359 research outputs found


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    Kasang tukang ieu tésis téh nya éta: (1) Ayana kabudayaan deungeun anu ngadéséh kabudayaan Sunda; (2) Tradisi Ngayun mangrupa salah sahiji tradisi anu unik tur mibanda ajén-inajén; (3) Tradisi Ngayun patali jeung ajaran agama Islam; jeung (4) Tradisi ngayun patali jeung kahirupan awal manusa di alam dunya. Tujuan anu hayang dihontal dina ieu panalungtikan nya éta hayang ngadéskripsikeun: (1) Kondisi sosial budaya Tradisi Ngayun; (2) Struktur Tradisi Ngayun; jeung (3) Unsur semiotik (ikon, indeks, jeung simbol) dina Tradisi Ngayun. Sumber data dina ieu panalungtikan nya éta Tradisi Ngayun (paripolah) anu sumebar di tilu désa nya éta Desa Sukaraja, Desa Pasirawi, jeung Desa Purwamekar. Métode anu dipaké dina ieu panalungtikan nya éta métode déskriptif analisis. Tina hasil panalungtikan bisa dicindekkeun yén: (1) Unsur sosial budaya nu nyampak dina Tradisi Ngayun téh ngawengku: (a) asal-muasal ngayun turun-tumurun ti karuhun; (b) tujuan ngayun pikeun méré ngaran orok; (c) fungsina disagigireun méré ngaran orok téh, ogé pikeun ngamumulé warisan karuhu; (d) palaku anu poko paraji jeung nu boga orok; jeung (e) pakakas utamana nya éta ayunan. (2) Struktur lahir Tradisi Ngayun téh ngawengku: (a) nyiapkeun runtuyan jeung masangkeun samping ayun; (b) nincakkeun budak kana duit, perhiasan, jeung taneuh; (c) ngayunkeun budak; (d) ngoérkeun suku hayam kana suku budak atawa anggota awak; (e) kukumbah kana cai kembang; jeung (f) sidekah atawa salametan. (3) Tina sakabéh tanda ikon, indéks, jeung simbol aya 60 (genep puluh) tanda semiotik. Tanda ikon anu kapanggih nya éta ikon imaji hungkul anu jumlahna aya 7 (tujuh) tanda, tanda indéks nu kapanggih nya éta indéks kalakuan hungkul anu jumlahna aya 15 (lima belas), sedengkeun tanda simbol aya 38 (tilu puluh dalapan) tanda. Ku kituna tanda anu panglobana dina wangun simbol. Kecap konci : Tradisi Ngayun, Struktural, Semiotik Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh: (1) Adanya kebudayaan asing yang menggeser kebudayaan Sunda; (2) Tradisi Ngayun merupakan salah satu tradisi yang unik dan memiliki nilai-nilai yang luhur; (3) Tradisi Ngayun berkaitan dengan ajaran agama Islam; (4) Tradisi Ngayun berkaitan dengan awal mula kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) Unsur sosial budaya Tradisi Ngayun; (2) Struktur Tradisi Ngayun; dan (3) Unsur semiotik (ikon, indeks, dan simbol) dalam Tradisi Ngayun. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tradisi ngayun yang berasal dari tiga desa, yaitu Desa Sukaraja, Desa Pasirawi, dan Desa Purwamekar. Métode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) unsur sosial budaya pada Tradisi Ngayun meliputi: (a) asal mula ngayun turun temurun; (b) tujuan ngayun untuk memberi nama; (c) fungsinya disamping memberi nama, juga untuk memelihara warisan leluhur; (d) pelaku intinya yaitu dukun beranak dan keluarga; dan (e) alat utamanya adalah ayunan. (2) struktur lahir Tradisi Ngayun meliputi: (a) menyiapkan runtuyan dan memasangkan samping ayun; (b) menginjakkan kaki si bayi pada uang, perhiasan, dan tanah; (c) mengayunkan bayi; (d) menyentuhkan kaki anak ayam kepada kaki atau anggota badan bayi; (e) mencuci tangan dengan air kembang; dan (f) sedekah atau selamatan. (3) Tanda semiotik yang ditemukan ada 60 (enam puluh) tanda. Dari keseluruhan tanda yang ditemukan, terdapat ikon imagis sebanyak 7 (tujuh) tanda, indeks kelakuan sebanyak 15 (lima belas) tanda, dan simbol sebanyak 38 (tiga puluh delapan) tanda. Dengan demikian tanda yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah simbol. Kata kunci : Tradisi Ngayun, Struktural, Semiotik This thesis is motivated by: (1) presence of foreign cultural shift Sundanese culture; (2) Ngayun Tradition is one of the unique traditions and values are sublime; (3) Ngayun tradition associated with the teachings of Islam; (4) Ngayun tradition associated with the beginning of life; (5) The lack of studies Ngayun tradition. This study aimed to describe: (1) Elements Ngayun socio-cultural tradition; (2) Structure Ngayun tradition; and (3) Elements of semiotics (icon, index, and symbol) in Ngayun tradition. The data used in this study are derived from the tradition Ngayun three villages, the Sukaraja Village, Pasirawi Village, and the Purwamekar Village, while the data source is paraji (traditional leaders), families, youth / young, religious leaders and midwives. The method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis. From the results, it can be concluded that (1) the socio-cultural elements in the tradition Ngayun include (a) the origin of hereditary ngayun; (b) the purpose ngayun to name; (c) in addition to its function counts the names, as well as to preserve the heritage; (d) the perpetrator its core paraji (traditional leaders) and family; and (e) is the main tool swing; (2) The tradition was born Ngayun structure include: (a) preparing and pairing side swing; (b) the baby's foot in money, jewelry, and soil; (c) to swing my baby; (d) the child's feet touch the chicken to baby's foot or limb; (e) washing hands with flower water; and (f) charity or salvation. (2) Ngayun Tradition special have meaning with regard to hope for happiness, safety, and health of the baby; (3) Signs semiotic found there are 60 (sixty) marks. Of the total marks were found, icons imagis 7 (seven) sign, the index behavior as much as 15 (fifteen) signs, and symbols as much as 38 (thirty-eight) sign. Thus the most common sign is a symbol. Key words: Ngayun Tradition, Structural, Semiotic


