147 research outputs found


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    Bima is one of the figures who is loved by Balinese Community. This matter indicates that there is a similar perception to that figure, namely he has a big, strong, solid, and very muscled body, and undefeated by enemies whoever his foes are. Bima is a figure who always wins, and is heroic, resolute, firm stand, tough, obeying his words, string in personality, and quite. Characters and physical pictures of the figures can understood in various fields of arts in Bali like in literature knows as mahakarya Mahabharata. His perceverance, courage, and rigidity appear in the Bimasuarga and Dewaruci. The depicted figure of Bima resembled like those conveyed in fine art, wayang art, and dance-drama. Thus, the figure of Bima in Bali has good image, a figure who is courageous, resolute, persistent, a protector of his brothers. His simple and frank utterance appears like arrogant, but soft hearted, especially to woman (his mother Dewi Kunti and wife Drupadi). In fine art, the figure of Bima becomes a popular idol to contemporary painter, Nyoman Gunarsa, in Klungkung. Bima as the right figure in wayang art is a symbol of kindness, truth, honesty, and victory. Victory and kindness to evil, victory of dharma (good deed) to adharma (bad deed), sad ripu (the six misserables) and the like

    Metamorphosa Based Tourism Bali "Dewata Nawa Sanga" Sustainable

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    This research is in the field of tourism architecture and economics, other disciplines such as , ecology, culture is supporting this research. “Dewata Nawa Sanga” rooted in Hindu Religion became the basis of the development of tourism in Bali, so researchers must first dig a local concept that implicates all aspects of social life in Bali. The goal of this research is uncovering, analyzing investment opportunities based tourism in Bali with Bali Dewata Nawa Sanga as a sustainable local wisdom. The methodology used in this study is Explorative Rationalistic, with descriptive qualitative analysis. Multi-dimensional concept spirit of Dewata Nawa Sanga rooted in Hindu Religion is a local wisdom. The basic principles of the concept of "Dewata Nawa Sanga" is as follows: There are nine dimensions into the basic principles of the development of tourist destinations, namely: (1) The dimensions of the creation of spaces of economic, social space, culture, recreation and religious space (2) Dimensions maintenance, this dimension is closely related to the word ongoing (3) Dimensions balance, the balance of micro and macrocosm, or man and nature (4) Dimensions Ritual as magnetic excursions followed intangible investment in the entire system of tourism by all stakeholders, both domestic and foreign, (5) Dimensions store, (6) Dimension Selection / asorbsi, (7) Dimensions neutralize, (8) Dimensions Togetherness, this dimension is closely related to the word of mutual cooperation, partnership / joint (9). Dimensions of the forces of nature. Of exploration revealed that pretended place stananya the gods in Hindu cosmology called Gods Nawa Sanga become focal points of growth of tourism in Bali. All County and City have the same opportunities with a variety of typologies development of tourism destinations, while the district is, Karangasem, Bangli, Klungkung, Gianyar, Badung, Tabanan, Buleleng and Jembrana. Typology Destinations can be investment opportunities are as follows: (1). Marine tourism, (2). Tourism Mountain and Lake, (3). Rural Tourism, (4) Cultural Tourism, (5). Agro-ecotourism (6). Business Tourism and Handicraft, (7). Religious Tourism / Tirta Yatra, (8). Sport and Leisure Tourism, (9). Culinary, (10). Tourism Mice, (11) Agricultural Tourism both at sea and on land. Keywords: Metamorphosis, Tourism Investment, Gods Nawa Sanga, Sustainabl


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    Mangrove snapper is an economically value in domestic as well overseas market, but supplies are mostly sourced from the wild. Observations on satiation and digestion rate of fingerlings was undertaken to provide basic information for culturing mangrove snapper. Ten fingerling mangrove snapper (body weight 3.8—19.5 g) were stocked into each of nine plastic 200 L tanks. After starvation for 24 hours, fish were fed with chopped ‘trash’ fish and the amount of eaten feed was record as satiation data. Feeding data was recorded after 4 hours feeding. The satiation rate for juvenile mangrove snapper followed the power regression line Y=0.4503x-0.6472. Thus, in larger juveniles the satiation rate was lower. Digestion rate followed a polynomial regression line, indicating that digestive activity was not the same during observation time, and analysis of two linear regressions shown that the flection point for digestion rate occurring after 10 hours when digestion rate reached 72%. These results indicate that the optimum feeding rate for mangrove snapper fingerling was 72% of satiation, and optimum feeding frequency two times per day

    The Empowerment Model of Cetho Temple Area As The Tirta Yatra Tourism and Widya Wisata Based on Tri Hita Karana In Jenawi Karanganyar.

