595 research outputs found

    Chromogranin A and cortisol at intraoperative repeated noxious stimuli: surgical stress in a dog model

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    Objectives: Biomarkers representing sympathetic tone and the surgical stress response are measured to objectively evaluate surgical techniques and anaesthetic protocols. If a part of the intraoperative procedure is repeated on the contralateral organ, one animal may potentially serve as its own control and, if so, may minimize the problem of individual differences of the stress response to anaesthesia and surgery. This study aimed to investigate the use of chromogranin A for measurement of the intraoperative sympathetic tone. Additional aims were to investigate chromogranin A and cortisol as indicators of the intraoperative surgical stress response caused by repeated noxious stimuli in dogs subjected to ovariohysterectomy and thereby to investigate the possibility of one dog serving as its own control. Methods: Experiments were carried out on 10 dogs subjected to ovariohysterectomy. Perioperative blood samples (0-6) were collected after premedication, immediately before induction of anaesthesia (0), after induction of anaesthesia and before incision (1), before (2) and after (3) removal of the first ovary, after a 15-min pause before removal of the second ovary (4), after removal of the second ovary (5) and after closing the abdomen (6). Plasma chromogranin A and cortisol were analysed. Results: Plasma chromogranin A did not change. Plasma cortisol concentration did not change between before anaesthesia and opening of the abdomen. Plasma cortisol increased at removal of the first ovary. Cortisol did not change at removal of the second ovary but remained increased compared to initial sample. Conclusion: The results suggest chromogranin A is a poor indicator of intraoperative sympathetic tone during elective surgery in dogs. Cortisol measurement was useful for assessment of intraoperative noxious stimuli. However, at these test conditions, neither plasma chromogranin A nor plasma cortisol was useful for assessment of repeated intraoperative noxious stimuli where one dog served as its own control.

    Aktivera rummen mellan rummen

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    FolkhĂ€lsan Ă€r ett högst relevant Ă€mne att studera dĂ„ den Ă€r av en eskalerande och nedĂ„tgĂ„ende trend i Sverige idag, bĂ„de gĂ€llande fysisk och psykisk ohĂ€lsa. Detta hĂ€lsoproblem Ă€r utbrett hos stora delar av befolkningen samt det mest kostsamma samhĂ€llsproblemet idag. Dock Ă€r det konstaterat att detta gĂ„r att rĂ„da bot pĂ„ genom den byggda miljön. Forskning visar pĂ„ att mer fysisk aktivitet och mindre stillasittande Ă€r nyckeln till ett hĂ€lsosammare liv och att det har klara samband mellan hur den byggda miljön Ă€r utformad. Denna studie syftar till att fĂ„ en bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else för hur den byggda miljön möjliggör för mĂ€nniskan att vara fysiskt aktiv i staden. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka och utveckla designverktyg som förbĂ€ttrar de rumsliga förhĂ„llandena pĂ„ de offentliga ytorna för fysisk aktivitet, detta för att bidra med hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande miljöer i mĂ€nniskors nĂ€romrĂ„den. MĂ„let med studien har varit att visa hur den byggda miljön kan stödja fysisk aktivitet baserat pĂ„ teoretisk forskning och undersökande platsanalys för att sedan redovisa detta genom ett gestaltningsförslag. Förslaget kommer att diskutera hur behovet av mer rörelse i vĂ„rt vardagsliv kan tillgodoses av stödjande design och arkitektur i nĂ€rmiljö. Det syftar Ă€ven till att visa hur platser kan understödja varandra och ge upphov till mer spontan aktivitet i stadsrummet och frĂ€mja folkhĂ€lsan. En viktig aspekt Ă€r hur de sĂ„ kallade friytorna i staden kan brukas. För att förstĂ„ vilka miljöer som stödjer mĂ€nniskan till att vara fysiskt aktiv i den byggda miljön har samtida teorier studerats. Litteraturstudien visar pĂ„ att faktorerna nĂ€rhet, tillgĂ€nglighet och anvĂ€ndbarhet Ă€r de tre faktorer som mest stödjer mĂ€nniskor till rörelse, men Ă€ven faktorerna trygghet och estetik, sĂ„ som bland annat grönska. Desto högre grad av dessa faktorer, ju mer fysisk aktivitet sker. Samt att ett dos- responsförhĂ„llande Ă€r rĂ„dande, vilket innebĂ€r att desto fler stöttande miljöer som omger mĂ€nniskan desto större chans Ă€r det att mĂ€nniskan Ă€r fysiskt aktiv. Platsstudie har utförts av tre befintliga miljöer i Lunds östra innerstad, korsningen SkolgatanÖstra Vallgatan, Södra entrĂ©n till Östra kyrkogĂ„rden samt KapellvĂ€gen. De valda platserna har gemensamt att de utgör tre sargade friytor i staden som Ă€r i stort behov av upprustning, samt att det Ă€r platser dĂ€r lite fysisk aktivitet sker idag. Platsstudierna utgör egna observationer och analys genom verktyg. Genom platsstudierna identifierades platsernas karaktĂ€rer, kvaliteter och förutsĂ€ttningar samt kontext. NĂ„gra lika problem som identifierades pĂ„ platserna var: - Avsaknaden av rumslighet - Avsaknaden av trygghet - Avsaknaden av vistelsemöjlighet - Avsaknaden av fysisk aktivitet Gestaltningsförslaget utgick ifrĂ„n resultatet av platsstudien samt litteraturstudien. Konceptet till gestaltningsförslaget har varit att binda ihop för att först nĂ„ de strukturella förĂ€ndringarna pĂ„ plats för att skapa en mer sammanhĂ„llen och attraktiva kopplingar mellan platserna som ska skapa mer gynnsamma förutsĂ€ttningar för rörelse. Sedan togs koncept fram för att nĂ„ detaljer och rumslighet genom nyckelorden: God vistelse, goda snitt, aktivera, rumsindelning och sammanfoga pĂ„ platserna sĂ„ att programpunkterna pĂ„ varje plats kunde uppnĂ„s för att stödja den fysiska aktiviteten. MĂ„let med gestaltningen har varit att utnyttja platsernas egna karaktĂ€rer och försöka förstĂ€rka dessa för att locka till mer rörelse. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur viktigt det Ă€r att det skapas nĂ€rmiljöer med en bĂ€ttre tillgĂ„ng med ytor till fysisk aktivitet. För att tillgodose mĂ€nniskors olika behov Ă€r det viktigt att dessa ytor Ă€r flexibla för att skapa vida möjligheter för brukaren. Det Ă€r Ă€ven av hög relevans att skapa en design som utgĂ„r frĂ„n platsens egen karaktĂ€r och inte applicera en fĂ€rdig design. Strukturen som följer i arbetet Ă€r att i den indelande delen av arbetet presenters en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng av samtida teorier kring Ă€mnet byggd miljö och folkhĂ€lsa. DĂ€refter följs en presentation av platserna. Gestaltningsförslaget presenteras dĂ€refter samt följt av en sammanfattande diskussion om förslaget och arbetsprocessen.Public health is a highly relevant subject to study as it is of an escalating and downward trend in Sweden today, both regarding to physical and mental health. This problem is also widespread among large parts of the population and the most costly social problem today. However, it has been established that this can be corrected through the built environment. Research shows that more physical activity is the key to a healthier life and that it has clear connection between how the built environment is designed. This study examines how to gain a better understanding of how the built environment affects and enables us to be physically active in the city. It also intends to investigate and develop design principles that improve the spatial conditions on the public spaces for physical activity, in order to contribute with health promoting environments in people’s neighbourhoods. The aim of the thesis has been to show how the built environment can support physical activity based on theoretical research and site analyzes. The result will be presented in a design proposal that will discuss how everyday activity can be added and supportive in the local area. It also aims to show how places for physicla activity can support each other. An important aspect is how the free spaces in the city can be used. In order to understand what affects and enables people to be physically active in the built environment has contemporary development theories been studied. The literature study shows that proximity, accessibility and usability are the three factors that affect people to movement. It also aims to show how places can support each other and give rise to more spontaneous activity in the urban space and promote public health. An important aspect is how the so-called free spaces in the city can be used but also factors such as safety and aesthetics, such as greenery. The higher the degree of these factors, the more physical activity occurs. And that a dose-response relationship prevails, which means that the more supportive environments that surround people, the greater the chance it is for people to be physically active. Observations have been made of three existing environments in LundÂŽs eastern inner city, the intersection of Skolgatan – Östra Vallgatan, the southern entrance to Östra KyrkogĂ„rden and KapellvĂ€gen. The chosen places have in common that they constitute three lined free areas in the city that are in great need of renovation and that there are little physical activity today. Through the site studies the places characterÂŽs, qualities, conditions and also the context were identified. Some similar problems that was identified at the sites where: - The lack of spatiality - The lack of security - The lack of opportunity to stay - The lack of physical activity The design proposal was based on the results of the site study and the literature study. The concept of the design proposal has been to tie together to first achieve the structural changes in place to create a more cohesive and attractive links between the sites that will create a more favorable conditions for movement. Then concepts were developed to reach details and spatiality through the keywords: Good stay, good cuts, activating, room division and joining in places so that the program points in each location could be achieved to support the physical activity. The aim of the design has been to utilize the siteÂŽs own characters and try to strengthen them to attract more movement. Finally, it is discussed how important it is to create local environments with better access with areas for physical activity. In order to meet peopleÂŽs different needs, it is important that these surfaces are flexible, in order to create wide opportunities for the user. It is also of high relevance to create a design that is based on the siteÂŽs own character and not a finished design. The structure that follows in the work is that in the dividing part of the work a literature review of contemporary theories on the topic of built environment and public health is presented. Then a presentation of the sites is followed. The design proposal is then presented and followed by a summary discussion of the proposal and the work process

