1,974 research outputs found

    Emergent Voices and Evolving Agendas: Writing Realities in Cuba’s New Media Landscape

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    Drawn from Morales-Suárez’s Penn Honors Thesis about the evolution of the Cuban media landscape, and developed during her CARGC Undergraduate Fellowship, CARGC Paper 6 presented findings from an empirical study of Cuban journalists, their decision-making practices, the motivations that drive them, the challenges they face, and the opportunities they crave. Morales-Suárez conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a group of independent Cuban journalists recruited from twenty non-governmental publications during the spring of 2017.https://repository.upenn.edu/cargc_papers/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Estudio computacional de un medio granular hĂşmedo forzado

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    En este trabajo se añade una extensión a Ludwig para simular medios granulares húmedos. Se utiliza el método Lattice-Boltzmann para simular un fluido en el que se introducen esferas duras que colisionan inelásticamente. El medio se fuerza agitando aleatoriamente todos los granos o aplicando una fuerza constante sobre uno de ellos, lo que permite medir las propiedades globales y locales del sistema

    Análisis socio-jurídico del estado social de derecho: un principio que contextualiza al estado colombiano

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    Artículo de reflexiónEn las siguientes páginas se presenta si Colombia es realmente un Estado Social de Derecho, tal y como esta expresado en el artículo 1º de la Constitución Política en donde se garantiza un Estado democrático, constitucional y para el pueblo, cumpliendo con todos los presupuestos, garantizando los derechos fundamentales, procurando un Estado bienestar ó seguimos siendo el Estado de Derecho de la Constitución de 1886, donde el pueblo estaba sometido a las leyes, donde el Estado hallaba su razón de ser en la norma; donde todo queda supeditado al orden jurídico que se aplica en la realidad por medio de las entidades del gobierno, generando de este modo un clima de respeto total del ser humano y del orden público.Introducción. 1. ANTECEDENTES HISTÓRICOS DEL ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO 2. CONCEPTO DE ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO 3. FINALIDAD DE LOS PRINCIPIOS Y VALORES CONSTITUCIONALES EN EL CONTEXTO DEL ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO 4. LOS PRESUPUESTOS DEL ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO 4.1 EL ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO Y LA DIGNIDAD HUMANA 4.2 EL ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO Y EL MÍNIMO VITAL 4.3 LA DEMOCRACIA Y EL ESTADO SOCIAL DE DERECHO CONCLUSIONES. Referencias.PregradoAbogad

    Kasvien molekyylitason vasteet auringonvalon UV-B- ja UV-A-säteilyyn

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    Plant responses to solar ultraviolet radiation (UV, 280-400 nm) were assessed at different molecular levels using Betula pendula Roth (silver birch) and Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) as model species in outdoor experiments to assess the possibly interacting roles of the UV-B and UV-A wavebands in acclimation to sunlight. Solar UV-B (280-315 nm) and UV-A (315-400 nm) irradiance was attenuated with plastic films. Both solar UV-B and UV-A promoted the acclimation of silver birch and Arabidopsis to UV in sunlight by regulating the expression of genes with functions in UV protection and also by inducing the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the leaves. Solar UV also regulated transcript accumulation of genes involved in the signaling and biosynthesis of auxin, brassinosteroids and jasmonic acid (JA) in Arabidopsis. A new role of Arabidopsis UV-B photoreceptor UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) in the regulation of some responses to solar UV-A radiation was observed in addition to its previously described role in UV-B perception. High UV-A irradiance as present in sunlight, had a large effect on plant metabolism and modulated some of the previously characterized UV-B responses most probably through interaction between UVR8 and CRY pathways. In contrast to UVR8, under UV-B irradiation conditions not inducing stress, RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEATH1 (RCD1) played no active role in UV signaling and acclimation, but rather modulated UV responses under sunlight. We demonstrated that solar UV-A makes an important contribution to acclimation of plants to sunlight, independently and interacting with UV-B.Kasvien molekyylitason vasteet auringonvalon UV-B- ja UV-A-säteilyyn Kasvien vasteita auringon ultraviolettisäteilyyn (UV, 280-400 nm) arvioitiin ulkokokeissa kahden mallilajin, Betula pendula (rauduskoivu) ja Arabidopsis thalianan (lituruoho) avulla. Kokeissa selvitettiin UV-B ja UV-A aallonpituusalueiden mahdollista vuorovaikutteista roolia kasvien auringonsäteilyyn sopeutumisessa. UV-B-(280-315 nm) ja UV-A-säteilyn (315-400 nm) poistoon käytettiin muovikalvoja. Sekä UV-B-, että UV-A-säteily edistivät molempien tutkimuslajien sopeutumista auringon UV-säteilyyn säätelemällä UV-suojauksessa toimivien geenien ilmentymistä ja käynnistämällä fenolisten yhdisteiden kerääntymisen lehtiin. Lituruohossa UV-säteily sääteli myös auksiinin, brassinosteroidien ja jasmonihapon biosynteesissä toimivien geenien toimintaa. Kokeissa havaittiin lituruohon UV-B-fotoreseptorin, UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8), uusi rooli osassa UV-A-vasteita. Auringon runsas UV-A-säteily vaikutti voimakkaasti kasvien aineenvaihduntaan ja muokkasi osaa UV-vasteista, erittäin todennäköisesti UVR8 ja CRY reseptorien vuorovaikutteisen signaloinnin kautta. Toisin kuin UVR8, RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEATH1 (RCD1) ei ollut aktiivisessa roolissa UV-signaloinnissa ja siihen sopeutumisessa, kun UV-B ei aiheuttanut stressiä, vaan lähinnä muokkasi auringonsäteilyssä olevien kasvien UV-vasteita. Osoitimme, että auringon UV-A-säteilyllä on tärkeä rooli kasvien auringonsäteilyyn sopeutumisessa, sekä itsenäisesti, että vuorovaikutuksessa UV-B-säteilyn kanssa

