25 research outputs found

    Identidad epistemológica del conocimiento tecnológico para su proyección en la actuación docente

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    La manera en la que se desarrollan la Técnica, la Ciencia y la Tecnología de una Civilización está en dependencia directa a los recursos propios del espacio natural del que se dispone, las formas en las que se ejerce la autoridad y se estructura la sociedad, así como de las convicciones religiosas. Para ese desarrollo, es determinante el hecho de cómo llega a percibir la Sociedad los efectos que pueden llegar a producir las ideas o invenciones. Por otra parte, puesto que cualquier actividad implica un impacto sobre la naturaleza, la actitud que muestra la Sociedad hacia ésta es importante también a la hora saber si la materialización de las ideas o invenciones va a llevarse a cabo. Un requisito para el progreso de la técnica es que las creencias y psicología de la sociedad sean receptivas a nuevas ideas e invenciones. Lo anterior supone que la filosofía o religión predominante sea permisiva en este aspecto

    Occupational Safety and Health 5.0—A Model for Multilevel Strategic Deployment Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is evolving towards Industry 5.0 (I5.0), where the human factor is the central axis for the formation of smart cyber-physical socio-technical systems that are integrated into their physical and cultural host environment. This situation generates a new work ecosystem with a radical change in the methods, processes and development scenarios and, therefore, in the occupational risks to which safety science must respond. In this paper, a historical review of the evolution of work as a complex socio-technical system formalised through Vygostky’s theory of Activity and the contributions of safety science is carried out, for its projection in the analysis of the future of complex systems as an opportunity for safety research linked to the current labour context in transformation. Next, the Horizon 2020 strategies for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at the European level are analysed to extract the lessons learned and extrapolate them towards the proposed model, and subsequently the conceptual frameworks that are transforming work and Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) in the transition to Industry 4.0 are identified and reviewed. Finally, a model is formulated that formalises the deployment of public policies and multi-level and multi-scale OSH 5.0 strategies within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) for Horizon 2030

    Resource networks of the project manager: connectivism

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    IPMA ICB tiene un enfoque centrado en las competencias, frente a otros estándares más centrados en procesos y procedimientos. Para ejercer con competencia, el Director de Proyectos, ha de tener en cuenta los recursos propios derivados de conocimientos, destrezas y capacidades, así como las redes de recursos que son externas a él. Estas últimas van a estar definidas en función de las características propias de la profesión, pudiendo situarse en ámbitos variados y contar con soportes diferentes. La metodología conectivista, que implica la construcción de significado y la formación de conexiones entre comunidades afines, interviene de manera positiva en el desarrollo profesional del Director de Proyectos. Constituyendo un enfoque metodológico adecuado en el contexto de incorporación de las TIC a los procesos de consolidación de las competencias.IPMA ICB has a focus on competencies, compared to other standards more focused on processes and procedures. To exercise with competence, the Project Manager must take into account the own resources derived from knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the resource networks that are external to him. The last one will be defined according to the characteristics of the profession, being able to be located in different areas and having different supports. The connectivist methodology, which involves the construction of meaning and the formation of connections between related communities, intervenes in a positive way in the professional development of the Project Manager. Constitute an adequate methodological approach in the context of incorporation of ICT to the consolidation processes of the competences

    Project manager´s professionalism from competence engineering

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    IPMA ICB se centra en el Director de Proyectos y en las competencias necesarias que ha de poner en juego éste, en función del contexto en que se encuentra inmerso. Contextos que dependen de un amplio rango de factores de tipo tecnológico, económico y cultural, entre otros. Para dar solución a los retos planteados, el Director de Proyectos trabaja en entornos distribuidos, haciendo uso de enfoques ágiles que priorizan la satisfacción del cliente. La competencia profesional, tanto para el Director de Proyectos como para la Organización de la que forma parte, siempre ha sido considerada un factor clave para asegurar la consecución de objetivos planteados. Construir las competencias necesarias para llevar las tareas encomendadas con éxito y alcanzar un grado de profesionalidad acorde a la dificultad de las tareas a emprender, requiere de Ingeniería de Competencias.IPMA ICB focuses on the Project Manager and on the necessary competences that must be put into play, depending on the context in which he is immersed. Contexts depend on a wide range of technological, economic and cultural factors, among others. To solve the challenges, the Project Manager works in distributed environments, making use of agile approaches that prioritize customer satisfaction. Professional competence, both for the Project Director and for the Organization of which he is a part, has always been considered a key factor to ensure the achievement of the objectives set. To build the necessary competences to carry out the tasks entrusted with success and achieve a degree of professionalism according to the difficulty of the tasks to be undertaken, requires Competency Engineering

