843 research outputs found

    On Inversion in Z_{2^n-1}

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    In this paper we determined explicitly the multiplicative inverses of the Dobbertin and Welch APN exponents in Z_{2^n-1}, and we described the binary weights of the inverses of the Gold and Kasami exponents. We studied the function \de(n), which for a fixed positive integer d maps integers n\geq 1 to the least positive residue of the inverse of d modulo 2^n-1, if it exists. In particular, we showed that the function \de is completely determined by its values for 1 \leq n \leq \ordb, where \ordb is the order of 2 modulo the largest odd divisor of d.Comment: The first part of this work is an extended version of the results presented in ISIT1

    Effect of high-pressure rolling followed by laser processing on mechanical properties, microstructure and residual stress distribution in multi-pass welds of 304L stainless steel

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    Multi-pass fusion welding by a filler material (wire) is normally carried out to join thick steel sections used in most engineering applications. Multiple thermal cycles from a multi-pass weld resulted in a variable distribution of residual stress field across the weld and through the thickness. Presence of tensile residual stresses can be detrimental to the integrity and the service behaviour of the welded joint. In addition to a complex distribution of residual stress state, multi-pass welds also form dendritic grain structure, which are repeatedly heated, resulting in segregation of alloying elements. In this research, microstructural refinement with modification of residual stress state was attempted by applying post-weld cold rolling followed by laser processing and then cold rolling. The residual stress was determined non-destructively by using neutron diffraction. Post-weld cold rolling followed by laser processing was carried out to induce recrystallization of the cold rolled grains. Microstructural characterisation indicates a significant grain refinement near the capping pass. However, post-weld cold rolling followed by laser processing reinstates the lock-in stress. In this study, it was demonstrated that a complete recrystallized microstructure with compressive state of stress can be formed when a further cold rolling is applied on the laser processed, recrystallized microstructure

    Proposal for The Effector with Measurement of Gripping Force

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem efektoru s měřením úchopné síly. Tento efektor je součástí manipulačního ramene vozidla TAROS. V úvodu je analyzováno současné konstrukční řešení tohoto efektoru a současný stav řešení měření úchopné síly. Pro návrh efektoru byly sepsány požadavky. Na základě požadavků byly navrženy varianty řešení efektoru. Podle zvolených kritérií byla vybrána nejvhodnější varianta. Ta byla podrobněji zpracována. Byly provedeny kontrolní výpočty a pevnostní analýzy vybraných prvků. Zpráva také obsahuje výkresovou dokumentaci vybraných sestav a komponent.The master thesis deals with the proposal for the effector with measurement of gripping force. This effector is a part of manipulation arm of a vehicle TAROS. In the introduction is an analysis of the contemporary design of this effector and the current possible ways of measuring the gripping force. Based on requirements for the effector variants of solution were designed. The most suitable variant was selected based on chosen criterions. The variant was further developed. Control calculations and stress analyses are used to check selected components. The thesis includes technical drawings of selected assemblies and components.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Harmonizing Equitable Exceptions: Why Courts Should Recognize an “Actual Innocence” Exception to the AEDPA’s Statute of Limitations

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    This Comment argues that to neutralize this potential inequality, the Supreme Court should affirm the Ninth Circuit’s recent decision in Lee v. Lampert, finding that a credible claim of actual innocence constitutes an equitable exception to the AEDPA’s one-year statute of limitations period. District courts must be able to call on their equitable powers, including both equitable principles already applied to the AEDPA’s statute of limitations as well as the actual innocence exception, in determining whether a district court may consider the merits of a criminal defendant’s otherwise untimely habeas petition. Part II discusses the role of federal habeas corpus relief, the emergence of actual innocence in Supreme Court jurisprudence, and the relevant aspects of the AEDPA. Part III explains the purpose and application of statutes of limitations and discusses reasons a court should exercise its power to equitably toll the AEDPA’s limitations period. Part IV explores whether an actual innocence exception is necessary. This Part also examines the current split among the circuits and the reasoning and policy behind each circuit’s respective decision. Part V recommends that the Supreme Court adopt the gateway standard of actual innocence for equitable tolling of time-barred petitions and thereby harmonize already-applied equitable exceptions and the actual innocence exception to the AEDPA’s one-year limitations period. This Part discusses the policy implications of and the most likely counterarguments against recognizing actual innocence as an equitable exception to the AEDPA deadline. This Part then revisits Souliotes and other cases to highlight the critical role of the actual innocence gateway under Schlup in ensuring the equitable application of the AEDPA to federal habeas petitions. Part VI reiterates that the Supreme Court should recognize both avenues for equitable tolling of the AEDPA’s statute of limitations