    Non-linear Causal Inference using Gaussianity Measures

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    We provide theoretical and empirical evidence for a type of asymmetry between causes and effects that is present when these are related via linear models contaminated with additive non-Gaussian noise. Assuming that the causes and the effects have the same distribution, we show that the distribution of the residuals of a linear fit in the anti-causal direction is closer to a Gaussian than the distribution of the residuals in the causal direction. This Gaussianization effect is characterized by reduction of the magnitude of the high-order cumulants and by an increment of the differential entropy of the residuals. The problem of non-linear causal inference is addressed by performing an embedding in an expanded feature space, in which the relation between causes and effects can be assumed to be linear. The effectiveness of a method to discriminate between causes and effects based on this type of asymmetry is illustrated in a variety of experiments using different measures of Gaussianity. The proposed method is shown to be competitive with state-of-the-art techniques for causal inference.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    Monstrilloid Copepods: the Best of Three Worlds

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    Monstrilloids are one of the most intriguing groups of copepods. Their complex life cycle represents the successful evolutionary outcome of dealing with three distinct kinds of habitat, viz., planktonic, benthic, and endoparasitic, each of which presents particular challenges that have been overcome by monstrilloids. These copepods combine a unique set of strategies and adaptations to complete their life cycle. The non-feeding planktonic adult phase lacks mouthparts and their antennules are fixed, thus limiting their swimming abilities but they compensate for this handicap by having powerful swimming legs and probably generate a very distinct hydrographic signal that may be useful in avoiding predators and allowing sexual recognition between adult males and females. Parasitizing exclusively on abundant, gregarious sessile or sedentary benthic organisms represents an advantage in that potential hosts can be found without the need for long-distance dispersal. The endoparasitic stages of monstrilloids are unique; after infection by an early planktonic nauplius, successive nauplioid stages feed on their own vitellum while developing feeding tubes to absorb nutrients from their hosts. They grow within the host’s body as successive copepodite stages that are contained in a protective sheath. Preadult individuals exit through the host body wall causing significant host damage or death, behaving in these instances as parasitoids. The diversity of the group appears to be underestimated, and extensive geographic areas remain completely unknown for this group of copepods. More effort will be required to advance our knowledge of monstrilloid diversity and biology that are yet to be revealed

    Two New Species of Monstrillopsis Sars (Crustacea: Copepoda: Monstrilloida) from the White Sea and Norway, with Comments on M. dubia Scott

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    A new species of monstrilloid copepod, Monstrillopsis ferrarii n. sp., based on four adult female specimens collected in the White Sea, northern Russia, is described and illustrated. The new species is most closely related to M. dubia Scott from Scotland and the Mediterranean and M. dubia (sensu Sars, 1921) from Norwegian fjords. The latter is considered to represent a distinct species, described herein as M. dubioides n. sp. It differs from M. dubia in characters related to antennule length compared to body length, but mainly to the shape and relative size of the genital double somite and other urosomal somites. Records of M. dubia in Norway and off Lisbon are referable to M. dubioides n. sp. On the other hand, M. ferrarii n. sp. differs from M. dubia, M. dubioides, and the other species of the genus by a combination of characters, including 1) two rounded protuberances in the cephalic area, flanking the ocelli; 2) a wide zone of transverse cuticular striations encircling the cephalic area; 3) very long exopodal setae on the fifth legs, with no distal elongation of the exopodal lobe beyond the setal bases; 4) a relatively long genital double somite with the margins of the anterior half produced laterally; and 5) the nearly equal sizes of the anal somite and the preceding somite. It is considered that M. dubia and related forms represent a species complex with subtle morphological differences and a wide distribution. This is the first record of a species of Monstrillopsis in Russia and the sixth species of this order to be recorded in polar environments.On décrit et illustre une nouvelle espèce de copépode de la famille des monstrillidés, Monstrillopsis ferrarii n. sp., établie d'après quatre spécimens femelles adultes prélevés dans la mer Blanche (Russie septentrionale). Cette nouvelle espèce est très proche de M. dubia Scott qui vit au large de l'Écosse et en Méditerranée, et de M. dubia (sensu Sars, 1921) présente dans les fjords norvégiens. On considère que cette dernière représente une espèce distincte, décrite ici sous le nom de M. dubioides n. sp. Elle se différencie de M. dubia par certains éléments liés à la longueur de l'antennule par rapport à la longueur corporelle, mais surtout par la forme et la taille relative du double somite génital et d'autres segments de l'urosomite. Les observations de M. dubia en Norvège et au large de Lisbonne portent en fait sur M. dubioides n. sp. D'un autre côté, M. ferrarii n. sp. se différencie de M. dubia, M. dubioides et des autres espèces appartenant à ce genre par une combinaison de caractéristiques qui comprennent: 1) deux protubérances arrondies dans la zone céphalique, situées de part et d'autre des ocelles; 2) une large zone de stries cuticulaires transversales entourant la partie céphalique; 3) de très longues soies exopoditiques sur la cinquième paire de pattes, sans élongation distale du lobe de l'exopodite au-delà de la partie basilaire des soies; 4) un double somite génital relativement long dont les bords de la moitié antérieure se développent latéralement; et 5) une taille presque similaire du somite anal et du somite qui le précède. On considère que M. dubia et les formes apparentées représentent une espèce complexe qui témoigne de différences morphologiques subtiles et d'une large distribution. Il s'agit là de la première observation de Monstrillopsis en Russie et de la sixième espèce de cet ordre à être observée dans un environnement polaire
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