93 research outputs found

    High form of pentlandite and its thermal stability

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    ABSTRACT The high-temperature form of pentlandite (Fe 4.5 Ni 4.5 S 8 ) was found to be stable between 584 Ïź 3 and 865 Ïź 3 ЊC, breaking down into monosulfide solid solution and liquid at the later temperature. The phase is unquenchable and always displays the X-ray pattern of pentlandite (low form) at room temperature. High-temperature X-ray diffraction demonstrated that the high form has a primitive cubic cell with a Ï­ 5.189 Å (620 ЊC) corresponding to a/2 of pentlandite. The high-low inversion is reversible, accompanied by a large latent heat. It is thought to be order-disorder in character. The transition temperature falls with decreasing S content. The high form of pentlandite has a limited solid solution from Fe 5.07 Ni 3.93 S 7.85 to Fe 3.61 Ni 5.39 S 7.85 at 850 ЊC. However its solid solution extends rapidly toward Ni 3 Ïź X S 2 in the Ni-S join with decreasing temperature. High-form pentlandite with Fe Ï­ Ni in atomic percent crystallizes first by a pseudoperitectic reaction between monosulfide solid solution and liquid. The high form (Fe Ï­ Ni) crystallized from the liquid always has the metal-rich (S-poor) composition in the solid solution at each temperature and coexists with taenite ␄ (Fe,Ni) below 746 Ïź 3 ЊC. This metal-rich high-form Fe 4.5 Ni 4.5 S 7.4 breaks down into pentlandite and ␄ (Fe,Ni) at 584 Ïź 3 ЊC (pseudoeutectoid). These results suggest that in geological processes, such as the formation of Ni-Cu ore deposits, pentlandite can crystallize as the high form from liquid (sulfide magma) at the comparatively high temperatures around 800 ЊC

