation of their respect for their ancestors. With such conditions and backgrounds, in their hearts there is a considerable inner conflict between respecting their ancestors and obeying the new religious teachings.Perubahan nilai dan makna Baluntang bisa terjadi karena adanya beberapa faktor penyebab, seperti misalnya adanya penggabungan kepercayaan lama (Kaharingan) dalam agama Hindu. Penggabungan ini membawa dampak terhadap perilaku mereka terhadap adat ritual tradisi lama. Meskipun dalam kenyataannya mereka tetap melaksanakan upacara adat ritual lama, tetapi pelaksanaan upacara tersebut hanyalah rutinitas belaka sebagai perwujudan rasa hormat mereka terhadap leluhur. Dengan kondisi dan latarbelakang demikian tentunya apa yang dilakukan itu akan memberi kesan yang kurang baik, karena di hati mereka ada pertentangan batin yang cukup hebat antara menghormati leluhur dengan mematuhi ajaran agama yang baru

    Perencanaan Strategi Manajemen pada Kasus Perusahaan Distributor Spare Part Motor

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    Several Motor Spare Part Distributor Companies have problems in planning management strategies to increase marketing. Therefore the authors conducted this research so that the company has a strategic management plan by utilizing technology, namely by implementing an information system, especially in the field of marketing, therefore a management strategy is needed to align information technology strategy with the company's business activities and strategy by adjusting the company's internal conditions. Researchers carry out various activities in research, namely literature review, collecting data from companies, Internal and external business analysis and making enterprise architecture blueprints and information technology portfolios that will be used. The research results show that the company has adequate information system planning for current and future business processes by mapping them into the application portfolio. The company's e-commerce website shows very strategic results in increasing the marketing of the distributor company

    Optimasi Impian Captain Tsubasa Bagi Persepakbolaan Jepang Spektrum Pendidikan Islam

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    The purpose of this article is to reveal the optimization of Captain Tsubasa's dream for Japanese football on the spectrum of Islamic education, by unraveling how far the influence of the animated film Captain Tsubasa in whipping up the fighting spirit of the young generation of Japan, then contextualizing it in Islamic education, where problems have not been encountered before. This research is a qualitative descriptive, with the data collection technique using the polegulation, and analyzed inductively. Problems are analyzed with Max Weber's work ethic theory. The results of the study concluded: that Captain Tsubasa's dream in his animated film is able to be a motivator, especially for the young generation in Japan in terms of football so that in the future the National Team is able to win the Asian Cup and consistently participate in the World Cup. In the context of Islamic education, a Muslim must have a work ethic, namely a personality attitude that gives birth to a very deep belief that work is not only to glorify oneself, to show humanity, but as a form of manifestation of good deeds. This work ethic is well practiced in people's lives so that Muslims become strong as a community, so this research recommends that this work ethic be a way of life within the framework of nation and religion. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan memahami bagaimana niat konsumen untuk berbelanja online di marketplace Tokopedia. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh trust, service quality, utilitarian value, attitude toward online shopping, dan subjective norm terhadap purchase intention pelanggan Tokopedia di DKI Jakarta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan sampel penelitian diambil dari individu yang pernah berbelanja di Tokopedia, dan berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan total 205 kuesioner valid yang dikumpulkan oleh peneliti. Analisis data diolah dengan menggunakan SEM dengan software AMOS untuk olah data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa trust dan utilitarian value mempunyai pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap attitude toward online shopping. Kemudian service quality, attitude toward online shopping, dan subjective norm mempunyai pengaruh  positif signifikan terhadap purchase intention. Variabel attitude toward online shopping mampu memediasi variabel trust dan utilitarian value terhadap purchase intention. Keterbatasan pada penelitian ini adalah responden yang dikumpulkan hanya yang pernah berbelanja di Tokopedia dan berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Implikasi teoritis dalam penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bahwa variabel attitude toward online shopping dapat dipelajari sebagai variabel mediasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut. Implikasi manajerial dalam penelitian ini memberikan masukan kepada industri dan manajemen internal marketplace Tokopedia.Kata Kunci: trust, service quality, utilitarian value, attitude toward online shopping, subjective norm, purchase intentio

    Pengujian Kinerja Mesin Pencetak Keripik Tempe Sistem Pneumatik

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    Tempe is a typical Indonesian food which is widely consumed by the public as a side dish to increase appetite, as well as as a snack that has its own flavor for its fans. Tempe artisans in Karanganyar Village, Secanggang District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, still maintain the method of making tempe chips by printing tempe one by one while it is still dough. typical. This is done because connoisseurs of tempe chips, especially their customers, state that tempe chips printed individually from the dough will have a distinctive taste The research was carried out by designing a tempe chip printing machine with a pneumatic system to control all mechanical movements of the machine and test the performance of the machine after the machine was built. The results of machine testing show that the machine can operate and the pneumatic system functions properly, the pneumatic pressure to move the dough scraper/leveler ranges from 0.9 to 1.0 bar, while the pneumatic pressure to open and close the dough pouring door above the mold ranges from 1.2 up to 1.5 bar, the operating capacity is up to 40 prints per hour or 400 sheets (plates) of tempe chips per hour. 

