654 research outputs found

    Factores psicológicos en tenis. Control del estrés y su relación con los parámetros fisiológicos. Psychological factors in tennis. Control of stress and its relation with physiological parameters

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    El tenis es un deporte en el que se manifiestan las diversas cualidades físicas de una formamuy específica y en clara interrelación con factores técnicos, tácticos y psicológicos.Continuamente se producen acciones cognitivas con toma de decisión y diversas variacionesen el posible grado de ansiedad del jugador. Como actividad de relación con un oponente yante tareas abiertas variables, se produce una íntima y continua conexión entre nuestro mediointerno y el medio externo. Esto determina que los procesos psicológicos, hormonales, metabólicos,histológicos, biomecánicos, etc., se manifiesten de forma más o menos interrelacionaday compleja. Con el fin de aportar información sobre el comportamiento psicológico y surelación con los parámetros fisiológicos realizaremos un análisis un análisis teórico del estrésy su manifestación y control durante el juego

    Exercise for nonagenarians : a systematic review

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    Errores que se presentan en la adaptación de una corrección oftálmica

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    Introducción: de acuerdo a la información suministrada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud OMS, en el año 2007 se reportaron 153 millones de personas alrededor del mundo que requerían de una corrección oftálmica para mejorar su visión. En el proceso de adaptación de los lentes para dicha corrección oftálmica, pueden presentarse errores que generan dolor de cabeza, náuseas y mareo. Con este estudio se propone una valoración, con el fin de identificar los errores que se cometen en el momento de la adaptación para la corrección oftálmica, en la ciudad de Pereira (Colombia). Método: estudio cuantitativo; la muestra será de 3 laboratorios oftálmicos y 59 ópticas de la ciudad de Pereira. Las variables para ser tenidas en cuenta, serán los factores que influyen en el éxito de una buena adaptación de la corrección oftálmica. Resultados: encontrar los principales errores que se cometen en la adaptación de una corrección oftálmica y proponer la creación de criterios de éxito para la adaptación de la misma.AbstractErrors that are present in the adaptation of a correction ophthalmicIntroduction: according to reports issued by the World Health Organization in 2007 around the world there are 153 million people in need of a correction to improve your eye vision, it helps in many cases is not the solution, but it is becomes a problem that people must solve, due to errors made in either visual inspection or in other cases they were left out important aspects to achieve a successful correction, such as: advice on choosing the mount, the lenses that use the patient’s attitude to the use of glasses or economic factors to take a correction with the quality that is required, this can cause the person to continue to use inappropriate and a correction therefore continue to develop the symptoms. Symptoms may include: headache, nausea and dizziness. Research is proposed to find the errors made when the adaptive correction of the eye in the city of Pereira Methodology: quantitative study, descriptive and exploratory exposfacto, the sample is 3 laboratories and 59 ophthalmic optics in the city of Pereira. The variables to be considered are the factors that influence the success of a good adaptation of ophthalmic correction. Results: find major errors made in the adaptation of an eye correction and propose the creation of success criteria for the adaptation of it.Keywords: spectacles, lenses, optics, ocular refraction

    Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model

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    “Research in Ethics of Organ Donation and Transplantation” (INEDyTO) [MINECO FFI201 88913-P]. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research has been conducted as part of the following projects: “Research in Ethics of Organ Donation and Transplantation” (INEDyTO) [MINECO FFI201 88913-P]; “Epistemological and bioethical analysis of the criteria for determining death” (ABCDm) MICINN: PID2020-119717GA-I00]; “Moral science and institutional design lab” (MSIDLab) [PID2020-119791RAI00].The organ donation and transplantation (ODT) system heavily relies on the willingness of individuals to donate their organs. While it is widely believed that public trust plays a crucial role in shaping donation rates, the empirical support for this assumption remains limited. In order to bridge this knowledge gap, this article takes a foundational approach by elucidating the concept of trust within the context of ODT. By examining the stakeholders involved, identifying influential factors, and mapping the intricate trust relationships among trustors, trustees, and objects of trust, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of trust dynamics in ODT. We employ maps and graphs to illustrate the functioning of these trust relationships, enabling a visual representation of the complex interactions within the ODT system. Through this conceptual groundwork, we pave the way for future empirical research to investigate the link between trust and organ donation rates, informed by a clarified understanding of trust in ODT. This study can also provide valuable insights to inform interventions and policies aimed at enhancing organ donation rates."Research in Ethics of Organ Donation and Transplantation" (INEDyTO) FFI201 88913-PCRUE-CSIC agreementSpringer NatureABCDm, MICINN: PID2020-119717GA-I00MSIDLab: PID2020-119791RAI0

