241 research outputs found

    Exploring the Cognitive Nature of Boards of Directors and Its Implication for Board Effectiveness

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    In this paper we propose a theoretical framework that emphasizes the development of a shared mental model (SMM) of a board of directors and its impact on board effectiveness and suggest that the accuracy and scope of the SMM in a board will moderate the relationship between a board’s SMM and board effectiveness. Also, we examine the impact of task and relationship conflict on the development of a SMM. Finally, we examine three board attributes (board size, CEO duality, and the proportion of outside directors on a board) as antecedents to the development of conflict among board members.Boards of directors, corporate governance, shared mental models

    On the native status of the southern right whale <i>Eubalaena australis</i> in Peru

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    The native status of the southern right whale in Peruvian waters is now firmly supported by six confirmed sightings, including four cow-calf pairs, the northernmost at Pucusana (12°29’S,76°48’W) and off San Bartolo (12°24’S,77°11’W). An unconfirmed report exist from northern Peru. Five of six observations were shore-based, underscoring the importance of neritic habitat for E. australis also in Pacific South America. As sighting intervals have shortened over a period of two decades (near significant trend, P= 0.054) without indication of improved reporting, a guarded optimism for the recovery of E. australis in Peru may be warranted. However, a near-collision event with a fishing boat warns of conservation challenges ahead. As applies to three other cetacean species, the coast of Peru is proposed as the most boreal habitual range for E. australis on the planet, enabled by the cooling effects of the strongest of eastern boundary currents

    Response of Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii) to water addition and soil disturbance

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    Invasive exotic species can have a significant impact on the structure, function, and diversity of ecological communities. Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii) is one of the top exotic invasive species spreading through the southwestern deserts of North America. In arid environments, it is well documented that species abundance is sensitive to rainfall (Beatly 1974, Ernest et al. 2000). In the Mojave Desert, winter precipitation can trigger massive germination events (Beatly 1974). As a winter annual, Sahara mustard may have a positive response to winter precipitation by germinating, growing, and reproducing before native annuals, monopolizing soil moisture and nutrients, and potentially changing native plant community structure and ecosystem processes. To better understand Sahara mustard’s ecology in Mojave Desert habitats, we conducted a field experiment to document the effects of water additions and soil disturbance on Sahara mustard density and native plant assemblage. In addition, we performed a soil seed bank study to compare above ground plant community and soil seed bank composition of study sites. Our experimental treatments were designed to provide favorable conditions for seedling emergence; therefore, we expected to record a greater emergence number in treated than control plots

    The Emergence and Intensification of Hydropolitical Conflict Intentionality in Aotearoa-New Zealand

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    Environmental security literature has devoted a significant amount of attention to the nexus between resource abundance and conflict. Important research has assessed this relationship by focusing on non-renewable resource wealth as a causal determinant of conflict, but little is known about the conditions that influence the emergence and intensification of conflict in water abundant environments. By most accounts, New Zealand is one of the most water-rich countries in the world. Even though violent conflict over water does not normally materialise in New Zealand, conflicts and incompatible claims motivated by water bottling, the growth of some types of agriculture, tourism, and water treatment strategies, continue to surface. Little, however, is known about how and why these conflicts emerge and intensify in a country such as New Zealand. To address this lacuna, this project asks the following research question: How and why does the commercialisation of freshwater influence the emergence and intensification of hydropolitical conflict intentionality in New Zealand? This study presents two central arguments. First, that the introduction of a commercial enterprise motivates the emergence of hydropolitical conflict intentionality if the enterprise is incompatible with the interests of local communities. And second, that the intensification of hydropolitical conflict intentionality is determined by the level of trust that communities pose upon the approval and appeals process that supports a commercial operation. To test these arguments, this study examines the effects of water bottling and water chlorination on the towns of Ashburton (Canterbury) and Glenorchy (Otago), by employing a tripartite analysis comprised, first, of a conflict intentionality and engagement assessment, second, of a comparative case study analysis, and third, of a conflict intentionality classification. The data suggests that communities engage in low intensity conflicts when they trust the approval and appeals process behind any given commercial operation. Water-based conflicts however are likely to escalate when local communities lose trust in the above processes and the institutions that administer them

    Mathematics educator teacher stories

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    Teacher stories/autobiographies have been used by mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) to gain insight into prospective teachers’ (PTs) experience with mathematics, yet stories of MTEs’ motivation for and learning by engaging PTs in creating teacher stories is less understood. We fill this gap by narrating our experiences gaining insight into motivations for engaging PTs in creating teacher stories. Artifacts from our teaching practice, discussions of the work of Dewey and Rogers, and reflections were used to create themes that informed the plot line of each narrative. Findings focus on ways that teacher stories sustain PTs and MTEs by creating a living counter-narrative to the narrative of teacher evaluation MTEs and PTs live in the United States. We argue that MTEs’ motivations for collecting PTs’ teacher stories are informed by MTEs’ life experiences and the development of MTEs’ views of teaching and learning to teach.Teacher stories/autobiographies have been used by mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) to gain insight into prospective teachers’ (PTs) experience with mathematics, yet stories of MTEs’ motivation for and learning by engaging PTs in creating teacher stories is less understood. We fill this gap by narrating our experiences gaining insight into motivations for engaging PTs in creating teacher stories. Artifacts from our teaching practice, discussions of the work of Dewey and Rogers, and reflections were used to create themes that informed the plot line of each narrative. Findings focus on ways that teacher stories sustain PTs and MTEs by creating a living counter-narrative to the narrative of teacher evaluation MTEs and PTs live in the United States. We argue that MTEs’ motivations for collecting PTs’ teacher stories are informed by MTEs’ life experiences and the development of MTEs’ views of teaching and learning to teach

