199 research outputs found

    To compare the Sensitivity of Urinary Polymerase Chain Reaction with Intravenous Urography and Urine Acid Fast Bacilli in a clinically Suspected Case of Genito Urinary Tuberculosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis is as old as human race. Old literature shows evidence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis even in egyptian mummies. During the 19th century this disease was called as consumption disease as it was considered a major killer. With the introduction of anti tuberculous drugs, there is decrease in incidence of new cases as well as death due to tuberculous infection, but still tuberculosis is a large public health problem. In healthy persons, tuberculous infection is clinically in apparent. 10% to 15% of people who are infected with TB are prone to develop GUTB. Poor nutrition, people living in crowded situations and poverty are the greatest risk factor for acquiring this disease. The recent trend of resistant strains of M.Tuberculosis form a major obstacle for the treating physician. The recent resurgence of tuberculosis and its association with HIV infection leading onto acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in another worrying problem. OBJECTIVE: To compare the sensitivity of urinary polymerase chain reaction with intravenous urography and urine acid fast bacilli in a clinically suspected case of Genito urinary tuberculosis. METHODS: It is a prospective study. Study Period : from Jan 2013 to Dec 2013. Total of 25 patients were included in the study sample. These patients had clinical symptoms suggestive of GUTB. The sensitivity of urinary PCR was compared with that of IVU and urine AFB. RESULTS: Our study had a total of 18 males and 7 female patients. The most common age group affected was 20-40 years. All 25 patients had irritative LUTS about 56% of patients had past history of PT, of which only 65% of patients completed ATT. About 60% of patients presented to hospital in less than 3 months of symptoms. 12% of patients were found to be positive for retro virus. The most common symptoms of patients were irritative LUTS 100%, sterile pyuria 70%, hematuria 56%. RFT was normal in 80% of our patients. 60% had raised ESR. 80% of patients had constitutional symptoms like low grade fever, loss of appetite, weight. IVU was positive in 50% of patients (12/25), urine AFB 20%(5/25), urine PCR 76%. (19/25). CONCLUSION: A high index of suspicion is necessary for diagnosis of GUTB, IVU may be suggestive of GUTB, but it is not specific. In our study IVU was positive only in 50% of patients, urine AFB 20% of patients, PCR were positive in 76% of patients. Urine PCR for MTB was the most sensitive indicator and also it gives a rapid, sensitive and specific method to diagnose GUTB

    Scientometric Study of the Journal- Carbon

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    Scientometric evaluations have gained popularity in the academic and research fields over the last decade. The present study is a comprehensive scientometric evaluation of the Journal - Carbon. Carbon is a peer-reviewed international journal published by Elsevier and created in collaboration with the American Carbon Society. The author metrices, the applicability of Lotka’s Law and the word metrices in the output during the years 2016-2020 are attempted in this study. The results show that the journal is widely cited. The analysis of author metrices reiterates the extent of collaborative authorship in the journal

    Study on the quality of beche-de-mer in trade and shrinkage of specimens during processing

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    The beche-de-mer industry in India is a cent percent export oriented industry being confined to south east coast in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu. Chemical quality of 180 trade samples of beche-de-mer of four sizes collected from the beche-de-mer curing centres of Ramanathapuram district was studied. Moisture ranged from 6.2 to 24.4% and sand content from 0.11 to 20.42% for all grades. Mean values of sand content are for grade 1=3.47%, grade 2=4.50%, grade 3=3.68%, grade 4=6.87%. Sodium chloride was almost constant for all grades at 5.7%. TVBN values ranged from 10 to 78.4 mg%. 44 laboratory samples of different grades were prepared following trade practice and examined for chemical quality. Mean moisture values are for grade 1=13.4%, grade 2=12.44%, grade 3=12.62%, grade 4=12.08% and mean values of sand are for grade 1=0.70%, grade 2=0.90%, grade 3=1.16%, grade 4=2.15%. The percentage of shrinkage of the animals ranged from 56% to 60% for dried beche-de-mer of 7.5 cm size and above

    Prevalence of Vitamin D3 deficiency among pediatric patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in remission - A cross-sectional observational study from Vadodara, Gujarat

