25 research outputs found

    No-Tillage in Europe - State of the Art: Constraints and Perspectives

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    No-tillage in Europe contains a review of developments over the last three decades beginning in the late 1960s. Reasons for attempts to introduce this soil conserving production method are outlined and obstacles affecting the uptake of no-tillage throughout Europe are identified. Updated data are provided for the uptake of both conservation tillage and no-tillage in the member countries of the European Conservation Agriculture Federation. Further explanations for the low uptake of no-tillage and even conservation tillage when compared to other regions in the world are explored. The specificity of European conditions whether natural, human or political are used to provide arguments against the successful adoption of no-tillage in Europe. However, increased awareness of farmers, politicians and society as a whole that soils are a non-renewable resource are leading to gradual changes in the overall approach to soil conservation. The implementation of a European Soil Framework Directive is considered to be an important step towards the recognition that conservation tillage and no-tillage is both an economical and ecological sustainable method for crop production. It is anticipated that this will promote the concept of Conservation Agriculture and increase adoption levels throughout Europe

    Die maximal tragbare Radlast – eine zweckmĂ€ssige Kenngrösse fĂŒr die Praxis

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    Hohe Radlasten fĂŒhren vor allem in Unterböden zu Druckbelastungen, die dauerhafte Verformungen und damit BeeintrĂ€chtigungen der Bodenfunktionen und der ErtragsfĂ€higkeit verursachen. Die maximal tragbare Radlast ist jene Radlast, bei der die Bodenbelastung gerade noch unterhalb der Bodenfestigkeit (bestimmt als Vorbelastung) liegt und die Bodenstruktur deshalb noch nicht dauerhaft verformt wird. Wir berechneten die saisonalen VerĂ€nderungen der maximal tragbaren Radlast fĂŒr die beiden Anbausysteme Direktsaat und Pflug sowie fĂŒr den DauergrĂŒnlandstreifen zwischen den Versuchsparzellen der DauerbeobachtungsflĂ€che Oberacker (sandiger Lehm). Gemessen wurde die Bodenfeuchtigkeit (als Matrixpotenzial) in situ und die Vorbelastung bei verschiedenen Matrixpotenzialen an ungestörten Zylinderproben im Labor. Die Simulationen wurden fĂŒr eine Referenztiefe von 35 cm sowohl fĂŒr Standardreifen als auch fĂŒr Niederdruckreifen durchgefĂŒhrt. Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl die Vorbelastung als auch die maximal tragbare Radlast stark von der Bodenfeuchtigkeit abhĂ€ngig sind. Bei Niederdruckreifen ist die maximal tragbare Radlast höher als bei Standardreifen. Die Anzahl Tage, an denen der Boden ohne Verdichtungsrisiko befahren werden kann, schwankt stark von Jahr zu Jahr, ist beim Pflugsystem leicht höher als beim Direktsaatsystem und nimmt mit steigender Radlast ab. Die Darstellung des Verdichtungsrisikos mit dem Parameter «maximal tragbare Radlast» ist einfach zu interpretieren und deshalb nĂŒtzlich fĂŒr die PrĂ€vention von Bodenverdichtungen

    Verhalten verschiedener Zwischenkulturen in einem Netzwerk von On-Farm-Versuchen

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    Um das Verhalten von Zwischenkulturen bei verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen besser zu verstehen, wurde ein Netzwerk von Versuchsparzellen entlang der Achse Genf- ZĂŒrich und im Jura eingerichtet. Einige der untersuchten Arten vermochten den Boden im Herbst schnell zu bedecken (z.B. Sareptasenf). Andere Arten produzierten eine bedeutende Biomasse oberirdischer Pflanzenteile (z.B. Sonnenblume). Wieder andere, im Herbst weniger leistungsfĂ€hige Arten, stellten eine gute Bodenbedeckung Ende Winter sicher, wie der Rauhafer. Mit einer multifaktoriellen Analyse konnten die Beziehungen zwischen den Leistungen der verschiedenen Zwischenkulturen und den Umweltbedingungen untersucht werden. Keine Art vereinigt alle ĂŒber die gesamte Zwischenkultur erwĂŒnschten Eigenschaften, Mischungen verschiedener Arten sind jedoch vielversprechend

    Deletion of Nkx2-5 in trabecular myocardium reveals the developmental origins of pathological heterogeneity associated with ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy.

