1,602 research outputs found

    A Market-Based Approach to Manage Endangered Species Interactions

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    An economic activity interacts with an endangered species. The activity can be divided into mutually exclusive strata with different levels of interaction. Observing the activity in order to monitor interactions is costly. It may be desirable to manage the activity with a probability model which balances the benefit from the activity against the cost of the interaction with the endangered specie instead. The model gives rise to a permit scheme which fixates the risk of interaction over all strata and which uses the market mechanism to optimally allocate the activity between strata. The model can facilitate uncertainty in interaction rate estimates.Endangered species interactions; permit scheme; probability model

    The Premium of Marine Protected Areas: A Simple Valuation Model

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    The article addresses the induced cost, the premium, from establishing a marine protected area in a deterministic model of a fishery. Outside the protected area, the fishery is managed optimally through total allowable catch quotas. The premium is found to be increasing and convex along the protection parameter. Biological measures are introduced to increase the understanding of the mechanisms in the bioeconomic system. Time-series solutions show that the net return per unit of fish increases after the protected area is established.Bioeconomics, dynamic programming, fisheries management, marine protected areas, migration, modeling, optimization, renewable resources., International Development, International Relations/Trade, Political Economy, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, C61, Q22, Q57.,


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    Mass immigration represents an extremely relevant issue in the contemporary debate.?The whole world is facing the ethic and practical problem of finding possible solutions to manage the arrival of an increasing number of displaced people. The UNHCR's annual report "Global Trends" reports that about 65.3 million people were forced from their homes in 2015. The host spaces generated from such a status of crisis are multiple as well as complex. They are often marginalized?areas that struggle for a better integration inside hosting societies, and exceptional spaces with a common stateless character that make them an anomaly, exception also in legal terms. The spaces of?displacement are conceived to face an emergency and to host people and territory.?The work presented in this book addresses the issue of spaces of displacement focusing the attention on the refugee spaces of Lebanon, particularly on the informal settlements in the region of the Bekaa Valley, where the agricultural land is turning into a space of displacement. The goal of the research is to imagine weak strategies through which to design the wait that these spaces are experiencing and its consequences over time, taking into consideration both the human and the territorial aspects and two different but consequential periods, the settlement and the after- settlement.?The design parameter chosen to develop such a project is the ecology intended as the grade zero from which the project-process could start and evolve, the instrument able to work with time and that resists to it

    Culture Change in Nursing Homes: How Far Have We Come?

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    Presents findings from the Commonwealth Fund 2007 National Survey of Nursing Homes on the extent to which nursing homes have adopted the principles of culture change and are delivering resident-centered care, as well as the benefits the changes have brou

    Adult and continuing education in Norway

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    The European arena of lifelong learning offers rich country-specific portfolios of historical trajectories, policy frameworks and practical evidence of adult and continuing education. This book provides an introduction to the case of Norway and outlines the key features of the Norwegian system alongside issues such as political and legal agendas, schemes of participation, provision and financing or trends in professionalization, research areas and transnational linkages. Through the lens of adult and continuing education, the author invites researchers, practitioners, students and persons interested in international-comparative perspectives to a tour d'horizon of the Norwegian lifelong learning landscape.Der englischsprachige Text beschreibt den Status quo der norwegischen Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung. Autor Sturla Bjaerkaker ist ein ausgewiesener Kenner des norwegischen Erwachsenenbildungssystems. Auf die kurze Einführung in die historische Entwicklung folgt der Blick auf alle relevanten Aspekte der norwegischen Weiterbildung. Dazu gehören die aktuelle Struktur des Bildungssystems, Akteure, Programmstrukturen sowie rechtliche und finanzielle Bedingungen. Der Schlussteil enthält Definitionen der norwegischen Terminologie sowie einen ausführlichen Adressteil. Das Länderporträt bietet Wissenschaftlern, Bildungsplanern, Studierenden und Praktikern fundiertes Wissen und Orientierung im System der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung Norwegens

