16 research outputs found

    Penciptaan Seni Kerajinan Keramik Komoditi Ekspor Berbasis Material Earthenware Dan Teknologi Lokal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menciptakan bentuk seni kerajinan keramik menyelaraskan dengan trend design yang berkembang di luar negeri. Fokus utamanya adalah terciptanya produk keramik bernuansa natural khas Indonesia yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dunia, dapat meningkatkan ekspor non migas, dan meningkatkan nilai seni serta ekonomi para pengrajin seni kerajinan keramik. Target penelitian pada tahun pertama berhasil menciptakan 25 produk prototipe seni kerajinan keramik bermaterial earthenware dengan teknologi lokal, yakni berbagai bentuk guci sebagai master design. Pada tahun kedua diciptakan varian baru dengan desain yang berbeda sejumlah 25 produk prototipe, sehingga pada akhir tahun ke dua ini akan didapatkan total sejumlah 50 desain keramik baru. Setalah itu akan diadakan uji pasar, mendaftarkan hasil penelitan ke HKI, juga menyusun artikel ilmiah dan melaporkan hasil penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan frame estetis dan ekonomis, penciptaanya melalui studi pustaka dan lapangan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan trend, dianalisis, mengadakan eksplorasi dan eksperimentasi, dan mewujudkan produk keramik yang unik sesuai trend, dilanjutkan menguji cobakan master design ke pasar. Kata Kunci: Seni kerajinan keramik, komoditi ekspor, earthenware, ketrampilan lokal


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    The cast aluminum products at Karanggayam, Segoroyoso, Pleret, Bantul is suffering from quality stagnation. They are limited to manufacturing "Vandels", Logos, and Souvenirs as their main products. These products will then be sold to some business around Yogyakarta. The method of manufacturing is still very traditional, Dry casting the aluminum in soft sand. They haven't been able to produce products with certain artistic specifications to supply the global market demand. Thus the need to increase the quality of post-producing techniques like polishing and lathe work is required. These can be achieved by developing the industry in various aspect including but not limited to creation, production, distribution, and management. The 2 targets of this development are 2 home industries: "Habibi Cor" and "Abu Cor". By working on existing technique and skills, compounded by new designs and the application of a polishing machine and a Lathe machine these 2 home industries can be further improved.The goal of this Program to develop the cast aluminum industry is to accelerate the industry by adding polishing and lathe work, as well as adding a new design like accessories, sculpture, and wall decoration and to increase export by matching the current world trend. After the application of the new technologies and methods, an increase in export is to be expected. which in turn will increase the economic condition of the craftsmen. The methods used are for example: explaining about the uses of this project by socializing the goals, motivation, and the form of the activities itself. Various workshop and guidance programs to give the methods of developing new design, increasing product quality by polishing, and expanding the knowledge about management especially around accounting, producing, and marketing. Key Words: Craft, Cast Aluminum, Segoroyos

    Elemen-Elemen Galeri Seni dan Pengaruhnya Pada Kepuasan Pengunjung (Visitors)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor atau elemen jasa galeri seni yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen atau pengunjung. Selain itu juga untuk mengukur sejauh mana faktor-faktor tersebut berpengaruh pada kepuasan konsumen. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode survei dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan pada mahasiswa. Data yang dikumpulkan dari 80 responden dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil peneli tian ini menemukan bahwa elemen-elemen fasi litas-tempat dan pengalaman mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen secara signifikan. Sedangkan pelayanan pegawai tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Secara keseluruhan , semua variabel secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan pada kepuasan konsumen. Sehingga penelitian ini semakin memperkuat teori tentang perilaku konsumen yang selama ini ada, yaitu bahwa kepuasan konsumen menjadi variabel penting yang akan menentukan kesetiaan atau loyalitas konsumen terhadap perusahaan jasa

    Contemporary Craft Art On Jewelry: Case Study Of HS Silver Kotagede Company

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    Jewellery in the KBBI (Big Dictionary Indonesian) means items used for decoration, such as rings, earrings, bracelets and others. Jewellery is often created with gold and silver materials, so the price is relatively high according to the high cost of the material. Along with the times, jewellery evolved in design, material, function and technique. HS Silver is one of the silver jewellery companies in Kotagede Yogyakarta, which was founded in 1953 and still exists today. HS Silver Kotagede can survive and thrive today because it applies contemporary craft art styles to its designs and jewellery products. Contemporary craft art leads to various new concepts and visual forms that are developing in the present or present. Based on this, this study aims to: 1) determine the influence of contemporary craft art on HS Silver Kotagede jewellery products and 2). Describe modern jewellery products HS Silver Kotagede. Research methods use a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is carried out through literature study, field observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained are analyzed interactively, consisting of data reduction, presentation and verification. The results showed that since the 1980s, the HS Silver company has adopted contemporary concepts and designs, also known as contemporary craft art. Various contemporary styles influenced the jewellery concept at HS Silver Kotagede in design and material aspects. The design takes specific themes from nature and the socio-culture of the surrounding community, such as the shape of a pineapple, bird cages and rockets. In addition to the design, there are changes in the materials used that do not only use the same but are also combined with other media such as ropes, resins, etc. Jewellery that uses contemporary craft art styles can open new trends and markets for HS Silver because the designs are fresher and more up-to-date. The results showed that since the 1980s, the HS Silver company has adopted contemporary concepts and designs, also known as contemporary craft art. Various contemporary styles influenced the jewellery concept at HS Silver Kotagede in design and material aspects. The design takes specific themes from nature and the surrounding community's socio-culture, such as the shape of a pineapple, bird cages and rockets. In addition to the design, there are changes to the materials used that do not only use the material but are also combined with other media such as ropes, resins and so on. Jewellery that uses contemporary craft art styles can open new trends and markets for HS Silver because the designs are fresher and more up-to-date

