60 research outputs found

    Sensorimotor and Neurocognitive Dysfunctions Parallel Early Telencephalic Neuropathology in Fucosidosis Mice

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    Stroobants S, Wolf H, Callaerts-Vegh Z, Dierks T, Lübke T, D'Hooge R. Sensorimotor and Neurocognitive Dysfunctions Parallel Early Telencephalic Neuropathology in Fucosidosis Mice. FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE. 2018;12: 15.Fucosidosis is a lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) caused by lysosomal alpha-L-fucosidase deficiency. Insufficient alpha-L-fucosidase activity triggers accumulation of undegraded, fucosylated glycoproteins and glycolipids in various tissues. The human phenotype is heterogeneous, but progressive motor and cognitive impairments represent the most characteristic symptoms. Recently, Fuca1-deficient mice were generated by gene targeting techniques, constituting a novel animal model for human fucosidosis. These mice display widespread LSD pathology, accumulation of secondary storage material and neuroinflammation throughout the brain, as well as progressive loss of Purkinje cells. Fuca1-deficient mice and control littermates were subjected to a battery of tests detailing different aspects of motor, emotional and cognitive function. At an early stage of disease, we observed reduced exploratory activity, sensorimotor disintegration as well as impaired spatial learning and fear memory. These early markers of neurological deterioration were related to the respective stage of neuropathology using molecular genetic and immunochemical procedures. Increased expression of the lysosomal marker Lamp1 and neuroinflammation markers was observed throughout the brain, but appeared more prominent in cerebral areas in comparison to cerebellum of Fuca1-deficient mice. This is consistent with impaired behaviors putatively related to early disruptions of motor and cognitive circuits particularly involving cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and hippocampus. Thus, Fuca1-deficient mice represent a practical and promising fucosidosis model, which can be utilized for pathogenetic and therapeutic studies

    rAAV2/7 vector-mediated overexpression of alpha-synuclein in mouse substantia nigra induces protein aggregation and progressive dose-dependent neurodegeneration

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    Background Alpha-synuclein is a key protein implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). It is the main component of the Lewy bodies, a cardinal neuropathological feature in the disease. In addition, whole locus multiplications and point mutations in the gene coding for alpha-synuclein lead to autosomal dominant monogenic PD. Over the past decade, research on PD has impelled the development of new animal models based on alpha-synuclein. In this context, transgenic mouse lines have failed to reproduce several hallmarks of PD, especially the strong and progressive dopaminergic neurodegeneration over time that occurs in the patients. In contrast, viral vector-based models in rats and non-human primates display prominent, although highly variable, nigral dopaminergic neuron loss. However, the few studies available on viral vector-mediated overexpression of alpha-synuclein in mice report a weak neurodegenerative process and no clear Lewy body-like pathology. To address this issue, we performed a comprehensive comparative study of alpha-synuclein overexpression by means of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors serotype 2/7 (rAAV2/7) at different doses in adult mouse substantia nigra. Results We noted a significant and dose-dependent alpha-synucleinopathy over time upon nigral viral vector-mediated alpha-synuclein overexpression. We obtained a strong, progressive and dose-dependent loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, reaching a maximum of 82% after 8 weeks. This effect correlated with a reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the striatum. Moreover, behavioural analysis revealed significant motor impairments from 12 weeks after injection on. In addition, we detected the presence of alpha-synuclein-positive aggregates in the remaining surviving neurons. When comparing wild-type to mutant A53T alpha-synuclein at the same vector dose, both induced a similar degree of cell death. These data were supported by a biochemical analysis that showed a net increase in soluble and insoluble alpha-synuclein expression over time to the same extent for both alpha-synuclein variants. Conclusions In conclusion, our in vivo data provide evidence that strong and significant alpha-synuclein-induced neuropathology and progressive dopaminergic neurodegeneration can be achieved in mouse brain by means of rAAV2/7

    Involvement of peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in eosinophil extracellular trap formation and contribution to citrullinated histone signal in thrombi