    Planes de Emergencia Exterior en accidentes graves de industrias químicas. Formulación de un modelo de referencia

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    In this document, a complete methodological proposal on the realization of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is developed, to serve as guide to industries in which dangerous chemical substances are present and affected by the Directive 2012/18/UE and the Royal Decree 840/2015. First, a search on the best available techniques and current legislation is realized, pointing all the necessary steps previous to the realization of the actual EAP, and the variety of documents apart from the EAP that must be generated to complement it. Once all the previous information has been gathered, the methodology on the elaboration of an EAP is proposed, including information related to the industry, the chemicals present in it, the risks and accidents probabilities, the installation organization for emergencies, the Administration cooperation, the population information, the actuation, etc. This document, as mentioned, comprises every necessary step to achieve in an optimal way a complete EAP. This is advantageous related to this prevention field, as it includes information and documents that complement the EAP and eases its elaboration and comprehension, which is not covered currently in the Best Available TechniquesEn el presente trabajo se plantea una propuesta metodológica de realización de un Plan de Emergencia Exterior (PEE), para servir como guía a industrias donde haya presentes sustancias químicas peligrosas y afectadas por la Directiva 2012/18/UE y el Real Decreto 840/2015. En primer lugar se realiza un exhaustivo estado del arte relativo a las mejores técnicas disponibles referentes a planes de emergencia para accidentes graves en industrias químicas, así como el estudio de la legislación vigente, indicando los documentos y procedimientos a tener en cuenta en un PEE. Con la información especificada se desarrolla una guía de implantación que incluye una propuesta metodológica para la elaboración de un PEE completo, incluyendo información sobre la industria, sustancias presentes, riesgos y probabilidades de accidentes, organización de la instalación frente a emergencias, cooperación con la administración, información a la población, actuación, etc. Este trabajo realizado engloba todos los pasos necesarios para facilitar y optimizar la elaboración de los Planes de Emergencia Exterior, suponiendo un importante avance en este campo de la prevención, pues incluye también información y documentos complementarios al PEE que facilitan su elaboración y comprensión, lo cual no queda reflejado en la actualidad dentro de las Mejores Técnicas Disponibles

    Tools for the acquisition of engineer´s competences based on the knowledge theory for the digital area

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    La Ingeniería en general, y la Dirección de Proyectos en particular, viene caracterizada entre otros factores por entornos de trabajo colaborativos, multiculturales, basados en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. La “Competencia” entendida como la capacidad de responder a demandas complejas, producidas por la digitalización, y la realización de tareas diversas de forma adecuada, supone la combinación de habilidades prácticas, conocimientos, componentes sociales y de comportamiento con las que asumir las tareas propias del Director de Proyectos. La adquisición de competencias entendida en base a la combinación anterior requiere del apoyo de herramientas de corte conectivista que permita la formación, en cualquier contexto, del Director de Proyectos.Engineering in general, and Project Management in particular, is characterized among other factors by collaborative, multicultural work environments, based on information and communication technologies. The "Competence" understood as the ability to respond to complex demands, produced by digitalization, and the performance of diverse tasks in an appropriate manner, involves the combination of practical skills, knowledge, social and behavioral components with which to assume one's own tasks from the project manager. The acquisition of skills, understood and based on the previous combination, requires the support of connective tools that allow the formation, in any context, of the Project Manager

    Sistemas cognitivos asociados al proceso de aprendizaje-enseñanza del ingeniero mecánico: machine learning

