7 research outputs found

    Long-term risk of adverse outcomes according to atrial fibrillation type

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    Sustained forms of atrial fibrillation (AF) may be associated with a higher risk of adverse outcomes, but few if any long-term studies took into account changes of AF type and co-morbidities over time. We prospectively followed 3843 AF patients and collected information on AF type and co-morbidities during yearly follow-ups. The primary outcome was a composite of stroke or systemic embolism (SE). Secondary outcomes included myocardial infarction, hospitalization for congestive heart failure (CHF), bleeding and all-cause mortality. Multivariable adjusted Cox proportional hazards models with time-varying covariates were used to compare hazard ratios (HR) according to AF type. At baseline 1895 (49%), 1046 (27%) and 902 (24%) patients had paroxysmal, persistent and permanent AF and 3234 (84%) were anticoagulated. After a median (IQR) follow-up of 3.0 (1.9; 4.2) years, the incidence of stroke/SE was 1.0 per 100 patient-years. The incidence of myocardial infarction, CHF, bleeding and all-cause mortality was 0.7, 3.0, 2.9 and 2.7 per 100 patient-years, respectively. The multivariable adjusted (a) HRs (95% confidence interval) for stroke/SE were 1.13 (0.69; 1.85) and 1.27 (0.83; 1.95) for time-updated persistent and permanent AF, respectively. The corresponding aHRs were 1.23 (0.89, 1.69) and 1.45 (1.12; 1.87) for all-cause mortality, 1.34 (1.00; 1.80) and 1.30 (1.01; 1.67) for CHF, 0.91 (0.48; 1.72) and 0.95 (0.56; 1.59) for myocardial infarction, and 0.89 (0.70; 1.14) and 1.00 (0.81; 1.24) for bleeding. In this large prospective cohort of AF patients, time-updated AF type was not associated with incident stroke/SE

    Der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf den Selektionsentscheid am Ende der Primarstufe

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    Die Chancen im schweizerischen Bildungssystem sind ungleich verteilt. Entgegen der verbreiteten Meinung entscheidet nicht einzig die Leistung über den Schulerfolg, sondern auch der Bildungsstand der Eltern und der damit verbundene sozioökonimsche Status. Die Gründe dafür sehen Forscher unter anderem in der international gesehen frühen Selektion in der Schweiz. Bereits am Ende der sechsten Klasse werden Entscheide getroffen, die wegweisend für das spätere Leben sind.Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Prozesse, die zur Selektion am Ende der Primarstufe führen zu beleuchten, um zu erkennen, auf welche Weise die soziale Herkunft diesen wichtigen Entscheid beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse sollen dazu dienen, Lösungsansätze zu entwickeln, die aufzeigen, wie Lehrpersonen ihr Verfahren anpassen können, um den Einfluss zu minimieren. Den Fragestellungen wurde mittels qualitativer Methoden nachgegangen. Einerseits wurden vier Lehrpersonen, die auf dieser Stufe unterrichten, interviewt. Andererseits habe ich an insgesamt acht Übertrittsgesprächen teilgenommen, um so die ablaufenden Prozesse direkt an konkreten Fällen zu beobachten. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass Selektionsentscheide gerade bei Schülern und Schülerinnen mit Leistungen im Grenzbereich nicht immer rein leistungsbasiert gefällt werden und andere Faktoren an Bedeutung gewinnen

    Evidence for an agitated-aggressive syndrome predating the onset of psychosis

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    Aggression and suicidality prior to the initiation of treatment are frequent phenomena in psychosis patients. Increased scores in the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Excited Component (BPRS-EC) have been shown to predict involuntary treatment, aggression, and suicide in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. However, it is unclear if an agitated-aggressive syndrome as measured with the BPRS-EC is already present in at-risk mental state (ARMS).; BPRS-EC scores from 43 ARMS patients, 50 FEP patients, and 25 healthy controls (HC) were analyzed. Multivariate analyses were performed to review if group differences were mediated by potential confounders. In addition, the association of BPRS-EC scores with clinical variables was examined.; BPRS-EC scores were significantly different across diagnostic groups (H(2)=22.1; p<.001), and post-hoc analyses showed significantly higher BPRS-EC scores for ARMS (p=.001) and for FEP patients (p<.001) compared to HC. Differences remained significant after controlling for gender, years of education, and intelligence. No significant differences emerged between ARMS and FEP patients. BPRS-EC was significantly correlated with lower intelligence (r=-.27; p=.008), reduced level of functioning (r=-.44; p<.001), and with smoking behavior (r=.22; p=.019).; ARMS and FEP patients in our sample had significantly higher BPRS-EC scores compared to HC. This may constitute a correlate of an agitated-aggressive syndrome and an increased risk for aggression and suicidality

    Influence of aripiprazole, risperidone, and amisulpride on sensory and sensorimotor gating in healthy 'low and high gating' humans and relation to psychometry

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    Despite advances in the treatment of schizophrenia spectrum disorders with atypical antipsychotics (AAPs), there is still need for compounds with improved efficacy/side-effect ratios. Evidence from challenge studies suggests that the assessment of gating functions in humans and rodents with naturally low-gating levels might be a useful model to screen for novel compounds with antipsychotic properties. To further evaluate and extend this translational approach, three AAPs were examined. Compounds without antipsychotic properties served as negative control treatments. In a placebo-controlled, within-subject design, healthy males received either single doses of aripiprazole and risperidone (n=28), amisulpride and lorazepam (n=30), or modafinil and valproate (n=30), and placebo. Prepulse inhibiton (PPI) and P50 suppression were assessed. Clinically associated symptoms were evaluated using the SCL-90-R. Aripiprazole, risperidone, and amisulpride increased P50 suppression in low P50 gaters. Lorazepam, modafinil, and valproate did not influence P50 suppression in low gaters. Furthermore, low P50 gaters scored significantly higher on the SCL-90-R than high P50 gaters. Aripiprazole increased PPI in low PPI gaters, whereas modafinil and lorazepam attenuated PPI in both groups. Risperidone, amisulpride, and valproate did not influence PPI. P50 suppression in low gaters appears to be an antipsychotic-sensitive neurophysiologic marker. This conclusion is supported by the association of low P50 suppression and higher clinically associated scores. Furthermore, PPI might be sensitive for atypical mechanisms of antipsychotic medication. The translational model investigating differential effects of AAPs on gating in healthy subjects with naturally low gating can be beneficial for phase II/III development plans by providing additional information for critical decision making