    Kajian torsi gergaji piringan pada mesin pemanen=Study of disc with serrated torsion in harvesting machine

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    Alternative of harvesting sugar cane mechanization was rotary disc cutting tool with the serrate in peripheral and driven by little power of motor which could be carried by labor. Objective of this research was to study the torque to drive rotating disc with serrated cutting edge, as cutting tool to cutting process of the stalk (sugar cane) with the parameters influenced it. The study had been obtained the mathematic model which influenced between torque and parameters. The parameters which used to determine torque were : Diameter of material (Db), angle of serrate profile (F), Tangential velocity of serrate (Vt) and feeding velocity (Vb). The material used were meranti woods and sugar cane stalk, To determine the cutting torque used dimension analysis method and then result a mathematic model, the suitable of the model to applied in the sugar cane stalk cutting process. From the analysis and discussion could be concluded that the cutting torque increased with the increased of material diameters and angle of serrate profile. If the feeding velocity was constant and the tangential velocity of serrate increased so the cutting torque decreased. Keywords: torque -disc with serrated -harvesting machin

    Rekayasa Peningkatan Kekerasan Permukaan Gear Sprocket Sepeda Motor dengan Metode Quenching Variasi Media Pendingin

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    This study used an experimental research method, which is a research method that aims to understand the causal process by treatment and conducting controlled testing on a sample of research subjects. This research uses quantitative methods by taking research data in the form of numbers. The material used in this study is the gear sprocket. A gear sprocket is a motor component that transmits power from the engine to the rear wheels so that the motor can run optimally. The sprocket gear was heat treated at 850 ℃ with a holding time of 20 minutes. The variations of quenching media are mineral water, dromus coolant, and SAE 40 oil. Hardness and microstructure tests were carried out for each specimen to determine the effect of different cooling media on the quenching process. The results of this study indicate the highest specimen hardness value was obtained at 301 HV by immersion in mineral water media. The lowest hardness was obtained at 207 HV with SAE 40 oil media immersion. Meanwhile, the non-treatment material hardness is 150 HV. In this case, there was an increase in the highest hardness of about two times compared to non-treated specimens. Observation of the microstructure shows that the grain size of the mineral water quenching specimens looks smaller than that of the non-treatment models. This phenomenon supports the idea that quenching can increase the surface hardness of the gear sprocket

    Local Institutional Participation in Agrotourism Management of Wonorejo Reservoir, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia

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    This research aimed to analize the participation of local formal and non formal institutions in agrotourism management of Wonorejo Reservoir.  Institutions studied were formal and non formal institutions operating in the reservoir area. There were 120 respondents from 12 local institutions comprising 6 formal institutions and 6 non formal constitutions.   Of each institution, there were 10 repondents.  Leaders of each institution were selected purposively to serve as key informants, the next nine respondents were selected by using snow ball method.  Agrotourism management observed included activities of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling.  Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis.  The result revealed that the participation rates of both local formal and non formal institutions in the agrotourism management were still low classified as Moderate Participation.  The participation rate of local formal institutions in agrotourism management was slightly higher than that of local non formal institutions.  Obstacles of local institutional participation in the agrotourism management were:                  1) Public Company Jasa Tirta I Tulungagung that was supposed to be the leading institution for developing agrotourism was only a branch of Public Company Jasa Tirta I Malang and did not have full authorities in agrotourism management; 2) There was not any coordination among local institutions. 3) There were uncertainties of duties and authorities among formal institutions; 4) agrotourism was only considered as a byproduct.   Key words:         Agrotourism management, institutional participation

    Agrotourism Development Strategies Based on Institutional at Wonorejo Reservoir, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia

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    The aim of the study was to formulate alternative strategies for the development of agrotourism of Wonorejo Reservoir based on institutional participation by using SWOT analysis.  Participation of Formal and Non Formal institutions was previously analysed to find out Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats by using descriptive analysis of the frequency distribution.  Vision and mission were formulated based on local government programs in order to increase revenue from tourism and  missions that were being carried out by formal institutions and were related to the achievement of goals of agrotourism development.  There were 12 institutions comprising 6 formal and 6 non formal institutions of which 120 respondents were randomly selected.  The result concluded that there were four groups of strategies for the development of agrotourism that were: Strengths-Opportunities (SO), Strength-Threats (ST), Weaknesses-Opportunities (WO), and Weaknesses- Threats (WT). Key Words: strategies, agrotourism development, institutio