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    This study aims to describe Islamic education according to Imam al-Ghazali and its relevance to education in Indonesia. The method of this research was to use library research. The research data was obtained from the results of the recording of Imam al-Ghazali's thoughts about Islamic education, and education in Indonesia. The validity of data was discussed and consulted from data findings to experts and peers. The results of this study are 1) The principle of the importance of morality integrated in spirituality in the goals of character education in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2003, 2) The values of Islamic education in al-Ghazali's perspective in Indonesia were characterized by Islamic nuances (Integrated Islamic Schools), 3) Educational methods by paying attention to differences in students and according to their education level, 4) The objectives of al-Ghazali's curriculum bring goodness, both in the world and the hereafter, as stated in the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning Chapter X Article 36 Paragraph 1 and 3


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    This workshop aims to provide training in coiling techniques for Early Childhood Education teachers to improve teacher skills in providing learning activities to improve fine motor skills for early childhood. Specifically, the objectives of this training are to 1) Help teachers in Early Childhood Education institutions to improve their ability to arrange learning activities related to fine motor skills, 2) Help teachers in Early Childhood Education institutions to develop their potential by creating innovative activities using the Pilin method, 3) Assisting teachers in developing their abilities related to the twisting method, 4) To find out the description of the fine motor level of teachers in Early Childhood Education institutions through the Paper Pilin Technique. The method chosen in this service activity is to provide assistance training in coiling techniques, either through counseling, discussions, simulation exercises, and giving assignments. The training is carried out in several stages, namely, socialization, implementation stage, and evaluation. The target of the activity is 30 kindergarten teachers in Bandar Lampung City. Service is carried out online. The results of this Community Service can be concluded that the improvement of fine motor skills in early childhood through the Paper Pilin Technique is very effective. This can be explained by the difference in the results of the mean on the pretest and posttest. This means that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of kindergarten teachers regarding the improvement of fine motor skills in early childhood

    Masalah Poligami Ilegal Pegawai Negeri Sipil Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 10 Tahun 1983

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    Bagi Pegawai negeri Sipll(PNS) yang akan melakukan poligami selain harus mengindakan segala ketentuan pada undang-undang perkawinan , juga harus mengindahkan segala ketentuan dalam PP no.10 tahun 1983. Mengingangat ketatnya izin berpoligami bagi. PNS dalam beberapa pasal dari PP no.10 tahun 1983 dapat menimbulkan hal-hal yang tidak diharapkan, misalnya poligami ilegal. Bentuk poligami ilegal yang sering dijumpai dalam masyarakat adalah hidup bersama tanpa ikatan perkawinan yang sah yang sering dikenal dengan sebutan hidup bersama dengan wanita simpanan ,pergundukan serta bagi mereka yang beragama islam melakukan poligami tanpa pencatatan nikah. Namun sebagai manusia biasa walau mempunyai suatu kedudukan dalam masyarakat kadang tidak bisa menghindari akan hal ini. Dengan kata lain dalam kehidupan rumah tangga masih ada suami beristri lebih dari seorang yang dilakukan secara ilegal atau tidak menurut hukum. Praktek semacam ini dapat dilihat penerobosan ketentuan pasal 15 PP no.10 tahun 1983 , intinya PNS dilarang hidup bersama tanpa ikatan perkawinan yang sah. Bila mana PNS yang berkedudukan tinggi telah melakukan pelanggaran pasal 15 hingga menghasilkan seorang anak. Selang beberapa waktu perbuatanya baru diketahui atasanya dengan mendapat tegoran peringatan sesuai ketentuan pasal 17 yang intinya....

