20 research outputs found

    Preliminary study of the ostracods from the Lower Eocene Loza site (Álava, Basque-Cantabrian Basin)

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    In this paper the preliminary study of ostracods preserved in a distinct fossiliferous level within the poorly-known lower Eocene lacustrine-palustrine succession of Loza (Álava, Basque-Cantabrian Basin) is developed. The studied level is a 28cm thick marly interval including a thin whitish chalky level, interbedded between fine-grained limestones with variable proportions of gastropods and characean remains.With the aim of knowing the richnes of the ostracods and the prevailing palaeoenvironmental conditions during deposition of the lacustrine succession, two samples (L1 and L2), located within the marly interval respectively below and above the chalky level, have been studied. In L1 the most abundant genus is Limnocythere Brady, while in L2 the principal genera are Limnocythere and Cyclocypris Brady and Norman. According to the successive change in the ostracods, the fossiliferous level was deposited in a lacustrine environment,which was more saline and, probably, restricted over timeEn este trabajo se desarrolla un estudio preliminar de los ostrácodos preservados en un nivel fosilífero distintivo dentro de la pobremente conocida sucesión de origen palustre-lacustre del Eoceno inferior de Loza (Álava, Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica). El nivel estudiado contiene un espesor de 28cm de margas incluyendo una fina banda calcítica blanca, intercalada entre calizas de grano fino con proporciones variables de gasterópodos y carofitas. Con el propósito de conocer la riqueza de ostrácodos y las condiciones paleoambientales predominantes durante el depósito de la sucesión lacustre, se han estudiado dos muestras (L1 y L2), situadas respectivamente por encima y por debajo de la banda blanca. En L1 el género más abundante es Limnocythere Brady, mientras que en L2 los géneros mayoritarios son Limnocythere y Cyclocypris Brady y Norman. De acuerdo a la variación de los ostrácodos identificados, el nivel fosilífero se depositó en un medio lacustre que fue más salino y, posiblemente, restringido con el tiemp

    Análisis paleoambiental de los depósitos aluviales de la sección de Cenicero a partir de las asociaciones de ostrácodos (Mioceno inferior, NO de la Cuenca del Ebro)

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    In this work we perform for the first time a palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic analysis of the lower Miocene alluvial deposits of the Cenicero section (NW sector of the Ebro Basin; N Iberian Peninsula), based on the ostracod and micromammal assemblages. One of the main characteristics of this section is the unusual abundance on non-reworked ostracods present in the studied samples compared to other European sequences of similar age and sedimentary environment. This fact has allowed us to develop precise palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The variations of the identified ostracod assemblages, defined by species such as Cyclocypris laevis, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba, Limnocythere sp. or Pseudocandona parallela, record the development of small, ephem-eral and shallow ponds in a distal alluvial and/or floodplain environment. Towards the upper part of the section the ponds appear to be less ephemeral, being the aquatic systems more stable for ostracods development. Variations in the water temperature and salinity have been observed along the section, which are related to changes in the local pluviometric regime. On the other hand, the presence of micromammals in one of the studied samples has allowed the precise dating of this section. Thus, the presence of Armantomys daamsi dates the Cenicero section as Agenian (lower Miocene), local zone Y2 (MN2).En este trabajo se realiza, por vez primera, un análisis paleoambiental y bioestratigráfico de los depósitos aluviales del Mioceno inferior de la sección de Cenicero (sector NO de la Cuenca del Ebro; N de la Península Ibérica), a partir de las asociaciones de ostrácodos y micromamíferos preservadas en estos materiales. Una de las principales características de esta sección es la inusual abundancia de ejemplares de ostrácodos no transportados, en comparación con otras secciones europeas de edad y ambiente sedimentario similares, lo que permite hacer inferencias paleoambientales precisas. La variación en las asociaciones de ostrácodos identificadas, defini-das por especies como Cyclocypris laevis, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba, Limnocythere sp. o Pseudocandona parallela, parece sugerir el desarrollo de pequeños cuerpos de agua dulce, someros y efímeros, enmarcados en un ambiente general aluvial distal y/o de llanura de inundación. Hacia techo de la sección, se registra una mayor permanencia temporal de estas acumulaciones y condiciones más estables y favorables del medio para el desarrollo de los ostrácodos. Así mismo, se observan variaciones en la temperatura y salinidad del agua a lo largo de la sección, que podrían estar relacionadas con cambios en el régimen pluviométrico local. La presencia de micromamíferos en uno de los niveles estudiados ha permitido obtener una datación precisa de la sección. Así, la aparición de Armantomys daamsi sitúa la sección de Cenicero dentro de la zona local Y2 (MN2) de edad Ageniense (Mioceno inferior)

