563 research outputs found
Book Reviews
Book 1Book Title: Health Care as Human RightBook Author: Ed. by Anton van NiekerkPp. 115. Stellenbosch: Unit for Bioethics, University of Stellenbosch. 1993. ISBN 0-79720429- 6.Book 2Book Title: Psychosis and its ManagementBook Author: A.E. GangatPp. xvii + 169. Durban: Valentine Bedford. 1992. ISBN 0-620-16940-0.Book 3Book Title: Health Care in South Africa: Structure and DynamicsBook Authors: H.C.J. van Rensburg, A. Fourie & E. PretoriusPp. xix + 438. lllustrated. Pretoria: Academica. 1992. ISBN 0-86874-471-9Book 4Book Title: Guidelines for Cholera ControlBook Author: WHOPp. vi + 61. (in English; French and Spanish in preparation). $16,20. Geneva: WHO. 1993. Order No. 1150398. ISBN 92-4-15444-9X
Dimerization and Incommensurate Spiral Spin Correlations in the Zigzag Spin Chain: Analogies to the Kondo Lattice
Using the density matrix renormalization group and a bosonization approach,
we study a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with near-neighbor
coupling and frustrating second-neighbor coupling , particularly in
the limit . This system exhibits both dimerization and
incommensurate spiral spin correlations. We argue that this system is closely
related to a doped, spin-gapped phase of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice.Comment: 18 pages, with 13 embedded encapsulated Postscript figures, uses
epsf.sty. Corrects a misstatement about the pitch angle, and contains
additional reference
Phase diagrams of spin ladders with ferromagnetic legs
The low-temperature properties of the spin S=1/2 ladder with anisotropic
ferromagnetic legs are studied using the continuum limit bosonization approach.
The weak-coupling ground state phase diagram of the model is obtained for a
wide range of coupling constants and several unconventional gapless
''spin-liquid'' phases are shown to exist for ferromagnetic coupling. The
behavior of the ladder system in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic instability
point is discussed in detail.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
Stratorotational instability in MHD Taylor-Couette flows
The stability of dissipative Taylor-Couette flows with an axial stable
density stratification and a prescribed azimuthal magnetic field is considered.
Global nonaxisymmetric solutions of the linearized MHD equations with toroidal
magnetic field, axial density stratification and differential rotation are
found for both insulating and conducting cylinder walls. Flat rotation laws
such as the quasi-Kepler law are unstable against the nonaxisymmetric
stratorotational instability (SRI). The influence of a current-free toroidal
magnetic field depends on the magnetic Prandtl number Pm: SRI is supported by
Pm > 1 and it is suppressed by Pm \lsim 1. For too flat rotation laws a smooth
transition exists to the instability which the toroidal magnetic field produces
in combination with the differential rotation. This nonaxisymmetric azimuthal
magnetorotational instability (AMRI) has been computed under the presence of an
axial density gradient. If the magnetic field between the cylinders is not
current-free then also the Tayler instability occurs and the transition from
the hydrodynamic SRI to the magnetic Tayler instability proves to be rather
complex. Most spectacular is the `ballooning' of the stability domain by the
density stratification: already a rather small rotation stabilizes magnetic
fields against the Tayler instability. An azimuthal component of the resulting
electromotive force only exists for density-stratified flows. The related
alpha-effect for magnetic SRI of Kepler rotation appears to be positive for
negative d\rho/dz <0.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Astron. Astrophy
Dynamics of Coronal Bright Points as seen by Sun Watcher using Active Pixel System detector and Image Processing (SWAP), Atmospheric Imaging Assembly AIA), and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
The \textit{Sun Watcher using Active Pixel system detector and Image
Processing}(SWAP) on board the \textit{PRoject for OnBoard Autonomy\todash 2}
(PROBA\todash 2) spacecraft provides images of the solar corona in EUV channel
centered at 174 \AA. These data, together with \textit{Atmospheric Imaging
Assembly} (AIA) and the \textit{Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager} (HMI) on
board \textit{Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO), are used to study the dynamics
of coronal bright points. The evolution of the magnetic polarities and
associated changes in morphology are studied using magnetograms and
multi-wavelength imaging. The morphology of the bright points seen in
low-resolution SWAP images and high-resolution AIA images show different
structures, whereas the intensity variations with time show similar trends in
both SWAP 174 and AIA 171 channels. We observe that bright points are seen in
EUV channels corresponding to a magnetic-flux of the order of Mx. We
find that there exists a good correlation between total emission from the
bright point in several UV\todash EUV channels and total unsigned photospheric
magnetic flux above certain thresholds. The bright points also show periodic
brightenings and we have attempted to find the oscillation periods in bright
points and their connection to magnetic flux changes. The observed periods are