    Furutobeite, a new copper˗silver˗lead sulfide mineral

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    Furutobeite, (Cu, Ag)₆PbS₄ is a new sulfide species discovered at the Furutobe mine, Akita Prefecture, Japan. It occurs only as minute (< 0.3 mm) grains intimately associated with stromeyerite, galena, sphalerite and tennantite in bornite from upper part of the stratabound sulfide ore zone consisting of sphalerite, galena and barite (Kuroko ore) in Daikokuzawa-Higashi deposit. The mineral is gray with a creamy yellowish tint in reflected light, has weak bireflectance and moderate anisotropism with colors changing from light yellow to dark brown. Optical reflectance in air is 32.0-34.6 % at 480 nm, 32.8-34.9 % at 546 nm, 33.2-35.2 % at 589 nm, and 33.6-34.6 % at 657 nm. Micro-indentation hardness (VHN) is 100-108 kg/mmÂČ. The empirical formula for furutobeite obtained from seven microprobe analyses is Cu₄.₈₈ Ag₁.₁₂ Pb₀.₉₉ S₄.₀₂ or (Cu₄.₈₈, Ag₁.₁₂)₆.₀₀ Pb₀.₉₉ S₄.₀₂ which is very close to the proposed formula, (Cu, Ag)₆ PbS₄. The crystallographic parameters of furutobeite at 25 °C are : monoclinic, a = 20.055(13) Å, b = 3.964(2) Å, c = 9.705(4) Å, ß = 101.57(4)°, V = 756.0(6) Å³. Permissible space groups are Cm, C2 or C2/m. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are 2.95(9) (112), 2.78(3) ([-5]11), 2.61(5) (312), 2.55(7) ([-5]12, [-6]03), 2.50(10) (113), 2.46(3) (403, 800), 2.14(4) (711, [-6]04), 2.06(3) ([-1]14), 1.738(3) ([-3]15). The calculated density is 6.74 g/cmÂł with Z = 4. Furutobeite decomposes to a mixture of galena and hexagonal closest packed phase Cu₅AgS₃ at 100° ± 2 °C and above.La furutobeite, (Cu, Ag)₆PbS₄ est une nouvelle espĂšce sulfurĂ©e dĂ©couyerte dans la mine de Furutobe, PrĂ©fecture d' Akita, Japon. Elle apparaĂźt seulement sous forme de grains minuscules (< 0,3 mm intimement associĂ©s Ă  la stromeyerite, la galĂšne, la sphalĂ©rite et la tennantite dans la bornite de la partie supĂ©rieure de la zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de Kuroko, dans le gisement de Daikokuzawa-Higashi. En lumiĂšre rĂ©flĂ©chie, elle est grise, donnant des reflets jaune crĂšme avec une faible birĂ©flectance et un anisotropisme modĂ©rĂ© avec des couleurs variant du jaune clair au brun foncĂ©. La rĂ©flectance optique dans l'air est 32,0-34,6 % Ă  480 nm, 32,8-34,9 % Ă  546 nm, 33,2-35,2 % Ă  589 nm et 33,6-34,6 % Ă  657 nm. La duretĂ© par micro-indentation (VHN) est de 100 Ă  108 kg/mmÂČ. La formule empirique de la furutobĂ©ite dĂ©duite de sept analyses Ă  la microsonde est Cu₄,₈₈ Ag₁,₁₂ Pb₀,₉₉ S₄.₀₂ ou (Cu₄,₈₈, Ag₁,₁₂)₆,₀₀ Pb₀,₉₉ S₄,₀₂ qui est trĂšs proche de la formule proposĂ©e, (Cu, Ag)₆ PbS₄. Les paramĂštres cristallographiques de la furutobeite Ă  25 °C sont : maille monoclinique avec a = 20,055(13) Å, b = 3,964(2) Å, c = 9,705(4) Å, ß = 101,57(4)°, V = 756,0(6) Å³. Son groupe spatial est Cm, C2 ou C2/m. Les raies les plus fortes dans le diagramme de poudre RX sont 2,95(9) (112), 2,78(3) ([-5]11), 2,61(5) (312), 2,55(7) ([-5]12, [-6]03), 2,50(10) (113), 2,46(3) (403, 800), 2,14(4) (711, [-6]04), 2,06(3) ([-1]14), 1,738(3) ([-3]15). La densitĂ© calculĂ©e est  6,74 g/cmÂł avec Z = 4. La furutobeite se dĂ©compose en un mĂ©lange de galĂšne et d'une phase hexagonale compacte Cu₅AgS₃ Ă  100° ± 2 °C et au-dessus.Sugaki Asahiko, Kitakaze Arashi, Odashima Yoshitsugu. Furutobeite, a new copper˗silver˗lead sulfide mineral. In: Bulletin de MinĂ©ralogie, volume 104, 6, 1981. 26e congrĂšs gĂ©ologique international – Paris – Juillet 1980. Section MinĂ©ralogie. Section PĂ©trographie : symposium « Interactions fluides, minĂ©raux, roches »

    Synthesis of minerals in the Cu — Fe — Bi — S system under hydrothermal condition and their phase relations

