345 research outputs found

    The creation of municipalities and the formalization of metropolitan areas : federal coordination challenges

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    O trabalho visa analisar a atuação do governo federal em dois temas relacionados à questão federativa a criação de municípios e a formalização de regiões metropolitanas. A intenção foi compreender a lógica subjacente às decisões do governo federal nesse campo após a promulgação da Constituição. Considera-se que a atuação da União entre esses polos demanda análise detida por suas implicações evidentes em políticas públicas diversas, como habitação, saneamento básico, mobilidade urbana, educação, saúde e outras. Entre os elementos estudados, enfatizam-se as propostas legislativas apresentadas e as mudanças institucionais ocorridas, ou não. Os eventos ocorridos neste pouco mais de um quarto de século, analisados com base no método das narrativas, evidenciam que o governo federal tem demonstrado dificuldade na coordenação desse campo. Não raramente tem havido omissão, a exemplo da desatenção do Executivo federal para as regiões metropolitanas e outras aglomerações urbanas, e, no sentido oposto, imposições do governo central desconsiderando a federação, a exemplo da decisão de não decidir sobre as regras nacionais referentes à criação de novos municípios.This work aims to analyze the federal government actions on two topics related to the federative issue creation of municipalities and formalization of metropolitan areas. The goal was to understand the rationale underlying the federal government decisions in this field after the Constitution promulgation. The Union action between these poles demands analysis by its obvious implications in various public policies such as housing, sanitation, urban mobility, education, health and others. Among the studied elements, we emphasize the legislative proposals and institutional changes, whether it occurred or not. Events occurring in this little more than a quarter century, analyzed in accordance to the narrative method, show that the federal government has shown difficulty to coordinate this field. Omission is not rare, such as lack of attention by the federal executive to metropolitan and other urban areas and, on the other hand, central government levies disregarding the federation, such as the decision not to decide on national rules relating to the creation of new municipalities

    Douglas C. North; John Joseph Wallis & Barry R. Weingast ”“ Violence and social orders: a conceptual framework for interpreting recorded human history.

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    Política ambiental no Brasil no período 1992-2012 : um estudo comparado das agendas verde e marrom

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2013.Esta tese foca os processos de mudança institucional no âmbito da política ambiental no país no período 1992 a 2012, à luz do Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). Aplica-se o ACF em uma abordagem inovadora, comparando os subsistemas das agendas verde e marrom. Na agenda verde, incluem-se os assuntos relacionados à biodiversidade e florestas; na agenda marrom, os relativos ao controle da poluição, saneamento básico e gestão ambiental urbana. Estudam-se os processos decisórios das principais leis de aplicação nacional geradas sobre esses temas e seus resultados. A base de dados é composta, notadamente, pelas notas taquigráficas de audiências públicas e outros documentos produzidos no processo legislativo. Foi realizado processo de codificação desses documentos, de forma a organizar informações sobre os atores que atuaram em cada processo, seus sistemas de crenças e recursos, e sua influência nas leis aprovadas. Os resultados da análise qualitativa concretizada mediante esse esforço de codificação foram controlados com o apoio de questionários preenchidos por especialistas que participaram dos processos decisórios. A pesquisa confirmou as quatro coalizões de defesa encontradas em seu trabalho anterior sobre o subsistema da agenda verde – tecnocratas esclarecidos, socioambientalistas, desenvolvimentistas modernos e desenvolvimentistas tradicionais. Na agenda marrom, foram identificadas cinco coalizões – socioambientalistas, desenvolvimentistas modernos, desenvolvimentistas tradicionais, sociourbanistas e urbanocratas. A pesquisa mostrou que a dinâmica desses grupos tem particularidades relevantes conforme cada processo decisório, razão pela qual se entende que os trabalhos que aplicam o ACF não podem ficar restritos à identificação das coalizões. De forma geral, constatou-se que o conjunto de atores que atua nos processos relativos à agenda verde apresenta relações mais estáveis em termos de aliados e oponentes ao longo do tempo do que o conjunto de atores que atua na agenda marrom, tendendo a gerar mudanças institucionais incrementais. Na agenda marrom, as mudanças ocorrem mais raramente e, quando ocorrem, tendem a representar alterações de maior significado. Nas duas agendas, a pesquisa mostra exemplos de aprendizado orientado à política ambiental e, também, de dificuldade de aprender. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses the processes of institutional change in Brazilian environmental policy during twenty years (1992-2012), in the light of the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). It applies the ACF in an innovative approach, comparing the subsystems of the green and brown agendas. The green agenda includes issues related to biodiversity and forests, while the brown agenda deals to those relating to pollution control, sanitation and urban environmental management. It studies the decision-making processes of the main national laws on these themes and their results. The database is made by public hearings and other documents produced within the legislative procedures. A coding process of these documents has been conducted, in order to organize information about the actors that were involved in each process, their belief systems and resources, and their influence on the approved laws. The result of qualitative analysis achieved through this coding effort has been controlled with the help of questionnaires filled by experts who participated in the decision-making processes in focus. The research has confirmed the four advocacy coalitions found in an earlier work on the green agenda’s subsystem – enlightened technocrats, social environmentalists, traditional developmental actors and modern developmental actors. In brown agenda, five coalitions have been identified – social environmentalists, modern developmental actors, traditional developmental actors, social urban planners and urban bureaucrats. The research has shown that the dynamics of these groups has relevant particularities according to each decision-making process, so the author concluded that, when applying ACF, the works cannot be restricted to the identification of coalitions. In general, it was found that the group of actors engaged in the processes related to the green agenda presents more stable relationships in terms of allies and opponents over time than the set of actors engaged in the brown agenda, tending to generate incremental institutional changes. In brown agenda, changes occur more rarely, and when they happen, tend to be significant. In both agendas, research shows examples of policy learning oriented to environment, and also the difficulty to learn

