5 research outputs found

    Strategi City Branding Nusa Tenggara Barat Menjadikan Lombok sebagai Destinasi Pariwisata Halal

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    Nusa Tenggara Barat sebagai salah satu daerah prioritas pembangunan pariwisata halal nasional berhasil meraih penghargaan dua tahun berturut-turut pada 2015 dan 2016 dalam ajang wisata halal internasional World Halal Travel Summit 2015 dan World Halal Tourism Award 2016. Sehingga, berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi Nusa Tenggara Barat sebagai salah satu daerah destinasi wisata halal yang mendapatkan penghargaan internasional serta menjaga momentum dalam pembangunan wisata halal untuk menarik kunjungan wisatawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep City Branding dan konsep Pariwisata Halal dengan metode penelitian deskriptif, menghasilkan empat strategi dalam membangun destinasi wisata halal di NTB yaitu: Image Marketing, slogan “Friendly Lombok” menunjukkan Lombok ramah terhadap semua wisatawan terutama wisatawan muslim, sejalan dengan visi pemerintah provinsi NTB. Attraction Marketing, menawarkan destinasi wisata halal melalui paket perjalanan wisata, serta membuat event yang berkaitan dengan pariwisata halal. Infrastructure Marketing, menyediakan fasilitas dan infrastruktur untuk wisatawan Muslim. People Marketing, masyarakat sebagai agen promosi dan membentuk masyarakat sadar wisata


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    Each state should maintain their sovereignty as a whole, especially on their territory which includes air, land and sea. However, Indonesia has not been fully sovereign in its airspace. For instance, Air Traffic Control (ATC) is still controlling flight identification zones in Western Indonesia, such as Serawak, Tanjung Pinang, Malacca Peninsula, Natuna and Riau Islands. This was a threat because when the Indonesian Armed Forces aircraft on patrol and training had to report to the Singapore ATC, economically it also required Indonesia to pay fees to Singapore if it passed through the area.This research aims to shows the Indonesian interest in taking over the Flight Information Region (FIR) in a bid to safeguard the sovereignty of Indonesia. The method in this research is qualitative method that describes and explains research problems related to the topics discussed and triangulates methods and data. This research uses the concept of national interest, where the state has ability to protect and defend its national interests sovereignly by making various policies.The results of this research show that the interest of Indonesia is to fully maintain their sovereignty by making Law No. 1 of 2009 concerning about Aviation and Government Regulation No. 4 of 2018 concerning Security of the Republic of Indonesia Airspace, improving human resources and technology. On an international scale, efforts continue to be made through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) so that the FIR managed by the Singapore ATC can be managed by Indonesia. Thus, any diplomatic and foreign aircraft security clearance processed through the Indonesian government.   Keywords: National Interest, Sovereignty, Air Sovereignty, Territory Control   Abstrak   Kedaulatan setiap negara harus dijaga secara keseluruhan, pada konteks ini adalah kedaulatan wilayah yang mencakup udara, darat dan laut. Namun Indonesia belum berdaulat dalam udara sepenuhnya. Bagian barat Indonesia, seperti Serawak, Tanjung Pinang, Semenanjung Malaka, Natuna dan Kepulauan Riau dalam mengelola zona identifikasi penerbangan dikuasai oleh Air Traffic Control (ATC) Singapura. Hal ini menjadi ancaman karena saat pesawat Tentara Nasional Indonesia dalam patroli maupun latihan melapor ke Singapura, secara ekonomi juga mengharuskan Indonesia untuk membayar biaya kepada Singapura jika melewati wilayah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menunjukkan kepentingan Indonesia dalam mengambil alih Flight Information Region (FIR) sebagai upaya untuk menjaga kedaulatan Indonesia. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif yang mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan permasalahan penelitian terkait topik yang dibahas dan melakukan triangulasi metode dan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep national interest yaitu kemampuan negara dalam melindungi maupun mempertahankan kepentingan nasionalnya secara berdaulat dengan mengeluarkan berbagai kebijakan. Hasil penelitian ini, kepentingan Indonesia adalah menjaga kedaulatan sepenuhnya dengan membuat Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan serta Peraturan Pemerintah No. 4 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengamanan Wilayah Udara Republik Indonesia, meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dan meningkatkan teknologi. Pada skala internasional terus dilakukan upaya melalui International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agar FIR yang dikelola oleh ATC Singapura dapat dikelola oleh Indonesia sehingga izin diplomatik dan izin keamanan pesawat asing melalui pemerintah Indonesia.   Kata Kunci: Kepentingan Nasional, Kedaulatan, Kedaulatan Udara, Pengelolaan Wilaya

