116 research outputs found

    Preferensi Nasabah Non-Muslim Terhadap Bank Syariah: Studi Kualitatif Preferences Of Non-Muslim Customers To Sharia Banks: Qualitative Studies

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    This study aims to determine the development of non-Muslim customers in Syariah banking. To know this, conducted a study on the behavior of non-Muslim customers in sharia banking in choosing mudharabah savings products. This research uses qualitative approach and triangulation method to obtain primary data. Phenomenology method is done by direct in-depth interviews of non-Muslim customers related to deposits in Bank Syariah. Factors that influence the interest of non-Muslim customers are the mindset of the Islamic bank, the knowledge about the prohibition of usury and the profit earned if it becomes a customer of sharia bank. The result of analysis from 6 respondents shows that there is dominant influence from the behavior of non-Muslim customers in choosing mudharabah deposit products in sharia banking. This study was conducted to increase interest in sharia bank products. Thus, sharia banking products can compete with conventional banks

    Efek Moderasi Firm Size Dalam Pengaruh Debt Covenant, Litigation Risk Analysis And Accounting Conservatism pada Quality Profit (Studi pada Perusahaan Property & Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the moderating effect of company size in the influence of litigation risk, debt covenants, and accounting conservatism on earnings quality in manufacturing companies in the property & real estate sector which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2020 period. Using the quantitative method in this study which processed using SPSS 23. For sample selection using purposive sampling technique. With the specified criteria, 36 companies can be obtained as samples. The test results show that litigation risk and debt covenants have no effect on earnings quality. Meanwhile, accounting conservatism has no effect on earnings quality. Company size also cannot or is able to moderate the effect of litigation risk and debt covenants on earnings quality, but company size can or is able to moderate the effect of accounting conservatism on earnings quality.Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui efek moderasi ukuran perusahaan dalam pengaruh risiko litigasi, debt covenant, dan konservatisme akuntansi terhadap kualitas laba pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor property & real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2020. Dengan metode kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini yang diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS 23. Untuk pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Dengan kriteria yang ditentukan, dapat diperoleh 36 perusahaan yang menjadi sampel. Hasil pengujian dapat diketahui bahwa risiko litigasi dan debt covenant tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laba. Sedangkan konservatisme akuntansi tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap kualitas laba. Ukuran perusahaan juga tidak dapat atau mampu memoderasi pengaruh risiko litigasi dan debt covenant terhadap kualitas laba, tetapi ukuran perusahaan dapat atau mampu memoderasi pengaruh konservatisme akuntansi terhadap kualitas laba


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    This study uses an exploratory learning approach to improve student outcomes in PAI subjects. The aim of this study is to describe the application of discovery learning methods and the improvement of student learning outcomes. The research method used was hands-on research in the classroom, using Kurt Lewin’s four-stage model to plan, act, observe, and reason. The results of this study are: 1) According to the stage of discovery learning methods, the application of discovery learning methods to improve student learning outcomes 2) Student learning outcomes , such as the synthesis tests in the first and second cycle, increase, ie: the overall average, the overall average grade of undergraduate students is 58.83%, and the second cycle rises to 76.66%


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    Islamic Banking is a banking institution that runs with the principles of sharia. In every business activity, Islamic banks always use the laws of Islam listed in the Qur’an and Hadith. This study aims to determine the influence of perceptions of beliefs, and profit sharing perceptions of interest in saving. This research is a quantitative descriptive research with survey method. The population in this study are Surabaya students who are saving in Bank Sharia. Instrument test, classical assumption test, and data analysis test in this study using SPSS. From the results of the study, it is known that the perception of belief has a positive and significant effect to the interest of saving, and the perception of the results have a positive and significant impact on interest in saving

    Does Prohibition of Usury Influence Behavior of Bank Customers in Indonesia?

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    Islamic banks actually have tremendous market potential in Indonesia, especially after the prohibition of usury was issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in 2004. However, growth in market share of Islamic banks is always lower than the expected target. This study analyzes the influence of usury laws on the behavior of bank customers in Indonesia, especially on the decision making as an economic agent. Descriptive statistics analysis tools used to discover and explain the behavior of bank customers when choosing a bank, in the face of rising interest rates with other banks, and when informed prohibition of bank interest (usury). Questionnaires were distributed to 141 respondents. It was found that customers still choose conventional banks. The choice of a bank based on the factors: the confidentiality of customer data is in a bank, a fast and efficient service, and facilities on line between branches. The provision of feedback of information (about the rise in interest rates at other banks) divides customers into two groups: loyal and disloyal customers. Information of interest prohibition has significantly lowered the amount of desire on the interest rate, to be at a normal rate of return. There is still a customer credit and other banking services are interesting to study


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    Entrepreneurship is one of the important factors in improving a country's competitiveness index. Studies on the relationship between entrepreneurship (business creation) and macro factors that influenced are still not widely applied. The purpose of this study is to measure how the institutional quality, foreign direct investment, and economic freedom, interact to encourage entrepreneurship. This study uses the data of five Southeast Asian countries for the period 2004-2012. Data sourced from The World Bank Entrepreneurship Snapshot~. Linear model constructed was estimated by ordinary least squares method. Study findings indicate that there is variation in the growth of entrepreneurship with different challenges for each country. Institutional quality becomes a significant factor in influencing the growth of entrepreneurship in the five countries which are the object of study. FDI also has apositive effect on entrepreneurship in most countries of the object of study. Finally, the freedom oft he market has little effect on the increase in business creatio

    Peran saluran kredit terhadap krisis keuangan di Indonesia

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    This paper tries investigates whether the credit channel has a significant role of monetary transmission mechanism in Indonesia, especially after its recent financial crisis. As the crisis unfolded in the early July 1997, Bank Indonesia evidently maintained the stance of monetary tightening according to the IMF rescue package by allowing a substantial rise in interest rates. This study applies two empirical tests to identify the existence of a distinctive credit channel. First, to answer the question of whether the strength of the money/output and lending/output relationships are different in response to the crisis. Second, as a more definitive analysis of the role of the credit channel, this studies estimate a disequilibrium model of the bank loan market, specifying separate loan demand and supply equation to characterize the credit crunch and identify its density in the wake o the crisis. Credit channel plays a significant independent role in amplifying the real effects of the tightened banking regulatory implemented in response to the crisis. Finally, there was strong evidence to suggest a substantial excess demand for bank loans following the crisis. The excess demand was caused by sharp decline in loan supply largely


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    ASEAN Economic Community by the end of 2015 will encourage new players financial services (including sharia) into Indonesia. 'Local players' should have the right strategy to be able to survive and win the competition. This study is an analysis of the difference between profit / loss sharing and interest rates. The result will be one of the major considerations of a person when making a choice on financial services. It would be very beneficial for the 'stakeholders' of Islamic banking. The study used a t test on the data equivalent to the rate of return / profit sharing on deposits and financing in Islamic banks against interest on deposits and loans in the conventional bank. The study found evidence that its customers on demand and time deposits in Islamic banks earn lower returns than if saving money in a conventional bank. For savings deposits, Islamic banks customers receive reward / higher profit sharing. Also, the results of current and savings accounts in Islamic banks do indeed differ significantly with interest demand deposits and savings in conventional banks. Meanwhile, profit sharing and interest on savings deposits in Islamic banks and conventional are essentially equal. Found also a result that financing in Islamic banks was higher (expensive) than conventional bank loans except for consumer credit. Another main finding is that the Islamic bank financing is significantly different from a conventional bank loan. In this case, the financing in Islamic banks are much more expensive compared to conventional bank credit
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