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    Background: Extracellular traps formed by neutrophils (NETs) and eosinophils (EETs) have been described in coronary thrombi, contributing to thrombus stability. A key mechanism during NET formation is histone modification by the enzyme PAD4. Citrullinated histones, the product of PAD4 activity, are often attributed to neutrophils. Eosinophils also express high levels of PAD4. Objectives: We aimed to explore the contribution of PAD4 to EET formation. Methods: We performed immunohistological analyses on thrombi, including a large, intact, and eosinophil-containing thrombus retrieved from the right coronary artery using an aspiration catheter and stroke thrombi from thrombectomy retrieval. We studied eosinophils for their capability to form PAD4-dependent EETs in response to strong ET-inducing agonists as well as activated platelets and bacteria. Results: Histopathology and immunofluorescence microscopy identified a coronary thrombus rich in platelets and neutrophils, with distinct areas containing von Willebrand factor and citrullinated histone H3 (H3Cit). Eosinophils were also identified in leukocyte-rich areas. The majority of the H3Cit+ signal colocalized with myeloperoxidase, but some colocalized with eosinophil peroxidase, indicating EETs. Eosinophils isolated from healthy volunteers produced H3Cit+ EETs, indicating an involvement of PAD4 activity. The selective PAD4 inhibitor GSK484 blocked this process, supporting PAD4 dependence of H3Cit+ EET release. Citrullinated histones were also present in EETs produced in response to live Staphylococci. However, limited evidence for EETs was found in mouse models of venous thrombosis or infective endocarditis. Conclusion: As in NETosis, PAD4 can catalyze the formation of EETs. Inhibition of PAD4 decreases EET formation, supporting the future utility of PAD4 inhibitors as possible antithrombotic agents

    Progressive leukoencephalopathy impairs neurobehavioral development in sialin-deficient mice

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    Slc17a5−/− mice represent an animal model for the infantile form of sialic acid storage disease (SASD). We analyzed genetic and histological time-course expression of myelin and oligodendrocyte (OL) lineage markers in different parts of the CNS, and related this to postnatal neurobehavioral development in these mice. Sialin-deficient mice display a distinct spatiotemporal pattern of sialic acid storage, CNS hypomyelination and leukoencephalopathy. Whereas few genes are differentially expressed in the perinatal stage (p0), microarray analysis revealed increased differential gene expression in later postnatal stages (p10–p18). This included progressive upregulation of neuroinflammatory genes, as well as continuous down-regulation of genes that encode myelin constituents and typical OL lineage markers. Age-related histopathological analysis indicates that initial myelination occurs normally in hindbrain regions, but progression to more frontal areas is affected in Slc17a5−/− mice. This course of progressive leukoencephalopathy and CNS hypomyelination delays neurobehavioral development in sialin-deficient mice. Slc17a5−/− mice successfully achieve early neurobehavioral milestones, but exhibit progressive delay of later-stage sensory and motor milestones. The present findings may contribute to further understanding of the processes of CNS myelination as well as help to develop therapeutic strategies for SASD and other myelination disorders

    Behavioral profiling, quantitative gait analysis and therapy evaluation in murine models of lysosomal storage disorders

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    Transgene en knockout muizen fungeren vaak als diermodellen met het oog op de ontwikkeling van efficiënte behandeling voor menselijke genetische aandoeningen. Lysosomale stapelingsziekten zijn een familie van erfelijke aandoeningen die gekenmerkt worden door een gebrek aan enzymatische activiteit. Aangezien deze ziekten zich vaak presenteren met ernstige neuropsychologische symptomen, is het belangrijk om equivalente afwijkingen te definiëren in diermodellen om een valide evaluatie van therapeutische interventies mogelijk te maken. Er werden om. muismodellen voor metachromatische leukodystrofie (MLD) en α-mannosidose ontwikkeld, welke reeds gebruikt werden in experimentele behandelingsstudies. Maar, ondanks het feit dat er reeds pionierstudies werden uitgevoerd m.b.t. het gedrag van deze modellen, is deze gedragskarakterisatie niet volmaakt i.v.m. de aangetaste gedragsfuncties, de aanvang en het verloop van de symptomen. Bovendien legden vroegere studies de focus op correctie van pathologische substraatstapeling, hoewel vanuit klinisch oogpunt functionele vooruitgang uiteindelijk het meest relevante aspect is van therapeutische effectiviteit. Het eerste doel van het huidige project was het bekomen van uitgebreide gedragskarakterisatie van de muismodellen voor MLD en α-mannosidose. Het tweede doel betrof de toepassing van de respectieve gedragskenmerken van deze modellen als functionele outcome parameters voor experimentele behandeling via enzyme replacement therapy (ERT).In dit project werd aangetoond dat de muismodellen voor MLD en α-mannosidose motorische, emotionele en cognitieve deficits vertonen die alluderen aan ataxie, psychiatrische symptomen en intellectuele achterstand bij de menselijke aandoeningen. Hierom kunnen ze beschouwd worden als relevante modellen voor het bestuderen van therapeutische effectiviteit. De beschreven afwijkingen vertonen een verschillende responsiviteit voor ERT afhankelijk van de leeftijd van de dieren, het gebruikte muismodel, de enzymdosering en de manier van toediening. Dit preklinisch werk kan verder bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van effectieve behandeling voor de zeer ernstige menselijke aandoeningen, MLD en α-mannosidose.status: publishe

