13 research outputs found


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    The problem in this research is whether the difference between cash and non-cash payment of GrabBike wages accompanied by additional costs unilaterally by the GrabBike driver is in accordance with Islamic law. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative analysis method. The results of this study are that according to Islamic law there is a difference between cash and non-cash payment of GrabBike service wages because in accordance with ijarah dzimmah, namely rental benefits for buying and selling services, Grab and Ovo have the right to provide promo rates or discounts as a form. Prizes and the giving of legal prizes are permitted by the syara 'because in this case the passenger and driver are not disadvantaged but instead benefited, but in connection with the additional wages that the GrabBike driver unilaterally demands for various reasons, Grab does not justify Islamic law is not in accordance with the pillars of the ijarah contract because one party feels forced


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    In the event that the prospective bride and groom will hold a marriage registered at the local Office of Religious Affairs If the age is less than 19 years, it will be rejected because the marriage conditions are not fulfilled. Because the marriage is considered urgent to be carried out, then parents or guardians can apply for a marriage dispensation at the Religious Court. Marriage dispensation is an application for ratification of a marriage that will take place by the prospective bride and groom or one of the prospective brides who are not old enough to marry. This research is the result of research on the consideration of judges in deciding the case of marital dispensation with the analysis of maslahah with the main problem of consideration of judges in deciding the case and the analysis of maslahah. This research is analitive descriptive qualitative research with normative approach, data source used by primary data source in the form of interviews, observations, and secondary data in the form of court determination. The technical analysis of data used is qualitative approach to primary data and secondary data. The purpose of this research is what the judge considered in the Purworejo Religious Court in granting the application for marital dispensation on the determination No. 266/Pdt.P/2020/PA/Pwr, and to find out the determination of judges in the Purworejo Religious Court regarding marital dispensation which is analyzed through maslahah. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the consideration of the judge in granting the request for marital dispensation is on the grounds that the marriage is urgent to be done, between the husband and wife there is no obstacle to marriage and the two families have approved each other. In the analysis maslahah consideration of judges included in the maslahah doruriyah because to maintain religion and descendants

    Praktik Penyerahan Zakat Fitrah Terhadap Sabīlillāh Menurut Perspektif Imam Ibnu Hajar Al-Haitami (Studi Kasus di Desa Rowobranten Kecamatan Ringinarum Kabupaten Kendal)

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    Zakat merupakan salah satu rukun Islam yang memiliki dua hubungan niali, yaitu hubungan dengan Allah dan hubungan dengan sesame manusia dalam rangka untuk memberikan sebagian harta yang telah dititipkan kepadanya untuk diberikan haknya kepada orang lain yang berhak menerimanya dengan syarat-syarat tertentu sesuai syariat Islam. Adapun orang yang berhak menerima zakat fitrah sebagaimana disebutkan dalam QS. at-Taubah [9]:60 yaitu fakir, miskin, pengurus zakat, muallaf,budak, orang yang berhutang, untuk orang yang berjuang dijalan Allah Swt. dan untuk orang-orang yang dalam perjalanan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field reseach), sifat penelitiannya adalah deskriptif analitik. Distribusi zakat fitrah yang terjadi di masyarakat sudah mengakar dan menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang kurang baik bahkan selalu dilakukan oleh umat Islam khususnya. Dalam hal guru ngaji yang mendapatkan tunjangan tetap dari pemerintah juga masih dalam permasalahan yang polemic bagi masyarakat yang ditunjuk sebagai penerima zakat fitrah. Kesimpulan dari skripsi ini bahwa pendistribusian zakat fitrah yang belum sesuai dengan hokum islam menurut pemikiran Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami

    The Realization of the Fulfilment of the Childrenā€™s Sustenance Post-Divorce In Purworejo Religious Court in 2020-2021

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    Frequently, discordant married couples contemplate divorce as their final option for resolving household problems. Many do not realize that divorce is the beginning of the onset of new problems that affect not only married couples but also their offspring if they are already parents. This study seeks to find out the realization of the implementation of child support obligations after divorce at the Purworejo Religious Court with various factors that influence it. This investigation is limited to the years 2020 and 2021 in order to examine the most relevant cases, as the events are still relatively recent. This form of research employs a qualitative paradigm and is conducted in the field. This study's methodology employs a normative legal approach. On the basis of court records from the Purworejo Religious Court, researchers conducted direct observations and interviews with litigants. Even though the child's maintenance obligations have been stated in the decision of the Purworejo, the results of the study indicate that there are still many parents, particularly the father, who do not fulfill their responsibilities to provide a living for their children due to various factors, including lack of legal awareness, lack of awareness of the obligations of a father to provide for children, too involved parents in the household, social factors, and economic factor

    Bagi Hasil Usaha Pembibitan Tanaman Sistim Mertelu Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    The plant nursery business has become one of the livelihoods for the farming community in Sendangsari Village, Benar District, Purworejo Regency. The practice of muamalah with a profit-sharing cooperation model that has been running for decades has bright prospects due to the high market demand from year to year, which makes plant nursery activities grow rapidly. From that, various collaborations in plant nursery activities emerged, one of which was in the form of profit sharing. This study intends to describe the practice of profit-sharing cooperation between plant nursery farmers and landowners used to develop a nursery business. In addition, to find out how the contract that occurs in the profit-sharing cooperation in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is a field research (field research) with an analytical descriptive approach. The theory used to dissect this problem is profit sharing in the syirkah system with the conclusion that the practice of sharing the results of the plant seed business in Sendangsari Village is in accordance with Islamic law and has reflected the value of justice, because even though the manager's costs appear to be greater than the cash capital, the land owner will but the value of the land value contributed to the business is very expensive so it is worth it if the land value is considered one-third of the total accumulated assets

