56 research outputs found

    К семантике названия романа Марины Степновой «Сад»

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    The article is devoted to a specific concept based on the material of one of the literary texts of the latest Russian literature. In the novel by M. Stepnova (2019), the concept of “garden” is central and fundamentally important. In the author’s picture of the world of a 21st-century writer, this concept becomes the title of the literary work, conceptually significant in the national picture of the world. In this regard, it was appropriate and logical to analyze the concept, taking into account all the potential inherent in the meaning of the word “garden”, in the broadest sense, especially since “garden” is manifested in many ways in the novel. The concept of “garden” reflects the World of Russian estate life in the 19th and early 20th centuries, captured primarily by L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, and I. A. Bunin. In the literary text of M. Stepnova, the concept of “garden” is presented as a hero, a book, a text, Eden, and is both an image and a symbol. In addition, the concept of “garden” in the context of the novel acquires additional connotations and meanings, giving rise to new associations invisible at first glance. Thus, the semantics of the name appear multilevel because it includes both Western European traditional and nationally determined ideas, which is proved in this study.The article is devoted to a specific concept based on the material of one of the literary texts of the latest Russian literature. In the novel by M. Stepnova (2019), the concept of “garden” is central and fundamentally important. In the author’s picture of the world of a 21st-century writer, this concept becomes the title of the literary work, conceptually significant in the national picture of the world. In this regard, it was appropriate and logical to analyze the concept, taking into account all the potential inherent in the meaning of the word “garden”, in the broadest sense, especially since “garden” is manifested in many ways in the novel. The concept of “garden” reflects the World of Russian estate life in the 19th and early 20th centuries, captured primarily by L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, and I. A. Bunin. In the literary text of M. Stepnova, the concept of “garden” is presented as a hero, a book, a text, Eden, and is both an image and a symbol. In addition, the concept of “garden” in the context of the novel acquires additional connotations and meanings, giving rise to new associations invisible at first glance. Thus, the semantics of the name appear multilevel because it includes both Western European traditional and nationally determined ideas, which is proved in this study.Статья посвящена рассмотрению конкретного концепта на материале одного из художественных текстов новейшей русской литературы. В романе М. Степновой (2019) концепт «сад» является центральным и принципиально важным. В авторской картине мира писателя XXI века этот концепт становится названием произведения, будучи одновременно концептуально-значимым в национальной картине мира в целом. В этой связи уместно и логично проанализировать концепт, что и предпринято авторами статьи, учитывая весь потенциал, заложенный в значении слова, в самом широком его понимании, тем более что «сад» в романе проявляется многогранно. Концепт «сад» отражает мир русского усадебного быта XIX – начала XX вв., запечатленный, прежде всего, Л.Н. Толстым, А.П. Чеховым, И.А. Буниным. В художественном тексте М. Степновой концепт «сад» представлен как герой, книга, текст, Эдем и является и образом, и символом. Кроме того, концепт «сад» в контексте романа приобретает дополнительные коннотации и смыслы, порождая новые ассоциации, невидимые на первый взгляд. Таким образом, семантика названия представляется многоярусной, ибо включает в себя как западноевропейские традиционные, так и национально-обусловленные представления, что и доказывается в данном исследовании

    Treatment of petroleum-contaminated water resources: modern techniques

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    The article deals with the issue of petroleum-contaminated water resources. The authors have analyzed the dynamics of oil spills, including the world's largest ones, and claimed the issue to be global. The modern methods of mitigating oil spill effects have been studied, as well as the modern techniques of water resource treatment. The particular attention is paid to peat sorbent production, which is considered a promising trend of petroleum- contaminated water treatment

    Oil and gas company policy regarding the concept of sustainable development (water resources)

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    The paper considers oil and gas companies implementing the strategy of sustainable development. Being vital to the national economy, oil and gas companies have a significant impact on the environment. Having analyzed the statistical data, the authors state that the leading Russian oil and gas companies contribute to the industry dynamics and conduct eco-friendly production practices. The environmental component is reported to be integrated in production, HR, information and other company policies, which results in "greening" both economic cooperation and place of production. The authors report the inverse relation between production dynamics and significance of the impact on water resources

    Oil and gas company policy regarding the concept of sustainable development (water resources)