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    El Ingeniero Mecánico ha de contar con una serie de Competencias adaptadas al nuevo modelo de Sistema de Producción Inteligente y Flexible, factor crítico de éxito en la Industria de Fabricación actual. El Aprendizaje Automático, o Machine Learning, relacionado con los Sistemas Cognitivos, acomete el Proceso de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje, teniendo en cuenta los Algoritmos necesarios para aprender a partir de la observación de datos. La Minería de Datos Educativos facilita la comprensión adecuada del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Resultando ser conveniente a la hora de diseñar experiencias de aprendizaje que se adapten mejor a las demandas actuales en formación para el Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica.The Mechanical Engineer must have competencies adapted to the new model of Intelligent and Flexible Production System, a critical success factor in the current Manufacturing Industry. The Automatic Learning, or Machine Learning, related to the Cognitive Systems, undertakes the Learning Process, taking into account the Algorithms necessary to learn from the observation of data. The Educational Data Mining facilitates the adequate understanding of learning and its environment. What turns out to be convenient in designing learning experiences for the Degree in Mechanical Engineering

    A neurodesign proposal from Kansei-Chisei engineering applied to automobiles

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    La presente investigación se enmarca dentro de la línea de investigación de innovación metodológica en los procesos de diseño y desarrollo de productos industriales, con enfoque en el usuario, con el objetivo de la formulación de una metodología de diseño emocional para el sector del automóvil, que toma como base la unión de la Ingeniería Kansei con la Neurociencia, permitiendo así incorporar las emociones de los usuarios como factor imprescindible en el proceso de diseño. Esta propuesta participa en la ampliación del concepto de ergonomía aplicada a productos y a entornos de trabajo, la cual ha evolucionado desde los conceptos de ergonomía clásica o ergonomía física hacia otros ámbitos relacionados con la incorporación e interacción emocional y racional del diseño. El objetivo final de la Ingeniería Kansei Chisei es establecer la relación entre emoción, razón y propiedades vehículo, de tal manera que los resultados puedan ser utilizados para mejorar el confort y la eficiencia del producto.This research is framed within the line of research of methodological innovation in the processes of design and development of industrial products, with a focus on the user, with the aim of formulating a methodology of emotional design for the automotive sector, which takes as its basis the union of Kansei Engineering with Neuroscience, thus allowing to incorporate the emotions of users as an essential factor in the design process. This proposal participates in the extension of the concept of ergonomics applied to products and work environments, which has evolved from the concepts of classic ergonomics or physical ergonomics to other areas related to the incorporation and emotional and rational interaction of design. The final objective of Kansei Chisei Engineering is to establish the relationship between emotion, reason and vehicle properties, in such a way that the results can be used to improve the comfort and efficiency of the product

    Efficiency of remote sensing tools for post-fire management along a climatic gradient

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    P. 553-562Forest managers require reliable tools to evaluate post-fire recovery across different geographic/climatic contexts and define management actions at the landscape scale, which might be highly resource-consuming in terms of data collection. In this sense, remote sensing techniques allow for gathering environmental data over large areas with low collection effort. We aim to assess the applicability of remote sensing tools in post-fire management within and across three mega-fires that occurred in pine fire-prone ecosystems located along an Atlantic-Transition-Mediterranean climatic gradient. Four years after the wildfires, we established 120 2x2m plots in each mega-fire site, where we evaluated: (1) density of pine seedlings, (2) percentage of woody species cover and (3) percentage of dead plant material cover. These variables were modeled following a Bayesian Model Averaging approach on the basis of spectral indices and texture features derived from WorldView-2 satellite imagery at 2 m spatial resolution. We assessed model interpolation and transferability within each mega-fire, as well as model extrapolation between mega-fires along the climatic gradient. Texture features were the predictors that contributed most in all cases. The woody species cover model had the best performance regarding spatial interpolation and transferability within the three study sites, with predictive errors lower than 25% for the two approaches. Model extrapolation between the Transition and Mediterranean sites had low levels of error (from 6% to 19%) for the three field variables, because the landscape in these areas is similar in structure and function and, therefore, in spectral characteristics. However, model extrapolation from the Atlantic site achieved the weakest results (error higher than 30%), due to the large ecological differences between this particular site and the others. This study demonstrates the potential of fine-grained satellite imagery for land managers to conduct post-fire recovery studies with a high degree of generality across different geographic/climatic contexts.S

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality