36 research outputs found

    Intersectionalities and Perceived Discrimination in German Research Organizations: A Post-Soviet Migrant Women’s Perspective

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    This chapter deals with the perception of (sensed) discrimination and the coping strategies of Russian-speaking female scholars in Germany and applies an intersectional approach between culture, migration, gender and social background. Based on telephone interviews, the study aims to contribute to the discussion on discrimination in research environments and individuals' professional integration by exploring narratives of migration and work in 13 women who migrated from the former Soviet Union (FSU) to Germany from 1990s to 2010s. Based on the findings, the author derives implications for policy and practice, such as a recommendation to implement introductory conversations with newcomers to reduce culture clash in competitive work contexts

    Tribological Performance of PM300 Solid Lubricant Bushings for High Temperature Applications

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    PM300 is a high temperature solid lubricant material produced through conventional powder metallurgy processing. PM300 is a combination of metal binder (NiCr), hardener (Cr2O3) and lubricant (Ag and BaF2/CaF2) phases and is in commercial use in high temperature furnace conveyors. In this paper, the tribological characteristics of PM300 are evaluated using a newly developed bushing test rig in which PM300 bushings are loaded against rotating steel shafts at temperatures from 25 to 650 C. The data shows that friction and wear are low to moderate and that the lubrication performance (friction) improves with increasing temperature. Several alternative PM300 compositions are evaluated which do not contain silver and are targeted at aircraft gas turbine applications in which environmental compatibility of silver is a concern. It is expected that the data resulting from this research will further the commercialization of this technology

    Promoting Diversity and Combatting Discrimination in Research Organizations: A Practitioner’s Guide

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    The essay is addressed to practitioners in research management and from academic leadership. It describes which measures can contribute to creating an inclusive climate for research teams and preventing and effectively dealing with discrimination. The practical recommendations consider the policy and organizational levels, as well as the individual perspective of research managers. Following a series of basic recommendations, six lessons learned are formulated, derived from the contributions to the edited collection on "Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations.

    Sustainability reporting practices and their social impact to NGO funding in Italy

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    This study analyses the growing social trends of sustainability reporting practices in non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Taking a preliminary step toward NGO funding, we consider the current lack of information disclosure in existing reporting practices, which are diverse and unsustainable. We investigate key organisational information in order to discover any potential links between funding sources and disclosure practices. In Italy, today there is an on-going effort to encourage public engagement in civil society. A percentage-tax law allows taxpayers to dedicate ‘cinque per mille’ (one-half percent)of their income to NGOs, which is then deducted from their tax obligation (Hereafter, ‘5 per thousand’). Our primary research objective is to understand if there is a link between the ‘5 per thousand’ donations that NGOs receive for providing social impact, and their reporting practices. Therefore, we critically analyse if and how sustainable reporting practices are achieved within the top 100 most funded NGOs that receive the ‘5 per thousand’ donation. We examine public data from official government records published by the Italian Revenue Agency. The findings suggest that sustainability reporting offers a number of financial and social advantages, including social impact that builds trust towards the idea of civil society and its funders. © 2019 Elsevier Lt


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    Die Sparkassen-Stiftung Jagdschlösschen am Ukleisee wurde 1994 gemeinsam mit dem Kreis Ostholstein und dem Sparkassen- und Giroverband gegründet. Ihre Aufgabe ist der Erhalt und die Veranstaltungsorganisation des gleichnamigen, sich im Besitz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein befindlichen, ehemaligen Tee- und Jagdhauses (Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe Stiftungen 2016)

    Professionalization and voluntary transparency practices in nonprofit organizations

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    There are currently no public disclosure requirements for privately controlled charitable organizations in Germany. This study examines under which conditions German nonprofits, including both public charities and foundations, voluntarily choose transparency. Transparent nonprofits are defined herein as those that publicly disclose their annual reports and detailed financial information. A very small number of German nonprofits do so. The results of a crisp-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis suggest that the driving force behind the voluntary transparency of organizations is professional management rather than revealed cases of malpractice or stakeholder demands

    Fürsorge durch Wandel: Stiftungen im deutschen Schulwesen

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    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es darzustellen, wie die Charakteristika des deutschen Schulwesens das Verständnis deutscher Stiftungen von ihren Rollen und ihren Beziehungen zu Staat, Wirtschaft, Bildungseinrichtungen und anderen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren prägen

    Foundations in Germany: Primary and secondary education

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    The article gives an overview of the structure, aims, and functioning of German foundations that engage in primary and secondary education. It is discussed how the evolution of the German education regime is accompanied by a development of the characteristics of education foundations. The article argues that the modern foundation—professional, often businesslike large organizations—is best equipped to play a crucial innovating and networking role in partnership with the former exclusively publicly governed German education administration

    Foundations in Germany: Culture and the Arts

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    The article discusses how the structure of the German cultural landscape shapes the self-understanding and positioning of philanthropic foundations that engage in art and culture. The contribution undertakes a mapping of the different forms of roles and relationships that foundations use to gain impact in this field of activity. The main argument is that in a field characterized by a high multiplicity of actors with partly overlapping and sometimes competing competencies that enable manifold possibilities for complementary partnerships and relatively high, but still scarce financial resources, the durability of foundations becomes their most important characteristic. As a result, cultural foundations take a more conservative approach than foundations in other fields. Typically set up with rather small endowments and with an operating focus, they are built to serve niches of cultural supply and demand that gives them versatile manifestations that have in common the goal of preserving tradition