    Realization of the Implementation of Post-Divorce Child Support Obligations at the Purworejo Religious Court

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    This research aims to find out how the implementation of child support obligations after divorce in the Purworejo Religious Court. And will also identify what factors influence it. The method used in this research uses a normative juridical approach. While this type of research is field research, which is taken from documents from the Purworejo Religious Court, direct observation and interviews with parties who have sued in court. The results showed that there are still many parents, especially fathers, who do not carry out their obligations in providing maintenance to their children. There are several influencing factors, including lack of legal awareness, lack of awareness of the obligations of a father, parents are too involved in the household, social factors and economic factors. Whereas the obligation to provide for children has been stated in the decision of the judge of the Purworejo Religious Court


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    Perkawinan adalah ikatanĀ  yang sakral. Keluarga yang bahagia dan langgeng melalui perkawinan tidak hanya memerlukan persiapan fisik, tetapi juga persiapan sosial, ekonomi, emosional, dan tanggung jawab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mediskripsikan upaya pasangan nikah muda dalam embangun keluarga yang sakinah. Dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, penulis mengumpulkan data dari lapangan, wawancara atau observasi, kemudian menambahkan beberapa informasi sebagai catatan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa alasan pasangan suami istri menikah sebelum usia sah di desa Banyusidi adalah karena keinginan pribadi pasangan tersebut sudah saling mencintai dan kemudian ingin segera menikah untuk menghindari suatu hal tidak diinginkan. Upaya yang dilakukan membangun keluarga yang sakinah oleh pasangan nikah muda di desa Banyusidi yaitu; saling mempercayai dan tidak curiga, saling mendukung dan memotivasi, menghargai pendapat, tidak pernah mengeluhkan masalah ekonomi

    Implementasi Tasyaruf Zakat Di Masa Pandemi COVID 19 Pada BAZNAS Kabupaten Purworejo

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    The distribution of zakat has two contexts, namely distribution and utilization. In the current situation of the covid pandemic, the distribution context becomes very urgent to carry out considering that the economic condition of the community is increasingly critical. According to the Shari'a, the allocation of zakat has been regulated in the Qur'an, namely 8 asnaf (groups) as mustahik. However, in its implementation, the Purworejo Baznas Institution distributes zakat to assist the handling of victims of the COVID-19 pandemic, so it becomes a crucial issue to understand whether zakat distribution is permissible or not according to Islamic law. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism for distributing zakat through the social institution Baznas Purworejo in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is field research by collecting data in the form of field studies and literature studies. This type of research is descriptive analytic, which is a direct description of the problem of distributing zakat, presenting field facts to be analyzed from the aspect of Islamic law. The approach used is a normative approach based on the Qur'an and Hadith. The results showed that the distribution of zakat carried out by BAZNAS Purworejo to victims of covid 19 did not violate the principles of benefit and Islamic law. The groups that receive priority as recipients of zakat from BAZNAS Purworejo are the indigent, poor, amil and public facilities

    Buku Ajar Hukum Acara Perdata

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    Buku Ajar Hukum Acara Perdata ini merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang harus ditempuh oleh calon sarjan hukum, hakim dan praktisi hukum. Hukum Acara Perdata merupakan peraturan hukum yang mengatur bagaimana cara mempertahankan dan memelihara hukum perdata materiil. Hukum Acara Perdata juga diartikan sebagai suatu peraturan yang mengatur bagaimana cara untuk mengajukan suatu perkara perdata ke pengadilan dan juga mengatur bagaimana cara hakim perdata memberikan putusan terhadap subjek hukum. Buku ini menerangkan tentang, pengertian hukum acara perdata, sejarah hukum acara perdata, sifat-sifat hukum acara perdata, pengadilan dan peradilan, susunan dan kekuasaan badan peradilan. Juga membahas tentang perwakilan dalam perkara perdata, perihal gugatan, pemeriksaan perkara dalam sidang pengadilan, pembuktian, alat-alat pembuktian, keputusan hakim, menjalankan keputusan hakim lebih dahulu, upaya hukum dan pelaksanaan keputusan hakim. Semoga kehadiran buku ini memberi manfaat dan berguna bagi perkembangan ilmu khususnya bidang hukum di Indonesia

    ANALISIS HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH TERHADAP PRAKTIK BAGI HASIL NIRA AREN DI DESA CACABAN KIDUL KECAMATAN BENER KABUPATEN PURWOREJO / Analysis Of Sharia Economic Law On The Practices For Results Of Aren Nira In Cacaban Kidul Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency

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    Palm sap is one of the potential income prospects for the people of Cacaban Kidul Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency, the majority of whom work as farmers. Palm sap is produced from palm trees that grow a lot in community-owned plantations as raw material for palm sugar which is a commodity prospect for community economic growth. Not all palm tree owners are able to tap palm sap by themselves due to various factors in addition to requiring special skills. Most of the people entrust the tappers to take care of the palm trees until they get results. The contract that occurs is only an oral contract based on the prevailing customs of the community and has become a culture. If there is dishonesty then the sanctions are moral sanctions and social sanctions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the practice of sharing the results of palm sap in Cacaban Kidul Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency in the perspective of Islamic law. In this study, the researchers used a type of field research (field research) with a descriptive analysis approach. The theory used to dissect this problem is profit sharing in the Mudharabah system, with the conclusion that the profit sharing practice carried out by the people of Cacaban Kidul Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency is according to the Mudharabah Muthlaq system so that it is legal or permissible according to Islamic law