    Seasonal impact in horticulture companies : effects that can lead to loss of competence in the industry

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    The purpose of this final thesis is to investigate the effects of seasonal changes in the horticulture industry. In this study this includes mainly garden designers, constructors of gardens and parks and horticultural businesses at Österlen. Today the most important issue,both in private and in public environment, is that the winter occupation in this area is not big enough. The consequence of this issue can result in the loss of competence to other industries if educated personnel has to stay employed only over season. The study is trying to identify and rank factors that are contributing to the problem, and propose solutions that means work opportunities for companies in the horticulture industry as well as for their employees, during twelve months of the year.Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka sĂ€songspĂ„verkan inom trĂ€dgĂ„rdsnĂ€ringen. Undersökningen omfattar frĂ€mst trĂ€dgĂ„rdsdesigners, trĂ€dgĂ„rds- och parkanlĂ€ggare samt Ă€gare av plantskolor/handelstrĂ€dgĂ„rdar pĂ„ Österlen. I dagslĂ€get Ă€r det viktigaste problemet, bĂ„de i privat och offentlig miljö, att vintersysselsĂ€ttning inom omrĂ„det inte rĂ€cker till. Konsekvensen av detta kan bli kompetensförlust till andra branscher om kvalificerad personal tvingas förbli sĂ€songsanstĂ€llda. Examensarbetet försöker identifiera och rangordna faktorer som bidrar till problemet, samt ge förslag pĂ„ lösningar som innebĂ€r sysselsĂ€ttning för företagare inom trĂ€dgĂ„rdsnĂ€ringen samt för deras anstĂ€llda under Ă„rets tolv mĂ„nader

    Altered Expression of Somatostatin Receptors in Pancreatic Islets from NOD Mice Cultured at Different Glucose Concentrations In Vitro and in Islets Transplanted to Diabetic NOD Mice In Vivo