    Pelatihan pendampingan orang tua dalam edukasi gizi dan makanan sehat anak usia dini

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    One of the key factors that affects a child's development is their level of  health and nutrition. Health and nutrition are very important because it can support optimal growth and development.  Children need balanced nutrition to stay healthy and have optimal development. The intention of this activity is to educate the public and conduct workshops on the advantages of a healthy diet for kids' growth and development.  The target of this training is mothers who have early childhood (0-8 years) who are in Way Hui Village.  Three steps are taken to resolve a problem, these are; 1) Stage of initial; 2) Stage of implementation; and 3) the last stage.  The evaluation activity is carried out for every stage by collecting and concluding data. The results of the correlation test showed that there were differences in skill abilities before and after the training given to parents. This is evidenced by the difference in the average  pretest score of 48.33 and the average  posttest of 80.33.  By increasing the value of the posttest, It showed that a person's abilities and skills can be developed through existing knowledge and followed up with training that supports improving the expected skills

    PENGGUNAAN KONSELING EGO STATE UNTUK MENGELOLA KEMARAHAN (Penelitian Single Subject pada Siswa Kelas XI SMK Profita Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014)

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    Penelitian mengenai kemarahan dilatabelakangi oleh banyaknya muncul perilaku agresif karena kurangnya kemampuan mengelola kemarahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan konseling ego state dalam mereduksi kemarahan yang dialami oleh siswa dengan kategori kemarahan tinggi. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian single subject dengan desain A-B. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelas XI SMK Profita Bandung tahun ajaran 2013 / 2014 dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak tiga orang siswa dengan kategori tinggi dan dominan tipe ekspresi kemarahan reaktif dan instrumental. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis visual dengan melihat arah kecenderungan garis (trend) dan analisis statistik menggunakan dua standar deviasi dan pedoman Percentage overlapping Non-Data (PND) untuk menguji keefektifan intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya perbedaan skor yang signifikan antara fase baseline dan fase intervensi dengan menurunnya skor kemarahan yang dialami oleh siswa. Temuan ini menjelaskan bahwa konseling ego state efektif dalam mengelola kemarahan. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini, maka konseling ego state dapat dijadikan modus intervensi dalam menangani konseli yang mengalami kesulita mengelola kemarahan. Kata Kunci : Kemarahan, Konseling Ego State Research on anger is motivated by a number of aggressive behavior arises due to the lack of ability to manage anger. This study aims to test the effectiveness of counseling in reducing anger ego state experienced by students with high anger category. Research studies using single-subject AB design. The study population is a class XI student of SMK Profita Bandung academic year 2013/2014 with a sample of as many as three students with high category and the predominant type of reactive and instrumental expression of anger. Analysis using visual analysis by looking at the trajectory line (trend) and statistical analysis using two standard deviations and guidelines Percentage of Non-overlapping Data (PND) to test the effectiveness of interventions. The results showed the significant difference in scores between the baseline phase and the intervention phase with scores decreasing anger experienced by students. This finding explains that ego state counseling is effective for anger management. Based on the findings of this study, then counseling can be a mode of ego state interventions in addressing counselees who have had difficulties managing anger. Keywords: Anger, Ego State Counselin