    Errores que se presentan en la adaptación de una corrección oftálmica

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    Introducción: de acuerdo a la información suministrada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud OMS, en el año 2007 se reportaron 153 millones de personas alrededor del mundo que requerían de una corrección oftálmica para mejorar su visión. En el proceso de adaptación de los lentes para dicha corrección oftálmica, pueden presentarse errores que generan dolor de cabeza, náuseas y mareo. Con este estudio se propone una valoración, con el fin de identificar los errores que se cometen en el momento de la adaptación para la corrección oftálmica, en la ciudad de Pereira (Colombia). Método: estudio cuantitativo; la muestra será de 3 laboratorios oftálmicos y 59 ópticas de la ciudad de Pereira. Las variables para ser tenidas en cuenta, serán los factores que influyen en el éxito de una buena adaptación de la corrección oftálmica. Resultados: encontrar los principales errores que se cometen en la adaptación de una corrección oftálmica y proponer la creación de criterios de éxito para la adaptación de la misma.AbstractErrors that are present in the adaptation of a correction ophthalmicIntroduction: according to reports issued by the World Health Organization in 2007 around the world there are 153 million people in need of a correction to improve your eye vision, it helps in many cases is not the solution, but it is becomes a problem that people must solve, due to errors made in either visual inspection or in other cases they were left out important aspects to achieve a successful correction, such as: advice on choosing the mount, the lenses that use the patient’s attitude to the use of glasses or economic factors to take a correction with the quality that is required, this can cause the person to continue to use inappropriate and a correction therefore continue to develop the symptoms. Symptoms may include: headache, nausea and dizziness. Research is proposed to find the errors made when the adaptive correction of the eye in the city of Pereira Methodology: quantitative study, descriptive and exploratory exposfacto, the sample is 3 laboratories and 59 ophthalmic optics in the city of Pereira. The variables to be considered are the factors that influence the success of a good adaptation of ophthalmic correction. Results: find major errors made in the adaptation of an eye correction and propose the creation of success criteria for the adaptation of it.Keywords: spectacles, lenses, optics, ocular refraction

    Phage lytic proteins: Biotechnological applications beyond clinical antimicrobials

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    Most bacteriophages encode two types of cell wall lytic proteins: endolysins (lysins) and virion-associated peptidoglycan hydrolases. Both enzymes have the ability to degrade the peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria resulting in cell lysis when they are applied externally. Bacteriophage lytic proteins have a demonstrated potential in treating animal models of infectious diseases. There has also been an increase in the study of these lytic proteins for their application in areas such as food safety, pathogen detection/diagnosis, surfaces disinfection, vaccine development and nanotechnology. This review summarizes the more recent developments, outlines the full potential of these proteins to develop new biotechnological tools and discusses the feasibility of these proposals.Peer Reviewe