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    Somatostatin acts via five receptors (sst1–5). We investigated if the changes in pancreatic islet sst expression in diabetic NOD mice compared to normoglycemic mice are a consequence of hyperglycemia or the ongoing immune reaction in the pancreas. Pancreatic islets were isolated from NOD mice precultured for 5 days and further cultured for 3 days at high or low glucose before examined. Islets were also isolated from NOD mice and transplanted to normal or diabetic mice in a number not sufficient to cure hyperglycemia. After three days, the transplants were removed and stained for sst1–5 and islet hormones. Overall, changes in sst islet cell expression were more common in islets cultured in high glucose concentration in vitro as compared to the islet transplantation in vivo to diabetic mice. The beta and PP cells exhibited more frequent changes in sst expression, while the alpha and delta cells were relatively unaffected by the high glucose condition. Our findings suggest that the glucose level may alter sst expressed in islets cells; however, immune mechanisms may counteract such changes in islet sst expression

    Simulering av tÄgtrafik - Fordons- och förarbeteende i simulering kontra verklighet

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    Simuleringsprogram anvĂ€nds inom jĂ€rnvĂ€gsbranschen för att simulera tĂ„gtrafik under olika förhĂ„llanden. DĂ„ fordons- och förarbeteende Ă€r av stor vikt för tĂ„gtrafiksimuleringars resultat Ă€r det viktigt att dessa data modelleras pĂ„ ett korrekt sĂ€tt utifrĂ„n verkliga förhĂ„llanden. OmrĂ„det fordons- och förarbeteende Ă€r relativt outforskat, varför studier inom omrĂ„det Ă€r önskvĂ€rda. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att - utifrĂ„n tillgĂ€nglig fordons- och förardata - undersöka fordons- och förarbeteende för jĂ€mförelse mot dagens trafiksimuleringar i simuleringsprogrammet OpenTrack. Genomförda simulering har visat att endast konstanta retardationer utifrĂ„n instĂ€llt retardationstal erhĂ„lls. Vid analys och sammanstĂ€llning av fordonsloggar har det kunnat utlĂ€sas att de genomsnittliga retardationerna varierar beroende pĂ„ utgĂ„ngshastighet, och att förarbeteendet spelar stor roll för bromsstrĂ€ckans lĂ€ngd. BromsstrĂ€ckorna tenderar att minska i spridning ju lĂ€gre utgĂ„ngshastigheten Ă€r. Andra fenomen som kunnat utlĂ€sas Ă€r tillsĂ€ttnings- och lossningstid för bromsen samt ”uppoch nedstyrningstid” för dragkraften vid accelerationer. Analys av förarbeteendet har visat att retardationerna utförs med olika bromsverkan beroende pĂ„ om retardationen Ă€r ATC-övervakad eller inte. Vidare har jĂ€mförelsen mellan simulering och fordonslogg visat pĂ„ att det finns skillnader mellan simulering och verkliga förhĂ„llanden, frĂ€mst avseende retardationsegenskaper. Resultatet av undersökningen har visat att det endast Ă€r rimligt att definiera ett normalfordon, dĂ„ fordonsbeteende kan betraktas som en funktion av bĂ„de fordons- och förarbeteende. Slutligen har resultaten i examensarbetet visat pĂ„ att det finns behov av nya och Ă€ndrade parametrar i OpenTrack, dĂ€r retardationstal utifrĂ„n utgĂ„ngshastighet Ă€r den viktigaste

