238 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Pemuda Karang Taruna Dan Hibah Sarana Pendukung 3m Untuk Mendukung Program Kegiatan Desa Bebas Covid 19 Di Desa Padang Sakti Kecamatan Muara Satu Kota Lhokseumawe

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    Sejak pertengahan tahun 2021, Desa Padang Sakti merilis sebagai salah satu desa tangguh bebas covid 19. Hal ini karena banyaknya masyarakat atau penduduk yang keluar masuk di Gampong setempat, khususnya para mahasiswa Universitas Malikussaleh yang bermukim sementara sebagai anak kost di wilayah desa setempat. Pembentukan desa bebas covid 19 Gampong Padang Sakti Kecamatan Muara Satu bermuara pada dua faktor internal dan ekternal. Secara internal, penyamaan paradigma masyarakat Gampong Padang Sakti akan pentingnya kesadaran terhadap penanggulangan bencana covid 19 sejak dini menjadi bagian penting bagi pemerintah Gampong setempat. Permasalahan Mitra yang ditemukan setelah mengidentifikasi fenomena, adalah minimnya pengetahuan terkait ciri-ciri penyakit covid 19. Pertama, belum optimalnya peran pemuda karang taruna dalam mendukung kegiatan 3M. Kedua, masih ada kelompok-kelompok sosial dan masyarakat yang mempunyai suatu derajat dinamika tertentu yang melahirkan pola-pola perilaku dan kehidupan berbeda sehingga sulit untuk melanjutkan kebiasaan 3M, terlebih pada situasi dan keadaan yang semakin lama memberikan dampak dan pengaruh yang besar kehidupan nyata masyarakat.Karang taruna Gampong Padang Sakti notabene adalah para pemuda terdidik yang telah menyelesaikan jenjang pendidikan sarjana (S-1). Karena itu, keberperanan karang taruna dalam mendukung peningkatan kualitas dan kuatitas sumber daya desa menjadi cukup signifikan. Minimnya pedampingan dan mitra karang taruna desa Gampong Padang Sakti dalam menjalankan tugas-tugasnya menjadi boomerang tersendiri bagi para pengurus. Maka, pemberdayaan karang taruna dalam mendukung program pembentukan desa tangguh bencana covid di Gampong Padang Sakti terus menjadi prioritas mengawali proses integrasi dengan beberapa stakeholder pada aspek-aspek tertentu, baik sosial keagamaan, sosial pendidikan, sosial ekonomi, sosial budaya dst

    Pengembangan Usaha Keluarga Miskin Dan Hibah Sarana Produksi Kue Rumahan Dan Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Pada Kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga Desa Gampong Barat Kecamatan Nisam Kabupaten Aceh Utara

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    Usaha kue rumahan merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang sangat menjanjikan bagi ibu- ibu rumah tangga, pasalnya kue jenis ini merupakan camilan bagi semua kalangan yang setiap harinya sudah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat. Jika melihat kompetitor-kompetitor yang bergerak dibidang usaha kue rumahan, saban hari terus bertambah dikalangan pekerja Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT). Realitas tersebut terpatri pada kalangan ibu rumah tangga Gampong Barat Kecamatan Nisam Kabupaten Aceh Utara, di masa pandemi Covid 19 ada beberapa kendala utama yang dialami oleh para produsen kue rumahan tersebut diantaranya, (1) rendahnya harga jual diakibatkan oleh libur sekolah dan sempitnya aktifitas warga (2) tingginya harga bahan baku dan menggunakan perelengkapan seadanya(3)     belum diberikan kemasan dan labelling untuk mengenalkan produknya. (4) Minimnya pengetahuan mengenai cara merubah pola pemasaran berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh kemampuan terbatas dalam usaha yang mereka bangun tersebut. Jenis kue basah yang mereka buat saat ini seperti, bakwan, timphan, risoles, pastel, lemper, dan martabak mini dll. Selain itu sistem produksi yang dikerjakan secara manual masih menyisakan persoalan dalam memenuhi kebutahan para konsumen. Dengan demikian dipandang perlu untuk di perbahrui dengan mendukung kegiatan pengembangan usaha tersebut melalui hibah sarana produksi agar mampu bertahan untuk kelanjutan usaha tersebut. Hasil yang di dapat dalam pengabdian ini adalah. Pertama, meningkatnya persentase jumlah pembeli/customer dari mitra usaha home industri kue basah. Kedua, melalui hibah sarana produksi perlengkapan dan bahan dapat memudahakan untuk memperbesar jumlah produksi dari sebelumnya. Ketiga, mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pentingnya kemasan dan lebel yang menarik sebagai daya tarik konsumen

