110 research outputs found


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    Kehadiran internet yang diwarnai dominasi bahasa Inggris sebenarnya tetap menyediakan ruang hidup bagi bahasa Jawa. Nafas hidup bahasa Jawa di jagat maya berwujud komunikasi melalui jejaring sosial dan penyebaran informasi melalui blog. Dalam jejaring sosi al, bahasa Jawa digunakan oleh kelompok (grup) yang berbasis keluarga, tempat asal, pertemanan, dan minat. Adapun dalam blog, bahasa Jawa digunakan pada blog yang memang berbahasa Jawa dan blog berbahasa Indonesia yang berisi budaya Jawa. Bahasa Jawa dipilih karena lebih ekspresif, mampu membangun ikatan emosional, dan memberikan identitas kultural. Bahasa Jawa di jagat maya tidak sepenuhnya mematuhi kaidah, namun tetap berperan penting dalam pelestarian bahasa Jawa


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    Sabda Raja and Dhawuh Raja that declared by Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X was loaded with power. In the Sabda Raja, the power represented in the (a) using of Javanese ngoko, (b) mentioning of authorities who commanded Sultan HB X, (c) changing of Sultan HB X’s title, (d) meaning and intension of Sultan’s new title, and (e) using of directive speech. In the Dhawuh Raja, the power represented in the (a) using of Javanese ngoko, (b) existence of the mistical authorities who commanded Sultan HB X, (c) using of Sultan HB X’s new title, (d) decision of G.K.R. Pembayun as G.K.R. Mangkubumi, (e) meaning and intension of the G.K.R. Mangkubumi title, and (f) using of directive speech

    Neraca Kehidupan Kutukebul Bemisia Tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Pada Tanaman Cabai Dan Gulma Babadotan Pada Suhu 25 °C Dan 29 °C

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    Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is an important pest on horticultural crops that can also become a vector of Geminivirus that transmit the yellow curl disease. B. tabaci can also attack weeds that grow around the field such as Ageratum conyzoides or goatweed. The objective of this research was to study the life cycle, life time, fecundity, and reproduction rate of B. tabaci on Chili pepper and goatweed. The experiment was conducted by observing the development of 50 eggs into adulthood. All 50 eggs were put on one plant and repeated 3 times. The plants were grown at temperatures 25 °C and 29 °C inside growth chamber (L : D = 12 : 12). The result of this experiments showed that at both temperatures of 25 °C and 29 °C, reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (r) and fecundity of B. tabaci were higher on goatweed than Chili pepper. This implies that the existence of goatweed around Chili pepper in the field can serve as a good alternative host for B. tabaci, hereby supporting the pest population even further


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    This research was carried out on February to April 2007. The aim of this research is to knowing the production factors, which is fluential to milk of cow, the efficiency of using production factors and the amount of the cost, revenue the benefit, and the income of milk cow operation. This Research location is executed in region of Jatinom of Sub-Province Klaten covering 4 countryside that is countryside mundu, countryside glagah, countryside kayumas, countryside bandungan by jumah is sampel 30 people of dairy cattle breeder. The main method used is analytical description and is the realization used survey method. The location determination with purposive, the determination of sample number of farm with proportional random sampling. The process of data collecting done by some interview with the farmers using questioner. The method of data analysis Cobb Douglas type, and efficiency analysis. Result of production analysis indicator using wide production (1) The factor production about total of livestock must still production very significant on milk production, and the decrease of cage, decrease of equipments, ransume, additional ransume, labour, education, and experience non significant on milk production (2) The efficiensy of production factors on total of livestock, decrease of cage, additional ransume, and labour shown not effiesien so that to increase for used. For the decrease of equipments, ransume, not efficient so that to decrease to used. ( 3) total Expense released by farmer of ox milk of  year is equal to Rp 19.693.333, its acceptance equal to Rp. 37.896.600, earnings mean of is Rp 18.203.267