    Prevent Child Marriage by Improving Education in West Nusa Tenggara Through Sister Province Relations with Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland

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    This study aims to determine the local government's efforts to prevent child marriage by establishing foreign relations with other countries in education, in this case, the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. This foreign relationship is carried out by NTB as an effort to increase human resources through education with a country with very good quality education, namely Poland. This research method is descriptive-qualitative with the concept of sister province and the concept of Para diplomacy, which provides space for local governments to conduct foreign relations with other countries. The technique of collecting data by conducting a literature study is by examining various secondary sources in the form of books, articles, official news, and online news that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, then drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the existence of foreign relations in the context of sister provinces carried out by the Provinces of NTB, Indonesia, and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland was initiated by the leaders of each province which then paved the way for educational cooperation between institutions in the two provinces. So that through this educational collaboration, the NTB Provincial Government can encourage the improvement of the quality of education which is expected to strengthen human development and prevent child marriage

    Peran ECPAT dalam Menangani Child Sex Tourism di Indonesia (Studi Kasus: Bali)

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    This Bali tourism is experiencing an increase in annual tourist visits from various countries. However, it is also a threat to children from sexual exploitation whose perpetrators are foreign tourists who visit to have sexual relations with children. Various modes such as providing basic needs of children, as well as living with family to gain trust from the family become a gap for sexual harassment. This research is a qualitative study to determine the role of End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) as an organization that focuses on protecting children from various sexual crimes, such as child sex tourism in Bali, using the concept of international organizations and the concept of child sex tourism. Thus, this study resulted in the role of ECPAT in combating sexual exploitation of children, namely; do advocacy, socialization, rehabilitation, and research related to child sex tourism in Bali. However, it has not been fully successful because of the lack of public awareness of child sexual abuse, and lack of government commitment in law enforcement.Pariwisata Bali setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan kunjungan wisata dari berbagai negara. Namun, juga menjadi ancaman bagi anak-anak dari eksploitasi seksual yang pelakunya adalah wisatawan asing yang berkunjung untuk melakukan hubungan seksual dengan anak-anak. Berbagai modus seperti memberikan kebutuhan dasar anak-anak, serta tinggal bersama keluarga hingga mendapatkan kepercayaan dari keluarga menjadi celah untuk melakukan pelecehan seksual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif untuk mengetahui peran End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) sebagai organisasi yang fokus dalam perlindungan anak dari berbagai kejahatan seksual, seperti child sex tourism di Bali, menggunakan konsep organisasi internasional dan konsep child sex tourism. Sehingga, penelitian ini menghasilkan peran ECPAT dalam memberantas eksploitasi seksual terhadap anak yaitu; melakukan advokasi, sosialisasi, rehabilitasi, serta penelitian terkait child sex tourism di Bali. Namun, belum sepenuhnya berhasil karena kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pelecehan seksual anak, serta komitmen pemerintah dalam penegakan hukum masih kurang.     &nbsp

    Forming International Instrument Through One Health Approach for Health Justice

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    Covid-19 is the proof that human health depends on animal and environmental health, these objects have interlinked with each other and provide impact to each other. Therefore, since international instruments have been formed, it will need the approach which is able to present these objects as the concerns to reach the global understanding on how to deal with pandemic situations, this is introduced through the one health approach for health justice, because disparities in COVID-19 infections, disease outcomes, and access to healthcare were stark and linked not only to health care system discrimination and inequality, but also to inequity throughout society. The purpose of this research is to discuss the importance of one health for health justice as the concept and approach to form international instruments. The method of this research uses qualitative methods and uses normative legal research or library research includes research on legal principles and this presents indirect data through scientific articles and books of the library conducted and supported with secondary and tertiary data. The discussion illustrates that one health as the approach which recognizes human, health and environment have bound each other and interlinked. Therefore, this approach will introduce the integration of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation such as health diplomacy as a forum for negotiation between various states. In the end it shows that everyone may play an important role as the actor to promote the health of the populace in the future, one health concern will focus on zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food security for the future pandemic treaty. Health diplomacy through WHO can make a forum for International Health Regulations (IHR) requiring countries to designate a National IHR Focal Point