87 research outputs found

    Development of longitudinal handling qualities criteria for large advanced supersonic aircraft

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    A piloted simulation study was conducted with the aim of advancing the development of longitudinal handling qualities criteria for large supersonic cruise aircraft. The areas of study investigated included high-speed cruise maneuvering, and stall-recovery control power. Comparisons were made with existing criteria and, for the cruise condition, a time response criterion was developed which correlated well with pilot ratings and comments. For low-speed stall recovery a new criterion was developed in terms of nose-down angular acceleration capability

    On Nearly Strategic Measures

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    1 online resource (PDF, 17 pages

    On Nearly Strategic Measures

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    1 online resource (PDF, 17 pages

    Locally Coherent Rates of Exchange

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    1 online resource (PDF, 33 pages

    On the Adequacy of Stationary Plans for Gambling Problems

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    1 online resource (PDF, 31 pages

    Persistently ?-optimal Strategies

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    1 online resource (PDF, 19 pages

    Countably Additive Gambling and Optimal Stopping

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    1 online resource (PDF, 30 pages

    On the equivalence of game and denotational semantics for the probabilistic mu-calculus

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    The probabilistic (or quantitative) modal mu-calculus is a fixed-point logic de- signed for expressing properties of probabilistic labeled transition systems (PLTS). Two semantics have been studied for this logic, both assigning to every process state a value in the interval [0,1] representing the probability that the property expressed by the formula holds at the state. One semantics is denotational and the other is a game semantics, specified in terms of two-player stochastic games. The two semantics have been proved to coincide on all finite PLTS's, but the equivalence of the two semantics on arbitrary models has been open in literature. In this paper we prove that the equivalence indeed holds for arbitrary infinite models, and thus our result strengthens the fruitful connection between denotational and game semantics. Our proof adapts the unraveling or unfolding method, a general proof technique for proving result of parity games by induction on their complexity

    Location Dependent Dirichlet Processes

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    Dirichlet processes (DP) are widely applied in Bayesian nonparametric modeling. However, in their basic form they do not directly integrate dependency information among data arising from space and time. In this paper, we propose location dependent Dirichlet processes (LDDP) which incorporate nonparametric Gaussian processes in the DP modeling framework to model such dependencies. We develop the LDDP in the context of mixture modeling, and develop a mean field variational inference algorithm for this mixture model. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling framework is shown on an image segmentation task
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