13 research outputs found

    Weight status, BMI and physical fitness in polish youth: relationships between 1986 and 2016

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    One of the components affecting the level of health is physical fitness and diets, which is also considered the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Methods: Samples by survey ranged from 871 to 1,417 (boys) and from 843 to 1,326 (girls). Speed (5 m run), agility (figure-8-run), explosive power (vertical jump), flexibility (stand and reach) and cardiovascular fitness (step test) were measured. The Body Mass Index (BMI) of each student was classified as Thin, Normal weight or Overweight/Obese (Owt/Ob) relative to International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria. Fitness items were compared among weight status groups and across surveys with sex-specific analyses of covariance. Regressions of each fitness item on the BMI in the four surveys were done using linear and nonlinear quadratic models. Results: Performances on all fitness tests except flexibility were poorer among Owt/Ob compared to Normal and Thin youth, but performances on fitness tests within weight status groups did not differ consistently across surveys. Conclusions: Relationships between the BMI and fitness tests varied across surveys, but suggested reasonably consistent curvilinear relationships between fitness tests and the BMI among boys more so than girls.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Property development contract in the system of Polish private law

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    Wejście w życie ustawy z 16 września 2011 r. o ochronie praw nabywcy lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego wykreowało konieczność określenia charakteru prawnego oraz miejsca umowy deweloperskiej w systemie prawa polskiego. W artykule wskazano argumenty przemawiające za uznaniem umowy deweloperskiej za 12 See A. Turlej, [in:] R. Strzelczyk, A. Turlej, Własność lokali. Komentarz [Ownership of flats – Commentary], Warszawa 2013, pp. 154–192. RYSZARD STRZELCZYK – 102 – 2/2015 I US NOVUM umowę nazwaną (contractus nominatus), omówiono skutki prawne pominięcia w niej ustawowych elementów, wyjaśniono, z których przepisów wynika obligatoryjność zamieszczenia w akcie notarialnym dokumentującym zawarcie umowy deweloperskiej wniosku o ujawnienie roszczeń nabywcy w księdze wieczystej, także pod kątem odpowiedzialności cywilnej i dyscyplinarnej notariusza uchylającego się od dopełnienia tego obowiązku. W artykule wyjaśniono ponadto przyczyny, dla których należy przyjąć, że umowę deweloperską powinien zawierać właściciel lub użytkownik wieczysty gruntu, a także omówiono charakter prawny umowy zawieranej w wykonaniu umowy deweloperskiej.When Act on property development of 16 September 2011 entered into force, an immediate need arose to determine the nature, substance and importance of a real estate development agreement within the contemporary private law system in Poland. The article describes a property development agreement as a new type of a specified contract (contractus nominatus), the legal consequences of the omission of its statutory elements, why the entry of a purchaser’s claim in the land and mortgage registry is mandatory and why a notary who evades the duty to enclose the request to the land and mortgage registry in a notary deed violates the law and exposes himself not only to liability for damages, but also to disciplinary liability. The article also explains why a developer should be the owner of the land or at least hold the right of perpetual usufruct and the legal character of the contract signed in the fulfilment of the development agreement

    Status prawny spółki partnerskiej

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    Korzyści płynące z możliwości ukształtowania stosunków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych w spółce partnerskiej zdają się przewyższać ewentualne komplikacje wynikające z niedoskonałości przyjętych rozwiązań legislacyjnych. Nie zmienia to jednak faktu, że na tle rozważań dotyczących statusu tzw. ułomnych osób prawnych pojawia się pytanie o zasadność odmowy przyznania spółce partnerskiej osobowości prawnej, a także o prawnomaterialny status zarządu tej spółki. Zagadnienia te wymagają szerszego doktrynalnego wyjaśnienia, a to ze względu na coraz większą popularność spółek partnerskich i stały wzrost ich liczby w naszym kraju.Benefits of a possibility to develop internal and external relationships in a partnership seem to outstrip possible complications resulting from the imperfection of the adopted legislative solutions. However, this does not change the fact that against the background of an analysis of the status of the so-called defective legal entities there is a question about the justification of a refusal to grant a partnership a legal personality status and about the legal and financial status of a partnership’s board. The issues require a broad doctrinal explanation because a partnership is more and more popular and their number is continually rising in Poland