    Contemporary Craft Art On Jewelry: Case Study Of HS Silver Kotagede Company

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    Jewellery in the KBBI (Big Dictionary Indonesian) means items used for decoration, such as rings, earrings, bracelets and others. Jewellery is often created with gold and silver materials, so the price is relatively high according to the high cost of the material. Along with the times, jewellery evolved in design, material, function and technique. HS Silver is one of the silver jewellery companies in Kotagede Yogyakarta, which was founded in 1953 and still exists today. HS Silver Kotagede can survive and thrive today because it applies contemporary craft art styles to its designs and jewellery products. Contemporary craft art leads to various new concepts and visual forms that are developing in the present or present. Based on this, this study aims to: 1) determine the influence of contemporary craft art on HS Silver Kotagede jewellery products and 2). Describe modern jewellery products HS Silver Kotagede. Research methods use a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is carried out through literature study, field observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained are analyzed interactively, consisting of data reduction, presentation and verification. The results showed that since the 1980s, the HS Silver company has adopted contemporary concepts and designs, also known as contemporary craft art. Various contemporary styles influenced the jewellery concept at HS Silver Kotagede in design and material aspects. The design takes specific themes from nature and the socio-culture of the surrounding community, such as the shape of a pineapple, bird cages and rockets. In addition to the design, there are changes in the materials used that do not only use the same but are also combined with other media such as ropes, resins, etc. Jewellery that uses contemporary craft art styles can open new trends and markets for HS Silver because the designs are fresher and more up-to-date. The results showed that since the 1980s, the HS Silver company has adopted contemporary concepts and designs, also known as contemporary craft art. Various contemporary styles influenced the jewellery concept at HS Silver Kotagede in design and material aspects. The design takes specific themes from nature and the surrounding community's socio-culture, such as the shape of a pineapple, bird cages and rockets. In addition to the design, there are changes to the materials used that do not only use the material but are also combined with other media such as ropes, resins and so on. Jewellery that uses contemporary craft art styles can open new trends and markets for HS Silver because the designs are fresher and more up-to-date


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    As an artist, the key to promoting more artwork is maximizing its exposure. The internet is anincreasingly popular tool for promoting original art, unci if done properly, can be quite profitable. One o f themost effective (and free!) online marketing tools for artists is the blog. Artist blogs provide an easy way todisplay your art, discuss your creative process, post exhibition announcements and more. Best o f all, blogsrequire no working knowledge o f HTML and the search engines love their dynamic content.1Key words: weblog, promotion, artis

    Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja layanan jasa : Studi kasus pada bagian akmawa Fakultas Seni Rupa Institut Seni Indonesia..

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja layanan jasa pada bagian akmawa fajultas seni rupa di ISI Yogyakarta. Metode analisa yang digunakan adalah menggunakan ServQual yang merupakan instrumen pengukur kualitas pelayanan untuk mendapatkan nilai selisih antara tingkat kepentingan dengan kinerja pelayanan.Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pada dasarnya seluruh dimensi kualitas pelayanan masih terdapat selisih antara kinerja dengan harapan. Selisih yang terbesar adalah dalam hal realibility, baik masalah ketepatan (waktu/informasi) dalam memberikan pelayanan maupun dalam hal keterampilan dan profesionalisme dalam memberikan pelayanan

    Analisis Intensi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensi kewirausahaan mahasiswa ISI Yogyakarta beserta faktor-faktor pendorongnya. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode survei dengn pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan pada mahasiswa. Data yang dikumpulkan dari 152 responden dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier berganda.ix, 52 hal.; 30 cm

    Elemen-Elemen Galeri Seni Dan Engaruhnya Pada Kepuasan Pengunjung (Visitors)

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    "Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor atau elemen jasa galeri seni yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen atau pengunjung. Selain itu juga untuk mengukur sejauh mana faktor-faktor tersebut berpengaruh pada kepuasan konsumen. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode survei dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan pada mahasiswa. Data yang dikumpulkan dari 80 responden dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier bergandaHasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa elemen-elemen fasilitas-tempat dan pengalaman mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen secara signifikan. Sedangkan pelayanan pegawai tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Secara keseluruhan, semua variabel secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan pada kepuasan konsumen. Sehingga penelitian ini semakin memperkuat teori tentang perilaku konsumen yang selama ini ada, yaitu bahwa kepuasan konsumen menjadi variabel penting yang akan menentukan kesetiaan atau loyalitas konsumen terhadap perusahaan jasa."ix, 57 hal.; 30 cm