347 research outputs found


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    How does decentralization provide good public services among traditional fisherfolk and diminish the exploitation of marine resources? This article discusses the positive impact of decentralization on the patron-client relationship of the fishing community by depicting the articulation of social relations and power relations tied among the fisherfolk Sangkarrang Islands, City of Makassar. By employing the theory of access, this study revealed that the proliferation of the Sub District of Sangkarrang had configured the landscape of socio-political interaction. This condition was restructured by the relation of production among producers and successfully eliminated the over-exploitation of marine resources in Sangkarrang Islands. Social hierarchy became more opened and allowed the vulnerable group to access the services provided by the government. They could also channel their political aspiration without being interfered with by a higher social class. At the same time, the political landscape had been rearranged and control from elites tended to be declined. In conclusion, decentralization had increased democratization for local people and had brought public services to be more efficient, including the decreasing of marine exploitation


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    The failure of heat removal system of water-cooled reactor such as PWR in Three Mile Islands and Fukushima Daiichi BWR makes nuclear society starting to consider the use of high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). Reactor Physics and Technology Division – Center for Nuclear Reactor Safety and Technology  (PTRKN) has tasks to perform research and development on the conceptual design of cogeneration gas cooled reactor with medium power level of 200 MWt. HTGR is one of nuclear energy generation system, which has high energy efficiency, and has high and clean inherent safety level. The geometry and structure of the HTGR200 core are designed to produce the output of helium gas coolant temperature as high as 950 °C to be used for hydrogen production and other industrial processes in co-generative way. The output of very high temperature helium gas will cause thermal stress on the fuel pebble that threats the integrity of fission product confinement. Therefore, it is necessary to perform thermal-flow evaluation to determine the temperature distribution in the graphite and fuel pebble in the HTGR core. The evaluation was carried out by Thermix-Konvek module code that has been already integrated into VSOP'94 code. The HTGR core geometry was done using BIRGIT module code for 2-D model (RZ model) with 5 channels of pebble flow in active core in the radial direction. The evaluation results showed that the highest and lowest temperatures in the reactor core are 999.3 °C and 886.5 °C, while the highest temperature of TRISO UO2 is 1510.20 °C in the position (z= 335.51 cm; r=0 cm). The analysis done based on reactor condition of 120 kg/s of coolant mass flow rate, 7 MPa of pressure and 200 MWth of power. Compared to the temperature distribution resulted between VSOP’94 code and fuel temperature limitation as high as 1600 oC, there is enough safety margin from melting or disintegrating. Keywords: Thermal-Flow, VSOP’94, Thermix-Konvek, HTGR, temperature   Kegagalan sistem pembuangan panas pada reaktor berpendingin air jenis PWR, Three Mile Islands dan reaktor BWR Fukushima Daiichi, menyebabkan masyarakat nuklir mulai memikirkan penggunaan reaktor pembangkit daya jenis temperatur tinggi berpendingin gas (HTGR). Bidang Fisika dan Teknologi Reaktor di Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir (PTRKN) mempunyai tugas melaksanakan kegiatan litbang desain konseptual reaktor kogenerasi dengan tingkat daya menengah yang berpendingin gas helium dengan daya 200 MWt. Desain HTGR200K merupakan salah satu sistem pembangkit energi yang memiliki efisiensi energi paling besar, dan tingkat keselamatan inheren yang tinggi dan bersih. Komposisi geometri dan struktur teras didesain agar dapat menghasilkan keluaran pendingin gas helium bertemperatur 950 0C sehingga dapat digunakan untuk produksi hidrogen dan atau unit industri proses lainnya secara kogeneratif. Luaran gas helium bertemperatur sangat tinggi ini akan menimbulkan tegangan termal pada bola bahan bakar yang mengancam integritas sistem pengungkungan produk fisi di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi karakteristika termal flow untuk menentukan distribusi temperatur bahan bakar bola dan outlet temperatur pendingin gas helium teras HTGR. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan modul Thermix-Konvek yang terintegrasi dalam program VSOP’94. Geometri teras HTGR dikerjakan dalam modul BIRGIT untuk model teras 2-D (R-Z) dengan 5 kanal aliran pebble dalam teras aktif arah radial. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai tertinggi dan terendah temperatur yang terdapat pada teras   adalah sebesar 999.3 °C dan 886,5 °C. Demikian pula hasil temperatur tertinggi bahan bakar TRISO dan bahan bakar pebble di dalam teras, yaitu diperoleh sebesar  1510,20°C yang terletak pada lapisan bahan bakar inti UO2, di posisi z= 335.51 cm dan  r=0 cm. Analysis di lakukan pada laju massa aliran pendingin, tekanan dan daya masing-masing sebesar 120 kg/s, 7 Mpa dan 200MWth. Hasil perhitungan, jika dibandingkan dengan lisensi pembatas keselamatan terhadap maksimum temperatur bahan bakar pebble menunjukkan bahwa integritas bahan bakar pebble masih aman karena masih  lebih rendah dari batas desain yaitu sebesar 1600  oC. Kata kunci: Thermal-Flow, VSOP’94, Thermix-Konvek, HTGR, temperatu