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    R.A. Kartini dijuluki “pendekar bangsa, pendekar kaumnya untuk merdeka”. Kepahlawanan Kartini secara formal diakui melalui Surat Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia (Ir. Soekarno). Namun, kepahlawanan Kartini disangsikan oleh sejumlah pihak dalam media sosial. Kesangsian itu menunjukkan bahwa kepahlawanan Kartini tidak/kurang dipahami oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Apa sesungguhnya peran kunci dan inspirasi dari seorang Kartini? Melalui analisis wacana kritis (AWK) atas kehidupan Kartini sebagai teks, terungkap bahwa peran kunci Kartini dalam konteks zamannya adalah keberaniannya memperjuangkan emansipasi, mendobrak kekolotan adat, dan menentang penjajahan. Adapun lewat AWK atas surat-suratnya, terlacak bahwa Kartini menawarkan inspirasi mengenai (1) visi kebangsaan, (2) vitalnya pendidikan, (3) pentingnya membaca dan menulis, (4) sikap kritis dan berani, (5) kesederhanaan dan kerendahan hati, (6) keselarasan dalam keluarga, serta (7) kepercayaan diri membangun relasi. Melalui surat-suratnya yang analitis dan menyentuh, Kartini tampil mewujudkan kepemimpinan wacana (discursive leadership) bagi kaum hawa dan bangsanya

    Penghitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan (HPP) Untuk Penentuan Harga Jual Optimal Produk UMKM Ponpes Lembaga Bina Santri Mandiri-Kab. Bogor

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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran penting dalam menumbuhkan dan membangun ekonomi Indonesia umumnya dan wilayah Tangerang Selatan khususnya. Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya pengusaha UMKM membutuhkan informasi mengenai harga pokok produknya untuk bisa menentukan harga jual yang optimal. Terkait hal tersebut perguruan tinggi dapat berperan dan turut andil dalam memberikan pelatihan dan penyuluhan tentang penghitungan harga pokok penjualan bagi UMKM. Tim Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unpam melakukan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan judul “Penghitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan (HPP) untuk Menentukan Harga Jual Optimal Produk UMKM Ponpes Lembaga Bina Santri Mandiri .”. PKM ini bertujuan untuk membantu para pelaku UMKM guna memiliki pengetahuan tentang penghitungan harga pokok secara sederhana namun akurat dan sangat bermanfaat bagi UMKM. Para pelaku UMKM tersebut setelah menyelesaikan program ini diharapkan dapat memiliki ketrampilan dalam menghitung harga pokok produk yang dijualnya, dan mengembangkan diri di bidang wirausaha pada tataran UMKM. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyampaian materi dan diskusi secara tatap muka mengenai penghitungan harga pokok produk UMKM dan penentuan harga jual. Berdasarkan pengamatan seluruh proses PKM dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengabdian Kepada Masyakat ini diikuti oleh peserta dengan antusias untuk memberikan respons terhadap materi PKM dan bertambah pengetahuan dan kesadaran tentang pentingnya menghitung harga pokok secara sederhana namun akurat bagi kesuksesan usahanya

    Trips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Tanaman Hortikultura Di Jawa Barat Dan Kunci Identifikasi Jenis

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    Most of thrips from Thripidae family are pests on horticultural crops. To date, there are no records in the species richness of thrips in horticultural crops. The aim of the research is to conduct inventory on thrips spp diversity that are associated with horticultural crops in West Java. Sampling were done in several horticultural crops areas in Bogor, Cianjur, and Lembang (West Bandung). The identification process began with sample slide preparations along with the documentation of the character from each species. The identification was done mainly by using the identification program Oztrips and some other published identification keys. Identification key was built based on diagnosis characters of each species. The results found there were 15 species, that are Ceratothripoides brunneus, C. revelatus, Frankliniella intonsa, Megalurothrips typicus, M. usitatus, Scirtothrips dorsalis, Thrips aspinus, T. coloratus, T. hawaiiensis, T. javanicus, T. malloti, T. palmi, T. parvispinus, T. sumatrensis, and T. unispinus. T. aspinus and C. revelatus were new record for Indonesia

    Dampak Teknologi Sistem USAha Pertanian Padi terhadap Peningkatan Produksi dan Pendapatan USAhatani di Jawa Timur

