134 research outputs found

    Regulation of Ace2-dependent genes requires components of the PBF complex in schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    The division cycle of unicellular yeasts is completed with the activation of a cell separation program that results in the dissolution of the septum assembled during cytokinesis between the 2 daughter cells, allowing them to become independent entities. Expression of the eng1+ and agn1+ genes, encoding the hydrolytic enzymes responsible for septum degradation, is activated at the end of each cell cycle by the transcription factor Ace2. Periodic ace2+ expression is regulated by the transcriptional complex PBF (PCB Binding Factor), composed of the forkhead-like proteins Sep1 and Fkh2 and the MADS box-like protein Mbx1. In this report, we show that Ace2-dependent genes contain several combinations of motifs for Ace2 and PBF binding in their promoters. Thus, Ace2, Fkh2 and Sep1 were found to bind in vivo to the eng1+ promoter. Ace2 binding was coincident with maximum level of eng1+ expression, whereas Fkh2 binding was maximal when mRNA levels were low, supporting the notion that they play opposing roles. In addition, we found that the expression of eng1+ and agn1+ was differentially affected by mutations in PBF components. Interestingly, agn1+ was a major target of Mbx1, since its ectopic expression resulted in the suppression of Mbx1 deletion phenotypes. Our results reveal a complex regulation system through which the transcription factors Ace2, Fkh2, Sep1 and Mbx1 in combination control the expression of the genes involved in separation at the end of the cell division cycle

    Efecto de la crisis económica sobre el consumo de psicofármacos en Asturias

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    ResumenObjetivoEvaluar si la crisis económica de 2008ha comportado cambios en la evolución del consumo de ansiolíticos, hipnótico-sedantes y antidepresivos en Asturias.MétodoEstudio descriptivo y de utilización de medicamentos durante 2003-2013. Se calcularon las dosis diarias definidas por 1000 habitantes/día (DHD) de ansiolíticos, hipnótico-sedantes y antidepresivos. Se obtuvieron coeficientes de regresión lineal (b) de las DHD de la etapa precrisis (2003-2008) y de la etapa de crisis (2009-2013).ResultadosEl consumo de ansiolíticos creció un 40,25%, el de hipnóticos un 88,11% y el de antidepresivos un 80,93%. Para los ansiolíticos: b-(2003-2008)=4,38 DHD/año y b-(2009-2013)=1,08 DHD/año. Para los hipnótico-sedantes: b-(2003-2008)=2,30 DHD/año y b-(2009-2013)=0,40 DHD/año. Para los antidepresivos: b-(2003-2008)=5,79 DHD/año y b-(2009-2013)=2,83 DHD/año.ConclusionesEl incremento del consumo para los tres subgrupos en la época de crisis fue menor que en la época precrisis. No se confirma que la crisis económica haya influido aumentando el consumo de estos medicamentos.AbstractObjectiveTo assess whether the economic crisis of 2008 has changed the consumption of anxiolytics, hypnotics-sedatives and antidepressants in Asturias (Spain).MethodWe conducted a descriptive study of drug use from 2003 -2013. The defined daily doses of 1000 inhabitants per day (DHD) were calculated for anxiolytics, hypnotics-sedatives and antidepressants. Linear regression coefficients (b) of the DHD were obtained for the pre-crisis period (2003-2008) and the crisis period (2009-2013).ResultsThe consumption of anxiolytics increased by 40.25%, that of hypnotics by 88.11% and that of antidepressants by 80.93%. For anxiolytics: b-(2003-2008)=4.38 DDI/year and b-(2009-2013)=1.08 DDI/year. For hypnotics-sedatives: b-(2003-2008)=2.30 DDI/year and b-(2009-2013)=0.40 DDI/year. For antidepressants: b-(2003-2008)=5.79 DDI/year and b-(2009-2013)=2.83 DDI/year.ConclusionsThe rise in consumption of the three subgroups during the crisis period was lower than that of the pre-crisis period. This study does not confirm the influence of the economic crisis on the rise in consumption of these drugs

    Measuring haemolysis in cattle serum by direct UV–VIS and RGB digital image-based methods

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    A simple, rapid procedure is required for the routine detection and quantification of haemolysis, one of the main sources of unreliable results in serum analysis. In this study, we compared two different approaches for the rapid determination of haemolysis in cattle serum. The first consisted of estimating haemolysis via a simple direct ultraviolet–visible (UV–VIS) spectrophotometric measurement of serum samples. The second involved analysis of red, green, blue (RGB) colour data extracted from digital images of serum samples and relating the haemoglobin (Hb) content by means of both univariate (R, G, B and intensity separately) and multivariate calibrations (R, G, B and intensity jointly) using partial least squares regression and artificial neural networks. The direct UV–VIS analysis and RGB-multivariate analysis using neural network methods were both appropriate for evaluating haemolysis in serum cattle samples. The procedures displayed good accuracy (mean recoveries of 100.7 and 102.1%, respectively), adequate precision (with coefficients of variation from 0.21 to 2.68%), limit of detection (0.14 and 0.21 g L–1, respectively), and linearity of up to 10 g L–S

    Trace Element Levels in Serum Are Potentially Valuable Diagnostic Markers in Dogs

