517 research outputs found

    How does an interacting many-body system tunnel through a potential barrier to open space?

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    The tunneling process in a many-body system is a phenomenon which lies at the very heart of quantum mechanics. It appears in nature in the form of alpha-decay, fusion and fission in nuclear physics, photoassociation and photodissociation in biology and chemistry. A detailed theoretical description of the decay process in these systems is a very cumbersome problem, either because of very complicated or even unknown interparticle interactions or due to a large number of constitutent particles. In this work, we theoretically study the phenomenon of quantum many-body tunneling in a more transparent and controllable physical system, in an ultracold atomic gas. We analyze a full, numerically exact many-body solution of the Schr\"odinger equation of a one-dimensional system with repulsive interactions tunneling to open space. We show how the emitted particles dissociate or fragment from the trapped and coherent source of bosons: the overall many-particle decay process is a quantum interference of single-particle tunneling processes emerging from sources with different particle numbers taking place simultaneously. The close relation to atom lasers and ionization processes allows us to unveil the great relevance of many-body correlations between the emitted and trapped fractions of the wavefunction in the respective processes.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures (7 pages, 2 figures supplementary information

    Orbital structure and magnetic ordering in stoichiometric and doped crednerite CuMnO2

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    The exchange interactions and magnetic structure in layered system CuMnO2 (mineral crednerite) and in nonstoichiometric system Cu1.04Mn0.96O2, with triangular layers distorted due to orbital ordering of the Mn3+ ions, are studied by ab-initio band-structure calculations, which were performed within the GGA+U approximation. The exchange interaction parameters for the Heisenberg model within the Mn-planes and between the Mn-planes were estimated. We explain the observed in-plane magnetic structure by the dominant mechanism of the direct d-d exchange between neighboring Mn ions. The superexchange via O ions, with 90 degree Mn-O-Mn bonds, plays less important role for the in-plane exchange. The interlayer coupling is largely dominated by one exchange path between the half-filled 3z^2-r^2 orbitals of Mn3+. The change of interlayer coupling from antiferromagnetic in pure CuMnO2 to ferromagnetic in doped material is also explained by our calculations

    Realization of anisotropic compass model on the diamond lattice of Cu2+^{2+} in CuAl2_2O4_4

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    Spin-orbit (SO) Mott insulators are regarded as a new paradigm of magnetic materials, whose properties are largely influenced by SO coupling and featured by highly anisotropic bond-dependent exchange interactions between the spin-orbital entangled Kramers doublets, as typically manifested in 5d5d iridates. Here, we propose that a very similar situation can be realized in cuprates when the Cu2+^{2+} ions reside in a tetrahedral environment, like in spinel compounds. Using first-principles electronic structure calculations, we construct a realistic model for the diamond lattice of the Cu2+^{2+} ions in CuAl2_2O4_4 and show that the magnetic properties of this compound are largely controlled by anisotropic compass-type exchange interactions that dramatically modify the magnetic ground state by lifting the spiral spin-liquid degeneracy and stabilizing a commensurate single-q\boldsymbol{q} spiral

    Entanglement and coherence in quantum state merging

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    Understanding the resource consumption in distributed scenarios is one of the main goals of quantum information theory. A prominent example for such a scenario is the task of quantum state merging where two parties aim to merge their parts of a tripartite quantum state. In standard quantum state merging, entanglement is considered as an expensive resource, while local quantum operations can be performed at no additional cost. However, recent developments show that some local operations could be more expensive than others: it is reasonable to distinguish between local incoherent operations and local operations which can create coherence. This idea leads us to the task of incoherent quantum state merging, where one of the parties has free access to local incoherent operations only. In this case the resources of the process are quantified by pairs of entanglement and coherence. Here, we develop tools for studying this process, and apply them to several relevant scenarios. While quantum state merging can lead to a gain of entanglement, our results imply that no merging procedure can gain entanglement and coherence at the same time. We also provide a general lower bound on the entanglement-coherence sum, and show that the bound is tight for all pure states. Our results also lead to an incoherent version of Schumacher compression: in this case the compression rate is equal to the von Neumann entropy of the diagonal elements of the corresponding quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Lemma 5 in Appendix D of the previous version was not correct. This did not affect the results of the main tex

    Role of local geometry in spin and orbital structure of transition metal compounds

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    We analyze the role of local geometry in the spin and orbital interaction in transition metal compounds with orbital degeneracy. We stress that the tendency observed for the most studied case (transition metals in O6_6 octahedra with one common oxygen -- common corner of neighboring octahedra and with 180\sim 180^{\circ} metal--oxygen--metal bonds), that ferro-orbital ordering renders antiferro-spin coupling, and, {\it vice versa}, antiferro-orbitals give ferro-spin ordering, is not valid in general case, in particular for octahedra with common edge and with 90\sim 90^{\circ} M--O--M bonds. Special attention is paid to the ``third case'', neighboring octahedra with common face (three common oxygens) -- the case practically not considered until now, although there are many real systems with this geometry. Interestingly enough, the spin--orbital exchange in this case turns out to be to be simpler and more symmetric than in the first two cases. We also consider, which form the effective exchange takes for different geometries in case of strong spin--orbit coupling.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JET