    Microarray time-series data clustering via gene expression profile alignment

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    Clustering gene expression data given In terms of time-series is a challenging problem that imposes its own particular constraints, namely, exchanging two or more time points is not possible as it would deliver quite different results and would lead to erroneous biological conclusions. In this thesis, clustering methods introducing the concept of multiple alignment of natural cubic spline representations of gene expression profiles are presented. The multiple alignment is achieved by minimizing the sum of integrated squared errors over a time-interval, defined on a set of profiles. The proposed approach with flat clustering algorithms like k-means and EM are shown to cluster microarray time-series profiles efficiently and reduce the computational time significantly. The effectiveness of the approaches is experimented on six data sets. Experiments have also been carried out in order to determine the number of clusters and to determine the accuracies of the proposed approaches

    Effect of various rebar types and crushed glass coating onto BFRP rebar on the bond strength to concrete

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    This study demonstrates the bond-slip behaviour of steel, BFRP, CFRP and GFRP rebars to concrete obtained from a series of pull-out tests. Results show that CFRP can achieve higher bond strength than steel, whereas BFRP attains half of the bond strength of steel. The bond strength was decreased by 23–28% in steel and BFRP due to an increase in bar diameter. However, the CFRP and GFRP showed a 73–78% reduction in bond strength due to the increase in bar diameter. Steel had the steepest slope in the bond-slip curve, followed by CFRP, BFRP and GFRP. Since BFRP attained optimum performance, the surface coating was applied onto BFRP using natural sand and recycled crushed glass to evaluate the roughness of FRP on the bond performance. Sand and glass coated BFRP demonstrated 37% and 75% higher bond strength compared to uncoated BFRP, while bond stiffness was increased by 14 and 11%, respectively. Compared to the sand coated BFRP, crushed glass coated BFRP exhibited approximately 20% and 10% more bond strength for the 6 mm and 10 mm diameter rebars, respectively. However, the glass coated BFRP exhibited more brittle behaviour compared to its sand coated counterparts. Based on the analytical results, surface roughness and embedment length are found to have a significant influence on the ultimate bond strength (p-value < 0.05) at a 5% level of significance. Additionally, the interaction effect of diameter*embedment and diameter*coating was found to have a significant effect on bond strength

    Determinations of Stress Wave Velocity in a Timber Pole using Wavelet Transform

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    This paper presents an application of Wavelet Transfonn (WT) for determination of stress wave velocity for Non-destructive Testing of timber utility poles in service. For surface Non-destructive Testing (NDT), the hammer impact, which produces generally broadband frequency excitation, is used to generate stress wave. Moreover, due to practicality the impact location for field testing of a utility pole is on the side of the pole and 1.5 m above ground level. And the geometry of utility pole could not guarantee non-dispersive longitudinal wave. All of these issues have resulted in lack of accuracy and reliability of results from surface NDT in field testing. In recognition of such problem, this research explores methods to reliably calculate desired wave velocity by isolating wave mode and studying dispersive nature of utility pole. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is firstly conducted to determine the suitable frequency from a stress wave data. Then WT is applied on the wave data mentioned to perform time-frequency analysis. Velocity can be determined by time history data of desired frequency from WT results which will be compared with the available analytical solution for longitudinal wave velocity. The results of the investigation showed that wavelet transform analysis can be a reliable signal processing tool for non-destructive testing in terms of velocity determination, which in turn also helps to determine the embedded length of the timber pole

    Condition assessment of timber utility poles based on a hierarchical data fusion model

