1,277 research outputs found

    General Two-Dimensional Supergravity from Poisson Superalgebras

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    We provide the geometric actions for most general N=1 supergravity in two spacetime dimensions. Our construction implies an extension to arbitrary N. This provides a supersymmetrization of any generalized dilaton gravity theory or of any theory with an action being an (essentially) arbitrary function of curvature and torsion. Technically we proceed as follows: The bosonic part of any of these theories may be characterized by a generically nonlinear Poisson bracket on a three-dimensional target space. In analogy to a given ordinary Lie algebra, we derive all possible N=1 extensions of any of the given Poisson (or W-) algebras. Using the concept of graded Poisson Sigma Models, any extension of the algebra yields a possible supergravity extension of the original theory, local Lorentz and super-diffeomorphism invariance follow by construction. Our procedure automatically restricts the fermionic extension to the minimal one; thus local supersymmetry is realized on-shell. By avoiding a superfield approach we are also able to circumvent in this way the introduction of constraints and their solution. For many well-known dilaton theories different supergravity extensions are derived. In generic cases their field equations are solved explicitly.Comment: 70 pages, LaTeX, AMSmath, BibTe

    Explicit Global Coordinates for Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstroem

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    We construct coordinate systems that cover all of the Reissner-Nordstroem solution with m>|q| and m=|q|, respectively. This is possible by means of elementary analytical functions. The limit of vanishing charge q provides an alternative to Kruskal which, to our mind, is more explicit and simpler. The main tool for finding these global charts is the description of highly symmetrical metrics by two-dimensional actions. Careful gauge fixing yields global representatives of the two-dimensional theory that can be rewritten easily as the corresponding four-dimensional line elements.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figures, sign error in Eq. (37) and below corrected, references and Note added; to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Two-Dimensional N=(2,2) Dilaton Supergravity from Graded Poisson-Sigma Models I: Complete Actions and Their Symmetries

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    The formalism of graded Poisson-sigma models allows the construction of N=(2,2) dilaton supergravity in terms of a minimal number of fields. For the gauged chiral U(1) symmetry the full action, involving all fermionic contributions, is derived. The twisted chiral case follows by simple redefinition of fields. The equivalence of our approach to the standard second order one in terms of superfields is presented, although for the latter so far only the bosonic part of the action seems to have been available in the literature. It is shown how ungauged models can be obtained in a systematic way and some relations to relevant literature in superstring theory are discussed.Comment: 26 p., LaTeX. v3: extended version, new title, new section on ungauged model

    Generalized 2d dilaton gravity with matter fields

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    We extend the classical integrability of the CGHS model of 2d dilaton gravity [1] to a larger class of models, allowing the gravitational part of the action to depend more generally on the dilaton field and, simultaneously, adding fermion- and U(1)-gauge-fields to the scalar matter. On the other hand we provide the complete solution of the most general dilaton-dependent 2d gravity action coupled to chiral fermions. The latter analysis is generalized to a chiral fermion multiplet with a non-abelian gauge symmetry as well as to the (anti-)self-dual sector df = *df (df = -*df) of a scalar field f.Comment: 37 pages, Latex; typos and Eqs. (44,45) corrected; paragraph on p. 26, referring to a work of S. Solodukhin, reformulated; references adde

    Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements reveal the origin of the Debye process in monohydroxy alcohols

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    Monohydroxy alcohols show a structural relaxation and at longer time scales a Debye-type dielectric peak. From spin-lattice relaxation experiments using different nuclear probes an intermediate, slower-than-structural dynamics is identified for n-butanol. Based on these findings and on diffusion measurements, a model of self-restructuring, transient chains is proposed. The model is demonstrated to explain consistently the so far puzzling observations made for this class of hydrogen-bonded glass forming liquids.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Classical and Quantum Gravity in 1+1 Dimensions, Part I: A Unifying Approach

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    We provide a concise approach to generalized dilaton theories with and without torsion and coupling to Yang-Mills fields. Transformations on the space of fields are used to trivialize the field equations locally. In this way their solution becomes accessible within a few lines of calculation only. In this first of a series of papers we set the stage for a thorough global investigation of classical and quantum aspects of more or less all available 2D gravity-Yang-Mills models.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, some sign errors in Eqs. 52--59 have been corrected (according to the Erratum

    Subdiffusion and lateral diffusion coefficient of lipid atoms and molecules in phospholipid bilayers

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    We use a long, all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulation combined with theoretical modeling to investigate the dynamics of selected lipid atoms and lipid molecules in a hydrated diyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer. From the analysis of a 0.1 ÎĽ\mus MD trajectory we find that the time evolution of the mean square displacement, [\delta{r}(t)]^2, of lipid atoms and molecules exhibits three well separated dynamical regions: (i) ballistic, with [\delta{r}(t)]^2 ~ t^2 for t < 10 fs; (ii) subdiffusive, with [\delta{r}(t)]^2 ~ t^{\beta} with \beta<1, for 10 ps < t < 10 ns; and (iii) Fickian diffusion, with [\delta{r}(t)]^2 ~ t for t > 30 ns. We propose a memory function approach for calculating [\delta{r}(t)]^2 over the entire time range extending from the ballistic to the Fickian diffusion regimes. The results are in very good agreement with the ones from the MD simulations. We also examine the implications of the presence of the subdiffusive dynamics of lipids on the self-intermediate scattering function and the incoherent dynamics structure factor measured in neutron scattering experiments.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exact Path Integral Quantization of Generic 2-D Dilaton Gravity

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    Local path integral quantization of generic 2D dilaton gravity is considered. Locality means that we assume asymptotic fall off conditions for all fields. We demonstrate that in the absence of `matter' fields to all orders of perturbation theory and for all 2D dilaton theories the quantum effective action coincides with the classical one. This resolves the apparent contradiction between the well established results of Dirac quantization and perturbative (path-integral) approaches which seemed to yield non-trivial quantum corrections. For a particular case, the Jackiw--Teitelboim model, our result is even extended to the situation when a matter field is present.Comment: 15 page

    Two-Dimensional N=(2,2) Dilaton Supergravity from Graded Poisson-Sigma Models II: Analytic Solution and BPS States

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    The integrability of N=(2,2) dilaton supergravity in two dimensions is studied by the use of the graded Poisson Sigma model approach. Though important differences compared to the purely bosonic models are found, the general analytic solutions are obtained. The latter include minimally gauged models as well as an ungauged version. BPS solutions are an especially interesting subclass.Comment: 23 p LaTe
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