39 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Abreviation .is a morphemic process. In Arabic one of the abreviation processes is an-nallt. This process plays a significant role in the development of Arabic in general, and is vocabulary in particular. The result shows that structurally an-natt in Arabic derives from combining two or more elements into one wordthis process occurs eithers by eliminating a fart of the elements of the consonanst or combining all of the elements, written/pronounced as one syllable/phonem. An-natt can be formed from words, phrases and sentences. Semantically, the meanings of the determining elements forming an-na tt and those of the an-na lit itself have either direct or indirect relationshiP. The meaning of an-nallt can be synonymous with, more specific, more general than or associated with that of the determining elements. Keywords: abreviation, morphemic process, Arabic, an-nall


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan teori penyusutan dan pengembangan yang digagas Abdul Karim Soroush dalam konteks historis dan fungsional. Tulisan ini disusun berdasarkan penelitian pustaka dengan membaca dan menganalisis kritis di antara karya intelektual asal Iran ini dan tulisan-tulisan lainnya yang memiliki tema serupa. Dengan mengambil wilayah pembahasan historis, tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa teori epistemologis Soroush tidak hanya bekerja untuk membedakan agama dengan ilmu agama: melainkan bagaimana ia juga mencoba mendamaikan dunia(wi) dan ukhra(wi) sebagai tindak lanjut dari gagasan kaum revivalis yang (menurutnya) belum matang sempurna. Kata kunci: penyusutan dan pengembangan, agama, ilmu agama

    Estimating farmers’ willingness to pay for photovoltaic industry to improve agricultural green resources and environment

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    Based on the consideration of the level of the regional radiation effect of the photovoltaic industry, four main regions were selected as case sites in Pingluo County, Ningxia Province, for this research. The study used the double-bound dichotomous CVM model and C-optimal design to revise the bidding value of the payment scheme that reduced the WTP range error. Five independent subsample questionnaires, including seven bidding value payment schemes, along with four internal range tests and six external range tests, were designed. The results showed that the comparison of the WTP for the improvement of agricultural resources and the environment among different independent sub-samples in the same region passed the external quantitative scope test, indicating that the questionnaire design, survey implementation, and WTP estimation results of the double-bound dichotomous CVM in this study were reliable. Saturation degree, diminishing marginal utility, and substitution effect are the main influencing factors of low marginal WTP added value and embedding effect. When the quantity range changes, the utility of respondents tends to saturate and marginal utility rapidly decreases. Influenced by the aforementioned factors, the sum of the independent estimates of the respondents on the WTP for the improvement of agricultural green resources and environment of the photovoltaic industry in the four research areas is 3.04 times the average value of the overall estimates of the four areas. In order to obtain and maintain the local photovoltaic industry for agricultural production resources and environmental improvement, the average WTP of each respondent was 99.80 yuan per year.publishedVersio

    Complementarity or Substitution: A Study of the Impacts of Internet Finance and Rural Financial Development on Agricultural Economic Growth

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    Based on the Chinese county-level panel data from 2014–2018, in the study reported in this paper, we empirically tested the “complementarity and substitution” effects of internet finance and rural finance on rural economic development using the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) estimation method. The research data were obtained from the China County Statistical Yearbook. Similarly, the data of agricultural credit societies were obtained from the unique database of the agricultural credit societies of Shaanxi Rural Finance Research Center, while the internet finance development index was obtained from the Digital Finance Research Center of Peking University. In this research, we found that rural finance and internet finance contribute to rural economic growth. In the context of rural economic growth, internet finance and rural finance development show a substitution effect. The scale and efficiency of rural finance contribute to rural economic growth, while the structure of rural finance has the opposite effect. The development of internet finance reduces the marginal contribution of the rural financial scale and efficiency to rural economic growth. It weakens the negative effect of the rustic financial structure on rural economic growth. Furthermore, the development of internet finance contributes to the rural economic growth of counties of high economic levels but hinders the development of counties of low and medium economic levels. In counties with a high economic status, the development of internet finance and rural finance have a complementary effect on rural economic growth, while in counties of low and medium economic levels, we can observe a substitution effect. These assessments provide guidance, a source for policy recommendations and a reference for researchers and policy makers seeking to optimize the structure and break the monopoly pattern of agricultural credit cooperation in the rural financial market and to strengthen innovation and significantly improve the operational level of rural financial institutions. Moreover, the development of internet financial business and technology is necessary to overcome the demerits of traditional financial institutions.publishedVersio