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    © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers. This paper proposes a novel hierarchical data fusion technique for the non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition assessment of timber utility poles. The new method analyzes stress wave data from multisensor and multiexcitation guided wave testing using a hierarchical data fusion model consisting of feature extraction, data compression, pattern recognition, and decision fusion algorithms. The researchers validate the proposed technique using guided wave tests of a sample of in situ timber poles. The actual health states of these poles are known from autopsies conducted after the testing, forming a ground-truth for supervised classification. In the proposed method, a data fusion level extracts the main features from the sampled stress wave signals using power spectrum density (PSD) estimation, wavelet packet transform (WPT), and empirical mode decomposition (EMD). These features are then compiled to a feature vector via real-number encoding and sent to the next level for further processing. Principal component analysis (PCA) is also adopted for feature compression and to minimize information redundancy and noise interference. In the feature fusion level, two classifiers based on support vector machine (SVM) are applied to sensor separated data of the two excitation types and the pole condition is identified. In the decision making fusion level, the Dempster-Shafer (D-S) evidence theory is employed to integrate the results from the individual sensors obtaining a final decision. The results of the in situ timber pole testing show that the proposed hierarchical data fusion model was able to distinguish between healthy and faulty poles, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new method

    Antidiabetic effect of Nigella sativa compared with metformin on blood glucose levels in streptozotocin induced diabetic albino wistar rats

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    Background: Antidiabetic drugs are many but all of them have adverse effects ranging from simple side effects to serious side effects like hypoglycemic coma. We need alternative drugs which will not only lower blood sugar level but have fewer side effects. One such daily use ingredient in our food is Nigella sativa (kalonji) which has many properties.Methods: This was an objective study in an experimental animal. We divided albino wistar rats into six groups each group with six rats. Diabetes was induced using drug streptozotocin. Three doses of Nigella sativa 0.5 ml, 1 ml, 1.5 ml orally per rat were used. Metformin (100 mg/kg body weight) was used as standard drug. Blood sugar was estimated using glucometer on day 0 (starting day of treatment), day 5, day 10, day 20, day 40. The effect of Nigella sativa was compared with metformin group using the Anova test. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software version 20.Results: Nigella sativa (NS) produced significant hypoglycemic effect. NS in the dose of 0.5 ml, 1 ml and 1.5 ml produced significant reduction in blood glucose in comparison to day 0. Metformin also (100 mg/kg body weight) produced significant reduction in blood glucose on day 20 and day 40. Comparison of hypoglycemic effect of Nigella sativa is not significantly different on day 10 (1 ml) and day 20 (1.5 ml) in comparison to Metformin (100 mg/kg body weight). Histopathological examination showed that there was partial regeneration of beta islet cells of pancreas by 1.5 ml of Nigella sativa which were damaged due to streptozotocin treatment.Conclusions: Alternative method of treatment for diabetes is very much needed and the study shows the use of the spice (Nigella sativa) daily can lower the blood sugar levels and can serve as an alternative treatment of diabetes mellitus

    Automated health condition diagnosis of in situ wood utility poles using an intelligent non-destructive evaluation (NDE) framework

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    © 2020 World Scientific Publishing Company. Wood utility poles are widely applied in power transmission and telecommunication systems in Australia. Because of a variety of external influence factors, such as fungi, termite and environmental conditions, failure of poles due to the wood degradation with time is of common occurrence with high degree uncertainty. The pole failure may result in serious consequences including both economic and public safety. Therefore, accurately and timely identifying the health condition of the utility poles is of great significance for economic and safe operation of electricity and communication networks. In this paper, a novel non-destructive evaluation (NDE) framework with advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques is developed to diagnose the condition of utility pole in field. To begin with, the guided waves (GWs) generated within the pole is measured using multi-sensing technique, avoiding difficult interpretation of various wave modes which cannot be detected by only one sensor. Then, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and principal component analysis (PCA) are employed to extract and select damage-sensitive features from the captured GW signals. Additionally, the up-to-date machine learning (ML) techniques are adopted to diagnose the health condition of the pole based on selected signal patterns. Eventually, the performance of the developed NDE framework is evaluated using the field testing data from 15 new and 24 decommissioned utility poles at the pole yard in Sydney
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