16 research outputs found

    Strong Artin-Rees Property in Rings of dimension one and two

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    In this note we give a simple proof of the fact that local rings of dimension one have the strong uniform Artin-Rees property. Moreover, we give two examples of rings of dimension two where the property fails.Comment: 7 page

    Constructing Big Indecomposable modules

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    Let RR be local Noetherian ring of depth at least two. We prove that there are indecomposable RR-modules which are free on the punctured spectrum of constant, arbitrarily large, rank.Comment: 8 pages, Minor modifications

    Uniform Artin-Rees Bounds for Syzygies

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    Let (R,m)(R,m) be a local Noetherian ring, let MM be a finitely generated RR-module and let (F∙,∂∙)(F_{\bullet},\partial_{\bullet}) be a free resolution of MM. We find a uniform bound hh such that the Artin-Rees containment InFi∩Im ∂i+1⊆In−hIm ∂i+1I^n F_i\cap Im \, \partial_{i+1} \subseteq I^{n-h} Im \, \partial_{i+1} holds for all integers i≥di\ge d, for all integers n≥hn\ge h, and for all ideals II of RR. In fact, we show that a considerably stronger statement holds. The uniform bound hh holds for all ideals and all resolutions of ddth syzygy modules. In order to prove our statements, we introduce the concept of Koszul annihilating sequences.Comment: 14 page

    Finite Gorenstein representation type implies simple singularity

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    Let R be a commutative noetherian local ring and consider the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable totally reflexive R-modules. We prove that if this set is finite, then either it has exactly one element, represented by the rank 1 free module, or R is Gorenstein and an isolated singularity (if R is complete, then it is even a simple hypersurface singularity). The crux of our proof is to argue that if the residue field has a totally reflexive cover, then R is Gorenstein or every totally reflexive R-module is free.Comment: Final version, to appear in Adv. Math. 14 p

    Brauer-Thrall for totally reflexive modules

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    Let R be a commutative noetherian local ring that is not Gorenstein. It is known that the category of totally reflexive modules over R is representation infinite, provided that it contains a non-free module. The main goal of this paper is to understand how complex the category of totally reflexive modules can be in this situation. Local rings (R,m) with m^3=0 are commonly regarded as the structurally simplest rings to admit diverse categorical and homological characteristics. For such rings we obtain conclusive results about the category of totally reflexive modules, modeled on the Brauer-Thrall conjectures. Starting from a non-free cyclic totally reflexive module, we construct a family of indecomposable totally reflexive R-modules that contains, for every n in N, a module that is minimally generated by n elements. Moreover, if the residue field R/m is algebraically closed, then we construct for every n in N an infinite family of indecomposable and pairwise non-isomorphic totally reflexive R-modules, that are all minimally generated by n elements. The modules in both families have periodic minimal free resolutions of period at most 2.Comment: Final version; 34 pp. To appear in J. Algebr

    Exact pairs of homogeneous zero divisors

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    Let S be a standard graded Artinian algebra over a field k. We identify constraints on the Hilbert function of S which are imposed by the hypothesis that S contains an exact pair of homogeneous zero divisors. As a consequence, we prove that if S is a compressed level algebra, then S does not contain any homogeneous zero divisors

    A Construction of Totally Reflexive Modules

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    We construct infinite families of pairwise non-isomorphic indecomposable totally reflexive modules of high multiplicity. Under suitable conditions on the totally reflexive modules M and N, we find infinitely many non-isomorphic indecomposable modules arising as extensions of M by N. The construction uses the bimodule structure of Ext1R((M,N) over the endomorphism rings of N and M. Our results compare with a recent theorem of Celikbas, Gheibi and Takahashi, and broaden the scope of that theorem