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    Background: Vitamin D deficiency occurs in nephrotic syndrome (NS) through various mechanisms, resulting in loss of both, Vitamin D binding protein and 25-(OH) D, in the urine leading to the risk of bone disorders. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to detect the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in children with idiopathic NS during remission. Methods: This study was conducted from April to November 2016 at the pediatric nephrology clinic at a tertiary care hospital in Vadodara. A total of 34 children were enrolled with idiopathic NS in remission, of which 14 had first attack of NS and ten of Frequently Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome (FRNS) and Infrequently Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome each. Vitamin D levels were measured using serum levels of 25-(OH) D by chemiluminescence method. Results: Vitamin D deficiency was observed in 28 of 34 (82%) children; of which, 16 (47%) had severe deficiency and 12 (35.2%) had mild to moderate deficiency. Children with the first attack of NS had a median Vitamin D level of 8.17 ng/ml (interquartile range [IQR] 2.9–28), IFRNS had a median of 6.8 ng/ml (IQR 2.9–33), and FRNS had the lowest median of 5.3 ng/ml (IQR 2.9–16). Although there were differences among all the 3 groups, differences were not statistically significant (Kruskal–Wallis 4.89, p=0.08) which showed decreased levels of Vitamin D. Conclusion: High prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency was observed in all 3 groups of idiopathic NS; the lowest being in FRNS. There was no significant association with lower levels of Vitamin D and relapses in NS. More research is needed to assess Vitamin D deficiency and to ensure the effect of Vitamin D supplementation for children with NS

    Changes in expression of VE-cadherin and MMPs in endothelial cells: Implications for angiogenesis

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    The mechanism of cell-cell contact dependent regulation of pericellular proteolysis in angiogenesis was examined by studying the expression of MMPs using isolated HUVECs in culture. Zymography, Immunoblot and RT-PCR analysis showed that the production and secretion of matrixmetalloproteinase-2 and matrixmetalloproteinase-9 by HUVECs in culture were high when they remain as individual cells and significantly decreased during later stages of culture when cells developed cell-cell contact and tubular network-like structure. As MMPs decreased there was significant upregulation of VE-cadherin in cells undergoing angiogenic transition. Investigations to understand the signaling pathways downstream of VE-cadherin showed a relatively high level of β-catenin in the nucleus of endothelial cells in culture during initial stages and decrease in its levels in the nucleus, associated with an increase in the cytosol during later stages of culture. The distribution of β-catenin was found to be regulated by Tyr/Ser phosphorylation status of this protein. Cell-cell contact dependent downregulation of MMPs during angiogenesis was also observed in experiments using proangiogenic substances which caused a rapid rate of downregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and absence of downregulation of MMPs when treated with anti-angiogenic agents

    Antiproliferative effects of total alkaloid extract of roots of Chassalia curviflora (Wall.) Thwaites on cancer cell lines

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    389-395Chassalia curviflora is used in folklore medicines for treating several ailments and infections owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Though the plant has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory antihepatotoxic and analgesic activities, its anticancer potential has not been studied so far. In the present study, we investigated the antiproliferative effects of the total alkaloids isolated from the roots of C. curviflora. The total alkaloid was validated by MTT assay in three cancer cell lines, such as liver cancer cell line-A549, breast cancer cell line-MCF-7 and ovarian cancer cell line -HeLa. Significant antiproliferative effect (IC50 value 3.59±0.14*** µg/mL) was observed in A549 cells, and was taken for further studies. Cell cycle analysis showed that the cells got arrested in sub G0 phase and annexin V-FITC assay revealed that 27.4% cells were in early apoptosis and 7% cells in late apoptosis. The study revealed that the total alkaloids of Chassalia curviflora roots possess significant antiproliferative and apoptotic activity