    Produção agroflorestal sustentåvel

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    Resumo: Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para o litoral paranaense, envolvendo os recursos florestais da Mata AtlĂąntica. Teve como objetivo fornular modelos de produção sustentĂĄvel que, otimizando o rendimento econĂŽmico da pequena propriedade rural atravĂ©s da venda de produtos medicinais, conservassem os recursos florestais produtivos e ampliassem sua disponibilidade. Primeiramente foram selecionadas 18 espĂ©cies arbĂłreas, provenientes de 16 famĂ­lias, cujos produtos madeireiros e medicinais tinham preços e quantidades definidos nos respectivos mercados. A partir dos dados obtidos mediante pesquisa de mercado foi possĂ­vel conhecer os diversos valores e volumes comercializados de produtos madeireiros e medicinais originados de uma mesma espĂ©cie. E, ainda, estimar a renda que uma ĂĄrvore-tipo de cada espĂ©cie pode gerar, quando os produtos obtidos sĂŁo vendidos nestes dois mercados. Em todos os casos a renda dos produtos medicinais por ĂĄrvore, foi maior que a renda obtida da comercialização da madeira. Metade das espĂ©cies estudadas apresentaram boas possibilidades de produzir rendas anuais sem uso do extrativismo predatĂłrio. Na formulação dos modelos de produção, foi escolhida como exemplo, a regiĂŁo de Antonina. Foi definida a situação bĂĄsica (MI), onde uma propriedade rural de 16 ha, dedica atĂ© 3 ha para agricultura de subsistĂȘncia e tem 10 ha de floresta secundĂĄria explorĂĄvel dentro dos limites legais e de recuperação. Nos cĂĄlculos utilizou-se a força de trabalho de duas pessoas, dedicadas Ă s atividades agrĂ­colas e florestais durante 8h 1dia e 273 dias/ano. A programação linear foi o mĂ©todo usado para otimizar a alocação do tempo de mĂŁo-de-obra disponĂ­vel. O MI maximizado teve como resultado R$3.239,00/ano. O MII inclui a receita da casca medicinal obtida das ĂĄrvores derrubadas (3,84m3/ano), com crescimento na renda anual de 18% a.a. No MIII foram acrescentados os rendimentos obtidos da venda de folhas, frutos e Ăłleo produzidos sem extrativismo predatĂłrio, com crescimento da renda anual de 63% sobre o modelo bĂĄsico. O modelo IV incluiu a domesticação de seis espĂ©cies com folhas medicinais, 900 mudas cultivadas e/ou adensadas em um hectare. Este Ășltimo modelo utilizou trĂȘs nĂ­veis de preços para folhas, combinados com dois diferentes perĂ­odos de trabalho, 288 e 320 dias ao ano. Os melhores resultados anuais foram obtidos com o MIII, onde os produtos medicinais sĂŁo vendidos no mercado coletor, e com o MIV -F que considera a venda para o mercado fracionador atacadista/varejista de Curitiba. A mĂ©dio e longo prazos, foram obtidos melhores resultados com os modelos IV -B no mercado coletor, IV-C no mercado atacadista e IV-E no mercado fracionador. As variaçÔes do modelo IV sĂŁo mais exigentes em mĂŁo-de-obra, mas permitem que os recursos produtivos sejam mantidos e melhorados

    Mobile safety alarms based on gps technology in the care of older adults:Systematic review of evidence based on a general evidence framework for digital health technologies

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    BackgroundGPS alarms aim to support users in independent activities. Previous systematic reviews have reported a lack of clear evidence of the effectiveness of GPS alarms for the health and welfare of users and their families and for social care provision. As GPS devices are currently being implemented in social care, it is important to investigate whether the evidence of their clinical effectiveness remains insufficient. Standardized evidence frameworks have been developed to ensure that new technologies are clinically effective and offer economic value. The frameworks for analyzing existing evidence of the clinical effectiveness of GPS devices can be used to identify the risks associated with their implementation and demonstrate key aspects of successful piloting or implementation. ObjectiveThe principal aim of this study is to provide an up-to-date systematic review of evidence based on existing studies of the effects of GPS alarms on health, welfare, and social provision in the care of older adults compared with non–GPS-based standard care. In addition, the study findings were assessed by using the evidence standards framework for digital health technologies (DHTs) established by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom. MethodsThis review was conducted according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Primary studies published in peer-reviewed journals and gray literature from January 2005 to August 2020 were identified through searches in 13 databases and several sources of gray literature. Included studies had individuals (aged ≄50 years) who were receiving social care for older adults or for persons with dementia; used GPS devices as an intervention; were performed in Canada, the United States, European Union, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Korea, or Japan; and addressed quantitative outcomes related to health, welfare, and social care. The study findings were analyzed by using the NICE framework requirements for active monitoring DHTs. ResultsOf the screened records, 1.6% (16/986) were included. Following the standards of the NICE framework, practice evidence was identified for the tier 1 categories Relevance to current pathways in health/social care system and Acceptability with users, and minimum evidence was identified for the tier 1 category Credibility with health, social care professionals. However, several evidence categories for tiers 1 and 2 could not be assessed, and no clear evidence demonstrating effectiveness could be identified. Thus, the evidence required for using DHTs to track patient location according to the NICE framework was insufficient. ConclusionsEvidence of the beneficial effects of GPS alarms on the health and welfare of older adults and social care provision remains insufficient. This review illustrated the application of the NICE framework in analyses of evidence, demonstrated successful piloting and acceptability with users of GPS devices, and identified implications for future research