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    Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is a rare cardiomyopathy associated with a hypertrabeculated phenotype and a large spectrum of symptoms. It is still unclear whether LVNC results from a defect of ventricular trabeculae development and the mechanistic basis that underlies the varying severity of this pathology is unknown. To investigate these issues, we inactivated the cardiac transcription factor Nkx2-5 in trabecular myocardium at different stages of trabecular morphogenesis using an inducible Cx40-creERT2 allele. Conditional deletion of Nkx2-5 at embryonic stages, during trabecular formation, provokes a severe hypertrabeculated phenotype associated with subendocardial fibrosis and Purkinje fiber hypoplasia. A milder phenotype was observed after Nkx2-5 deletion at fetal stages, during trabecular compaction. A longitudinal study of cardiac function in adult Nkx2-5 conditional mutant mice demonstrates that excessive trabeculation is associated with complex ventricular conduction defects, progressively leading to strain defects, and, in 50% of mutant mice, to heart failure. Progressive impaired cardiac function correlates with conduction and strain defects independently of the degree of hypertrabeculation. Transcriptomic analysis of molecular pathways reflects myocardial remodeling with a larger number of differentially expressed genes in the severe versus mild phenotype and identifies Six1 as being upregulated in hypertrabeculated hearts. Our results provide insights into the etiology of LVNC and link its pathogenicity with compromised trabecular development including compaction defects and ventricular conduction system hypoplasia

    NΔ−Lysine Acetylation of a Bacterial Transcription Factor Inhibits Its DNA-Binding Activity

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    Evidence suggesting that eukaryotes and archaea use reversible NΔ-lysine (NΔ-Lys) acetylation to modulate gene expression has been reported, but evidence for bacterial use of NΔ-Lys acetylation for this purpose is lacking. Here, we report data in support of the notion that bacteria can control gene expression by modulating the acetylation state of transcription factors (TFs). We screened the E. coli proteome for substrates of the bacterial Gcn5-like protein acetyltransferase (Pat). Pat acetylated four TFs, including the RcsB global regulatory protein, which controls cell division, and capsule and flagellum biosynthesis in many bacteria. Pat acetylated residue Lys180 of RcsB, and the NAD+-dependent Sir2 (sirtuin)-like protein deacetylase (CobB) deacetylated acetylated RcsB (RcsBAc), demonstrating that NΔ-Lys acetylation of RcsB is reversible. Analysis of RcsBAc and variant RcsB proteins carrying substitutions at Lys180 provided biochemical and physiological evidence implicating Lys180 as a critical residue for RcsB DNA-binding activity. These findings further the likelihood that reversible NΔ-Lys acetylation of transcription factors is a mode of regulation of gene expression used by all cells

    Development and validation of quantitative PCR assays for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a diagnostic accuracy study

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    Background: HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is the second leading cause of AIDS-related deaths, with a 10-week mortality rate of 25–30%. Fungal load assessed by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts is used as a prognostic marker and to monitor response to treatment in research studies. PCR-based assessment of fungal load could be quicker and less labour-intensive. We sought to design, optimise, and validate quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays for the detection, identification, and quantification of Cryptococcus infections in patients with cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: We developed and validated species-specific qPCR assays based on DNA amplification of QSP1 (QSP1A specific to Cryptococcus neoformans, QSP1B/C specific to Cryptococcus deneoformans, and QSP1D specific to Cryptococcus gattii species) and a pan-Cryptococcus assay based on a multicopy 28S rRNA gene. This was a longitudinal study that validated the designed assays on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 209 patients with cryptococcal meningitis at baseline (day 0) and during anti-fungal therapy (day 7 and day 14), from the AMBITION-cm trial in Botswana and Malawi (2018–21). Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older and presenting with a first case of cryptococcal meningitis. Findings: When compared with quantitative cryptococcal culture as the reference, the sensitivity of the 28S rRNA was 98·2% (95% CI 95·1–99·5) and of the QSP1 assay was 90·4% (85·2–94·0) in CSF at day 0. Quantification of the fungal load with QSP1 and 28S rRNA qPCR correlated with quantitative cryptococcal culture (R2=0·73 and R2=0·78, respectively). Both Botswana and Malawi had a predominant C neoformans prevalence of 67% (95% CI 55–75) and 68% (57–73), respectively, and lower C gattii rates of 21% (14–31) and 8% (4–14), respectively. We identified ten patients that, after 14 days of treatment, harboured viable but non-culturable yeasts based on QSP1 RNA detection (without any positive CFU in CSF culture). Interpretation: QSP1 and 28S rRNA assays are useful in identifying Cryptococcus species. qPCR results correlate well with baseline quantitative cryptococcal culture and show a similar decline in fungal load during induction therapy. These assays could be a faster alternative to quantitative cryptococcal culture to determine fungal load clearance. The clinical implications of the possible detection of viable but non-culturable cells in CSF during induction therapy remain unclear. Funding: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership; Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; Wellcome Trust/UK Medical Research Council/UKAID Joint Global Health Trials; and UK National Institute for Health Research

