66 research outputs found

    Justice independence: foreign constitutional experiences

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    This article presents the results of a comparative legal study investigating the norms of constitution in CIS countries, Europe and America about formalizing the principle of justice independenc

    Constitutionalization of assistance in foreign countries

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    Legal profession in Russia has taken a category of assistance from constitutional level on a large scale and in different aspects. Significant improvement in characteristics of legal phenomena is a comparative jurisprudence method, and so, there is no exception to the assistance that has been declared in the species diversity of constitutional norms. In this study, commonality of historical development stage was a basis for separation of focus group from Commonwealth countries of Independent States (CIS) constitution

    Formas constitucionais típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares estrangeiras

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    The article presents the author's analysis of the constitutional acts of European states with a bicameral parliament with a view to fixing some typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers in them. The study has showed that the joint sessions (on taking the oath by the head of state, presidential elections, deciding to declare war, granting pardon); formation of permanent and temporary committees and commissions; formation of the higher bodies of state power or appointment of officials serve as typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers. Within the legislative sphere, it is disclosed such typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers as the bill approval in both chambers in an identical version and "tacit consent". It is concluded that the typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers of European states reflect their sovereign but established approaches, elaborated by the doctrine and tested by practice.El artículo presenta el análisis del autor de los actos constitucionales de los estados europeos con un parlamento bicameral con el fin de fijar algunas formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento en ellos. El estudio ha demostrado que las sesiones conjuntas (sobre el juramento del jefe de estado, las elecciones presidenciales, la decisión de declarar la guerra, la concesión del indulto); formación de comités y comisiones permanentes y temporales; la formación de los cuerpos superiores del poder estatal o el nombramiento de funcionarios sirven como formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento. En el ámbito legislativo, se divulgan formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento como la aprobación de la ley en ambas cámaras en una versión idéntica y el "consentimiento tácito". Se concluye que las formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras parlamentarias de los estados europeos reflejan sus enfoques soberanos pero establecidos, elaborados por la doctrina y probados por la práctica.O artigo apresenta a análise da autora dos atos constitucionais dos estados europeus com um parlamento bicameral com vistas a fixar algumas formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares nelas. O estudo mostrou que as sessões conjuntas (em tomar o juramento pelo chefe de estado, eleições presidenciais, decidindo declarar guerra, concedendo perdão); formação de comissões permanentes e temporárias e comissões; a formação dos altos corpos do poder estatal ou a nomeação de funcionários servem como formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares. Dentro da esfera legislativa, são divulgadas formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares como a aprovação da lei em ambas as câmaras, numa versão idêntica e "consentimento tácito". Conclui-se que as formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares dos estados europeus refletem suas abordagens soberanas, mas estabelecidas, elaboradas pela doutrina e testadas pela prática.&nbsp

    Right to information as a means of protection information needs

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    This article refers to a comprehensive vision of the right to information as the main means of legal protection of the information needs of citizens in general. Based on psychological assumptions, the author justifies the importance of such needs in the life of modern society. The article details the issue of creating and guaranteeing the correct fimctioning of a special authorized administrative body, to act as an instance of appeal and supervision in the course of the legal regulation of information and the underlying legal relationship

    Typical constitutional forms of interaction between the foreign parliament chambers

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    The article presents the author's analysis of the constitutional acts of European states with a bicameral parliament with a view to fixing some typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers in the

    Біопротекторна дія цинку в макро- і наноаквахелатній формі на ембріогенез щурів за умови свинцевої інтоксикації

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    The article presents results of studied influence of low doses of lead and zinc (nanozinc) on embryonal development in a la­boratory experiment on rats.  Negative influence of lead on pregnancy of laboratory animals, manifested in violation of the physiological dynamics of the rectal temperature and decrease in body weight gain was revealed. Embryotoxic ef­fect of low doses of lead results in increased fetal mortality by 2.16 times compared to the control group of animals, de­terioration of the morphometric indices of fetuses, violation of placentogenesis. Simultaneous injections of zinc on back­ground of lead intoxication causes a protective effect on the body of pregnant rats and embryonal development of the offspring, more pronounced for zinc citrate, received by using aquananotehnology, as compared to zinc chloride. Thus, by morphometry indices, male fetuses were more sensitive to prenatal lead exposure in comparison to female fetuses.В статье представлены результаты изучения воздействия низких доз свинца и цинка (наноцинка) на эмбриональное развитие в условиях лабораторного эксперимента на крысах. Установлено негативное вли­яние свинца на протекание беременности у лабораторных животных, что проявляется в нарушении физио­логической динамики ректальной температуры и снижении прироста массы тела. Эмбриотоксический эффект низких доз свинца проявляется в увеличении эмбриональной смертности в 2,16 раза по сравнению с кон­трольной группой животных, ухудшении морфометрических показателей плодов, нарушении плацен­тогенеза. Одновременное введение препаратов цинка при свинцовой интоксикации оказывает протекторное действие на организм беременных крыс и эмбриональное развитие потомства, более выраженное для цит­рата цинка, полученного с использованием аквананотехнологии по сравнению с хлоридом цинка. При этом по морфометрическим показателям плоды мужского пола оказались более чувствительны к пренатальному воз­действию свинца по сравнению с плодами женского пола. The article presents results of studied influence of low doses of lead and zinc (nanozinc) on embryonal development in a la­boratory experiment on rats.  Negative influence of lead on pregnancy of laboratory animals, manifested in violation of the physiological dynamics of the rectal temperature and decrease in body weight gain was revealed. Embryotoxic ef­fect of low doses of lead results in increased fetal mortality by 2.16 times compared to the control group of animals, de­terioration of the morphometric indices of fetuses, violation of placentogenesis. Simultaneous injections of zinc on back­ground of lead intoxication causes a protective effect on the body of pregnant rats and embryonal development of the offspring, more pronounced for zinc citrate, received by using aquananotehnology, as compared to zinc chloride. Thus, by morphometry indices, male fetuses were more sensitive to prenatal lead exposure in comparison to female fetuses