    Artificial intelligence and precision health through lenses of ethics and social determinants of health: Protocol for a state-of-the-art literature review

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    Background: Precision health is a rapidly developing field, largely driven by the development of artificial intelligence (AI)–related solutions. AI facilitates complex analysis of numerous health data risk assessment, early detection of disease, and initiation of timely preventative health interventions that can be highly tailored to the individual. Despite such promise, ethical concerns arising from the rapid development and use of AI-related technologies have led to development of national and international frameworks to address responsible use of AI. Objective: We aimed to address research gaps and provide new knowledge regarding (1) examples of existing AI applications and what role they play regarding precision health, (2) what salient features can be used to categorize them, (3) what evidence exists for their effects on precision health outcomes, (4) how do these AI applications comply with established ethical and responsible framework, and (5) how these AI applications address equity and social determinants of health (SDOH). Methods: This protocol delineates a state-of-the-art literature review of novel AI-based applications in precision health. Published and unpublished studies were retrieved from 6 electronic databases. Articles included in this study were from the inception of the databases to January 2023. The review will encompass applications that use AI as a primary or supporting system or method when primarily applied for precision health purposes in human populations. It includes any geographical location or setting, including the internet, community-based, and acute or clinical settings, reporting clinical, behavioral, and psychosocial outcomes, including detection-, diagnosis-, promotion-, prevention-, management-, and treatment-related outcomes. Results: This is step 1 toward a full state-of-the-art literature review with data analyses, results, and discussion of findings, which will also be published. The anticipated consequences on equity from the perspective of SDOH will be analyzed. Keyword cluster relationships and analyses will be visualized to indicate which research foci are leading the development of the field and where research gaps exist. Results will be presented based on the data analysis plan that includes primary analyses, visualization of sources, and secondary analyses. Implications for future research and person-centered public health will be discussed. Conclusions: Results from the review will potentially guide the continued development of AI applications, future research in reducing the knowledge gaps, and improvement of practice related to precision health. New insights regarding examples of existing AI applications, their salient features, their role regarding precision health, and the existing evidence that exists for their effects on precision health outcomes will be demonstrated. Additionally, a demonstration of how existing AI applications address equity and SDOH and comply with established ethical and responsible frameworks will be provided

    Measurement of catestatin and vasostatin in wild boar Sus scrofa captured in a corral trap

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    Objective Our aim was to analyse the chromogranin A-derived peptides vasostatin and catestatin in serum from wild boar (Sus scrofa) captured in a corral trap. Acute capture-related stress quickly leads to a release of adrenalin and noradrenalin, but these hormones have a short half-life in blood and are difficult to measure. Chromogranin A (CgA), a glycoprotein which is co-released with noradrenalin and adrenalin, is relatively stable in circulation and the CgA-derived peptides catestatin and vasostatin have been measured in domestic species, but not yet in wildlife. Results Vasostatin and catestatin could be measured and the median (range) serum concentrations were 0.91 (0.54–2.86) and 0.65 (0.35–2.62) nmol/L, respectively. We conclude that the CgA-derived peptides vasostatin and catestatin can be measured in wild boar serum and may thus be useful as biomarkers of psychophysical stress

    Kate 2006 Spring

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    Each year, kate seeks to: explore ideas about normative gender, sex, and sexuality work against oppression and hierarchies of power in any and all forms serve as a voice for race and gender equity as well as queer positivity encourage the silent to speak and feel less afraid build a zine and community that we care about and trusthttps://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/kate/1001/thumbnail.jp