    PERAN PENDAMPING DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMANDIRIAN WIRAUSAHA MELALUI PEMANFAATAN PROGRAM DANA DESA (Studi Deskriptif Pada Pendamping Desa Cimeuhmal, Kecamatan Tanjungsiang, Kabupaten Subang)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tuntutan yang harus dimiliki oleh pendamping desa dalam peranannya untuk melakukan pemberdayaan di masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan bantuan operasional dana desa sebagai penunjang dalam melaksanakan tugas memberdayakan masyarakat. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran dari pendamping desa dalam meningkatkan kemandirian wirausaha, langkah-langkah pendamping desa, dan kemandirian berwirausaha masyarakat sebagai hasil pendampingan. Landasan teori dalam penelitian ini yaitu konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, konsep pendampingan, dana desa, pengelolaan program. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 5 orang yakni satu pendamping lokal desa, 2 orang warga binaan, 2 orang aparatur pemerintahan desa. Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian, berkaitan dengan peran utama dari pendamping desa dalam meningkatkan kemandirian berwirausaha dapat ditentukan bahwa: 1) Peran pendamping desa dalam meningkatkan kemandirian berwirausaha terdapat beberapa indikator dalam peran yakni fasilitator, motivator, supervisor, komunikator dan administrator. 2) Langkah-langkah pendamping dapat di tentukan dalam pelaksanaan pendampingan yaitu antara lain perencanaan pendampingan dengan melakukan tahapan identifikasi kebutuhan, pelaksanaan sebagai penyelenggara program pendampingan, kemudian evaluasi sebagai bentuk mengetahui dan mengukur keberhasilan program. 3) kemandirian wirausaha masyarakat sebagai hasil pendampingan melalui program dana desa sebagai bentuk pencapaian dari keberhasilan program pendampingan pada masyarakat yang dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek yakni memiliki rasa tanggung jawab, tidak bergantung pada orang lain, mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pokok, memiliki etos kerja, disiplin, kemudian berani dalam mengambil sebuah resiko dalam menjalankan usaha. This research is motivated by the demands that must be had by village assistants in their role in empowering the community by utilizing operational assistance from village funds as a support in carrying out the task of empowering the Cimeuhmal village community. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of village facilitators in increasing the independence of community entrepreneurship, the steps of village companions in increasing entrepreneurial independence, and community entrepreneurship independence as a result of assistance through the village funding program. The theoretical basis of this research is the concept of community empowerment, the concept of assistance, the concept of village funds, the concept of program management. The method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interview, observation, documentation study. The research subjects consisted of 5 people namely one local village companion, 2 assisted residents, 2 village government officials. Based on the research findings, related to the main role of village facilitators in increasing entrepreneurial independence it can be determined that: 1) The role of village facilitators in increasing entrepreneurial independence there are several indicators in the role of the facilitator, motivator, supervisor, communicator and administrator. 2) The steps of village facilitators in increasing the independence of community entrepreneurship can be determined in the implementation of assistance, including planning assistance by carrying out the stages of identifying needs, implementing as an organizer of a mentoring program, then evaluating as a form of knowing and measuring the success of the program. 3) the independence of community entrepreneurship as a result of assistance through the village funding program as a form of achievement of the success of community assistance programs that can be seen from several aspects namely having a sense of responsibility, not dependent on others, being able to meet basic needs, having a work ethic, discipline, then dare to take a risk in running a business


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    Message or information is the content or substance of communication activities. Communication activities that occur within the Koes Music Fans Club-Jiwa Nusantara Community, have their own uniqueness. The uniqueness are seen in the aspects of information types, sources of literacy, and communication symbols among Koes Plus Band fans. The purpose of this study is to attempt to describe aspects of the type of information, literacy sources, and communication symbols among members of the Koes Music Fans Club-Soul Nusantara community. The method used is a phenomenological method using the constructivist paradigm. The results of this study are messages or information which is exchanged among KMFC-JN Community members, basically related to the existence of Koes Plus/Koes Bersaudara, which includes music, songs, the song lyrics, personnel, history, musical instruments or instruments used, and so on. Other matters that are often discussed, aside from the Koes Plus/Koes Brothers issue, are about the existence and activities of the Community that has to do with Koes Plus

    Implication of Right Issue Cum and Ex-Date Announcement to the Stock Return(Empirical Study on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period: 2009-2012)

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    Rights issue is one of corporate actions conducted by the company in order to increase the new funds through issuance of new shares. The common purposes from issuing right issue are to improve company’s capital structure in pursuance of expanding their business as well as meet the need for a new stream of funds in terms of the debt repayment. Therefore, right issue is a signal that may be good or bad news for investor’s investment decision depending on the company’s objectives. This study aimed to test market efficiency by analyzing the right issue cum and ex-date event in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The object of this research is the content of information by observing changes in stock prices and return around observation period. To examine the object, the populations used in this study are all publicly traded companies in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) which are performed corporate action in right issue during 2009-2012 periods. The period consisting 74 events of right issues captured in the 30-days of observation. Scopes of the research covers the analysis using the event study conducted to capture market reaction reflected by the changes of abnormal return. The estimation used to test information content which implicated to the stocks return by the events in order to test the semistrong form of market efficiency using form of public information available as an object of study and selecting performance of stock that generates the best return during the event using Jensen’s Rules analysis. In the further analysis of the market reaction, company is divided into two categories which are growing and not growing companies conducted by proxy investment opportunity set (IOS) MVE/BVE. From the analysis shows that the market reacted negatively before and after the event both for growing and not growing companies by its significant abnormal return.  Keywords: Right issue, Ex-date event, Abnormal Return, Event Study, Market Efficiency, Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) MVE/BVE, Jensen’s Rule.Â
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