generally long (10\todash 25 minutes) and there is an indication that the
intensity oscillations may be generated by repeated magnetic reconnection
The spin and charge excitations of the t--J ladder are studied by exact
diagonalization techniques for several electron densities. The various modes
are classified according to their spin (singlet or triplet excitations) and
their parity under a reflection with respect to the symmetry axis along the
chains and a finite size scaling of the related gaps is performed. At low
doping, formation of hole pairs leads to a spin gap for all ratios. This
phase is characterized by (at least) one vanishing energy mode {\it only} in
the charge bonding channel when consistent with the
existence of superconducting pairing correlations. At larger doping the spin
gap disappears. Although the anti-bonding modes remain gapped, low energy
and spin and charge bonding modes are found
consistent with a single band Luttinger scenario. At sufficient low electron
density and above a critical value of J/t we also expect another phase of
electron pairs with gapped spin excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 11 figs. included in a uuencoded compressed file
Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather
The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees,
and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This
paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal
heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where
the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar
wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few
decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still
do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do
we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute
to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the
central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come
from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal
loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our
understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence,
stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to
unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We
also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data
analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and
theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue
connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space
Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure
On the Application of the Non Linear Sigma Model to Spin Chains and Spin Ladders
We review the non linear sigma model approach (NLSM) to spin chains and spin
ladders, presenting new results. The generalization of the Haldane's map to
ladders in the Hamiltonian approach, give rise to different values of the
parameter depending on the spin S, the number of legs and
the choice of blocks needed to built up the NLSM fields. For rectangular blocks
we obtain or depending on wether , is even or
odd, while for diagonal blocks we obtain . Both
results agree modulo , and yield the same prediction, namely that even (
resp. odd) ladders are gapped (resp. gapless). For even legged ladders we show
that the spin gap collapses exponentially with and we propose a
finite size correction to the gap formula recently derived by Chakravarty using
the 2+1 NSLM, which gives a good fit of numerical results. We show the
existence of a Haldane phase in the two legged ladder using diagonal blocks and
finally we consider the phase diagram of dimerized ladders.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 7 figures in postscript files, Proc. of the 1996 El
Escorial Summer School on "Strongly Correlated Magnetic and Superconducting
Systems". Some more references are adde
Search for the glueball candidates f0(1500) and fJ(1710) in gamma gamma collisions
Data taken with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 have been used to search for gamma
gamma production of the glueball candidates f0(1500) and fJ(1710) via their
decay to pi+pi-. No signal is observed and upper limits to the product of gamma
gamma width and pi+pi- branching ratio of the f0(1500) and the fJ(1710) have
been measured to be Gamma_(gamma gamma -> f0(1500)). BR(f0(1500)->pi+pi-) <
0.31 keV and Gamma_(gamma gamma -> fJ(1710)). BR(fJ(1710)->pi+pi-) < 0.55 keV
at 95% confidence level.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
Search for supersymmetry with a dominant R-parity violating LQDbar couplings in e+e- collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130GeV to 172 GeV
A search for pair-production of supersymmetric particles under the assumption
that R-parity is violated via a dominant LQDbar coupling has been performed
using the data collected by ALEPH at centre-of-mass energies of 130-172 GeV.
The observed candidate events in the data are in agreement with the Standard
Model expectation. This result is translated into lower limits on the masses of
charginos, neutralinos, sleptons, sneutrinos and squarks. For instance, for
m_0=500 GeV/c^2 and tan(beta)=sqrt(2) charginos with masses smaller than 81
GeV/c^2 and neutralinos with masses smaller than 29 GeV/c^2 are excluded at the
95% confidence level for any generation structure of the LQDbar coupling.Comment: 32 pages, 30 figure
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