1,540 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable phased microstrip antenna array with defected ground structure and defected microstrip structure for beam steering application

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    Beam steering is defined as the ability to electronically steer the beam maximum of an antenna electric field pattern to some predefined point in space. The performance of a phased antenna array for beam steering without moving the antennas is important to military and civil applications. A steerable antenna with tunable phase shifter continues to be a popular choice to provide such systems. However, this additional device makes the structure more complicated, bulky and it represent a great part of the production cost of a phased array antenna. Therefore, it creates new challenges to find an alternative approach. This work proposed two alternative approaches to steer the main beam. The first is based on a defected ground structure (DGS), while the second is a defected microstrip structure (DMS), which due to their slow wave effect and band-stop property, are able to disturb surface current distribution, then change the element phase and hence steer the main beam. This work started with investigating and applying new method for beam steering based on using DGS and DMS, where this reflects the first objective. As a second objective, this work proposed new approach for beam steering, where DGS is integrated between two patches for the bandwidth within X-band. The simulated results revealed the achievement of the target to steer the main beam to 50° along H-plane. For the third objective, a spiral antenna array (SAA) has been proposed, and it was observed that the best choice for selecting feed network for feeding circular antenna array is a common sequential feed network (SFN), which has a circular shape with four ports to feed four elements. In order to increase the number of ports and hence design suitable feed network for feeding SAA, this study proposed new spiral sequential feed network (SSFN). As a dual structure of DGS, and compared with DGS, DMS is of great advantage in design due to its reduced size and the feature of electromagnetic interference noise immunity. Furthermore, DMS has higher effective inductance compared to DGS. Therefore, this work proposed new reconfigurable SAA with DMS fed by SSFN within C-band. The simulated results showed the achievement of the target to steer the main beam to 61° and 84° along E-plane and H-plane, respectively. Furthermore, as the last objective, a new approach was proposed for extracting equivalent circuit model for DGS with dual patches, SSFN and SAA. Two prototypes of dual patches with and without DGS, SSFN and two prototypes of SAA with DMS were fabricated for scattering parameter and far-field radiation pattern measurements. The results showed close agreement with the predicted results, where array with DGS confirmed a beam steering of 36° along H-plane, while SAA with DMS displayed 45° beam steering along E-plane, respectively. Future works will focus on increasing the array gain and reducing the array beam width which will give a clear vision for beam steering of array

    New CFAR algorithm and circuit development for radar receiver

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    Automatic target detection radar requires adaptive thresholding achieved by the Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) circuit to control the false alarm caused by variations in the background clutter. This thesis deal with the problem that happened when an abrupt variation in background clutter merged with a multi-interfering target, and when the clutter cloud itself centered with multi-interfering targets. To detect targets in such environments, it needs a robust CFAR algorithm that excises the target spikes and clutter edges from the CFAR window to give the best possible estimation of the noise background. The Maximum Spike Subtraction MSS-CFAR family that uses two lock circuits to find two maximum spikes in the CFAR window that subtracted from sample summing to make better background noise estimation that used to construct an adaptive threshold. The MSS-CFAR family is MSS-CA�CFAR, MSS-GO-CFAR, and MSS-SO-CFAR, MSS-CFAR family in addition to two core algorithms were studied which are cell averaged CA-CFAR family that includes the greatest of GO-CFAR and smallest of SO-CFAR and ordered statistics OS-CFAR family that include greatest of ordered statistics OSGO-CFAR and the smallest of ordered statistics OSSO-CFAR. All these algorithms are simulated using MATLAB and applied them to three different clutter models that represent different environment cases. The CA-CFAR family failed to handle models two and three also OS-CFAR family except for OS-CFAR that handle all models successfully. For the MSS-CFAR family, MSS-CA-CFAR could handle all models successfully, and comparing with OS-CFAR, the MSS-CA-CFAR need less hardware and processing time because it did not need a sorting process that is essential for OS-CFAR. Therefore, the MSS-CA-CFAR is chosen to implement by practical digital circuit and there is another important feature in the MSS-CFAR algorithm that is parallel processing since the spike selection process is done at the same time with summing of samples process that makes this algorithm much less in processing time from any other algorithm using the same environment. The last MATLAB test for MSS-CA- vi CFAR with a spiky exponential model shown in Table 4.3 in chapter four shows clearly that MSS-CA-CFAR detects nine targets from ten that means the efficiency of detection of the proposed method is 90%. The field-programmable gate array FPGA chip that is used to implement the MSS-CA-CFAR algorithm needs only three signals from the radar receiver to match with the receiver circuit correctly which are time base clock signal period reset trigger signal and the pulse duration time

