2,415 research outputs found

    Gluon Thermodynamics at Intermediate Coupling

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    We calculate the thermodynamic functions of Yang-Mills theory to three-loop order using the hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory reorganization of finite temperature quantum field theory. We show that at three-loop order hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory is compatible with lattice results for the pressure, energy density, and entropy down to temperatures T ~ 2 - 3 T_c.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; v2 - published version

    Teaching Children How to Discuss What They Read

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    After the children had silently read the selection assigned, the teacher launched them into a discussion. For a while it seemed that things would go well as the teacher began asking questions to guide the discussion, but only for a few moments. The ebb and flow of the discussion soon became more ebb than flow. The tide had turned and what originally promised to be smooth sailing turned into another voyage of the ill-fated craft--the discussion. The teacher, unnerved by the experience, abruptly ended the activity, deciding that discussions are hardly worth the effort. The teacher was tempted to try other activities, such as having the children write answers to written comprehension questions because they seem to require more thought and effort from children and do not involve the anxiety and discomfort of discussion

    Comparing Chandra and SIRTF Observations for Obscured Starbursts and AGN at High Redshift

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    Tracking the star formation rate to high redshifts requires knowledge of the contribution from both optically visible and obscured sources. The dusty, optically-obscured galaxies can be located by X-ray and infrared surveys. To establish criteria for selecting such sources based only on X-ray and infrared surveys, we determine the ratio of infrared to X-ray brightness that would be observed by SIRTF and Chandra for objects with the same spectral shapes as nearby starbursts if seen at high redshift. The parameter IR/X is defined as IR/X = (flux density observed in SIRTF MIPS 24 μ\mum filter in mJy)/(total flux observed within 0.5-2.0 keV in units of 10^-16 ergs\s\cm^2). Based on observations of NGC 4038/39 (``The Antennae''), NGC 3690+IC 694 (Arp 299 or Mkn 171), M 82, and Arp 220, nine starburst regions are compared using mid-infrared spectra taken by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and X-ray spectra obtained with Chandra . The IR/X are determined as they would appear for 1<z<3. The mean IR/X over this redshift range is 1.3 and is not a significant function of redshift or luminosity, indicating that SIRTF surveys reaching 0.4 mJy at 24 μ\mum should detect the same starbursts as deep CXO surveys detect at a flux of 0.3x10^-16 ergs/s/cm^2. The lower bound of IR/X for starbursts is about 0.2, suggesting that objects with IR/X smaller than this have an AGN X-ray component in addition to the starburst. Values of IR/X for the obscured AGN within NGC 1068, the Circinus galaxy, and NGC 6240 are also determined for comparison although interpretation is complicated by the circumnuclear starbursts in these galaxies. Any sources found in surveys having IR/X>4 would not match any of the objects considered.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Lack of response to garlic fed at different dose rates for the control of Haemonchus contortus in Merino wether lambs

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    With the increased incidence of parasite resistance to chemical anthelmintics worldwide novel approaches to manage parasite infection, such as medicinal plants and their extracts, are being investigated by the scientific community. The current study tested the effect of three rates of garlic (0.9, 1.8 and 3.6%) in a pelleted ration on Haemonchus contortus in sheep. Thirty-nine Merino wether lambs aged 6 months were divided into five treatment groups, including three garlic dose rates and two control groups that received no garlic. All animals were infected with 4000 L3 H. contortus larvae 3 weeks after allocation to treatments. A positive control group was drenched with abamectin 28 days after infection. The synthetic drench was effective in controlling the parasites, but there was no reduction in either worm egg counts (WEC) or total worm count due to the garlic. The 3.6% garlic treatment had significantly lower (P <0.05) liveweight, feed intake, body condition score and feed conversion ratio than any of the other treatment groups, suggesting that this level of garlic had a low level of anti-nutritional properties. There was an interaction between faecal WEC and voluntary feed intake overtime, with the animals with higher voluntary feed intake having lower WEC over time