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    The objective of this study was to obtain information about the role of trace element imbalance in the pathogenesis of certain diseases in dogs and to evaluate the suitability of trace element profiling as an additional tool in the diagnosis. Serum trace element concentrations (copper, molybdenum, selenium and zinc) were measured in a cohort of healthy (control) dogs (n = 42) and dogs affected by hepatic (n = 25), gastrointestinal (n = 24), inflammatory/infection (n = 24), and renal (n = 22) diseases. These data were analyzed together with data on basic biochemical parameters (alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, albumin, globulin, and glucose) by using chemometric techniques. The chemometric analysis revealed distinctive association patterns between trace elements and biochemical parameters for each clinical disorders. The findings provide clear evidence for the important role of trace elements in disease, particularly in relation to acute phase reactions, with serum copper providing an indirect measurement of ceruloplasmin (positive acute-phase protein) and serum selenium and zinc acting as negative acute phase reactants. Molybdenum may also be a suitable marker of incipient renal disease. Thus, the analysis of trace element profiles, by multielement techniques, in a single serum sample would be a valuable additional tool for the diagnosis of certain diseasesS

    Experience with Artificial Neural Networks Applied in Multi-object Adaptive Optics

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    The use of artificial Intelligence techniques has become widespread in many fields of science, due to their ability to learn from real data and adjust to complex models with ease. These techniques have landed in the field of adaptive optics, and are being used to correct distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence in astronomical images obtained by ground-based telescopes. Advances for multi-object adaptive optics are considered here, focusing particularly on artificial neural networks, which have shown great performance and robustness when compared with other artificial intelligence techniques. The use of artificial neural networks has evolved to the extent of the creation of a reconstruction technique that is capable of estimating the wavefront of light after being deformed by the atmosphere. Based on this idea, different solutions have been proposed in recent years, including the use of new types of artificial neural networks. The results of techniques based on artificial neural networks have led to further applications in the field of adaptive optics, which are included in here, such as the development of new techniques for solar observation or their application in novel types of sensors

    Faculty of Public Accounting. Volume 10 No. 9 June 1992

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    Las nuevas tendencias en tecnologías blandas o administrativas introducen una buena dosis de cambio, oportunidad y pragmatismo. Nuestra disciplina contable parece no atinar hacia nuevos desarrollos que satisfaga estas necesidades y cada vez más está quedando en la puerta trasera del desarrollo. Otras áreas diferentes a la propiamente contable como los desarrollos en sistemas de información gerencial, avances informáticos en aplicaciones comerciales, nuevos conceptos de medición, evaluación y control producto de enfoques administrativos como la calidad total y gerencia de la velocidad, están motivando cambios estructurales a lo contable. La pasividad frente a estas situaciones motivadas talvez por una pésima interpretación del principio contable de la prudencia, debe ser revaluada en forma urgente en el seno de gremios profesionales y círculos académicos e investigativos. En Colombia la nueva constitución política abrió un horizonte completamente diferente a la disciplina contable. Ya no lo tradicional operativo del presupuesto oficial Sino nuevos conceptos como auditoría de gestión, vigilancia del medio ambiente, agresividad en la participación de la auditoría oficial frente a las necesidades del país. El nuevo auditor fiscal tiene un enfoque interdisciplinario, moderno pragmático. Las Facultades de Contaduría Pública del país están obligadas a mirar por la ventana del cambio y no el encerramiento actual bajo una tradición completamente obsoleta.PRESENTACION. ENFOQUE TOTAL DE CALIDAD FRENTE A LAS ESCUELAS ORGANIZACIONALES QUE LES PRECEDIERON PROPOSITO DE LAS FACULTADES DE CONTADURIA PUBLICA HISTORIA DE LA CONTADURIA PUBLICA DURANTE LA EPOCA DE ESTADO SOBERANO DE SANTANDER HASTA LA MISION KENMERER METODOLOGIA PARA LA ELABORACION DE NOTAS A LOS-ESTABOS:FINANCIEROS MANUACDE AUDITORIA DE MERCADEO PROPOSICION DEL FLUJO DE EFECTIVO COMO ESTADO FINANCIERO MANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS DE CONTROL POSTERIOR PARA LA CONTRALORIA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE SANTANDER ANALISIS Y EVALUACION DE LAS COOPERATIVAS DEL SUR DE SANTANDER FRENTE A LA INFLACION Y SUS EFECTOSThe new trends in soft or administrative technologies introduce a good dose of change, opportunity and pragmatism. Our accounting discipline seems to be missing new developments that meet these needs and is increasingly falling behind in development. Other areas different from the accounting itself, such as developments in management information systems, computer advances in commercial applications, new concepts of measurement, evaluation and control resulting from administrative approaches such as total quality and speed management, are motivating structural changes throughout accountant. Passivity in the face of these situations, perhaps motivated by a bad interpretation of the accounting principle of prudence, must be urgently reassessed within professional associations and academic and research circles. In Colombia, the new political constitution opened a completely different horizon for accounting discipline. No longer the traditional operating of the official budget, but new concepts such as management audit, environmental surveillance, aggressiveness in the participation of the official audit against the needs of the country. the new listener prosecutor has an interdisciplinary, modern pragmatic approach. The Public Accounting Faculties of the country are obliged to look through the window of change and not the current closure under a completely obsolete tradition