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    Chalcopyrite, bornite, nukundamite, intermediate solid solution, wittichenite, emplectite, cuprobismutite, and phases CuBi₃S₅ (E), Cu₈Bi₈S₁₉ (Y) and Cu₈.₄Fe₁.₂Bi₁₀.₈S₂₂ (Z) in the system Cu — Fe — Bi — S were synthesized by a temperature gradient transport method using gold tubing under hydrothermal conditions at 300 °C and 420 °C. 5m NH₄Cl aqueous solution was used as solvent and various sulfides produced by evacuated glass tube method were employed as nutrient materials. The minerals synthesized were either a single crystal or aggregates. They were identified by ore microscope and Gandolfi or Guinier camera, and electron probe methods. According to these data, bornite and wittichenite contain 13.9 weight percent bismuth at 420 °C and 1.0 weight percent iron at 300 °C, respectively, while chalcopyrite has a very small amount, less than 0.1 weight percent, of bismuth. Emplectite and cuprobismutite have the compositions of CuBiS₂ and Cu₁₀B₁₂S₂₃, respectively, and occur as a stable phase at 300 °C and at 420 °C, respectively. A four component phase, Z, was found at 300 °C and 420 °C. It is prismatic form (monoclinic) and has a = 17.483 Å, b = 3.902 Å, c = 12.869 Å and ÎČ = 108.11° cell parameters. The stable assemblages formed at 300 °C were as follows : chalcopyrite + bornite + wittichenite + nukundamite, chalcopyrite + wittichenite + nukundamite + phase Z, wittichenite + emplectite + phase Z + phase Y, wittichenite + nukundamite + phase Z + phase Y, chalcopyrite + nukundamite + phase Z + phase Y, chalcopyrite + phase E + phase Z + phase Y, emplectite + phase E + phase Z + phase Y, intermediate solid solution + pyrrhotite + bismuthinite + Bi etc. The chalcopyrite˗wittichenite assemblage which is often found in natural ore occurs at 300 °C, but it disappears at 420 °C because the assemblages of bornite˗nukundamite˗phase Z and bornite˗nukundamite˗cuprobismutite become stable.Dans le systĂšme Cu — Fe — Bi — S, on a synthĂ©tisĂ©, sous conditions hydrothermales Ă  300 °C et 420 °C, par une mĂ©thode de transport par gradient de tempĂ©rature avec des tubes en or, des solutions solides chalcopyrite˗bornite˗nukundamite, de la wittichenite, de l'emplectite, de la cuprobismutite et des phases CuBi₃S₅ (E), Cu₈Bi₈S₁₉ (Y) et Cu₈,₄Fe₁,₂Bi₁₀,₈S₂₂ (Z). La solution aqueuse utilisĂ©e comme solvant est NH₄Cl 5m et les matĂ©riaux de dĂ©part sont divers sulfures. Les produits synthĂ©tisĂ©s sont soit des monocristaux, soit des agrĂ©gats. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s au microscope mĂ©tallographique par rayons X (chambre Gandolfi ou Guinier) et par microscopie Ă©lectronique. D'aprĂšs ces rĂ©sultats, la bornite et la wittichenite contiennent respectivement 13,9 % en poids de bismuth Ă  420 °C et 1 % de fer Ă  300 °C, tandis que la chalcopyrite contient une faible proportion de bismuth, moins de 0,1 %. L'emplectite et la cuprobismutite ont respectivement les compositions CuBiS₂ et Cu₁₀B₁₂S₂₃ et apparaissent comme phase stable respectivement Ă  300 °C et 420 °C. À 300 °C et 420 °C, on a trouvĂ© une phase Ă  quatre composants : Z. Elle a une forme monoclinique prismatique avec a = 17,483 Å, b = 3,902 Å, c = 12,869 Å et ÎČ = 108,11°. Les mĂ©langes stables formĂ©s Ă  300 °C sont : chalcopyrite + bornite + wittichenite + nukundamite, chalcopyrite + wittichenite + nukundamite + phase Z, wittichenite + emplectite + phase Z + phase Y, wittichenite + nukundamite + phase Z + phase Y, chalcopyrite + nukundamite + phase Z + phase Y, chalcopyrite + phase E + phase Z + phase Y, emplectite + phase E + phase Z + phase Y, solution solide intermĂ©diaire + pyrrhotite + bismuthinite + Bi etc... Le mĂ©lange chalcopyrite-wittichenite souvent trouvĂ© dans la nature se produit Ă  300 °C, mais disparaĂźt Ă  420 °C lorsque les mĂ©langes bornite-nukundamite-phase Z et bornite-nukundamite-cuprobismutite deviennent stables.Sugaki Asahiko, Kitakaze Arashi, Hayashi Kenichiro. Synthesis of minerals in the Cu — Fe — Bi — S system under hydrothermal condition and their phase relations. In: Bulletin de MinĂ©ralogie, volume 104, 4, 1981. 12e assemblĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale de l'I.M.A. - OrlĂ©ans – Juillet 1980. DeuxiĂšme partie : inclusions magmatiques / silicates / gemmes / « open session »

    Mineralogy of the Panulcillo skarn copper deposit, Coquimbo Region, Chile

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