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    Assessment was carried out in the areas of the rice-based farming system assessment, namely in Lamongan,Nganjuk, Jombang, Blitar and Malang regencies lasting from 1997 until September, 2000. Technology packageapplied in those areas were: (1) use of improved varieties and seed, (2) planting method, (3) rational fertilization, and(4) weed control. Data collection was done using a survey method since July to September, 2002. This assessmentaimed (1) to get information on the stage of technology adoption and diffusion of the rice-based farming systemtechnology, and (2) to find information on impacts of the activities of the rice-based farming system assessmentrelated with dissemination of new improved varieties, application of double-row planting (jajar legowo) method,numbers of adopting farmers, planted areas, yields, and farmers' income. The results showed that adoption anddiffusion of recommended technology package on rice by the farmers in the assessment areas were high, especiallyon the method of planting and use of new improved varieties. Rice-based farming system technology conducted infive regencies gave positive impacts to (1) new improved varieties diffusion, (2) use of jajar legowo planting method,(3) number of adopting farmers, and planted areas, and (4) yields and farmers' income. Training and extensionthrough farmers' groups are necessary to sustain the program.Key words: technology impacts, farming system, oryza sativa, yield, incomeKajian dampak teknologi SUP padi ini dilakukan di wilayah yang sama dengan kegiatan SUP padi, yaitu diKabupaten Lamongan, Nganjuk, Jombang, Blitar dan Malang. yang dilakukan pada tahun 1997 sampai 2000. Rakitanteknologi yang diterapkan pada saat kegiatan tersebut meliputi : (1) penggunaan varietas dan bibit unggul, (2) caratanam, (3) pemupukan rasional dan (4) pengendalian gulma. Kajian dampak ini menggunakan metode survai dandilakukan pada bulan Juli – September 2002. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data sekunder dan primer. Tujuan daripengkajian adalah (1) diperolehnya informasi tingkat adopsi dan difusi teknologi SUP padi dan (2) diperolehnyainformasi dampak kegiatan SUP padi terhadap penyebaran varietas unggul baru, cara tanam jajar legowo, jumlahpetani adopter dan luas areal tanam, serta produktivitas dan pendapatan USAhatani. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwaadopsi dan difusi paket teknologi yang dianjurkan pada SUP padi oleh petani di kabupaten tersebut cukup tinggi,terutama dalam hal cara tanam dan penggunaan varietas unggul baru. Pengkajian SUP padi yang telah dilakukan dilima kabupaten telah berdampak positif terhadap ; (1) penyebaran varietas unggul baru, (2) cara tanam jajar legowo,(3) jumlah petani adopter dan luas areal tanam, serta (4) produktivitas dan pendapatan USAhatani. Agar supayakegiatan adopsi teknologi SUP tersebut berlanjut, maka kegiatan bimbingan dan pembinaan melalui kelompok taniperlu selalu dilakukan

    Appreciation of Literary Works

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    Modeling of droplet generation in a top blowing steelmaking process

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    Quantification of metal droplets ejected due to impinging gas jet on the surface of liquid metal is an important parameter for the understanding and for the modeling of the refining kinetics of reactions in slag-metal emulsion zone. In the present work, a numerical study has been carried out to critically examine the applicability of droplet generation rate correlation previously proposed by Subagyo et al. on the basis of dimensionless blowing number (N B). The blowing number was re-evaluated at the impingement point of jet with taking into account the temperature effect of change in density and velocity of the gas jet. The result obtained from the work shows that the modified blowing number N B,T at the furnace temperature of 1873 K (1600 °C) is approximately double in magnitude compared to N B calculated by Subagyo and co-workers. When N B,T has been employed to the Subagyo’s empirical correlation for droplet generation, a wide mismatch is observed between the experimental data obtained from cold model and hot model experiments. The reason for this large deviation has been investigated in the current study, and a theoretical approach to estimate the droplet generation rate has been proposed. The suitability of the proposed model has been tested by numerically calculating the amount of metals in slag. The study shows that the weight of metals in emulsion falls in the range of 0 to 21 wt pct of hot metal weight when droplet generation rate has been calculated at ambient furnace temperature of 1873 K (1600 °C)
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