    Identification of a biomarker panel for colorectal cancer diagnosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malignancies arising in the large bowel cause the second largest number of deaths from cancer in the Western World. Despite progresses made during the last decades, colorectal cancer remains one of the most frequent and deadly neoplasias in the western countries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A genomic study of human colorectal cancer has been carried out on a total of 31 tumoral samples, corresponding to different stages of the disease, and 33 non-tumoral samples. The study was carried out by hybridisation of the tumour samples against a reference pool of non-tumoral samples using Agilent Human 1A 60-mer oligo microarrays. The results obtained were validated by qRT-PCR. In the subsequent bioinformatics analysis, gene networks by means of Bayesian classifiers, variable selection and bootstrap resampling were built. The consensus among all the induced models produced a hierarchy of dependences and, thus, of variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After an exhaustive process of pre-processing to ensure data quality--lost values imputation, probes quality, data smoothing and intraclass variability filtering--the final dataset comprised a total of 8, 104 probes. Next, a supervised classification approach and data analysis was carried out to obtain the most relevant genes. Two of them are directly involved in cancer progression and in particular in colorectal cancer. Finally, a supervised classifier was induced to classify new unseen samples.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have developed a tentative model for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on a biomarker panel. Our results indicate that the gene profile described herein can discriminate between non-cancerous and cancerous samples with 94.45% accuracy using different supervised classifiers (AUC values in the range of 0.997 and 0.955).</p

    Hepatic levels of S-adenosylmethionine regulate the adaptive response to fasting

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    26 p.-6 fig.-1 tab.-1 graph. abst.There has been an intense focus to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which fasting triggers the adaptive cellular responses in the major organs of the body. Here, we show that in mice, hepatic S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)—the principal methyl donor—acts as a metabolic sensor of nutrition to fine-tune the catabolic-fasting response by modulating phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT) activity, endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts, β-oxidation, and ATP production in the liver, together with FGF21-mediated lipolysis and thermogenesis in adipose tissues. Notably, we show that glucagon induces the expression of the hepatic SAMe-synthesizing enzyme methionine adenosyltransferase α1 (MAT1A), which translocates to mitochondria-associated membranes. This leads to the production of this metabolite at these sites, which acts as a brake to prevent excessive β-oxidation and mitochondrial ATP synthesis and thereby endoplasmic reticulum stress and liver injury. This work provides important insights into the previously undescribed function of SAMe as a new arm of the metabolic adaptation to fasting.M.V.-R. is supported by Proyecto PID2020-119486RB-100 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), Gilead Sciences International Research Scholars Program in Liver Disease, Acción Estratégica Ciberehd Emergentes 2018 (ISCIII), Fundación BBVA, HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-Doctoral Networks 2021 (101073094), and Redes de Investigación 2022 (RED2022-134485-T). M.L.M.-C. is supported by La CAIXA Foundation (LCF/PR/HP17/52190004), Proyecto PID2020-117116RB-I00 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), Ayudas Fundación BBVA a equipos de investigación científica (Umbrella 2018), and AECC Scientific Foundation (Rare Cancers 2017). A.W. is supported by RTI2018-097503-B-I00 and PID2021-127169OB-I00, (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by “ERDF A way of making Europe,” Xunta de Galicia (Ayudas PRO-ERC), Fundación Mutua Madrileña, and European Community’s H2020 Framework Programme (ERC Consolidator grant no. 865157 and MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021 no. 101073094). C.M. is supported by CIBERNED. P.A. is supported by Ayudas para apoyar grupos de investigación del sistema Universitario Vasco (IT1476-22), PID2021-124425OB-I00 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe,” MCI/UE/ISCiii [PMP21/00080], and UPV/EHU [COLAB20/01]). M.F. and M.G.B. are supported by PID2019-105739GB-I00 and PID2020-115472GB-I00, respectively (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). M.G.B. is supported by Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2019/013). C.A., T.L.-D., and J.B.-V. are recipients of pre-doctoral fellowships from Xunta de Galicia (ED481A-2020/046, ED481A-2018/042, and ED481A 2021/244, respectively). T.C.D. is supported by Fundación Científica AECC. A.T.-R. is a recipient of a pre-doctoral fellowship from Fundación Científica AECC. S.V.A. and C.R. are recipients of Margarita Salas postdoc grants under the “Plan de Recuperación Transformación” program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities with European Union’s NextGeneration EU funds (2021/PER/00020 and MU-21-UP2021-03071902373A, respectively). T.C.D., A.S.-R., and M.T.-C. are recipients of Ayuda RYC2020-029316-I, PRE2019/088960, and BES-2016/078493, respectively, supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by El FSE invierte en tu futuro. S.L.-O. is a recipient of a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco (PRE_2018_1_0372). P.A.-G. is recipient of a FPU pre-doctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Education (FPU19/02704). CIC bioGUNE is supported by Ayuda CEX2021-001136-S financiada por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. A.B.-C. was funded by predoctoral contract PFIS (FI19/00240) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) co-funded by Fondo Social Europeo (FSE), and A.D.-L. was funded by contract Juan Rodés (JR17/00016) from ISCIII. A.B.-C. is a Miguel Servet researcher (CPII22/00008) from ISCIII.Peer reviewe