    Töötaja privaatsuse kaitse digitaalsel töökohal

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneTänapäeva töökohad digitaliseeruvad üha enam. Uued rakendused ja nutiseadmed võimaldavad tööandjatel koguda hulgaliselt töötajate isikuandmeid erinevatest allikatest. Taoliste tehniliste võimaluste olemasolu võib kergelt viia töötaja isikuandmete kaitse reeglite rikkumise ja privaatsust riivava käitumiseni. Doktoritöös analüüsin, kuidas Euroopa Liidu privaatsus- ja andmekaitseraamistik tuleb antud väljakutsega toime ning kuivõrd suudab kaitsta töötajat privaatsust riivava jälgimise eest töökeskkonnas. Doktoritöö põhineb viiel eelretsenseeritud publikatsioonil ja keskendub privaatsuse ning andmekaitse küsimustele, mis käsitlevad kolme digitaalset jälgimistehnoloogiat – töötaja sotsiaalmeedia jälgimine, mikrokiibistatud töötajate jälgimine ja kontaktide tuvastamist võimaldavate rakenduste abil töötajate jälgimine COVID-19 leviku ajal. Doktoritöö eesmärk on kindlaks teha, kas EL-is on vaja kehtestada õigusakt, mis reguleerib töötaja privaatsust ja andmekaitset juhul, kui tööandja rakendab digitaalseid jälgimistehnoloogiaid ja millistel tingimustel peaks jälgimine olema lubatud. Doktoritöös väidan, et invasiivsete jälgimispraktikate ja töösuhte osapoole ebavõrdsete positsioonide tõttu on vajalik EL tasandi õigusakt, mis võimaldab töötajal keelduda privaatsust riivavast jälgimistehnoloogiast ja annab tööandjale juhiseid, millistel tingimustel on töötaja jälgimine lubatud. Näiteks tuleb õigusaktiga ette näha, et tööandja ei tohi töötajat jälgida ja tema andmeid töödelda, kui selleks puudub vajadus. Sellest reeglist võib teha erandi näiteks kuriteo, tõsise väärkäitumise või muude õigusaktis üheselt esitatud põhjustel, näiteks tööõnnetuse ennetamiseks. Töökohal ei tohi lubada salajast jälgimist ja liikumisandmete kogumist.Today’s workplaces are becoming increasingly digitalized. New applications and smart devices enable employers to collect enormous quantities of employees’ personal data from a vast array of sources through inexpensive means. These practises may be accompanied by intensification of the processing of employee data and possible intrusions to their privacy. My dissertation examines how the current privacy and data protection framework in the EU is equipped to protect employees from privacy-invasive monitoring practices. The dissertation is based on five peer-reviewed publications and focuses on privacy and data protection issues concerning three specific digital monitoring technologies – social media monitoring, monitoring microchipped employees and digital monitoring technologies, e.g. contact tracing technologies, used during COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the dissertation is to ascertain whether there is a need for specific rules at the EU level that regulate privacy and data protection if an employer uses digital monitoring technologies and on what conditions employee monitoring using these technologies should be allowed. The findings of this dissertation indicate that due to the increased use of the digital monitoring technologies and imbalance of power in an employment relationship, EU legislation is needed to strengthen employees' ability to reject privacy-invasive monitoring technologies and give employers clarity under what conditions monitoring is allowed. EU legislation should clearly state that if not necessary, employers should refrain from the use of digital monitoring technologies. Exceptions might be allowed only in case of criminal activities, serious malpractice or other just causes e.g. prevention of accidents at work. Legislation should also entail stricter obligations for employers, such as consultations with employees’ representatives. Covert monitoring and the possibility to gather movement data inside the workplace should be prohibited

    Inflammation and characteristics of atherosclerotic plaque

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    Atherosclerosis, or the accumulation of lipids within the arterial wall, is the underlying process responsible for the majority of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Inflammation is one of the essential forces driving the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Several cells, chemokines, and co-stimulatory molecules of the innate and adaptive immune response have been associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk. Another important risk factor associated with atherosclerotic CVD risk is psychosocial stress, and it has been widely hypothesized psychosocial stress influences CVD through increased inflammation. Within atherosclerotic plaque, greater inflammatory content is associated with plaque instability and greater likelihood of plaque to result in a cardiovascular event via erosion or rupture. B-mode ultrasound is an imaging technique that allows for the measurement and characterization of atherosclerotic plaque in the superficial arteries such as the carotid and femoral arteries. The measurement and characterization of plaque in subclinical stages affords us the opportunity to better understand the processes contributing to the development of atherosclerosis and for the identification of individuals who may be at risk of having a cardiovascular event. In this dissertation, the associations between the circulating burden of inflammation and coagulation with measures of plaque presence, burden, and characteristics in the carotid and femoral arteries are evaluated with the intention of better understanding the inflammatory mechanisms contributing to plaque instability. Additionally, we assessed inflammatory burden as a potential mediator of the relationship between perceived everyday discrimination, a measure of psychosocial stress, with carotid plaque characteristics. Overall, we did not find any independent associations between inflammatory and coagulation burden with measures of femoral plaque presence, burden, and characteristics among healthy older adults. However we did find several associations between inflammatory and coagulation burden with various measures of carotid plaque burden and characteristics independent of traditional CVD risk factors among women in midlife. We also identified inflammatory burden as a partial mediator of the relationship between everyday discrimination and carotid plaque height. The findings presented in the following chapters have public health significance because they highlight important associations between circulating inflammatory and coagulation burden with measures of carotid plaque burden and characteristics among women, and suggest that increased inflammatory and coagulation burden may serve as mechanisms contributing to the progression and complication of atherosclerotic plaque among women at midlife. Furthermore, our results suggest that increased inflammatory burden and greater atherosclerotic plaque height may be mechanisms through which experiences of discrimination increase cardiovascular risk among midlife women

    Mysterious flora of fortified settlements and castles

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    Udział gatunków ciepłolubnych w zbiorowiskach roślinnych grodzisk i zamczysk Karpat Zachodnich

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    Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie udziału gatunków ciepłolubnych oraz analiza ich ekologicznego zróżnicowania w rozmaitych typach fitocenoz, jakie wykształciły się w miejscach, gdzie w przeszłości istniały warownie. Opracowanie jest częścią szeroko zakrojonych badań szaty roślinnej grodzisk i zamczysk w Karpatach Zachodnich. Prace terenowe prowadzono na 37 pradziejowych i średniowiecznych obiektach archeologicznych w latach 2006–2010. Badaniami objęto 25 grodzisk i 12 zamczysk zlokalizowanych w dolinach trzech dużych rzek: Dunajca, Raby i Wisłoki. Rozmieszczenie stanowisk badawczych przedstawiono na rycinie 1. Grodziska i zamczyska w Karpatach zajmują partie szczytowe wzniesień. Cechuje je mozaikowość siedlisk miejsc otwartych i zalesionych. Za stanowisko badawcze przyjęto grodzisko lub zamczysko oraz bezpośrednie otoczenie obiektu (stoki wzgórz). Powierzchnia stanowisk była zróżnicowana i wahała się od 1,1 ha do 55 ha. Materiał badawczy stanowią spisy flory oraz zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne wykonane metodą Braun-Blanqueta w kwadratach 5 m x 5 m, we wszystkich wyróżniających się fizjonomicznie, jednorodnych płatach. Dla potrzeb niniejszego opracowania przeanalizowano 196 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych jedynie z miejsc otwartych 22 obiektów badawczych. Na ich podstawie wyróżniono 82 gatunki roślin ciepłolubnych i kserotermicznych (tab. 2). W przeważającej większości były to taksony z klas: Festuco-Brometea (46%), Trifolio-Geranietea (17%) oraz Rhamno-Prunetea (10%) (ryc. 2). Rozpatrzono także spektrum form życiowych, grup geograficzno-historycznych i częstości występowania gatunków termofilnych na stanowiskach (ryc. 3–5). Najbardziej rozpowszechnione były: Agrimonia eupatoria, Hypericum perforatum, Origanum vulgare i Pimpinella saxifraga. Wśród taksonów ciepłolubnych obiektów archeologicznych Karpat Zachodnich dominują gatunki rodzime (94%) i hemikryptofity (64%). Stwierdzono również obecność 3 reliktów dawnych upraw: Allium scorodoprasum, Lavatera thuringiaca i Origanum vulgare. Grodziska i zamczyska są ostoją wielu interesujących roślin naczyniowych, w tym także ciepłolubnych i kserotermicznych gatunków. Od lat postuluje się, by dawne warownie karpackie objąć właściwą formą ochrony ze względu na ich wysoką wartość kulturową, przyrodniczą i krajobrazową (1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16).The work presents a part of a broader research program of the actual vegetation of 37 archaeological sites (25 earthworks and 12 castle ruins). Distribution of the studied areas in the Raba, Dunajec and Wisłoka river valleys (Western Carpathians) is shown in Figure 1. The aim of this paper is to prepare a list and ecological analysis of thermophilous and xerothermic plant species occurring in the Carpathian fortress objects [OK}. Participation of these species was studied in 2006–2010. The presented results are derived from studies based only on the non-forest, open areas which were found at 22 archaeological sites. This paper includes a list of 82 thermophilous and xerothermic species found within the investigated earthworks, castle ruins and their immediate neighbourhood. The species were distinguished on the basis of the analysis of 196 phytosociological relevés. Their characteristics (frequency classification, Raunkiaer’s life forms, syntaxonomical and geographical-historical groups) are presented in Table 2. The vast majority were taxa of classes: Festuco-Brometea (46%), Trifolio-Geranietea (17%) and Rhamno-Prunetea (10%) (Fig. 2). The most widespread thermophilous plant species on historical sites were: Agrimonia eupatoria, Hypericum perforatum, Origanum vulgare and Pimpinella saxifraga. Among thermophilous taxa of the studied areas native species (94%) (Fig. 4) dominate. Hemicryptophytes predominate in the spectrum of Raunkiaer’s life forms with 64% share (Fig. 5). Particularly noteworthy is the presence of Allium scorodoprasum, Lavatera thuringiaca and Origanum vulgare, since these species are regarded as relics of former cultivation

