44 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung dan Team Assisted Individualizaion pada Sub Kompetensi Membuat Pola secara Draping di SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya

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      Abstrak   Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, mengatasi kesulitan sekaligus membantu siswa kelas XII SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya pada sub kompetensi membuat pola busana (batwing sleeve) secara draping melalui penerapan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction) dan TAI (Team Assisted Individualization). Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus berisikan tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Kompetensi yang diajarkan untuk siklus I “Membuat pola batwing sleeve secara draping”, siklus II “Menyesuaikan ukuran pola secara grading” dan siklus III “Menjahit toile batwing sleeve”. Subyek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas XII Busana Butik sebanyak 14 siswa dan objek penelitian adalah aktivitas guru, siswa dan hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar aktivitas guru, lembar aktivitas siswa dan lembar tes hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh untuk Aktivitas guru pada siklus I memperoleh persentase nilai rata- rata 90%, dan siklus II 94%, sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I memperoleh persentase sebesar rata- rata 89%, dan siklus II 90%, sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh pada siklus I, nilai tertinggi adalah 95 dan nilai yang terendah adalah 80. Pada siklus II nilai tertinggi yang didapat siswa adalah 98 dan nilai yang terendah adalah 80. Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa secara klasikal tercapai dengan hasil yang memuaskan yakni sebesar 100% mendapat nilai ≥75. Jadi penerapan model pembelajaran langsung dan team assisted individualization pada sub kompetensi dasar membuat pola busana (batwing sleeve) secara draping dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar.   Kata kunci: Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung dan Team Assisted Indivialization,  Membuat Pola Secara Draping (Batwing Sleeve)     Abstract   Classroom action research was conducted in order to overcome the difficulties as well as help students of class XIIth SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya in sub competence to make clothing patterns (batwing sleeve) by draping through the application of direct Instruction and TAI (Team Assisted Individualization). This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which consists of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of preparation, action, observation and reflection. This competence has taught for the first cycle "Make batwing sleeve pattern in a draping technique", the second cycle "Adjust the size of the pattern in a grading technique" and third cycle "Sewing batwing sleeve toile". Subjects of research were teachers and students of class XIIth Boutique as many as 14 students and the object of research were the activity of teachers, students and result of study. Research methods were used observation and achievement test. Research instruments were teacher activity sheet, student activity sheets, and achievement test sheet. The data analysis technique was used quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of data analysis for the activity of teachers in the first cycle to obtain the percentage of the average score of 90%, and 94% for the second cycle, so it is very well categorized. Activities of students in the first cycle to obtain a percentage of the average score 89%, and 90% the second cycle, so it is very well categorized. Result of student study were obtained in the first cycle, the highest score was 95 and the lowest score was 80. In the second cycle students obtained the highest score was 98 and the lowest score is 80. Mastery learning of students in the classical satisfactory results which is equal to 100% scored ≥ 75. So the application of direct instruction and team assisted individualizaion in sub competence to make drape pattern (batwing sleeve) can improve teacher activity, student activity and result of study.   Keywords: Application of Direct Instruction and Team Assisted Individualization, making pattern in draping (batwing bleeve) &nbsp

    Building Work Commitment of Bppt Employee

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    The research result, obtained the findings as follows: The Leadership and competence both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on work motivation with contribution (R2) 51%. Partially leadership dominantly influence on work motivation. Further on Structural 2 showed, The leadership, competence and work motivation both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on employee's performance with contribution (R2) 78%. Viewed as partial, competence had dominantly  toward employee's commitment. Concerning on direct and indirect effect, work motivation was being partial mediating.  This study found and recommended that to increase employee's commitment of technology agency research and application needed to be extending work motivation, reflected by the dimensions of affiliation which supported with an increase in competence which reflected by the dimensions of attitude, and rectified the leadership which reflected by the dimensions of supportin

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Media Internusa Di Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Media Internusa di Jakarta.Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan sampel sebanyak 55 responden. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis statistik dengan pengujian regresi, korelasi, determinasi dan uji hipotesis.Hasil penelitian ini variabel pelatihan diperoleh nilai rata-rata skor sebesar 3,369 dengan kriteria baik. Variabel kinerja karyawan diperoleh nilai rata-rata skor sebesar 3,825 dengan kriteria baik. Pelatihan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan nilai persamaan regresi Y = 9,185 + 0,863X, dan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,732 atau memiliki tingkat hubungan yang kuat dengan nilai determinasi 53,6%. Uji  hipotesis diperoleh signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05