    La Gobernanza en la Pesca: de Lo Ecológico a Lo Ético, de Lo Local A Lo Global

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    Partimos de la necesidad de realizar, desde una perspectiva crítica, una reflexión acerca de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la aplicación del concepto de la gobernanza como paradigma de gestión en la pesca, a un nivel global. Partiendo de la situación de crisis, ecológica e institucional, que afronta en la actualidad la pesca, se exponen los diferentes sentidos aplicables al término gobernanza en el ámbito marítimo para, a continuación, realizar un recorrido político-institucional que muestra que el ámbito oceánico ha sido pionero en desarrollar un enfoque próximo a este modelo. Queremos subrayar las claves de un debate político y ético acerca de las diferentes dimensiones implicadas en la realidad pesquera, discutiendo los aspectos más prácticos, políticos, de este debate, en un contexto caracterizado por el debilitamiento del Estado a favor de la mercantilización como proceso institucional dominante.Today is necessary a reflection upon the opportunities and challenges of the application at global level of the governance paradigm to fisheries, in a global frame where both ecological and institutional crises demand a holistic approach. First, it is explained the different meanings of ‘governance’ concept, addressing the institutional and political process of governance pattern in ocean issues. On the other hand, it is showed the political and ethical dimensions of the debate, emphasizing key concerns such as participation, democracy, social justice and cultural recognition –understood as a whole, within a context characterised by reducing the State to its minimum expression and by encouraging its replacement by new actors, such as the market and other social agencies.Partimos de la necesidad de realizar, desde una perspectiva crítica, una reflexión acerca de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la aplicación del concepto de la gobernanza como paradigma de gestión en la pesca, a un nivel global. Partiendo de la situación de crisis, ecológica e institucional, que afronta en la actualidad la pesca, se exponen los diferentes sentidos aplicables al término gobernanza en el ámbito marítimo para, a continuación, realizar un recorrido político-institucional que muestra que el ámbito oceánico ha sido pionero en desarrollar un enfoque próximo a este modelo. Queremos subrayar las claves de un debate político y ético acerca de las diferentes dimensiones implicadas en la realidad pesquera, discutiendo los aspectos más prácticos, políticos, de este debate, en un contexto caracterizado por el debilitamiento del Estado a favor de la mercantilización como proceso institucional dominante

    Serological evaluation of selected vector-borne pathogens in owned dogs from northern Spain based on a multicenter study using a commercial test

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    Environmental conditions in northern Spain allow the development of different arthropods involved in the transmission of significant canine vector-borne pathogens. The aim of the study was to systematically assess seroprevalence rates for Leishmania infantum, Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma spp., Dirofilaria immitis and Borrelia burgdorferi, and risk factors in dogs from all regions of the north of Spain. A total of 556 dogs were included in this study between January 2017 and December 2018, belonging to 30 practices covering all regions in northern Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia). All practices were located in the north of every region. Blood samples were analyzed using the 4DX SNAP® test (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, Maine, USA) for the detection of D. immitis antigen and E. canis, B. burgdorferi and Anaplasma spp. antibodies. Leishmania SNAP ® test (IDEXX Laboratories) was used for detection of L. infantum antibodies. Associations between prevalence of canine vector-borne pathogens, epidemiological and clinical signs data were statistically analyzed. The overall prevalence rates were 8.99% for L. infantum, 1.26% for Anaplasma spp., 0.9% for E. canis, 0.72% for B. burgdorferi, and 0.18% for D. immitis. Globally, 11.33% of the dogs included in the study were positive to any tested vector-borne pathogen. Leishmania infantum seroprevalence was the highest and the only one detected in all the regions. Leishmania infantum seropositivity was associated with age > 10 years-old, outdoor access, anemia, fever, dermatological signs, lympadenomegaly, muscular atrophy, ocular signs and renal disease. Ehrlichia canis seropositivity was associated with the summer season and living in urban areas. Apathy, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, anemia, fever and gastrointestinal clinical signs were also associated with E. canis antibody detection. Living in a rural area was also a risk factor for Anaplasma spp. and B. burgdorferi seropositivity. To our knowledge, this is the first multicenter survey performed in northern Spain assessing different canine vector-borne diseases from all regions. Results show the presence of autochthonous cases of these diseases. The vector-borne pathogens found in this study should be included in the differential diagnosis in dogs from some areas previously considered non-endemic for these pathogens