    Sobre los estudios del empuje en natación

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    Swimming speed is determined by many factors, including weight preparation of the swimmer which is one of the most important ones. This power is directly related to the speed a swimmer can reach in water, that is the value of thrust. The aim of the study was to establish the level of thrust and swimming speed of the 2nd year students (n=20) of the University School of Physical Education (USPE) in Poznań and to compare them with the results of study from 1983 in which the 4th year students (n=20) of the USPE in Poznań were studied. The current study was carried out in the context of the long-term changes in swimming technique. Research methods: measurement of thrust in real conditions was performed using a prototype device for the measurement of thrust of a swimmer which makes it possible to register the force in the water environment; swimming speed was established on the basis of the time needed to cover the distance of 25 metres, according to the regulations of the Polish Swimming Association. Conclusions: the students taking part in the 1983 study had higher values of thrust, but a lower speed than the students taking part in the 2006 study, which suggests that apart from the thrust the technique of swimming has a important influence of the swimming speed.La velocidad de nado está determinada por numerosos factores, entre ellos la preparación del peso del nadador, siendo éste uno de los más importantes. Esta fuerza está relacionada directamente con la velocidad que el nadador puede alcanzar en el agua, es decir, con el valor del empuje. El objeto del presente estudio es establecer el nivel de empuje y la velocidad de nado de los alumnos de segundo curso (n=20) de la Escuela Universitaria de Educación Física (USPE) de Poznań en 2006 y compararlos con los resultados del estudio de 1983, que analizó a los alumnos de cuarto curso (n=20) de la misma facultad. La investigación actual se ha llevado a cabo en el contexto de modificaciones a largo plazo en las técnicas de nado. Método de investigación: se midió el empuje en condiciones reales mediante un dispositivo prototípico de medición del empuje del nadador que permite registrar dicha fuerza en el entorno acuático; la velocidad de nado se estableció en virtud del tiempo necesario para cubrir una distancia de 25 metros, según el reglamento de la Asociación Polaca de Natación. Conclusiones: los alumnos que participaron en el estudio de 1983 obtuvieron valores de empuje mayores y velocidades menores que los estudiantes del estudio de 2006. Este hecho sugiere que los cambios en el estilo de nado tienen mayores repercusiones en los resultados competitivos/velocidad de nado que la fuerza del empuje

    Age at menarche among rural school youth in west-central Poland: variation with weight status and population growth

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    Studies of age at menarche in Poland have a long history and consistently show an urban-rural gradient. The objectives of the study were to to estimate the age at menarche among school girls resident in ten rural communities of the Greater Poland province in 2016 and to compare ages at menarche by weight status and by population growth. The sample included 1146 girls, 7–16 years of age, resident in ten rural communities. Menarcheal status was obtained via interview. Heights and weights were measured; the BMI was calculated. Based on the latter, the girls were classified as thin, normal weight and overweight (including the obese) relative to IOTF criteria. Population growth between 1986 and 2016 in each community was estimated from local records. Ages at menarche were estimated with the probit regression protocol (SPSS) using the logistic model with log 10 transformation for the total sample and for the subsamples by weight status and population growth. The median age at menarche for the total sample of rural girls was 13.25±0.20 years. Menarche was earlier among Overweight (13.06±0.32 years) compared to Normal Weight (13.25±0.37 years) and Thin (13.81±0.41 years), and among girls resident in communities with Major population growth (12.58±0.44 years) compared to Little/No growth (13.65±0.14 years). Results of the present survey were generally consistent with recent surveys of age at menarche among rural girls in Poland and among girls classified by weight status. Corresponding comparative data relating menarche to population growth are lacking

    Non-linear relationships between the BMI and physical fitness in Polish adolescents

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    Comparisons of physical fitness in normal weight and overweight/obese youth generally highlight the negative consequences of an elevated BMI. In contrast, several studies of children and adolescents highlight the importance of variation in indicators of physical fitness across the full spectrum of BMIs from low through high.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of real-world usage of lanreotide AUTOGEL 120 in Polish acromegalic patients - results from

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    Aim of the study: To assess resource utilization and costs of treatment with lanreotide AUTOGEL 120 mg (ATG120) administered as part of routine acromegaly care in Poland. Material and methods: A multicentre, non-interventional, observational study on resource utilization in Polish acromegalic patients treated with ATG120 at 4 weeks or extended (> 4 weeks) dosing interval. The study recruited adult acromegalic patients treated medically for ≥ 1 year including at least 3 injections of ATG120. Data on dosing interval, aspects of administration, and resource utilization were collected prospectively during 12 months. Costs were calculated in PLN from the public health-care payer perspective for the year 2013. Results: 139 patients were included in the analysis. Changes in dosing regimen were reported in 14 (9.4%) patients. Combined treatment was used in 11 (8%) patients. Seventy patients (50%) received ATG120 at an extended dosing interval; the mean number of days between injections was 35.56 (SD 8.4). ATG120 was predominantly administered in an out-patient setting (77%), by health-care professionals (94%). Mean time needed for preparation and administration was 4.33 and 1.58 min, respectively, mean product wastage - 0.13 mg. Patients were predominantly treated in an out-patient setting with 7.06 physician visits/patient/ year. The most common control examinations were magnetic resonance imaging of brain and brain stem (1.36/ patient/year), ultrasound of the neck (1.35/patient/year), GH (1.69/pa tient/ year), glycaemia (1.12/patient/year), IGF-1 (0.84/patient/year), pituitary-thyroid axis hormone levels assessment (TSH-0.58/patient/year, T4-0.78/patient/ year). There were 0.43 hospitalizations/ patient/year. For direct medical costs estimated at PLN 50 692/pa tient/ year the main item was the costs of ATG120 (PLN 4103.87/patient/month; 97%). The mean medical cost, excluding pharmacotherapy, was PLN 1445/patient/year (out-patient care - 49%, hospitalization - 23%, diagnostics/laboratory tests - 28%). Conclusions: These results represent the current use of ATG120 in the population of Polish acromegalic patients in a realistic clinical setting. Findings that 50% of patients could be treated with dose intervals of longer than 28 days support the potential of ATG120 to reduce the treatment burden