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    Fishing activities along the coastal areas of Makassar City are influenced by the type of technology used and also the social structures of production process that involved key players, such as wholesalers, exporters, and small-scale fishermen. This article aims (1) to explain the trajectory of fishing development of Makassar City and its impact to the creation of social stratification and (2) to analyze the economic factors that influenced the decision-making processes among producers, especially related to its impact towards small-scale fishermen. Data and information were obtained based on interview and field observation that had been conducted in three fishing communities in the City of Makassar, between September 2019 and January 2020. It is found that globalization impacted the issue of underdevelopment of the small-scale production among poor fishermen; which also indicates the powerlessness concerning the possession of high capacity harvesting equipment commonly owned by the capitalist producers. Social stratifications that were formed among fishermen had placed the small-scale fishermen at the lower level, while the middlemen who have control over capital also have access to the marketing networks and opportunities, thus placing their position at a higher level

    Isu Pemekaran Wiayah sebagai Komoditas Politik dalam Masyarakat To Pulo di Kabupaten Selayar

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    The decentralization of a local government administration is expected to promote the socio-economic prosperity of its community. One of the opportunities that could be done is by establishing a new autonomous region through redistricting. By provoking the issue of redistricting, local elites bring this issue to be a political commodity to expand their political popularity and increase their electability. This article aims to 1) identify the factors behind the demands for the establishing a new autonomous region by redistricting certain islands of the Kepulauan Selayar Regency; 2) describe the role of elites in the effort to expand the Regency of Kepulauan Selayar; and 3) analyze the current dynamics regarding the issue of the territorial redistriction of the Kepulauan Selayar Regency. By using a qualitative approach, it was found that geographical circumstances, socio-economic inequality of local indigenous people and differences of cultural identity were the factors behind the demand of establishing a new autonomous territory. It is also found that local elites played a significant role behind the redistricting agenda for some reason, particularly to sustain their power and authority. Even though the new territory is unable to be established, the issue is remained articulate.AbstrakDesentralisasi penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah diharapkan mampu mendorong kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Salah satu peluang yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan membentuk DOB melalui redistricting. Dengan memprovokasi isu redistricting, elit lokal kemudian menjadikan isu ini sebagai komoditas politik untuk memperluas popularitas politik dan meningkatkan elektabilitas mereka. Tulisan ini memiliki tujuan untuk 1) menemukenali faktor yang melatarbelakangi tuntutan pembentukan DOB dengan meredistribusi pulau-pulau tertentu di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar; 2) mendeskripsikan peran elit politik dalam upaya pemekaran Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar; dan 3) menganalisis dinamika terkini terkait isu redistriksi wilayah Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif ditemukan bahwa keadaan geografis, ketimpangan sosial ekonomi masyarakat adat setempat dan perbedaan identitas budaya menjadi salah satu faktor yang mendorong tuntutan pembentukan wilayah otonom baru. Juga ditemukan bahwa elit lokal memainkan peran penting di balik agenda redistricting karena alasan tertentu, terutama untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan dan otoritas mereka. Namun, wilayah baru tidak dapat didirikan, tetapi masalah tersebut tetap diartikulasikan.AbstractThe decentralization of local government administration has been expected to be able to promote the socio-economic prosperity of the community. One of the opportunities that can be done is by establishing a new autonomous region through redistricting. By provoking the issue of redistricting, local elites then brought this issue to be a political commodity to expand their political popularity and increase their electability. This article aims to 1) identify the factors behind the demands for the establishing a new autonomous region by redistricting certain islands of the Kepulauan Selayar  Regency; 2) describe the role of elites in the effort to expand the Regency of Kepulauan Selayar; and 3) analyze the current dynamics regarding the issue of the territorial redistricting of the Kepulauan Selayar  Regency. By using a qualitative approach, it is found that geographical circumstances, socioeconomic inequality of local indigenous people, and differences of cultural identity are among the factors that exist behind the demand to establish a new autonomous territory. It is also found that local elites played a significant role behind the redistricting agenda for some reason, particularly to sustain their power and authority. However, the new territory is unable to be established, but the issue remains articulated


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    Data quota has become a basic requirement for the people at this time. Data quota can be used as a business opportunity, by providing data quota through the RT/RW Net system that utilizes the availability of fast internet connections from existing providers. The target community of this service activity is members of the Majelis Taklim Hijaber Sakinah Jayapura. This activity aims to provide knowledge about the RT / RW Net system as a provider of internet quota through Wi-Fi networks and can be used as an additional opportunity for members of Jayapura's Hijaber Sakinah. The method used in this study is the lecture method and demonstration of the use of equipment used in the RT / RW Net system.Keywords: Data Quota, RT/RW Net System, Wi-Fi, Majelis Taklim Hijaber Sakina

    Genetic Differentiations among the Populations of Salvia japonica (Lamiaceae) and Its Related Species

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    Morphological and genetic variations within Salvia japonica (Lamiaceae) and its related species in Japan were analyzed for clarifying their taxonomic significance. The genetic variations were explored through chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences and allozyme polymorphisms. Since chromosome numbers characterized the genus of Salvia, we also examined whether the karyotypes were different. We examined 58 populations of S. japonica and 14 populations of others species of Salvia. Among the populations of S. japonica represented four forms (f. japonica, f. longipes, f. lanuginosa and f. albiflora). The size of chromosomes were various among Salvia spp. Based on the allozyme as well as the DNA sequence, the populations of S. japonica separated from the others Salvia species. The populations of S. japonica exhibited four combinations of the morphological characters. However, these combinations did not correlate to the four forms of S. japonica. In addition, the morphological variations did not correlate to the allozyme and DNA sequences. It is suggested that the four morphological variations as well as the four form of S. japonica should not considered to be a taxonomic unit; accordingly, S. japonica were considered to be still at the early stage of speciation process. Key words: allozyme, DNA, morphological variations, Salvia japonic
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