    Sexual violence against women in Brazil: achievements and challenges of the health sector in the 2000s

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    The article brings a revision on the public politics for the confronting of the sexual violence against women developed along the decade of 2000s. It analyzes the collision on the progress, retreats and challenges of the theme to the light of the propositions of the section health. Institutional documents and articles were analyzed selected on the subject, pointing varied strategies for intervention proposed and accomplished by the Brazilian National Health System. The text still presents emblematic questions that send us to think on the challenges to be overcome by the managers of health in the current decade, such as the covering and continuity of the services of attention, the professionals’ permanent training, as well as the service to the legal abortion.O artigo traz uma revisão sobre as políticas públicas para o enfrentamento da violência sexual contra mulheres desenvolvidas ao longo da década de 2000. Analisa o embate sobre os avanços, retrocessos e desafios do tema à luz das proposições do setor saúde. Foram analisados documentos institucionais e artigos selecionados sobre o assunto, apontando variadas estratégias para intervenções propostas e realizadas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. O texto apresenta ainda questões emblemáticas que nos fazem refletir sobre os desafios a serem superados pelos gestores de saúde na década atual, tais como a cobertura e continuidade dos serviços de atenção e capacitação permanente dos profissionais, bem como o atendimento para a interrupção da gravidez, prevista em lei

    Academic League of Urgency and Emergency Nursing as A Health Educational Tool: Experience Report

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    Introduction: Academic leagues are created with the proposal of expanding the studies on certain fields as an educational tool. Objective: Describing experience of nursing students as member of activities in a Nursing Urgency and Emergency League in a Public University of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Methodology: Exploratory and descriptive study of the type experience report of nursing student participating in the League of Urgency and Emergency in Nursing called “LUREEN”, within the scope of the Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU). Results: Nursing students have taught by two professors. One of them has multiprofessional degree (nurse, physician and dental surgeon, besides master degree) and other is PhD in Nursing. A total of 20 students make up league team, most female (n=14; 70%) with a mean age of 23.80±4.10 years and attending the 6th period of nursing course (n=6; 30%). The main activities performed were: Classes and realistic clinical simulations through educational methodologies as Team-Based Learning (TBL), Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Case‐based learning (CBL); Health Continuous Education; Extra hospital activities and Coverage of cultural and sportive events by league. Final Considerations: The outcomes presented in that experience report show a great way to improve and increasing learning of nursing students in undergraduate trough an academic league as well as one of the best methodologies to provide real training in urgency and emergency situations. It is expected that future studies approach similar issues to improve nurse education courses

    Obstáculos para protagonismo das frentes parlamentares em coalizões presidenciais no Brasil

