29 research outputs found

    New Insights into the Generation of CD4 Memory May Shape Future Vaccine Strategies for Influenza

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    Influenza viral evolution presents a formidable challenge to vaccination due to the virus\u27 ability to rapidly mutate to evade immune responses. Live influenza infections generate large and diverse CD4 effector T cell responses that yield highly protective, long-lasting CD4 T cell memory that can target conserved viral epitopes. We review advances in our understanding of mechanisms involved in generating CD4 T cell responses against the influenza A virus (IAV), focusing on specialized follicular helper (TFH) and CD4 cytotoxic (ThCTL) effector subsets and on CD4 T cell memory. We also discuss two recent findings in context of enhancing vaccine responses. First, helper T cells require priming with APC secreting high levels of IL-6. Second, the transition of IAV-generated effectors to memory depends on IL-2, costimulation and antigen signals, just before effectors reach peak numbers, defined as the memory checkpoint. The need for these signals during the checkpoint could explain why many current influenza vaccines are poorly effective and elicit poor cellular immunity. We suggest that CD4 memory generation can be enhanced by re-vaccinating at this time. Our best hope lies in a universal vaccine that will not need to be formulated yearly against seasonal antigenically novel influenza strains and will also be protective against a pandemic strain. We suggest a vaccine approach that elicits a powerful T cell response, by initially inducing high levels of APC activation and later providing antigen at the memory checkpoint, may take us a step closer to such a universal influenza vaccine

    Nitric oxide inhibits the accumulation of CD4+CD44hiTbet+CD69lo T cells in mycobacterial infection

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    Animals lacking the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (nos2-/-) are less susceptible to Mycobacterium avium strain 25291 and lack nitric oxide-mediated immunomodulation of CD4+ T cells. Here we show that the absence of nos2 results in increased accumulation of neutrophils and both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells within the M. avium containing granuloma. Examination of the T-cell phenotype in M. avium infected mice demonstrated that CD4+CD44hi effector T cells expressing the Th1 transcriptional regulator T-bet (T-bet+) were specifically reduced by the presence of nitric oxide. Importantly, the T-bet+ effector population could be separated into CD69hi and CD69lo populations, with the CD69lo population only able to accumulate during chronic infection within infected nos2-/- mice. Transcriptomic comparison between CD4+CD44hiCD69hi and CD4+CD44hiCD69lo populations revealed that CD4+CD44hiCD69lo cells had higher expression of the integrin itgb1/itga4 (VLA-4, CD49d/CD29). Inhibition of Nos2 activity allowed increased accumulation of the CD4+CD44hiT-bet+CD69lo population in WT mice as well as increased expression of VLA-4. These data support the hypothesis that effector T cells in mycobacterial granulomata are not a uniform effector population but exist in distinct subsets with differential susceptibility to the regulatory effects of nitric oxide

    The Regulation Of Inflammation By Innate And Adaptive Lymphocytes

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    Inflammation plays an essential role in the control of pathogens and in shaping the ensuing adaptive immune responses. Traditionally, innate immunity has been described as a rapid response triggered through generic and nonspecific means that by definition lacks the ability to remember. Recently, it has become clear that some innate immune cells are epigenetically reprogrammed or “imprinted” by past experiences. These “trained” innate immune cells display altered inflammatory responses upon subsequent pathogen encounter. Remembrance of past pathogen encounters has classically been attributed to cohorts of antigen-specific memory T and B cells following the resolution of infection. During recall responses, memory T and B cells quickly respond by proliferating, producing effector cytokines, and performing various effector functions. An often-overlooked effector function of memory CD4 and CD8 T cells is the promotion of an inflammatory milieu at the initial site of infection that mirrors the primary encounter. This memory-conditioned inflammatory response, in conjunction with other secondary effector T cell functions, results in better control and more rapid resolution of both infection and the associated tissue pathology. Recent advancements in our understanding of inflammatory triggers, imprinting of the innate immune responses, and the role of T cell memory in regulating inflammation are discussed