    An Estimation of the Effect of Green Financial Policies and Constraints on Agriculture Investment: Evidences of Sustainable Development Achievement in Northwest China

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    Farming' community actively participating as micro-actors in green finance schemes is critical for regional planning and development. On the basis of the extent to which financial progress and sustainable development are coordinated, in a difference-in-differences approach, this article employed 2350 small investigations to estimate the influence of green-finance strategies on peasants' agriculture investment and developed a mediation effect method. It investigates the role of peasant managerial variability in mediating the influence of financial constraints. The results indicate that the introduction of a financial restriction variable reduces the positive impacts of green-finance regulations on peasants' agricultural investment. Moreover, peasants who participate in non-agricultural management exercises are more inclined to take advantage of green financing regulations and are affected via financial restrictions in mediate means. The building of a green-finance sector in remote regions should accomplish unique positioning and rapid growth.publishedVersio

    Super-Twisting Double Integral Sliding Mode Control For a Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter

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    Grid-connected inverters (GCI) play a crucial role in injecting DC power from renewable resources into the utility grid; moreover, the current quality largely depends on the effectiveness of the adopted control strategy. This paper proposed a novel super-twisting double integral sliding mode control (SMC) algorithm for a three-phase grid-connected inverter with an LCL filter. In this study, the control algorithm is first derived based on the system’s dynamic mathematical model. Then, extensive simulation studies are carried out in MATLAB and Simulink software to validate its performance. Furthermore, the controller effectiveness is rigorously assessed under challenging conditions, including a 400% grid impedance variation, a 66% system parametric variation, grid frequency variation, and higher-order grid harmonic components. Under the worst-case scenario, the total harmonic distortion (THD) value of the grid current remains under 2.6%, demonstrating the proposed controller’s robustness

    Drivers of climate variability and increasing water salinity impacts on the farmer’s income risk with future outlook mitigation

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    Purpose The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of climate change and water salinity on farmer’s income risk with future outlook mitigation. Salinity and climate change are a threat to agricultural productivity worldwide. However, the combined effects of climate change and salinity impacts on farmers' income are not well understood, particularly in developing countries. Design/methodology/approach The response-yield function and general maximum entropy methods were used to predict the impact of temperature, precipitation and salinity on crop yield. The target minimization of total absolute deviations (MOTAD)-positive mathematical programming model was used to simulate the impact of climate change and salinity on socioeconomic and environmental indicators. In the end, a multicriteria decision-making model was used, aiming at the selection of suitable climate scenarios. Findings The results revealed that precipitation shows a significantly decreasing trend, while temperature and groundwater salinity (EC) illustrate a significantly increasing trend. Climate change and EC negatively impact the farmer's income and water shadow prices. Maximum reduction in income and water shadow prices was observed for A2 scenario (−12.4% and 19.4%) during 2050. The environmental index was the most important, with priority of 43.4% compared to socioeconomic indicators. Subindex amount of water used was also significant in study area, with 28.1% priority. The technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ranking system found that B1 was the best climatic scenario for adopting climate change adaptation in the research region. Originality/value In this study, farmers' income threats were assessed with the aspects of different climate scenario (A1, A1B and B1) over the horizons of 2030, 2040 and 2050 and three different indicators (economic, social and environmental) in Northwestern region of Pakistan. Only in arid and semiarid regions has climate change raised temperature and reduced rainfall, which are preliminary symptoms of growing salinity.publishedVersio

    Accounting of public preferences and valuation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services restoration: Evidence from Northwestern China

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    The emphasis of current study is on the assessment of households’ willingness to pay (WTP) and preference heterogeneity for the upgradation of degraded terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services across sub-basins of Heihe River. A sum of 1679 households were interviewed through choice experiment, and random parameter logit model is applied for welfare estimation. The estimated results signified the importance of selected terrestrial and aquatic ecological attributes. Sampled respondents of upper and middle basins placed highest WTP for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases among all other attributes and the WTP amount was 99.27 and 66.49 Yuan/Year respectively. Whereas in lower basin, improvement in landscape of farmland was highly valued, i.e., 107 Yuan/Year. In terrestrial ecosystem services the lowest WTP was recorded for Ejinaqi oasis size in all sub basins. In aquatic ecosystem services, improving water quality was the most valued attribute in all sub basins, and the corresponding WTP values are 122.81, 99.87 and 177.43 Yuan/Year in upper, middle and lower basins respectively, which ensure the significance of water quality in the entire basin. In aquatic ecosystem services the lowest WTP amount was recorded for leisure and entertainment conditions in each sub basin.publishedVersio