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    RESUMO Introdução: O objetivo do artigo é propor novos métodos para a medição do tamanho e do grau de institucionalização das frentes parlamentares temáticas a fim de investigar seu papel na construção de coalizões no Congresso Nacional. A pesquisa partiu da premissa segundo a qual, para substituir os partidos na formação de uma base governista no Legislativo, as frentes parlamentares precisam de muitos membros e um mínimo de organização para interferir de forma consistente e previsível nas votações. O problema, no entanto, é a ausência de dados confiáveis sobre o tamanho e o grau de institucionalização desses grupos. Materiais e Métodos: Dois métodos foram usados para preencher essa lacuna. Para aferir o tamanho das frentes parlamentares, foi realizado um survey onde os próprios deputados e senadores puderam declarar sua participação nesses grupos. Para a medição do grau de institucionalização, foi proposto um índice, com base na literatura sobre partidos políticos, no qual os dados do survey foram combinados com entrevistas com uma amostra representativa e não-aleatória de 20 frentes parlamentares. Resultados: A pesquisa demonstrou que as frentes parlamentares são significativamente menores do que aparentam ser com base na única informação publicamente disponível, a lista de assinaturas para registro formal na Câmara dos Deputados. Com exceção da Frente Parlamentar Mista da Agropecuária, as frentes temáticas reúnem não mais que algumas dezenas de parlamentares e têm um grau de institucionalização relativamente baixo. Discussão: Os dados sustentam a visão, majoritária na literatura, sobre o papel predominantemente informativo e simbólico das frentes parlamentares. Embora possam ter influência em determinados momentos do processo legislativo, não parecem reunir condições mínimas para sustentar uma coalizão governista. As evidências apresentadas permitem também aprimorar a classificação tipológica das frentes parlamentares, constatando a existência de bancadas temáticas com praticamente nenhuma organização, de caráter meramente simbólico, e outras com núcleos bastante reduzidos de atuação.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Frente parlamentar; presidencialismo de coalizão; institucionalização; relações Executivo-Legislativo; partidos políticos. On the limited potential for congressional caucuses to sustain majority coalitions in BrazilABSTRACT Introduction: This paper investigates the potential for legislative caucuses to actively engage in presidential coalitions in the Brazilian congress, bringing new methods for measuring the size and levels of institutionalization of these groups. Materials and Methods: The underlying assumption was that caucuses need to be minimally large and organized to effectively substitute parties as stakeholders in a presidential coalition. The problem, however, is the lack of reliable data about the size and the internal structure of these groups. Two methods were used to overcome this shortcoming of legislative studies in Brazil. First, to estimate the size of legislative caucuses, legislators participated in a survey where they self-declared their participation in these groups. Then, existing literature on political parties was used to help construct an index for legislative caucus institutionalization. Twenty groups were selected for a representative, non-random sample, with data from the survey and interviews being used for the measurement. Results: Empirical evidence demonstrated that every legislative caucus in Brazil is significantly smaller than they appear to be compared to the list of signatures for their formal creation, the only publicly available information on their size. Except for the rural caucus, legislative caucuses in Brazil have no more than a few dozen members each and have a relatively low level of institutionalization. Discussion: This underscores the notion that legislative caucuses, despite their occasional influence in the legislative process, do not have minimal conditions to sustain a governing coalition and that, in line with the dominant view, have mostly an informative and symbolic role in the parliament. Empirical evidence also supports new typological categories for legislative caucuses with the observation of groups with very low internal organizational levels.KEYWORDS: Legislative caucuses; coalitional presidentialism; institutionalization; Executive-Legislative relations; political parties

    Produção Científica Brasileira: Perfil de Autoria em Gestão do Conhecimento

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    The increasing development of studies regarding knowledge its practical application in the organizational scope confers certain relevance to Knowledge Management, which is consolidated as a complex theme due to the interactions with culture, technology, people, among others. Consequently, the number of scientific publications related to this subject increases due to factors such as increase in graduate programs,number of masters and doctorates, researcher maintenance requirements in the academic field and CAPES evaluation rules. In this context, contemplated by scholars of several areas with which Knowledge Management relates, this study analyzes the profile of the authors in the Brazilian scientific production of Knowledge Management. To carry out such analyzes the methodology is characterized by its descriptive nature and used a quantitative approach through the use of bibliometrics. Some of the results show that the productions of double authorship are more frequent than the individual ones and with each increase in the number of authors, there is a decrease in the number of publications and the authors who publish individually and in co-authorship tend to present a more collaborative behavior. The interactions between the authors' degrees show more frequent relationships between the individuals with the same degree and, secondly, the doctors relate more to masters than to doctoral candidates. The replicability of the research in another temporal cut is suggestion of future work, allowing to evidence new perceptions regarding the Brazilian academic profiles

    Analyzing institutional changes in urban territorial policy of brazilian Federal District applying the advocacy coalition framework

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    O presente artigo analisa o processo de mudança institucional no âmbito da política de ordenamento territorial urbano do Distrito Federal, entre 1991 e 2009, à luz do Advocacy Coalition Framework (Modelo das Coalizões de Defesa – MCD). Analisam-se causas e consequências das mudanças institucionais ocorridas, bem como os atores envolvidos e suas crenças direcionadas à política pública. A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo e utilizou dados coletados em extenso conjunto de documentos relativos ao processo legislativo e em entrevistas com atores-chave envolvidos na política pública em foco. Foram identificadas cinco coalizões de defesa atuando nas arenas decisórias sobre essa temática: modernistas, desenvolvimentistas, coalizão pró-moradia popular, ambientalistas e patrimonialistas. Verifica-se que as mudanças institucionais nas últimas duas décadas foram realizadas pelo poder público sob a forte pressão de coalizões historicamente hegemônicas. Complementarmente, aplicam-se os achados da pesquisa aos debates em curso na Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal, no final de 2013, sobre o Plano de Preservação do Conjunto Urbanístico de Brasília (PPCUB) e a nova Lei de Uso e Ocupação do Solo (Luos).This article studies the institutional change process within urban planning policy in the Brazilian Federal District, from 1991 to 2009, taking the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) as theoretical base. We analyze the causes and consequences of the institutional changes that occurred as well as the actors involved and their beliefs addressed to public policy. The research is a qualitative study and has used data collected from an extensive set of documents related to the legislative process and interviews with key actors involved in the public policy in focus. Five advocacy coalitions acting in decision-making arenas on this issue were identified: modernists, developmentalists, social housing coalition, environmentalists and patrimonialists. It is verified that the institutional changes in the last two decades were held by the government under strong pressure of historically hegemonic coalitions. Additionally, we apply the research findings to ongoing debates in the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District, in late 2013, on the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Original Plan (PPCUB) and the new Land Use Law (Luos)