    The burial landscape in the contemporary metropolis

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    Concrete, cold marble, fake flowers with neon-like colors. This is often how we perceive cemeteries in Italy, overcrowded condominiums resembling lifeless cities. We are living in a historical moment of existential – and climatic crisis where the need for places of remembrance is growing, as well as the need to rethink the spaces of death to answer a multicultural society. From this point of view, institutions in Italy are stuck in a nineteenth-century conception of cemeteries, old and obsolete, unable to accommodate different rituals and spiritualities due to legislative - and therefore architectural - inability to offer real alternatives. Why are cemeteries only considered as spaces for the dead, and not as places for the living? What is the reason behind the repatriation of the bodies? Why haven’t cemeteries evolved with the city and its citizens? Where does spirituality come from and why do we need it? Is it possible to give a design response to the contemporary need for places of spirituality? Is it possible to design spaces that can help a healthy separation from the loved ones? This book aims to investigate these questions, observing the old and new dynamics that revolve around the theme of death, the treatment of the body, the business around the funeral rites, the places of death, and finally the symbolic and psychological meaning of the final key moment in a person’s life. Death is still a central moment of reflection in life, a matter that institutions cannot hide and forget. Being aware that there is no single and universal solution, this book also gives space to a new sensitivity towards the environment, trying to provide not just design answers but highlighting the need for a profound discussion on the need for a greater inclusivity in the spaces of death. A multitude of bodies and cultures that cannot and must not conform to a single and predominant treatment / ritual, and that could finally find their space to express their beliefs. An inclusion that must necessarily go through a review of the practices and methods of treating the bodies. We also wish to bring on a discussion on how individuals with multiple marginalized identities face different access in attaining a good death and use this knowledge to bring equity to end-of-life care and to the spaces of death

    Mass cytometry analysis of the tumour-immune landscape: The role of Axl receptor kinase

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2020-11-20Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in Norway (2016) and worldwide. Despite the advent of new immunotherapies, malignant cancer demonstrates an intrinsic plasticity and is able to evade, adapt and suppress the immune system. An important driver for this malignant phenotype is the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) program, characteristic of stem cells. Previous research showed a link between the AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (Axl) and EMT. The Axl receptor is further involved in immune suppression and could therefore serve as a potential target in immunotherapy and in combination with other cancer treatments. Chemotherapeutic treatment also shows evidence of immune involvement, and the immune system plays a vital role in all forms of cancer treatment. In this study, we evaluated current immunotherapy in combination the Axl kinase inhibitor, bemcentinib. Using single cell mass cytometry we conducted 30 parameter mapping of the immune system in an experimental murine tumour model. The data was analysed using dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering. By studying how the immune landscape changes during tumour development and immunotherapy treatment, important insightsinto how the immune system responds to tumour development and treatment was measured and a new treatment regime was evaluated.Masteroppgave i nanovitenskapMAMN-NANONANO39

    Adult and Continuing Education in Norway

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    The European arena of lifelong learning offers rich country-specific portfolios of historical trajectories, policy frameworks and practical evidence of adult and continuing education. This book provides an introduction to the case of Norway and outlines the key features of the Norwegian system alongside issues such as political and legal agendas, schemes of participation, provision and financing or trends in professionalization, research areas and transnational linkages. Through the lens of adult and continuing education, the author invites researchers, practitioners, students and persons interested in international-comparative perspectives to a tour d'horizon of the Norwegian lifelong learning landscape

    Generalized effective hamiltonian for graphene under non-uniform strain

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    We use a symmetry approach to construct a systematic derivative expansion of the low energy effective Hamiltonian modifying the continuum Dirac description of graphene in the presence of non-uniform elastic deformations. We extract all experimentally relevant terms and describe their physical significance. Among them there is a new gap-opening term that describes the Zeeman coupling of the elastic pseudomagnetic field and the pseudospin. We determine the value of the couplings using a generalized tight binding model.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Matches published version + 1 footnote added, typos correcte
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