287 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Warna Kemasan Terhadap Persepsi Rasa Pada Produk \ud Minuman

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    Strategy color packaging is a technique that affects the consumer perception of a product. With the influence of perception, the marketers will be able to win marketing competition, because basically competition in marketing, in addition to fighting product, is also a battle of perception. \ud This study aims to test the hypothesis of the influence of packaging color (blue, white, red) on the perception of taste in beverage products. The design of this study using laboratory experimental approach Within the subject. The participants in this study were college students as \ud many as 30 people. In conducting the study, 30 students are divided into 6 groups, where each group consisted of 5 participants. Sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. Hypothesis test used in this study is the statistical test Manova (multivariate analysis \ud of variance). \ud Hypothesis test results showed that: (1) there is a color effect on the perception of taste in the bottled beverage products (F=6.785, sig=0.000). (2) there is a color effect on the perception of color packaging sweetness (F=24.30, sig =0.000<0.01), there is the influence of packaging color \ud of sour taste (F=7964, sig =0.001<0.01), there is a color effect on freshness taste perception (F=20,101; sig=0.000<0.01). The analysis result also shows that there is no influence of color on the saltiness taste perception (F=0431; sig=0.430> 0.05), and no influence of color packaging to bitter taste perception (F=0507;sig=0.604>0.05). \ud Based on the results of this study is recommended to producers for use colors that match packs flavor desired by the consumer


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    Once the prospection of sharia trading in the capital market must be supported with a level of knowledge in analyzing the stocks that will be traded. Therefore there is an in-depth knowledge of the analysis of sharia stocks before making transactions on the sharia capital market and needed a deepening of understanding on fundamental and technical analysis to achieve optimal profit in the purchase or sale of Sharia stocks. This research aims to determine the influence of the knowledge level of fundamental analysis in the Continuity of investing in sharia stocks. Influence the level of technical analysis in the continuation of Continuity to invest in sharia stocks and the effect of the knowledge level of fundamental and technical analysis simultaneously on the Continuity of investing in sharia stocks. The research method used in this research is to use a quantitative approach. The result of the study was on a partial (independent) fundamental analysis level (X1) test for the variable Continuity of investing (Y). The influence of Knowledge level technical analysis (X2) partially against the Continuity of investing (Y), both get the result of a  tcount   0.05. Zero hypotheses (H0) received, and an alternate hypothesis (HA) is rejected, which means variable X does Not affect the variable Y. Similar results are also obtained From simultaneous calculations (together).


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    Background: In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the social protections in Indonesia that still requires special attention is the protection of public health. Aims: This study aims to analyze the principles of social protection in the Social Security Agency for Health (BPJS Kesehatan) and the implementation of inclusive health services in Indonesia Military Hospital. Methods: This study used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews and made direct observations for one month by observing the processes and phenomena that occurred at the dr. Esnawan Antariksa Air Force Hospital as a case study. Results: The root cause of social exclusion in health services in military institutions was an aspect of the inherent hierarchy that caused exclusion in the income dimension triggered by socioeconomic level, status, and background of patients so that patients did not get the same rights in obtaining health services. Conclusion: Implementing social protection through BPJS Kesehatan in military-based hospitals caused patients with specific groups to experience layered exclusion. Patients who wanted to receive healthcare at military hospitals had differences in the stages of receiving them. However, the quality of medical services doctors and other health workers provided were not discriminatory. Keywords: BPJS kesehatan, health services, military hospital, social exclusion, social protectio

    Implementasi Konsep Negara Kesejahteraan dalam BPJS Kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Militer (Studi : Rumah Sakit Angkatan Udara dr.Esnawan Antariksa)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan implementasi konsep negara kesejahteraan dalam perlindungan sosial berupa BPJS Kesehatan pada pelayanan kesehatan. Perlindungan sosial penting untuk menentukan kebijakan yang memadai degan tujuan memastikan semua masyarakat dapat mengakses layanan kesehtan secara efektif (ILO,2020). Pada penelitian ini penulis berfokuskan pada analisis perlindungan sosial melalui BPJS Kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Angkatan Udara dr.Esnawan Antariksa selaku institusi militer menggunakan konsep negara kesejahteraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan review literature yang didukung dengan observasi lapangan selama satu bulan dengan mengamati secara langsung proses dan fenomena yang terjadi pada pemberian pelayanan kesehatan pada rumah sakit Angkatan Udara dr.Esnawan Antariksa. Penulis beragumen bahwa pemberian pelayanan kesehatan dalam institusi militer belum bersifat ekuitas dan universal dikarenakan adanya aspek hierarki yang melekat sehingga pasien tidak mendapatkan hak yang sama dalam memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah konsep negara kesejahteraan yang dianut oleh negara tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya dikarenakan negara sebagai organisasi tertinggi belum dapat memberikan intervensi yang kuat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang dianungi oleh institusi militer