    TBCC Fan Stage Operability and Performance

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    NASA s Fundamental Aeronautics Program is investigating turbine-based propulsion systems for access to space because it provides the potential for aircraft-like, space-launch operations that may significantly reduce launch costs and improve safety. Studies performed under NASA s NGLT and the NASP High Speed Propulsion Assessment (HiSPA) program indicated a variable cycle turbofan/ramjet was the best configuration to satisfy access-to-space mission requirements because this configuration maximizes the engine thrust-to-weight ratio while minimizing frontal area. To this end, NASA and GE teamed to design a Mach 4 variable cycle turbofan/ramjet engine for access to space. To enable the wide operating range of a Mach 4+ variable cycle turbofan ramjet required the development of a unique fan stage design capable of multi-point operation to accommodate variations in bypass ratio (10X), fan speed (7X), inlet mass flow (3.5X), inlet pressure (8X), and inlet temperature (3X). The primary goal of the fan stage was to provide a high pressure ratio level with good efficiency at takeoff through the mid range of engine operation, while avoiding stall and losses at the higher flight Mach numbers, without the use of variable inlet guide vanes. Overall fan performance and operability therefore requires major consideration, as competing goals at different operating points and aeromechanical issues become major drivers in the design. To mitigate risk of meeting the unique design requirements for the fan stage, NASA and GE teamed to design and build a 57% engine scaled fan stage to be tested in NASA s transonic compressor facility. The objectives of this test are to assess the aerodynamic and aero mechanic performance and operability characteristics of the fan stage over the entire range of engine operation including: 1) sea level static take-off, 2) transition over large swings in fan bypass ratio, 3) transition from turbofan to ramjet, and 4) fan windmilling operation at high Mach flight conditions. In addition, the fan stage design was validated by performing pre-test CFD analysis using both GE proprietary and NASA s APNASA codes. Herein we will discuss 1) the fan stage design, 2) the experiment including the unique facility and instrumentation, and 3) the comparison of pre-test CFD analysis to initial aerodynamic test results for the baseline fan stage configuration. Measurements and pre-test analysis will be compared at 37%, 50%, 80%, 90%, and 100% of design speed to assess the ability of state-of-the-art design and analysis tools to meet the fan stage performance and operability requirements for turbine based propulsion for access to space

    Experimental Study of Bypass Transition in a Boundary Layer

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    A detailed investigation to compare the boundary layer transition process in a low intensity disturbance environment to that in an environment in which the disturbances are initially non-linear in amplitude was conducted using a flat plate model. The transition mechanism based on linear growth of Tollmien Schlichting (T-S) waves was associated with a freestream turbulence level of 0.3 percent; however, for a freestream turbulence intensity of 0.65 percent and higher, the bypass transition mechanism prevailed. The results of detailed measurements acquired to study and compare the two transition mechanisms indicate that there exists a critical value for the peak rms of the velocity fluctuations within the boundary layer of approximately 3 to 3.5 percent of the freestream velocity. Once the unsteadiness within the boundary layer reached this critical value, turbulent bursting initiated, regardless of the transition mechanism. The two point correlations and simultaneous time traces within the transition region illustrate the features of a turbulent burst and its effect on the surrounding flowfield