
Pengaruh Warna Kemasan Terhadap Persepsi Rasa Pada Produk \ud Minuman


Strategy color packaging is a technique that affects the consumer perception of a product. With the influence of perception, the marketers will be able to win marketing competition, because basically competition in marketing, in addition to fighting product, is also a battle of perception. \ud This study aims to test the hypothesis of the influence of packaging color (blue, white, red) on the perception of taste in beverage products. The design of this study using laboratory experimental approach Within the subject. The participants in this study were college students as \ud many as 30 people. In conducting the study, 30 students are divided into 6 groups, where each group consisted of 5 participants. Sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. Hypothesis test used in this study is the statistical test Manova (multivariate analysis \ud of variance). \ud Hypothesis test results showed that: (1) there is a color effect on the perception of taste in the bottled beverage products (F=6.785, sig=0.000). (2) there is a color effect on the perception of color packaging sweetness (F=24.30, sig =0.000<0.01), there is the influence of packaging color \ud of sour taste (F=7964, sig =0.001<0.01), there is a color effect on freshness taste perception (F=20,101; sig=0.000<0.01). The analysis result also shows that there is no influence of color on the saltiness taste perception (F=0431; sig=0.430> 0.05), and no influence of color packaging to bitter taste perception (F=0507;sig=0.604>0.05). \ud Based on the results of this study is recommended to producers for use colors that match packs flavor desired by the consumer

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