    Development and validation of quantitative PCR assays for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a diagnostic accuracy study

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    Background: HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is the second leading cause of AIDS-related deaths, with a 10-week mortality rate of 25–30%. Fungal load assessed by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts is used as a prognostic marker and to monitor response to treatment in research studies. PCR-based assessment of fungal load could be quicker and less labour-intensive. We sought to design, optimise, and validate quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays for the detection, identification, and quantification of Cryptococcus infections in patients with cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: We developed and validated species-specific qPCR assays based on DNA amplification of QSP1 (QSP1A specific to Cryptococcus neoformans, QSP1B/C specific to Cryptococcus deneoformans, and QSP1D specific to Cryptococcus gattii species) and a pan-Cryptococcus assay based on a multicopy 28S rRNA gene. This was a longitudinal study that validated the designed assays on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 209 patients with cryptococcal meningitis at baseline (day 0) and during anti-fungal therapy (day 7 and day 14), from the AMBITION-cm trial in Botswana and Malawi (2018–21). Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older and presenting with a first case of cryptococcal meningitis. Findings: When compared with quantitative cryptococcal culture as the reference, the sensitivity of the 28S rRNA was 98·2% (95% CI 95·1–99·5) and of the QSP1 assay was 90·4% (85·2–94·0) in CSF at day 0. Quantification of the fungal load with QSP1 and 28S rRNA qPCR correlated with quantitative cryptococcal culture (R2=0·73 and R2=0·78, respectively). Both Botswana and Malawi had a predominant C neoformans prevalence of 67% (95% CI 55–75) and 68% (57–73), respectively, and lower C gattii rates of 21% (14–31) and 8% (4–14), respectively. We identified ten patients that, after 14 days of treatment, harboured viable but non-culturable yeasts based on QSP1 RNA detection (without any positive CFU in CSF culture). Interpretation: QSP1 and 28S rRNA assays are useful in identifying Cryptococcus species. qPCR results correlate well with baseline quantitative cryptococcal culture and show a similar decline in fungal load during induction therapy. These assays could be a faster alternative to quantitative cryptococcal culture to determine fungal load clearance. The clinical implications of the possible detection of viable but non-culturable cells in CSF during induction therapy remain unclear

    Seasonal dynamics in wheel load-carrying capacity of a loam soil in the Swiss Plateau

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    Subsoil compaction is a major problem in modern agriculture caused by the intensification of agricultural production and the increase in weight of agricultural machinery. Compaction in the subsoil is highly persistent and leads to deterioration of soil functions. Wheel load‐carrying capacity (WLCC) is defined as the maximum wheel load for a specific tyre and inflation pressure that does not result in soil stress in excess of soil strength. The soil strength and hence WLCC is strongly influenced by soil matric potential (h). The aim of this study was to estimate the seasonal dynamics in WLCC based on in situ measurements of h, measurements of precompression stress at various h and simulations of soil stress. In this work, we concentrated on prevention of subsoil compaction. Calculations were made for different tyres (standard and low‐pressure top tyres) and for soil under different tillage and cropping systems (mouldboard ploughing, direct drilling, permanent grassland), and the computed WLCC was compared with real wheel loads to obtain the number of trafficable days (NTD) for various agricultural machines. Wheel load‐carrying capacity was higher for the top than the standard tyres, demonstrating the potential of tyre equipment in reducing compaction risks. The NTD varied between years and generally decreased with increasing wheel load of the machinery. The WLCC simulations presented here provide a useful and easily interpreted tool to guide the avoidance of soil compaction