    Commentary on Thematic Special Issue: Seeing Self-Based Methodology Through a Philosophical Lens

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    A mathematics teacher educator’s (MTE) use of self-based methodologies goes beyond developing MTE professional knowledge by contributing scholarly inquiry into MTE work. Existing discussions of MTEs’ use of self-based methodologies have provided descriptions of the methodologies and examples of their use by MTEs to unpack their practice. What is less clear is why MTEs elect to use self-based methodologies. Yet central to understanding and validating self-based methodologies as a means of developing knowledge in mathematics teacher education is understanding the aims of MTEs who use such methodologies. On the basis of author interviews, drafts, and final papers for this special issue, we illustrate and describe MTE assumptions about ontology, epistemology, and ethics of research. Our interpretations through these lenses led to findings about the philosophical underpinnings of self-based methodologies. Using these findings, we argue that the philosophical underpinnings of self-based methodologies as utilized by MTE authors in this special issue are efforts to conduct research in ways that align with views of self in different contexts

    Philosophical Underpinnings of Mathematics Teacher Educator\u27s Work

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    Mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) are turning research lens on themselves to explore their knowledge and practices and with that contribute knowledge to the field of mathematics teacher education. In this working group we build from our exploration of MTEs\u27 work. MTEs will describe their work and their views of knowledge and being in their work as MTEs. We invite MTEs to join our working group and assert that MTEs\u27 discussions of their work will provide opportunities for professional learning that reveals how their knowledge and identity inform their practice

    Mercados de derivados financieros en latinoamerica y condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo en Chile

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    156 p.En los últimos veinte anos los mercados financieros de las economías desarrollados han dado origen a uno de los desarrollos más interesantes en esta materia ,como lo son los derivados financieros, ya que este tipo de instrumentos en muchas ocasiones pueden resultar ser mucho más atractivo transar en ellos que hacerlo directamente en mercados de activos, tanto para inversionistas que deseen protegerse de riesgos como para especuladores que toman riesgos. En la actualidad ,los agentes económicos se ven enfrentados a una serie de variables que afectan en mayor o menor grado su accionar . Es por ello que como una manera de cubrirse ante posibles riesgos que deban enfrentar, estos agentes ( empresas privadas o publicas instituciones financieras ,etc.) recurren a derivados financieros que les permiten disminuir o eliminar dichos riesgos , como variaciones en el tipo de cambio , en las tasas de interés o variaciones en los precios de los commodities ,etc. Los derivados financieros en el mercado chileno presentan un desarrollo incipiente ,pero existe la disposición por parte de todos los agentes económicos de cambiar esta situación y abrir este mercado para que las empresas puedan acceder a nuevas herramientas que Ies permitan mejorar su gestión protegiéndose de las fluctuaciones del mercado . Por todo lo anterior el objetivo de nuestro trabajo es conocer la experiencia de los mercados de derivados financieros latinoamericanos más desarrollados en cuanto a su evolucion regulaciones y perspectivas futuras .Luego al comparar estas experiencias con las chilenas se pueden establecer diferencias y similitudes como así mismo modelos a imitar que ayuden a un relanzamiento del mercado de derivados financieros en Chile en el mediano plazo . Desde el punto de vista económico Chile ha experimentado un crecimiento notable , sin embargo desde el punto de vista financiero el Pals no ha presentado mayores novedades ,por lo tanto para continuar un desarrollo integral es necesario avanzar en todos los ámbitos e incorporar nuevos instrumentos financieros de manera tal de quedar a la par con otros países latinoamericanos como Brasil ,Argentina y México. La metodología utilizada fue en base a la recopilación de información primaria y secundaria obtenida de los distintas fuentes involucradas en el tema obteniéndose como conclusión general- : "A pesar de que las autoridades económicas han tornado el camino correcto en la modificación de algunas regulaciones y restricciones, es necesaria una reforma estructural en la política de inversión extranjera que permita definitivamente un libre acceso de los capitales internacionales, de tal forma que estos puedan entrar y así ir libremente de nuestro mercado sin la obligación de permanecer un año en el Pals, lo anterior, sumado a una creciente innovación en productos financieros, lograran un nivel de inversión de capital importante que asegure la profundidad y Liquidez junto con una reducción de los costos de transacción que requieren los mercados de derivados financieros exitosos". DISENO DE LA INVESTIGACION OBJETIVOS Objetivo general: Descripción y análisis de los principales modelos operativos de los principales mercados de derivados financieros en Latinoamérica e identificación de las condiciones necesarias para un relanzamiento de dicho mercado en Chile. Objetivos específicos : identificar el funcionamiento de los principales mercados de derivados financieros en Latinoamérica; Brasil, México,Argentina. Analizar Comparativamente el funcionamiento de los distintos mercados . Analizara situación actual de! mercado de derivados en Chil
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