53 research outputs found

    The Social Dimension in Selected Candidate Countries in the Balkans: Country Report on Croatia. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 39, 14 December 2007

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    The European Commission awarded a contract in November 2005 to a consortium composed of t TARKI (Social Research Institute in Hungary), CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research in Poland) and CEPS to analyse the socio-economic developments and the process of structural reforms in what were then four candidate countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey. The objective was to identify the major challenges in the current demographic, social and economic context that could be considered relevant in determining the capacity of these countries to function in the European Union. This study presents the findings for Croatia and consists of an analytical section and a statistical annex. The other country reports and synthesis report are published separately in this same series

    A Mid-range Episode Reading of Odoevsky\u27s The Cosmorama

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    In his article A Mid-range Episode Reading of Odoevsky\u27s The Cosmorama Slobodan Sucur argues that a focus on David S. Miall\u27s theories of foregrounding and the mid-range episode may help to minimize ambiguities and contradictions that often emerge in readings of Gothic literature. The example focused on in the article is Vladimir Odoevsky\u27s 1839 novella The Cosmorama. Sucur elaborates on the idea that the fantastic and sublime are naturally reader-receptive and anticipate some aspects of Miall\u27s theory. In relation to this Sucur also discusses the possibility that mid-range episode reading may help bridge the gap between some tenets of cognitive philosophy and reader-response criticism that is sometimes at odds with cognitive studies

    Research of origin and work on clonal selection of Montenigrin grapevine varieties cv. vranac and cv. kratosija

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    Viticulture production and winemaking of Montenegro are mostly based on growing of autochthonous grapevine varieties. Besides Vranac variety, Kratosija variety takes a significant place in Montenegrin autochthonous grapevine varieties. According to many literature data, Kratosija is an autochthonous grapevine variety whose origin and cultivation started earlier than with Vranac variety. Because of its heterogeneity, it is not so much represented in Montenegrin vineyards and it is mostly found in combination with Vranac variety. The research results about the origin of Vranac variety are shown in this paper. Furthermore, genetic identification which approved originality of Vranac variety is shown and it has also been approved that autochthonous variety Kratosija has the same genetic profile as cv. Zinfandel. The paper presents multi-annual results of examination of variability of their populations and work on clonal selection. Mother vines were selected and vineyards of pre-base and base category of Vranac variety potential clones were planted. The results achieved, in view of manifesting agro-biological, economic and technological characteristics, point to the need for further work on clonal selecton of these grapevine varieties

    Nonmicrosurgical reconstruction of the auricle after traumatic amputation due to human bite

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic auricular amputation due to human bite is not a common event. Nonetheless, it constitutes a difficult challenge for the reconstructive surgeon. Microsurgery can be performed in some cases, but most microsurgical techniques are complex and their use can only be advocated in specialized centers. Replantation of a severed ear without microsurgery can be a safe alternative as long as a proper technique is selected. METHODS: We present two cases, one of a partial and one of a total traumatic auricular amputation, both caused by human bites, that were successfully managed in our Department. The technique of ear reattachment as a composite graft, with partial burial of the amputated part in the retroauricular region, as first described by Baudet, was followed in both cases. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The prementioned technique is described in detail, along with the postoperative management and outcome of the patients. In addition, a brief review of the international literature regarding ear replantation is performed. CONCLUSION: The Baudet technique has been used successfully in two cases of traumatic ear amputation due to human bites. It is a simple technique, without the need for microsurgery, and produces excellent aesthetic results, while preserving all neighboring tissues in case of failure with subsequent need for another operation

    Theory, Period Styles, and Comparative Literature as Discipline

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    In his article, Theory, Period Styles, and Comparative Literature as Discipline, Slobodan Sucur attempts to answer the following question: Can a rapprochement be brought about between various, often antagonistic, literary-theoretical views and the concept of comparative literature itself, which requires accord, consensus, agreement, etc., for it to function as a concrete body and discipline? Sucur attempts dealing with this question in three parts of the paper: First, he establishes a relationship/link between the theoretical discord of today (humanism, formalism, deconstruction, etc.) and the high theorizing which began during the Jena-Berlin phase of Romanticism (Shelling, Hegel, F. Schlegel, etc.); secondly, he attempts linking the origin of comparative literature with later Romanticism (Virgil Nemoianu\u27s idea of the Biedermeier) in order to account for some inconsistencies between ideas of theory on the one hand, and discipline on the other; and thirdly, he speculates on whether or not literary history -- an idea often neglected now -- can be the bridge where literary theory meets up with comparative literature as a disciplinary endeavor, that is, in the act of writing a comparative literary history