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    The research entitled Revitalization Model of CethoTemple Area as the Tirta Yatra Tourism and Widya Wisata Based on Tri Hita Karana in Jenawi Karanganyar is the follow-up of the preliminary research entitled Revitalization Model of Cetho Temple Area as the Tirta Yatra Tourism and Widya Wisata Based on Tri Hita Karana in Jenawi Karanganyar. The findings in the first stage includes temple inventorying as the Tirta Yatra object, creating the cosmology of Cetha heaven universe, a Hinduism cosmology in that Area specifically. The empowerment model that can be offered in line with the area potential to all tourism stakeholders is the investment partnership empowerment: PMA, PMDN and/or none of them/special facility investment. The investment partnership empowerment can be explained into: Local Investment, Foreign Investment, Local and Foreign Partnership, Public and Private Partnership. The research entitled Revitalization Model of Cetho Temple Area as the Tirta Yatra Tourism and Widya Wisata Based on Tri Hita Karana in Jenawi Karanganyar is the architectural research, focusing specifically on the conservation field, because revitalization is a part of conservation. The concepts in Hindu religion underlie the revitalization model. Cetho Temple itself is the Hinduist cult temple. Ecology is the supporting discipline in this research in which it is expected to be the reference for the sustainable tourism development. Karanganyar Tourism Office had assigned the Sukuh and Cetho temples as the religious (Tirta Yatra) and education (Widya Wisata) tourism because those temples were originally built for the cult place by the Hinduist in the end of Majapahit reign in XIV century by Prabu Brawijaya. The problem lifted in this research is how is the Revitalization Model of Cetho Temple Area as the Tirta Yatra Tourism and Widya Wisata Based on Tri Hita Karana in Jenawi Karanganyar. This research was carried out for 3 years in three stages. The first stage is to find the macro layout of religious and educative tourism in Jenawi Subdistrict of Karanganyar Regency. The second stage is to look for the tourism stakeholder empowerment model for Cetho Temple area. The third stage, the core of research, is to find the revitalization model of Cetho Temple Area as the Tirta Yatra Tourism and Widya Wisata Based on Tri Hita Karana in Jenawi Subdistrict of Karanganyar. Method of collecting data employed in this study was phenomenological qualitative one, the data was obtained from observation and interview, inductive analysis, and the findings are particular in nature. Phenomenological method was used in collecting data, because its characteristics tend to end up in the datum. Meanwhile for the analysis on potential/strength, challenge, opportunity, etc, the SWOT analysis was used. Meanwhile in the third stage, the simulation and modeling methods were employed. In the first stage, the inventory and identification of potentials will be done, concerning both physical and non physical ones. The physical potentials include Cetho temple, natural resource, existence of temples in Jenawi subdistrict as the religious tourist destination for Hinduist. Meanwhile the non-physical potentials concern demography (human resource). In this stage, the philosophy of temple’s architectural elements is also revealed. In the second year, the empowering model was found including the one offered by PMDN, PMA and/or non-facility in the form of Public Private Partnership, Private empowering, Foreign investment Empowering, or Foreign, private Empowering. In the third stage, the sustainable revitalization model of Cetho temple as the religious (Tirta Yatra) and educative (Widya Wisata) based on Tri Karana, is the final target of research using simulation and modeling method in the architectural design, road infrastructure improvement, model design of tourism terminal, Water Park, Aero Sport Facilities, Ecotourism, Agro Tourism, ojek shelter, accommodation facilities (Home stay/Bungalow/Villa), Hindu religion education facility in the form of Pasraman. The reforestation measure is the sustainable action for saving the Cetho temple area. The theory underlying this stages are: Tourism, infrastructure, Terminal Design, Water Park, Aero Sport, Ecotourism and accommodation theories

    Analisa Aqusisi Data Ecg Dari Telemetring Sistem Hp 78100a-78101a Yang Diinterfacekan Ke Ibm Pc