    KATEGORI FATIS DALAM BAHASA SASAK (Phatic Category in Sasak Language)

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk kategori fatis, fungsi kategori fatis dalam komunikasi, dan distribusi kategori fatis dalam kalimat.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap bentuk dan fungsi kategori fatis dalam komunikasi serta distribusi kategori fatis dalam kalimat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian adalah film Sasak yang berjudul “Kanak Pondok” yang terdiri atas sembilan episode dengan judul yang berbeda-beda. Kajian teori yang digunakan adalah kategori fatis, bentuk kategori fatis, dan fungsi kategori fatis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan tujuh belas data, yaitu “lah”, “aro”, “keh”, “woi”, “nah”, “eh”, “dong”, “yaok”, “jak”, “wah”, “pak”, “anih”, “segerah”, “lillah”, “allahuakbar”, “assalamu’alaikum”,  dan “astagfirullah”. Terdapat tiga bentuk kategori fatis yang ditemukan, yaitu partikel, kata, dan frasa fatis. Bentuk kategori fatis tersebut memiliki fungsi yang berbeda-beda ketika digunakan dalam komunikasi, seperti menyatakan sebuah kekesalan, ketidakpercayaan, penekanan terhadap sesuatu, memulai pembicaraan, mengukuhkan suatu pembicaraan agar tetap berlangsung, penolakan, menekankan kesalahan mitra tutur, keheranan, pembuktian, ketidakmungkinan, kesungguhan, dan kekagetan. Dalam distribusinya dalam kalimat, kategori fatis menempati posisi di awal, di tengah, dan di akhir kalimat.(The problem in this research is how the form of the phatic category, function of the phatic category in communication, and distribution of the phatic category in sentences. The study aims to describe the phatic category in Sasak language,  function of phatic category in Sasak language, and distribution of phatic category in Sasak language. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive. The data source is Sasak film entitled “Kanak Pondok” and the data taken from nine episodes with different titles. Based on the results of the study, there are seventeen data, which are “lah”, “aro”, “keh”, “woi”, “nah”, “eh”, “dong”, “yaok”, “jak”, “wah”, “pak”, “anih”, “segerah”, “lillah”, “allahuakbar”, “assalamu’alaikum”, and “astagfirullah”. There are three forms of phatic category, they are particles, word, and phrases phatic. The phatic categories have different functions when used in communication, such as said pique, distrust, emphasis on something, start a conversation, maintain the conversation, rejected, emphasize the partner mistakes, amazement, proof, impossibility, sincerity, and shock. The distribution of phatic categories was in the beginning, middle, and the end of the sentence.

    Forecasting COVID-19 cases Using ANN

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    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to global healthcare systems, necessitating accurate and timely forecasting of cases for effective mitigation strategies. In this research paper, we present a novel approach to predict COVID-19 cases using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), harnessing the power of machine learning for epidemiological forecasting. Our ANNs-based forecasting model has demonstrated remarkable efficacy, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 97.87%. This achievement underscores the potential of ANNs in providing precise and data-driven insights into the dynamics of the pandemic. However, this paper underscores the critical importance of a comprehensive evaluation beyond accuracy, including metrics such as sensitivity, specificity, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC-ROC), to assess the model's performance robustness. The research paper offers detailed insights into the architecture of the ANN model, encompassing critical hyperparameters, data preprocessing techniques, and regularization strategies employed to optimize model accuracy. Ethical considerations surrounding data privacy and potential biases within the COVID-19 dataset are also addressed. While the achieved accuracy is a significant milestone, this study underscores the dynamic and evolving nature of the pandemic, necessitating continuous model refinement and validation. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of considering false positives and false negatives in the context of public health decision-making. In conclusion, this research contributes to the arsenal of tools available for pandemic management by showcasing the potential of ANNs in COVID-19 case forecasting. It encourages ongoing exploration and adaptation of predictive models to enhance their applicability in real-world public health scenarios, ultimately contributing to more effective pandemic control and response efforts