    Neuronal Dysfunction and Behavioral Abnormalities Are Evoked by Neural Cells and Aggravated by Inflammatory Microglia in Peroxisomal β-Oxidation Deficiency

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    It is becoming evident that microglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), are active contributors in neurological disorders. Nevertheless, the impact of microgliosis on neuropathology, behavior and clinical decline in neuropathological conditions remains elusive. A mouse model lacking multifunctional protein-2 (MFP2), a pivotal enzyme in peroxisomal β-oxidation, develops a fatal disorder characterized by motor problems similar to the milder form of human disease. The molecular mechanisms underlying neurological decline in men and mice remain unknown. The hallmark of disease in the mouse model is chronic proliferation of microglia in the brain without provoking neuronal loss or demyelination. In order to define the contribution of Mfp2−/− neural cells to development of microgliosis and clinical neuropathology, the constitutive Mfp2−/− mouse model was compared to a neural selective Nestin-Mfp2−/− mouse model. We demonstrate in this study that, in contrast to early-onset and severe microgliosis in constitutive Mfp2−/− mice, Mfp2+/+ microglia in Nestin-Mfp2−/− mice only become mildly inflammatory at end stage of disease. Mfp2−/− microglia are primed and acquire a chronic and strong inflammatory state in Mfp2−/− mice whereas Mfp2+/+ microglia in Nestin-Mfp2−/− mice are not primed and adopt a minimal activation state. The inflammatory microglial phenotype in Mfp2−/− mice is correlated with more severe neuronal dysfunction, faster clinical deterioration and reduced life span compared to Nestin-Mfp2−/− mice. Taken together, our study shows that deletion of MFP2 impairs behavior and locomotion. Clinical decline and neural pathology is aggravated by an early-onset and excessive microglial response in Mfp2−/− mice and strongly indicates a cell-autonomous role of MFP2 in microglia

    Sensorimotor and Neurocognitive Dysfunctions Parallel Early Telencephalic Neuropathology in Fucosidosis Mice

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    Fucosidosis is a lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) caused by lysosomal α-L-fucosidase deficiency. Insufficient α-L-fucosidase activity triggers accumulation of undegraded, fucosylated glycoproteins and glycolipids in various tissues. The human phenotype is heterogeneous, but progressive motor and cognitive impairments represent the most characteristic symptoms. Recently, Fuca1-deficient mice were generated by gene targeting techniques, constituting a novel animal model for human fucosidosis. These mice display widespread LSD pathology, accumulation of secondary storage material and neuroinflammation throughout the brain, as well as progressive loss of Purkinje cells. Fuca1-deficient mice and control littermates were subjected to a battery of tests detailing different aspects of motor, emotional and cognitive function. At an early stage of disease, we observed reduced exploratory activity, sensorimotor disintegration as well as impaired spatial learning and fear memory. These early markers of neurological deterioration were related to the respective stage of neuropathology using molecular genetic and immunochemical procedures. Increased expression of the lysosomal marker Lamp1 and neuroinflammation markers was observed throughout the brain, but appeared more prominent in cerebral areas in comparison to cerebellum of Fuca1-deficient mice. This is consistent with impaired behaviors putatively related to early disruptions of motor and cognitive circuits particularly involving cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and hippocampus. Thus, Fuca1-deficient mice represent a practical and promising fucosidosis model, which can be utilized for pathogenetic and therapeutic studies

    Post-weaning infant-to-mother bonding in nutritionally independent female mice

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    Infant-parent attachment is highly selective and continues beyond essential care in primates, most prominently in humans, and the quality of this attachment crucially determines cognitive and emotional development of the infant. Altricial rodent species such as mice (Mus musculus) display mutual recognition and communal nursing in wild and laboratory environments, but parental bonding beyond the nursing period has not been reported. We presently demonstrated that socially and nutritionally independent mice still prefer to interact selectively with their mother dam. Furthermore, we observed gender differences in the mother-infant relationship, and showed disruption of this relationship in haploinsufficient Nbea+/- mice, a putative autism model with neuroendocrine dysregulation. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of murine infant-to-mother bonding beyond the nursing period.status: publishe
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