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Meggunakan Alat Peraga Pada Pembelajar Gerak Benda Bidang Studi IPA Di Kelas 1 SDN No 3 Siboang

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    Metode pembelajaran sangat mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Di kelas I SDN No 3, di kelas I pembelajaran masih ditekankan pada pembelajran Tematik untuk itu diperlukan suatu metode pembelajaran yang dapat membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar yang salah satunya adalah dengan penggunaan alat peraga dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan membantu siawa kelas I SDN No 3 Siboang mudah memahami pembelajaran yang disampaikan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, yang terdiri atas tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini meliputi hasil belajar siswa yang diambil dari pemberian soal tes pada akhir siklus, kemampuan guru dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran yang diambil dari lembar observasi kegiatan guru, aktivitas siswa yang diambil dari lembar observasi kegiatan siswa. Jumlah siswa dalam penelitian ini adalah 13 siswa terdiri dari 10 siswa laki-laki dan 3 siswa perempuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar siswa dari 53 (nilai rata-rata hasil belajar sebelum penelitian) menjadi 67,69 (siklus I) dan 84,61 (siklus II). Begitupun dengan ketuntasan klasikal meningkat dari ketuntasan 61,53% pada siklus I menjadi 92,30% pada siklus II. Demikian pula peningkatan daya serap klasikal dari 67,69% pada siklus I menjadi 84,61% pada siklus II, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbaikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media gambar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas I SDN No 3 Siboang


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    This paper presents the contribution of corporate governance to the risk management system of an enterprise from the perspective of the financial leverage. We assume that companies with a strong corporate governance framework are likely to enhance the optimality of their financial structure. We perform a literature overview on this topic, in parallel with an empirical approach that brings forth the effect of corporate governance framework on the company financial structure, with a special focus on leverage. The empirical approach is developed using the Ordinary Least Squares methodology; the results of the research reflect a strong impact of corporate governance on the company financial structure. We construct this finding from the perspective of the beneficial effects of an enhanced corporate governance framework which reduces agency costs, conferring to the company more credibility in the eyes of creditors.capital structure, financial management, governance, leverage, risk management

    Implikasi konsep manusia terhadap kurikulum pendidikan islam (Telaah teoritis atas pemikiran Hasan Langgulung)