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    Using image thinning algorithm, various example of application is processing image to become more and more variate and helpfully for recognition process an image such as were studied&nbsp; by&nbsp; example. First, this handout will be explained&nbsp; some term which concerning image thinning in digital image processing, then definition from image thinning and algorithm to process image thinning at one particular digital image will be explained. In the&nbsp; next will be given an image thinning application which used for Extraction of Filarial Worms

    Combined thermomechanical and optical simulations of planar-optical polymer waveguides

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    In this work, we describe a theoretical approach for combined thermal, mechanical and optical simulation and analysis of planar polymer waveguides. We consider a finite element approach for thermal and stress/deformation simulation. Also, a Crank-Nicholson finite difference beam propagation method (CN-BPM) is implemented to perform the optical simulation. The results of the finite element (thermo-mechanical) analysis are coupled with the CN-BPM results to carry out the optical simulation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) waveguides as function of temperature. For thermal simulation, a model was designed where a polysilicon microheater was added to the upper cladding of the PMMA waveguides to vary the temperature between 20 °C and 200 °C. Thus, the impact of the induced temperature gradients on the refractive index modulation of the PMMA waveguides and the corresponding change in numerical aperture are obtained. In addition, the temperature gradients influence the beam intensity profiles and the movement of the primary eyes within the optical waveguides, thus, impacting the optical properties. Furthermore, the thermally induced mechanical stress and deformation were calculated for transverse and axial directions. In the next step, validation of the model by systematic experimental studies will be performed. In general, our approach provides a toolbox for more comprehensive multi-physics theoretical analysis of polymer-optical waveguides which, in future, can be extended to more complex and functional structures as required for flexible sensor networks, as example

    Experimental and theoretical study of the formation process of photopolymer based self-written waveguides

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    The realization of optical interconnects between multimode (MM) optical fibers and waveguides based on a self-writing process in photopolymer media represents an efficient approach for fast and easy-to-implement connection of light-guiding elements. When light propagates through photopolymer media, it modulates the material properties of the media and confines the spreading of the light beam to create a waveguide along the beam propagation direction. This self-writing process can be realized with a single photopolymer medium and is also suited to connect optical fibers or waveguides with active elements such as light sources and detectors. Numerical simulations of the underlying light-induced polymerization process is carried out by using a diffusion based material model which takes account both monomer diffusion and its conversion to polymer chains in regions exposed to light fields. In this work experimental results obtained from a one-polymer approach are validated with theoretical predictions from the diffusion model. The study involved the demonstration of temporal dynamics and transmittance from self-written waveguide (SWW) couplers during the self-writing process. The measured attenuation coefficient from experiment αexperiment = (8.43 ± 0.3) × 10−5 dB/µm showed good agreement with the theoretically predicted attenuation coefficient αsimulation = 7.93 × 10−5 dB/µm, thus demonstrating a successful application of the diffusion model to epoxy based acrylate SWWs. For comparison, attenuation measurements between optical fibers with SWWs as interconnects and one without SWW, i.e. with an air gap in between, were performed. The obtained results reveal that the theoretical approach correctly describes the waveguide formation process so that in the next step the studies can be extended towards including further relevant parameters such as temperature. © 2019 OSA - The Optical Society. All rights reserved


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    The problem of socio-economic phenomena always attracts the attention of various layers of society and individuals because the State's economic stability is the backbone of the material prosperity of the people. It will positively impact development in multiple fields. The Covid-19 Pandemic outbreak that occurred paralyzed not only humans but also paralyzed the Indonesian economy. During Al-Maqriz's life there was starvation and Inflation in the government of the Bani Mamluks in Egypt, Inflation during this period became the main attraction of researchers to make Al-Maqrizi's Economic Thought as a cornerstone of this research theory. This study aims to determine the concepts and work of Al-Maqrizi in his contribution to the Islamic Economy with his relationship with the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia by using the literature study research method and field observations. He was armed with adequate experience as a muhtasib (market watchdog).&nbsp; Al-Maqrizi discussed the problem of Inflation and the role of money in it, a fantastic discussion at that time because it correlated two things that were very rarely done by Muslim and Western thinkers. Inflation occurring in Indonesia is still relatively stable even amid the soaring Rupiah exchange rate when compared with Inflation in the same period before the co-19 epidemic broke out in Indonesia. Keywords: Al-Maqrizi, Islamic Economy, Covid-19, Indonesi


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    The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of user feedback on students' learning outcomes in fiqh subjects. This research includes quasi-experiments. The data is obtained through tests. Data analysis techniques Test t. Before implementing the hypothesis, a prerequisite test is carried out. The results showed that students without using the technique of feedback averaged 72.86 students with a standard deviation of 6,712 and variance of 45,055 and the value of students who used feedback techniques obtained from Postest grades with an average score of 82.50 with a standard deviation of 7,532 and variance of 56,751. The hypotheses obtained by T hitung = 3,838 > Ttabel = 2,145, the influence of the use of feedback on students' learning outcomes in the eyes of fiqh learning in grade XI IPA MAN 3 Kerinci. Learning with feedback techniques is suitable to be applied in public and religious schools
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