    Mouse Models Reveal Role of T-Cytotoxic and T-Reg Cells in Immune Response to Influenza: Implications for Vaccine Design

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    Immunopathologic examination of the lungs of mouse models of experimental influenza virus infection provides new insights into the immune response in this disease. First, there is rapidly developing perivascular and peribronchial infiltration of the lung with T-cells. This is followed by invasion of T-cells into the bronchiolar epithelium, and separation of epithelial cells from each other and from the basement membrane leading to defoliation of the bronchial epithelium. The intraepithelial reaction may involve either CD8 or CD4 T-cytotoxic cells and is analogous to a viral exanthema of the skin, such as measles and smallpox, which occur when the immune response against these infections is activated and the infected cells are attacked by T-cytotoxic cells. Then there is formation of B-cell follicles adjacent to bronchi, i.e., induced bronchial associated lymphoid tissue (iBALT). iBALT reacts like the cortex of a lymph node and is a site for a local immune response not only to the original viral infection, but also related viral infections (heterologous immunity). Proliferation of Type II pneumocytes and/or terminal bronchial epithelial cells may extend into the adjacent lung leading to large zones filled with tumor-like epithelial cells. The effective killing of influenza virus infected epithelial cells by T-cytotoxic cells and induction of iBALT suggests that adding the induction of these components might greatly increase the efficacy of influenza vaccination

    Memory CD4 T cell-mediated immunity against influenza A virus: more than a little helpful

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    Recent observations have uncovered multiple pathways whereby CD4 T cells can contribute to protective immune responses against microbial threats. Incorporating the generation of memory CD4 T cells into vaccine strategies thus presents an attractive approach toward improving immunity against several important human pathogens, especially those against which antibody responses alone are inadequate to confer long-term immunity. Here, we review how memory CD4 T cells provide protection against influenza viruses. We discuss the complexities of protective memory CD4 T cell responses observed in animal models and the potential challenges of translating these observations into the clinic. Specifically, we concentrate on how better understanding of organ-specific heterogeneity of responding cells and defining multiple correlates of protection might improve vaccine-generated memory CD4 T cells to better protect against seasonal, and more importantly, pandemic influenza

    Cigarette Smoke Extract Acts Directly On Cd4 T Cells To Enhance Th1 Polarization And Reduce Memory Potential

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    Although cigarette smoke is known to alter immune responses, whether and how CD4 T cells are affected is not well-described. We aimed to characterize how exposure to cigarette smoke extract impacts CD4 T cell effector generation in vitro under Th1-polarizing conditions. Our results demonstrate that cigarette smoke directly acts on CD4 T cells to impair effector expansion by decreasing division and increasing apoptosis. Furthermore, cigarette smoke enhances Th1-associated cytokine production and increases expression of the transcription factor T-bet, the master regulator of Th1 differentiation. Finally, we show that exposure to cigarette smoke extract during priming impairs the ability of effectors to form memory cells. Our findings thus demonstrate that cigarette smoke simultaneously enhances effector functions but promotes terminal differentiation of CD4 T cell effectors. This study may be relevant to understanding how smoking can both aggravate autoimmune symptoms and reduce vaccine efficacy

    Multipronged CD4(+) T-cell effector and memory responses cooperate to provide potent immunity against respiratory virus

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    Over the last decade, the known spectrum of CD4(+) T-cell effector subsets has become much broader, and it has become clear that there are multiple dimensions by which subsets with a particular cytokine commitment can be further defined, including their stage of differentiation, their location, and, most importantly, their ability to carry out discrete functions. Here, we focus on our studies that highlight the synergy among discrete subsets, especially those defined by helper and cytotoxic function, in mediating viral protection, and on distinctions between CD4(+) T-cell effectors located in spleen, draining lymph node, and in tissue sites of infection. What emerges is a surprising multiplicity of CD4(+) T-cell functions that indicate a large arsenal of mechanisms by which CD4(+) T cells act to combat viruses