3 research outputs found

    The COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) Policies for the Community in Various Prevention Efforts

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    This study aims to determine the analysis of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) policies for the community in various efforts to prevent the impact of Coronavirus disease transmission or known COVID-19. The wider the range of transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic, including in Indonesia, the government has taken decisions or steps to immediately break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic by making policies, one of which is the large-scale social restriction (PSBB) policy. Government policy N0. 21 of 2020 concerning large-scale social restrictions in the context of accelerating the handling of the COVID-19. The research method is qualitative research with an empirical literature approach. This study uses the library method, namely browsing documents, reports such as journals, post office, books, articles, mass media, or news. The results of this study analyze government policies regarding large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) which have a major impact on people's lives, especially the difficulty of the economy to meet the needs of daily life, especially the lower middle class. PSBB direct impact is devastating for the people who rely on daily income, such as itinerant traders, hawkers, motorcycle taxi operators, drivers and public transportation has. This is one of the impacts of the enactment of the large-scale social restriction (PSBB) policy in Indonesia. From the results of the researchers, it can be concluded that the impact of the virus COVID-19 has resulted in an economic crisis, Learning activities previously carried out in schools today so learn at home online, difficulty to access basic health services, the implementation of the work patterns works from home

    Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Desa dan Anti Korupsi di Desa Watesari Sidoarjo

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    Tata kelola pemerintahan tidak hanya menjadi kajian yang dilematis di ranah pemerintahan pusat dan daerah, namun juga di taraf pemerintahan desa. Kebijakan pembangunan dengan memberikan dana desa di setiap desa di ilayah Republik Indonesa membuat tidak hanya desa sebagai sebuah wilayah terdampak modernisasi pembangunan, tapi juga diimbangi dengan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia termasuk aparatur desa di dalamnya untuk terus melakukan pembaruan pengetahuan serta kemampuan dalam pengelolaan dana desa tersebut. Salah pengelolaan, atau bahkan salah pengadministrasian dalam mengelola dana desa tidak hanya berdampak pada kemunduran pembangunan desa, tapi juga dianggap sebagai budgeting fraud dan termasuk dalam tindak korupsi. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mencoba tidak hanya memberikan sharing knowledge terkait isu-isu tata kelola pemerintahan tapi juga memberikan pendampingan terkait pengadministrasian serta pengelolaan dana desa yang sesuai dengan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku. Hasil dari agenda ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pemahaman serta praktek pengadministrasian serta perencanaan pengelolaan dana desa agar terhindar dari upaya-upaya penyalahgunaan keuangan (korupsi)

    Church and State in Conflict Over The Establishment Protestant Church

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    A series of incidents involving places of worship are still widespread in Indonesia. In recent years, the construction of places of worship has become an interesting problem not only in the social context of interaction between religious communities but also conflict resolution in Indonesia. Minority religious groups tend to have difficulty establishing or renovating their places of worship because they receive pressure and intervention from the majority group. This research explores the issue of residents' rejection and closing and stopping the process of building a house of worship for the HKBP Efrata Church in Gresik Regency, East Java. The aim of this research is to describe the things that trigger conflict and analyze the conflict resolution mechanism of the HKBP Efrata Driyorejo Gresik church. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method, namely a research effort based on methodology in studying the phenomenon of conflict over places of worship at the HKBP Efrata Driyorejo Gresik Church. It is known that the church was prohibited from carrying out worship activities by local residents for approximately 6 (six) years due to problems with permits to carry out worship in the area. After receiving permission, disturbances often arise when the congregation performs their worship, such as noise coming from motorized vehicles and restrictions on the worship schedule given by local residents.Keywords: church founding conflicts, gereja HKBP Efrata Gresik, religious house building regulations, religious house conflict