


Bima is one of the figures who is loved by Balinese Community. This matter indicates that there is a similar perception to that figure, namely he has a big, strong, solid, and very muscled body, and undefeated by enemies whoever his foes are. Bima is a figure who always wins, and is heroic, resolute, firm stand, tough, obeying his words, string in personality, and quite. Characters and physical pictures of the figures can understood in various fields of arts in Bali like in literature knows as mahakarya Mahabharata. His perceverance, courage, and rigidity appear in the Bimasuarga and Dewaruci. The depicted figure of Bima resembled like those conveyed in fine art, wayang art, and dance-drama. Thus, the figure of Bima in Bali has good image, a figure who is courageous, resolute, persistent, a protector of his brothers. His simple and frank utterance appears like arrogant, but soft hearted, especially to woman (his mother Dewi Kunti and wife Drupadi). In fine art, the figure of Bima becomes a popular idol to contemporary painter, Nyoman Gunarsa, in Klungkung. Bima as the right figure in wayang art is a symbol of kindness, truth, honesty, and victory. Victory and kindness to evil, victory of dharma (good deed) to adharma (bad deed), sad ripu (the six misserables) and the like

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