72 research outputs found

    Analysis Effectiveness of International Trade toward Poverty Reduction in Indonesia

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    This research study about Analysis Effectiveness of International Trade toward Poverty Reduction in Indonesia. This thesis analyzes the effectiveness of international trade toward poverty reduction in Indonesia using GLS (Generalized Least Square) by using cross-province data and regress it each year from 2000-2008. Variables used are povefty rate (P) as a dependent variable and trade openness (TO), foreign direct investnent (FDI), unemployment (U), consumption (C) as an independent variables. Based on empirical result, suggests that trade openness and FDI are not significant and has negative relationship in order to decrease pover{y rate. Furthennore, unemployment rate and consumption are significant but unemployment has positive relationship and consumption has negative relationship in order to decrease poverty rate. That means, only unemployment rate and consumption had been effective toward poverly reduction in Indonesia

    La producciĂłn editorial del Comahue se fortalece

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    En un contexto adverso para la publicaciĂłn en papel, la Universidad Nacional del Comahue intensificĂł las publicaciones en formato digital y consolidĂł la coordinaciĂłnpara aumentar la producciĂłn asegurando calidad en sus contenidos

    Longevity is determined by ETS transcription factors in multiple tissues and diverse species

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    Ageing populations pose one of the main public health crises of our time. Reprogramming gene expression by altering the activities of sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs) can ameliorate deleterious effects of age. Here we explore how a circuit of TFs coordinates pro-longevity transcriptional outcomes, which reveals a multi-tissue and multi-species role for an entire protein family: the E-twenty-six (ETS) TFs. In Drosophila, reduced insulin/IGF signalling (IIS) extends lifespan by coordinating activation of Aop, an ETS transcriptional repressor, and Foxo, a Forkhead transcriptional activator. Aop and Foxo bind the same genomic loci, and we show that, individually, they effect similar transcriptional programmes in vivo. In combination, Aop can both moderate or synergise with Foxo, dependent on promoter context. Moreover, Foxo and Aop oppose the gene-regulatory activity of Pnt, an ETS transcriptional activator. Directly knocking down Pnt recapitulates aspects of the Aop/Foxo transcriptional programme and is sufficient to extend lifespan. The lifespan-limiting role of Pnt appears to be balanced by a requirement for metabolic regulation in young flies, in which the Aop-Pnt-Foxo circuit determines expression of metabolic genes, and Pnt regulates lipolysis and responses to nutrient stress. Molecular functions are often conserved amongst ETS TFs, prompting us to examine whether other Drosophila ETS-coding genes may also affect ageing. We show that five out of eight Drosophila ETS TFs play a role in fly ageing, acting from a range of organs and cells including the intestine, adipose and neurons. We expand the repertoire of lifespan-limiting ETS TFs in C. elegans, confirming their conserved function in ageing and revealing that the roles of ETS TFs in physiology and lifespan are conserved throughout the family, both within and between species

    Points de vue et attitudes des sages-femmes vis-à-vis de l’épisiotomie

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    Objectives. Describe the attitudes and viewpoints of midwives regarding the episiotomy and study the factors that influence these attitudes and viewpointsMaterial and methods. Survey by self-administered questionnaire, conducted between August 2015 and January 2016 from 362 hospitals or liberal midwives practicing deliveries in 20 maternity hospitals in eastern Paris or at home. Were collected sociodemographic and professional characteristics of midwives, data on individual use of episiotomy and culture service of the perineum. Percentages and means were compared in order to analyze the episiotomy rate according to these characteristics and according to four variables composite scores (Training and scientific culture of midwives - Interest in the protection of the perineum - Individual analysis of professional practices - Culture service concerning episiotomy and perineum protection). Results. The median episiotomy rate was 10.0 %, the 5th and 95th percentiles of 0.0% and 40.8 % respectively. The main indications of episiotomy reported by midwives were: expulsive efforts > 30 minutes associated with non-reassuring FHR (61.9%), prevention and tears history of the 3rd and 4th degree (respectively 66.0% and 58.0%), breech presentation (45%) and sexual mutilation (39.8%). The episiotomy rates vary significantly with age (p = 0.028), graduation year (p = 0.007), number of years in the delivery room (p = 0.006), the status and the type of maternity (respectively p 30 minutes associés à un RCF non rassurant (61,9%), la prévention et les antécédents de déchirures du 3ème et 4ème degré (respectivement 66,0% et 58,0%), la présentation du siège (45%) et les mutilations sexuelles (39,8%). Les taux d’épisiotomie variaient significativement selon l’âge (p = 0,028), l’année du diplôme (p=0,007), le nombre d’années en salle de naissance (p=0,006), le statut et le type de la maternité (respectivement p<0,001 et p<0,001), la présence d’un espace physiologique ou d’une prise en charge peu médicalisée de l’accouchement (p=0,001), la lecture des RPC et le score « Analyse individuelle de la pratique de l’épisiotomie » (respectivement p=0,005 et p=0,022). Conclusion. Bien qu’ils varient entre les sages-femmes, les taux d’épisiotomie déclarés sont pour la plupart bien en dessous du seuil de 30% des recommandations pour la pratique clinique de l’épisiotomie du CNGOF. Les points de vue et la pratique de l’épisiotomie semblent très personnels et peu influencés par les services dans lesquels exercent les sages-femmes. Il serait intéressant d’étudier l’influence des femmes sur la pratique de l’épisiotomie


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    Subrini Penile Implants

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