    Response of surface chlorophyll to aerosol dust input in the Central Arabian Sea

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    The decadal trends in satellite-derived surface chlorophyll in conjunction with Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) are explored in a unique area in the central Arabian Sea, known to mimic High Nutrient and Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) like conditions during late summer monsoon. The analysis indicates two recurring seasonal blooms, possibly associated with distinct biogeochemical processes in the studied region. Furthermore, the mineral dust deposition in July every year coincides with one such increase in surface chlorophyll followed by a lag period until winter monsoon. This rapid increase in the phytoplankton biomass just after the aeolian input is possibly due to an enhancement in soluble iron within the mixed layer, as suggested by AOD dust data. Most likely, this rapid increase in biomass may induce further depletion of soluble iron leading to HNLC-like conditions during the late Summer Monsoon, as reported earlier. This hypothesis is consistent with the satellite observation, which shows a decrease in surface chlorophyll during subsequent months until the convective mixing between December – January (winter monsoon). The study reveals that the presence of the HNLC region in the central Arabian Sea during the summer monsoon is not perennial like the Southern Ocean. Instead, it is a transient phenomenon primarily controlled by aerosol deposition and rapid uptake of soluble iron, which facilitate the diatom blooms as suggested by the recent output from the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model (NOBM)

    Antiproliferative effects of total alkaloid extract of roots of Chassaliacurviflora (Wall.) Thwaites on cancer cell lines

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    Chassaliacurviflora is used in folklore medicines for treating several ailments and infections owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Though the plant has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory antihepatotoxic and analgesic activities, its anticancer potential has not been studied so far. In the present study, we investigated the antiproliferative effects of the total alkaloids isolated from the roots of C. curviflora.The total alkaloid was validated by MTT assay in three cancer cell lines, such as liver cancer cell line-A549, breast cancer cell line-MCF-7 and ovarian cancer cell line -HeLa. Significant antiproliferative effect (IC50 value 3.59±0.14*** µg/mL) was observed in A549 cells, and was taken for further studies. Cell cycle analysis showed that the cells got arrested in sub G0 phase and annexin V-FITC assay revealed that 27.4% cells were in early apoptosis and 7% cells in late apoptosis. The study revealed that the total alkaloids of Chassaliacurvifloraroots possess significant antiproliferative and apoptotic activit

    Extraction and characterization of essential oil of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) fruit pericarp and utilization as a surface coating material to improve the shelf life of paneer

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    Paneer is a traditional dairy product of India and is similar to unripened soft cheese. It is used as a raw material for the preparation of a variety of culinary dishes and snacks. Paneer is marble white in appearance, with a firm, cohesive and spongy body and a sweetish-acidic-nutty flavor. But it is highly perishable with a limited shelf- life like other indigenous dairy products. Its shelf life was reported to be only six days under refrigeration, though its freshness is lost within three days. The spoilage of paneer occurs mainly due to the growth of microorganisms, which bring about various physico-chemical changes. In the present study, attempts were made to increase the shelf-life of paneer at refrigerated storage by the application ofnutmeg pericarp essential oil surface coating. The essential oil was prepared from fresh nutmeg fruit flesh by steam distillation method. The physico-chemical and bio functional properties of essential oil were determined. The specific gravity and refractive index of the essential oil were found to be 0.903 and 1.477 respectively. The acid value and total polyphenolic value of essential oil were 3.36 and 4.04 mg GAE/g respectively. The essential oil was also found to have good antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. The shelf life of samples coated with essential oil packaged in LDPE pouches had more shelf life than the control paneer, as the coated paneer kept well for 9 days while the control paneer spoiled after the 6th day of refrigerated storage. The paneer with essential oil coating obtained satisfactory sensory score

    Gain control network conditions in early sensory coding

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    Gain control is essential for the proper function of any sensory system. However, the precise mechanisms for achieving effective gain control in the brain are unknown. Based on our understanding of the existence and strength of connections in the insect olfactory system, we analyze the conditions that lead to controlled gain in a randomly connected network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We consider two scenarios for the variation of input into the system. In the first case, the intensity of the sensory input controls the input currents to a fixed proportion of neurons of the excitatory and inhibitory populations. In the second case, increasing intensity of the sensory stimulus will both, recruit an increasing number of neurons that receive input and change the input current that they receive. Using a mean field approximation for the network activity we derive relationships between the parameters of the network that ensure that the overall level of activity of the excitatory population remains unchanged for increasing intensity of the external stimulation. We find that, first, the main parameters that regulate network gain are the probabilities of connections from the inhibitory population to the excitatory population and of the connections within the inhibitory population. Second, we show that strict gain control is not achievable in a random network in the second case, when the input recruits an increasing number of neurons. Finally, we confirm that the gain control conditions derived from the mean field approximation are valid in simulations of firing rate models and Hodgkin-Huxley conductance based models