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    Sistem instrumentasi biomedik yang dapal menganalisa irama serta komponen sinyal ECG. akan sangat berguna un tuk membantu sebagian dari 1angkah-1angkah dalam melaksanakan procedur medis. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat. saat ini telah ditemukannya peralatan dibidang kedokteran untuk memonitoring sinyal ECG dari jarak jauh. Yaitu melalui Telemetryng Sistem HP 78100A-78101.A. Dengan alat ini ahli kesehatan atau dokter dapat memonitor sinya1 ECG pasien dari ja.rak jauh kemudian mendiagnose penyakit jantung terhadap diri pasien melalui monitor atau kertas cetak khusus. Nan1UB melalui peralatan ini masih memerlukan peralalan lain untuk memon i tor dan menganalisanya yang telah diterima. Karena itu melalui tugas akhir ini direncanakan menginterfacekan Receiver HP 78101A ke kompu terun tuk memonitor dan mendeteksi arrhythmia sinyal ECG secara real time. melalui ADC, unit interface, dan menyirnpan data ke disket. kemudian dari data tersebut diolah dengancara menganalisa komponen sinyal ECG. yang berhubungan dengan bentuk gelombang P. Q. R. s. T. Menarnpilkan serta mencetak sinya1 ECG ke printer. Dengan rnenggunakan IBM PC un tuk rnemon i tor ser ta mengana1isa sinya1 ECG diharapkan dapat meningkalkan efisiensi kerja ahli kesehatan untuk mendiagnose penyakit jantung pasien


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    The most important factor to high mortality rate in larval rearing is feeding success in early larval stage related to kind and size of natural live food. Copepod basically is the main source of natural food in the open ocean having some advantages such as smaller size of nauplii, attractive movement and high nutritional value. Observation on population dynamic of harpacticoid copepod Euterpina acutifrons was carried out using 5-L plastic bucket with initial density 100 ind./L. Green algae Nannochloropsis sp. was added to culture media at density of 50,000 cells/mL as a basic feed and additional feeds given were wheat flour (group A) and chicken liver (group B) at a rate of 50 mg/bucket. The result showed that there was no difference on population pattern in both groups where the incubation time took eight days to hatch, from nauplii to the copepodite stage was three days and from copepodite to adult copepod took five-to-six days. The differences came up from population number: in group (A) the highest number of copepod-bearing-egg was only 133 ind., nauplii production up to 62,833 ind. and number of copepodites was 22,333 ind. lower compared to group (B) with the highest copepod-egg was 308 ind., nauplii was 113,333 ind. and copepodite was 51,167 ind. The conclusion pointed out that the kind of food did not influence population pattern (quality) but gave effect to population growth


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    Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance are common in critically ill patientsin the ICU, although they have not previously had diabetes. It has been reportedthat pronounced hyperglycemia may lead to complications in such patients, andcause the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, although controlled trial dataare still lacking. The current debatable issue, focusing on whether the intensiveinsulin therapy, aimed at normalizing blood glucose, may improve patients’prognosis. Then, the debate is mainly about the time to start the therapy,and target of blood glucose level. Therefore, this research is mainly designed andaimed at knowing the difference between intensive insulin therapy andconventional insulin therapy on the increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD),decrease of cytokine production (TNF-α and IL-6), increase of albumin level, andevent of SIRSThis study was carried out in a randomly pre and post-test control groupdesign, involving 40 adult patients being nursed through the ICU Sanglah hospitalDenpasar. They were randomly assigned to receive intensive insulin therapy, inwhich blood glucose was decreased and maintained at the level between 80-110mg/dl, or conventional insulin therapy in which the insulin was infused only if theblood glucose level exceeded 215 mg/dl, decreased and maintained then at thelevel between 180-200 mg/dl.The result of the study showed that there was (1) significant increase ofSOD mean level (370. 70 vs 98.50 U/gHb, p=0.001); (2) no significant decreaseof TNF-α mean level; (3) significant decrease of IL-6 mean level (10.26 vs 2.25;p=0.023); (4) significant increase of albumin mean level ( 0.62 vs 0.22); (5)significant decrease of SIRS (10 % vs 40 %, p=0.000) on intensive insulin therapygroup compared to conventional insulin therapy group. It can be concluded thatintensive insulin therapy could maintain blood glucose level between 80 – 110mg/dl, increase SOD level, decrease IL-6 level, increase albumin level, anddecrease SIRS on hyperglycemia in critically ill ICU patients