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    Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap OCB dengan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif.  Teknik sampling yang digunakan proporsionale stratistified random sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 85 responden. Adapun alat analisis menggunakan analisis jalur.  Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa motivasi kerja dan komitmen organisasi mempunyai pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap OCB melalui kepuasan kerja, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepuasan kerja menjadi variabel memediasi antara motivasi dan komitmen organisasi terhadap OCB. Kata kunci:  Motivasi kerja, komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja dan organization citizenship behaviour (OCB

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerapan Kode Etik Pegawai di BPPKAD Kota Surakarta

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    Pada saat ini kasus pelanggaran kode etik akuntan profesional sanagat sering terjadi. Pelanggaran tersebut juga pernah terjadi di pegawai pemerintahan. Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini terjadi saat ini pada pegawai di pemerintahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan kode etik pegawai di Kantor BPPKAD Kota Surakarta. Faktor yang sering terjadi adalah kesadaran etis, profesionalisme, dan gender. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden, yaitu pegawai tetap di BPPKAD Kota Surakarta. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Metode penyampelan adalah dengan metode purposive sampling. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan bisa diketahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan kode etik di BPPKAD Surakarta Kata kunci: kesadaran etis, profesionalisme, gender, penerapan kode eti


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    AbstractMedical actions taken by the midwife and cause medical problems, will potentially lead to lawsuits, if the Midwife does not carry out the transfer of authority in accordance with statutory regulations. The problem is how the form of legal protection for the midwife profession in connection with the delegation of authority in carrying out medical actions, this is intended to examine the form of legal protection, with a normative juridical research approach. The delegation of authority for medical actions is regulated in various regulations. In reality, in daily practice, there are hospitals that have not yet managed the technical operational aspects regarding the delegation of authority over medical procedures, how the mechanism for delegating authority, or what types of medical actions can be delegated or delegated. Juridical consequences if there are allegations of abuse of authority can lead to civil and criminal lawsuits.Keywords: delegation of authority; medical treatment; midwifeAbstrakTindakan medis yang dilakukan oleh bidan dan menimbulkan masalah medis,akan berpotensi terjadinya tuntutan hukum, jika Bidan tidak melaksanakan pelimpahan wewenang sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Persoalannya bagaimanakah bentuk perlindungan hukum profesi bidan sehubungan dengan pelimpahan wewenang dalam melaksanakan tindakan medis, hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menelaah bentuk perlindungan hukumnya, dengan pendekatan penelitian yuridis normatif. Pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis sudah diatur dalam berbagai regulasi. Kenyataan dalam praktek sehari-hari, masih ada rumah sakit yang belum mengatur secara teknis operasional tentang pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis, bagaimana  mekanisme pelimpahan wewenang, maupun jenis-jenis tindakan medis apa saja yang bisa dilimpahkan secara delegasi maupun mandat. Konsekuensi yuridis jika ada dugaan penyalahgunaan wewenang dapat menimbulkan gugatan perdata maupun pidana.Kata kunci: bidan; pelimpahan wewenang; tindakan medi

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung dan Team Assisted Individualizaion Pada Sub Kompetensi Membuat Pola Secara Draping di SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya

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    &nbsp; Abstrak &nbsp; Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, mengatasi kesulitan sekaligus membantu siswa kelas XII SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya pada sub kompetensi membuat pola busana (batwing sleeve) secara draping melalui penerapan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction) dan TAI (Team Assisted Individualization). Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus berisikan tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Kompetensi yang diajarkan untuk siklus I &ldquo;Membuat pola batwing sleeve secara draping&rdquo;, siklus II &ldquo;Menyesuaikan ukuran pola secara grading&rdquo; dan siklus III &ldquo;Menjahit toile batwing sleeve&rdquo;. Subyek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas XII Busana Butik sebanyak 14 siswa dan objek penelitian adalah aktivitas guru, siswa dan hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar aktivitas guru, lembar aktivitas siswa dan lembar tes hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh untuk Aktivitas guru pada siklus I memperoleh persentase nilai rata- rata 90%, dan siklus II 94%, sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I memperoleh persentase sebesar rata- rata 89%, dan siklus II 90%, sehingga dikategorikan sangat baik. Hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh pada siklus I, nilai tertinggi adalah 95 dan nilai yang terendah adalah 80. Pada siklus II nilai tertinggi yang didapat siswa adalah 98 dan nilai yang terendah adalah 80. Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa secara klasikal tercapai dengan hasil yang memuaskan yakni sebesar 100% mendapat nilai &ge;75. Jadi penerapan model pembelajaran langsung dan team assisted individualization pada sub kompetensi dasar membuat pola busana (batwing sleeve) secara draping dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar. &nbsp; Kata kunci: Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung dan Team Assisted Indivialization,&nbsp; Membuat Pola Secara Draping (Batwing Sleeve) &nbsp; &nbsp; Abstract &nbsp; Classroom action research was conducted in order to overcome the difficulties as well as help students of class XIIth SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya in sub competence to make clothing patterns (batwing sleeve) by draping through the application of direct Instruction and TAI (Team Assisted Individualization). This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which consists of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of preparation, action, observation and reflection. This competence has taught for the first cycle "Make batwing sleeve pattern in a draping technique", the second cycle "Adjust the size of the pattern in a grading technique" and third cycle "Sewing batwing sleeve toile". Subjects of research were teachers and students of class XIIth Boutique as many as 14 students and the object of research were the activity of teachers, students and result of study. Research methods were used observation and achievement test. Research instruments were teacher activity sheet, student activity sheets, and achievement test sheet. The data analysis technique was used quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of data analysis for the activity of teachers in the first cycle to obtain the percentage of the average score of 90%, and 94% for the second cycle, so it is very well categorized. Activities of students in the first cycle to obtain a percentage of the average score 89%, and 90% the second cycle, so it is very well categorized. Result of student study were obtained in the first cycle, the highest score was 95 and the lowest score was 80. In the second cycle students obtained the highest score was 98 and the lowest score is 80. Mastery learning of students in the classical satisfactory results which is equal to 100% scored &ge; 75. So the application of direct instruction and team assisted individualizaion in sub competence to make drape pattern (batwing sleeve) can improve teacher activity, student activity and result of study. &nbsp; Keywords: Application of Direct Instruction and Team Assisted Individualization, making pattern in draping (batwing bleeve) &nbsp

    Profile of secondary program completers at Redbud Technology Center

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    Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of this study was to manage and analyze quantitatively the archived data which would lead to the profile and description of secondary student completers at Redbud Technology Center (RTC). The research question asked: what are the characteristics of successful program completers for secondary students at RTC for the 2005-2006 school years? The basic design approach for this study were descriptive statistics which to establish a baseline for the collusion of and reference for future use of the data RTC has on file. Participants of this study were 103 secondary students at RTC who completed their program in the years 2005-2007; and had a complete set of data of program, gender, attendance, grade, economic status, race, complete scores of Prepare Learn ACT Now (PLAN) test, complete scores of KeyTrain, and complete scores of WorkKeys. Although RTC offers 24 programs to secondary students, participants in this study completed their education from 12 programs only. They were Air Conditioning/Refrigeration, Automotive Technology, Cosmetology, Collision Repair Technology, Culinary Arts, Drafting, Health Careers, Masonry, Manufacturing Technology, Pre-Engineering Technology, Residential/Commercial Construction, and Welding.Findings and Conclusions: For data analysis, the researcher used archival data provided by RTC. The findings of profile student completers in each program and an overall average program were presented in chapter IV. The secondary student completers for the years 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 can be profiled as students who had (1) attendance ranging from 87.3 to 98.9 percent; (2) grade ranging from 2.6 to 4; (3) PLAN scores of composite total ranging from 13.2 to19.4; (4) Keytrain scores of mathematics ranging from 3.5 to 5.5, locating information ranging from 3.9 to 5.5, reading for information ranging from 3.8 to 5.6; and WorkKeys scores of mathematics ranging from 3.6 to 6, locating information ranging from 3.3 to 4.5, reading for information ranging from 3.6 to 5.6. The need to use and understand large data sets, such as the data presented in this study, is imperative for programs to improve and keep pace with a rapidly changing workplace