    Starburst-Driven Galactic Winds: Filament Formation and Emission Processes

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    We have performed a series of three-dimensional simulations of the interaction of a supersonic wind with a non-spherical radiative cloud. These simulations are motivated by our recent three-dimensional model of a starburst-driven galactic wind interacting with an inhomogeneous disk, which show that an optically emitting filament can be formed by the break-up and acceleration of a cloud into a supersonic wind. In this study we consider the evolution of a cloud with two different geometries (fractal and spherical) and investigate the importance of radiative cooling on the cloud's survival. We have also undertaken a comprehensive resolution study in order to ascertain the effect of the assumed numerical resolution on the results. We find that the ability of the cloud to radiate heat is crucial for its survival. While an adiabatic cloud is destroyed over a short period of time, a radiative cloud is broken up via the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability into numerous small, dense cloudlets, which are drawn into the flow to form a filamentary structure. The degree of fragmentation is highly dependent on the resolution of the simulation, with the number of cloudlets formed increasing as the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is better resolved. Nevertheless, there is a clear qualitative trend, with the filamentary structure still persistent at high resolution. We confirm the mechanism behind the formation of the H-alpha emitting filaments found in our global simulations of a starburst-driven wind. Based on our resolution study, we conclude that bow shocks around accelerated gas clouds, and their interaction, are the main source of the soft X-ray emission observed in these galactic-scale winds. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 39 pages, 21 figures, movie file can obtained at http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~jcooper/movie/halpha.mo

    Wind Tunnel Tests of Evolved Mars Tumbleweed Concepts

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    This paper summarizes the testing conducted in the Basic Aerodynamics Research Tunnel (BART) at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) to measure the drag properties of evolved Tumbleweed rover designs

    First principles numerical model of avalanche-induced arc discharges in electron-irradiated dielectrics

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    The model consists of four phases: single electron dynamics, single electron avalanche, negative streamer development, and tree formation. Numerical algorithms and computer code implementations are presented for the first three phases. An approach to developing a code description of fourth phase is discussed. Numerical results are presented for a crude material model of Teflon

    Feedback in the local LBG Analog Haro 11 as probed by far-UV and X-ray observations

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    We have re-analyzed FUSE data and obtained new Chandra observations of Haro 11, a local (D_L=88 Mpc) UV luminous galaxy. Haro 11 has a similar far-UV luminosity (10^10.3 L_\odot), UV surface brightness (10^9.4 L_\odot kpc^-2), SFR, and metallicity to that observed in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We show that Haro 11 has extended, soft thermal (kT~0.68 keV) X-ray emission with a luminosity and size which scales with the physical properties (e.g. SFR, stellar mass) of the host galaxy. An enhanced alpha/Fe, ratio of ~4 relative to solar abundance suggests significant supernovae enrichment. These results are consistent with the X-ray emission being produced in a shock between a supernovae driven outflow and the ambient material. The FUV spectra show strong absorption lines similar to those observed in LBG spectra. A blueshifted absorption component is identified as a wind outflowing at ~200-280 km/s. OVI\lambda\lambda1032,1038 emission, the dominant cooling mechanism for coronal gas at T~10^5.5 K is also observed. If associated with the outflow, the luminosity of the OVI emission suggests that <20% of the total mechanical energy from the supernovae and solar winds is being radiated away. This implies that radiative cooling through OVI is not significantly inhibiting the growth of the outflowing gas. In contradiction to the findings of Bergvall et al 2006, we find no convincing evidence of Lyman continuum leakage in Haro 11. We conclude that the wind has not created a `tunnel' allowing the escape of a significant fraction of Lyman continuum photons and place a limit on the escape fraction of f_{esc}<2%. Overall, both Haro 11 and a previously observed LBG analogue VV 114, provide an invaluable insight into the X-ray and FUV properties of high redshift LBGs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 40 pages, 17 figure
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