17 research outputs found

    Was bedeutet wissenschaftliche Qualität von Politikberatung?

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    Die Qualität wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung ist Dauerthema geworden. Die Gründe liegen nahe. Politik benötigt wissenschaftliches Wissen. Wissenschaft wird politisch häufig nur dann unterstützt, wenn sie ihren gesellschaftlichen Nutzen demonstriert

    Diagnostik und Förderung selbstregulierten Lernens durch Self-Monitoring-Tagebücher

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    Um Einblicke in das Selbststudium zu bekommen, wurden Self-Monitoring-Tagebücher von 157 Studierenden analysiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Studierende Wiederholungsstrategien bevorzugten, um sich auf Prüfungen vorzubereiten, obwohl verständnisorientierte Lernstrategien zu besseren Prüfungs­leistungen beitrugen. Mit Hilfe der Self-Monitoring-Tagebücher konnten typische Lernverläufe abgebildet und Zusammenhänge, zum Beispiel zwischen Lernstrategien, Stress und Prüfungs­leistungen, ermittelt werden. In einer zweiten experimentellen Studie mit 23 Studierenden konnten wir zeigen, dass Feedback in Bezug auf das individuelle Aufschiebeverhalten im Rahmen eines Self-Monitoring-Tagebuchs den Erwerb anwendbaren Wissens steigern kann. Self-Monitoring-Tagebücher eignen sich also sowohl zur Diagnostik als auch zur Förderung selbstregulierten Lernens. 02.11.2011 | Kristin Schmidt, Anne Allgaier, Andreas Lachner, Björn Stucke, Sabine Rey, Cornelius Frömmel, Siegfried Fink & Matthias Nückles (Freiburg

    Ontology-based specification, identification and analysis of perioperative risks

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    Abstract Background Medical personnel in hospitals often works under great physical and mental strain. In medical decision-making, errors can never be completely ruled out. Several studies have shown that between 50 and 60% of adverse events could have been avoided through better organization, more attention or more effective security procedures. Critical situations especially arise during interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of complex medical technology, for example during surgical interventions and in perioperative settings (the period of time before, during and after surgical intervention). Methods In this paper, we present an ontology and an ontology-based software system, which can identify risks across medical processes and supports the avoidance of errors in particular in the perioperative setting. We developed a practicable definition of the risk notion, which is easily understandable by the medical staff and is usable for the software tools. Based on this definition, we developed a Risk Identification Ontology (RIO) and used it for the specification and the identification of perioperative risks. Results An agent system was developed, which gathers risk-relevant data during the whole perioperative treatment process from various sources and provides it for risk identification and analysis in a centralized fashion. The results of such an analysis are provided to the medical personnel in form of context-sensitive hints and alerts. For the identification of the ontologically specified risks, we developed an ontology-based software module, called Ontology-based Risk Detector (OntoRiDe). Conclusions About 20 risks relating to cochlear implantation (CI) have already been implemented. Comprehensive testing has indicated the correctness of the data acquisition, risk identification and analysis components, as well as the web-based visualization of results

    Prognostic Relevance of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing for Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

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    Background: Following acute pulmonary embolism (PE), a relevant number of patients experience decreased exercise capacity which can be associated with disturbed pulmonary perfusion. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) shows several patterns typical for disturbed pulmonary perfusion. Research question: We aimed to examine whether CPET can also provide prognostic information in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Study Design and Methods: We performed a multicenter retrospective chart review in Germany between 2002 and 2020. Patients with CTEPH were included if they had ≥6 months of follow-up and complete CPET and hemodynamic data. Symptom-limited CPET was performed using a cycle ergometer (ramp or Jones protocol). The association of anthropometric data, comorbidities, symptoms, lung function, and echocardiographic, hemodynamic, and CPET parameters with survival was examined. Mortality prediction models were calculated by Cox regression with backward selection. Results: 345 patients (1532 person-years) were included; 138 underwent surgical treatment (pulmonary endarterectomy or balloon pulmonary angioplasty) and 207 received only non-surgical treatment. During follow-up (median 3.5 years), 78 patients died. The death rate per 1000 person-years was 24.9 and 74.2 in the surgical and non-surgical groups, respectively (p < 0.001). In age- and sex-adjusted Cox regression analyses, CPET parameters including peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak, reflecting cardiopulmonary exercise capacity) were prognostic in the non-surgical group but not in the surgical group. In mortality prediction models, age, sex, VO2peak (% predicted), and carbon monoxide transfer coefficient (% predicted) showed significant prognostic relevance in both the overall cohort and the non-surgical group. In the non-surgical group, Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that patients with VO2peak below 53.4% predicted (threshold identified by receiver operating characteristic analysis) had increased mortality (p = 0.007). Interpretation: The additional measurement of cardiopulmonary exercise capacity by CPET allows a more precise prognostic evaluation in patients with CTEPH. CPET might therefore be helpful for risk-adapted treatment of CTEPH