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    Pembahasan tentang pendidikan beserta komponen-komponennya, tidak akan lepas dari pembahasan tentang manusia, sebab pendidikan dilakukan oleh dan untuk manusia. Maka memahami hakikat manusia menjadi amat penting. Hasan Langgulung seorang pemikir kontemporer dalam bidang pendidikan, filsafat, dan psikologi, buah pemikirannya telah banyak dijadikan sebagai rujukan. Salah satu pembahasannya ialah tentang manusia dan pendidikan, konsepsi tentang manusia yang beliau bangun sangat layak untuk dikaji dalam kaitannya dengan pembahasan pendidikan beserta komponen-komponennya salah satunya ialah kurikulum pendidikan. Berpijak dari latar belakang di atas maka ruusan masalahnya adalah, 1) bagaimana konsep manusia menurut Prof. Dr. Hasan Laggulung 2) apa implikasi konsep tersebut terhadap kurikulum pendidikan Islam secara teoritis. Adapun tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) mendeskripsikan konsep manusia menurut Prof. Dr. Hasan Langgulung, 2) menjelaskan secara teoritis implikasi dari konsep tersebut terhadap kurikulum pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode library researh atau penelitian kepustakaan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan melihat dan mencatat laporan yang telah tersedia yang relevan dengan kajian yang diteliti. Teknik analisis yang digunakan peniliti ialah analisis isi (content analysis) untuk menarik kesimpulan dari buku dan dokumen yang digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian peneliti maka konsep manusia menurut Hasan Langgulung, ialah bahwa manusia terdiri dari dua unsur yaitu unsur materi (jasmani) dan unsur imateri (rohani) yang masing-masing unsur dilengkapi dengan alat-alat potensial dan potensi-potensi dasar atau fitrah berupa sifat-sifat ketuhanan. Dalam penciptaannya manusia terikat perjanjian dengan Allah. Allah mengambil kesaksian dari manusia bahwa tiada Tuhan yang patut disembah kecuali Allah. Potensi-potensi dasar yang dimiliki manusia harus diaktualisasikan dan ditumbuhkembangkan untuk dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan hakikat manusia diciptakan di bumi yaitu menjadi seorang khalifah sekaligus menjadi hamba Allah, sehingga mendapatkan derajat yang tinggi yang disebut manusia sempurna (insan kamil) yang menjadi tujuan dari pendidikan Islam. Kemudian implikasi konsep manusia menurut Hasan Langgulung terhadap kurikulum pendidikan Islam adalah bahwasanya kurikulum pendidikan Islam dalam upayanya mengantarkan peserta didik mencapai tujua pendidikan Islam haruslah memperhatikan kejadian, unsur-unsur, sifat, potensi serta tujuan diciptakannya manusia. Maka oleh karenannya siapa, dari mana dan akan ke mana manusia ini harus dijadikan pangkal tolak dalam merumuskan da mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan Islam. Mulai dari komponen tujuan sampai dengan komponen evaluasi. Berdasarkan pentlitian ini diharapkan akan menajdi bahan informasi dan masukan bagi para penimba ilmu pada umumnya, serta mahasiswa dan para praktisi pendidikan yang berada di lingkunga Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Walisongo Semarang pada khususnya

    Waqf empowerment for the autonomy of Islamic boarding school (pesantren); study of modern Islamic boarding school (pondok) Tazakka Batang

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    Purpose – This study aims to study waqf instrument developed by modern Islamic boarding school (pondok) Tazakka, Batang.Method – This study is a qualitative field research, which utilizes observation, interview, and documentation. The character of this research is descriptive analysis.Result – Modern pondok of Tazakka uses at least six different waqf program as a financial source of their activities. These programmes are asset waqf, cash waqf, productive waqf, benefits waqf, profession waqf, and transfer of rights waqf. The programmes help the pondok to be more autonomous and able to provide various benefits for the scholars of the pondok and the people surround it. Implication – This research gives illustration of waqf management in an Islamic boarding school. By understanding the mechanism of the waqf management, hopefully Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia able to empower themselves better.Originality – A lot of Islamic boarding schools use waqf for his research is among the few researchs which taking a perspective of empowering religious social organization in Indonesia.  

    Waqf empowerment for the autonomy of Islamic boarding school (pesantren); study of modern Islamic boarding school (pondok) Tazakka Batang

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    Purpose – This study aims to study waqf instrument developed by modern Islamic boarding school (pondok) Tazakka, Batang.Method – This study is a qualitative field research, which utilizes observation, interview, and documentation. The character of this research is descriptive analysis.Result – Modern pondok of Tazakka uses at least six different waqf program as a financial source of their activities. These programmes are asset waqf, cash waqf, productive waqf, benefits waqf, profession waqf, and transfer of rights waqf. The programmes help the pondok to be more autonomous and able to provide various benefits for the scholars of the pondok and the people surround it. Implication – This research gives illustration of waqf management in an Islamic boarding school. By understanding the mechanism of the waqf management, hopefully Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia able to empower themselves better.Originality – A lot of Islamic boarding schools use waqf for his research is among the few researchs which taking a perspective of empowering religious social organization in Indonesia.  
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