    Development of mediation in Russia: extrapolation of foreign experience

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    The article analyzes the development of mediation in Russia based on foreign experience. The Institute of mediation has passed a long way of development before it was established on a legislative basis and is still far from perfect. Many problems prevent the effective use of mediation. This institution cannot fully carry out the tasks assigned to it. Mediation has great potential to become a real alternative and at the same time effective way of resolving disputes in Russia, which is proved by examples of legislation in other countries and the practice of its applicatio

    Formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras do Parlamento Europeu e suas Constituições

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    The article presents the analysis of the authors of the constitutional acts of the European states with a bicameral parliament with the aim of establishing some typical forms of interaction between the houses of parliament. The study has shown that the joint sessions (on the oath of the head of state, the presidential elections, the decision to declare war, the granting of pardon); formation of permanent and temporary commissions and commissions; The formation of the superior bodies of state power or the appointment of officials serve as typical forms of interaction between the houses of parliament. Within the legislative sphere, such typical forms of interaction between the houses of parliament are disclosed as the passage of the bill in both houses in an identical version and "tacit consent". It is concluded that the typical forms of interaction between the parliamentary chambers of the European states reflect their sovereign but established approaches, elaborated by doctrine and tested by practice.  El artículo presenta el análisis de los autores de los actos constitucionales de los estados europeos con un parlamento bicameral con el objetivo de fijar algunas formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento. El estudio ha demostrado que las sesiones conjuntas (sobre el juramento del jefe de estado, las elecciones presidenciales, la decisión de declarar la guerra, el otorgamiento del indulto); formación de comisiones y comisiones permanentes y temporales; La formación de los cuerpos superiores del poder estatal o el nombramiento de funcionarios sirven como formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento. Dentro de la esfera legislativa, se divulgan tales formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento como la aprobación del proyecto de ley en ambas cámaras en una versión idéntica y "consentimiento tácito". Se concluye que las formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras parlamentarias de los estados europeos reflejan sus enfoques soberanos pero establecidos, elaborados por la doctrina y probados por la prácticaO artigo apresenta a análise dos autores dos atos constitucionais dos estados europeus com um parlamento bicameral com o objetivo de estabelecer algumas formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras do parlamento. O estudo mostrou que as sessões conjuntas (no juramento do chefe de Estado, as eleições presidenciais, a decisão de declarar guerra, a concessão de indulto); formação de comissões permanentes e temporárias e comissões; A formação dos órgãos superiores do poder do Estado ou a nomeação de funcionários servem como formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras do parlamento. Dentro da esfera legislativa, tais formas típicas de interação entre as casas do parlamento são divulgadas como a aprovação do projeto de lei em ambas as casas em uma versão idêntica e "consentimento tácito". Conclui-se que as formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares dos Estados europeus refletem suas abordagens soberanas, mas estabelecidas, elaboradas por doutrina e comprovadas pela prática


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    We describe the history of studying the current crustal movements by various methods and discuss technogenic effects recorded at large water-reservoir zones and mineral deposits in Siberia. Initially, classical surveying techniques aimed to obtain high-accuracy ground-based measurements of height, tilt and direction. Modern geodesy techniques and methods for measuring absolute gravity are now available to investigate displacement, deformation, tilt and other phenomena taking place on the Earth’s surface. These methods are used to estimate kinematic parameters of the crust areas (e.g. rates of subsidence and horizontal movements) and to monitor fluid motions in mineral deposits. Such data are critical for ensuring a proper management of the mineral deposits. In this article, we analyse technogenic processes observed in the Ust Balyk oil-gas field, the Zapolyarny gas deposit, the water-reservoir zone at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station (SSHPS) on the Yenisei river, and large open-pit mines in the Kuzbass basin. Our analysis is based on surface displacement rates estimated from the data collected in different periods of observations at large man-made facilities. In the study of the hydro technical objects, we estimated the displacement rates at 5.0 mm per year. In the northern areas of the West Siberian petroleum basin, subsidence rates amounted to 20–25 mm per year in the early 2000s. These estimates were supported by the high-accuracy gravity measurements showing an increase up to 6–7 microGal per year in the oil-gas field development areas. We assess a possibility of triggering effects related to weak seismicity due to a high stress accumulation rate (1 KPa per hour) in the SSHPS area. A connection between earth tides and catastrophic events, such as gas emissions in high amounts on mining sites, is discussed. Having analysed the surface monitoring records taken in South Primorye in September 2017, we conclude that underground nuclear explosions in North Korea in this period did not cause any significant displacement of the surface in this most southerly region of the Russian Far East territories