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    New remains of a primitive badger from Cueva de los Toriles (Carrizosa, Castilla-La Mancha, Iberian Peninsula) suggest a new quaternary locality in the southern Iberian plateau

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    [EN] The Cueva de Los Toriles belongs to a karstic system found in the southern Iberian plateau. Construction works in the cave (not related to paleontological activities) have allowed for the recovery of fossil remains of macromammals, including two lower molars of a mustelid that are presented in this work. They can be attributed to the species Meles cf. thorali based on morphological and morphometric comparisons. This extinct mustelid is known mostly from Villafranchian deposits of France, Spain, and Greece spanning from the late Pliocene potentially, even reaching with some doubts the Early-Middle Pleistocene of France. Therefore, according to the presence of this badger in the cave, we could tentatively assume a chronological age ranging from the Late Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene, chronologies that would be consistent with some lithic tools found in the cave. We highlight the importance of Cueva de Los Toriles for the Quaternary Paleontology of the southern Iberian plateau, one of the places from the Iberian Peninsula with a more limited fossil record from these chronologies.[ES] La Cueva de los Toriles se encuentra en un sistema kárstico situado en la Submeseta sur de la Península Ibérica. A pesar de que actualmente no existe datación de los depósitos sedimentarios, algunos trabajos de acondicionamiento de la cueva (previos a las actividades paleontológicas) permitieron el hallazgo de restos fósiles de macromamíferos, entre los que se incluyen dos molares inferiores de un mustélido, principal foco de este trabajo. Estos molares pueden ser atribuidos a la especie Meles cf. thorali a través de comparaciones morfológicas y morfométricas. Este mustélido extinto se encuentra principalmente en depósitos Villafranquienses de Francia, España y Grecia entre el Plioceno tardío y el Pleistoceno temprano, llegando potencialmente, con algunas dudas, incluso al Pleistoceno Medio de Francia. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con la presencia de esta especie de tejón en la cueva, podemos asumir tentativamente una edad cronológica que va desde el Plioceno Tardío hasta el Pleistoceno Medio, cronologías que serían coherentes con algunas piezas de insdustria lítica encontradas en la cueva. Destacamos la importancia de la Cueva de Los Toriles para la Paleontología Cuaternaria de la Meseta Ibérica meridional, uno de los lugares de la Península con registro fósiles más limitado de estas cronologías.This research received support by A.V. from the SYNTHESYS3 Project https ://www.synth esys.info/ (SYNTHESYS; AT-TAF-5457), which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Programme, and the European Union’s Seventh Frame-work Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant agreement no. 226506 (SYNTHESYS; SE-TAF-3637). A.V. was also co-funded by a Visiting Scholarship of Chicago Field Museum of Natural History (2016). The support of the DST-NFR Centre of Excellence in Palaeosciences (CoE-Pal) toward this research for A.V. (COE2018-09POST and COE2019-PD07) is hereby acknowledged