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    The paper considers oil and gas companies implementing the strategy of sustainable development. Being vital to the national economy, oil and gas companies have a significant impact on the environment. Having analyzed the statistical data, the authors state that the leading Russian oil and gas companies contribute to the industry dynamics and conduct eco-friendly production practices. The environmental component is reported to be integrated in production, HR, information and other company policies, which results in "greening" both economic cooperation and place of production. The authors report the inverse relation between production dynamics and significance of the impact on water resources

    An Evaluation of Image Velocimetry Techniques under Low Flow Conditions and High Seeding Densities Using Unmanned Aerial Systems

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    Image velocimetry has proven to be a promising technique for monitoring river flows using remotely operated platforms such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). However, the application of various image velocimetry algorithms has not been extensively assessed. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted on five different image velocimetry algorithms including Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV), Large-Scale Particle Tracking Velocimetry (LSPTV), Kanade−Lucas Tomasi Image Velocimetry (KLT-IV or KLT), Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV) and Surface Structure Image Velocimetry (SSIV), during low river flow conditions (average surface velocities of 0.12−0.14 m s - 1 , Q60) on the River Kolubara, Central Serbia. A DJI Phantom 4 Pro UAS was used to collect two 30-second videos of the surface flow. Artificial seeding material was distributed homogeneously across the rivers surface, to enhance the conditions for image velocimetry techniques. The sensitivity analysis was performed on comparable parameters between the different algorithms, including the particle identification area parameters (such as Interrogation Area (LSPIV, LSPTV and SSIV), Block Size (KLT-IV) and Trajectory Length (OTV)) and the feature extraction rate. Results highlighted that KLT and SSIV were sensitive to changing the feature extraction rate; however, changing the particle identification area did not affect the surface velocity results significantly. OTV and LSPTV, on the other hand, highlighted that changing the particle identification area presented higher variability in the results, while changing the feature extraction rate did not affect the surface velocity outputs. LSPIV proved to be sensitive to changing both the feature extraction rate and the particle identification area. This analysis has led to the conclusions that for surface velocities of approximately 0.12 m s - 1 image velocimetry techniques can provide results comparable to traditional techniques such as ADCPs. However, LSPIV, LSPTV and OTV require additional effort for calibration and selecting the appropriate parameters when compared to KLT-IV and SSIV. Despite the varying levels of sensitivity of each algorithm to changing parameters, all configuration image velocimetry algorithms provided results that were within 0.05 m s - 1 of the ADCP measurements, on average

    Advancing river monitoring using image-based techniques: Challenges and opportunities

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    Enhanced and effective hydrological monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding water-related processes in a rapidly changing world. Within this context, image-based river monitoring has shown to significantly enhance data collection, improve analysis and accuracy, and support effective and timely decision-making. The integration of remote and proximal sensing technologies, with citizen science, and artificial intelligence may revolutionize monitoring practices. Therefore, it is crucial to quantify the quality of current research and ongoing initiatives to envision the potential trajectories for research activities within this specific field. The evolution of monitoring strategies is progressing in multiple directions that should converge to build critical mass around relevant challenges to meet the need for innovative solutions to overcome limitations of traditional approaches. The present study reviews showcases and good practices of enhanced hydrological monitoring in different applications, reflecting the strengths and limitations of new approaches

    Первичная цилиарная дискинезия у ребенка с синдромом Симпсона-Голаби-Бемеля II типа вследствие мутации гена OFD1

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an orphan disease associated with mutations in several genes. It is a ciliopathy, an abnormality of the cilia and flagella. Ciliopathies include the extremely rare Simpson - Golabi - Bemel syndrome (SSGB) type II.The aim of this article is to familiarize the reader with the possibility of simultaneous presence of type II SSGB and PCD in a patient with bronchiectasis (BE).Results. The first clinical observation in the Russian literature is presented withhistory, physical examination, including clinical and morphologic examination, results of additional investigations and initiation of therapy. The case describes a 15-year-old patient with BE and other lesions typical of PCD confirmed on the basis of structural changes in the cilia of the respiratory epithelium of the trachea detected by transmission electron microscopy. The patient had a pathogenic mutation of the OFD1 gene responsible for the development of both type II SSGB and PCD.Conclusion. Several variants of ciliopathies may occur in one patient, and PCD may present as a syndrome.Первичная цилиарная дискинезия (ПЦД) является орфанным заболеванием, связанным с мутациями в различных генах, одной из разновидностей патологии ресничек и жгутиков — цилиопатий. К последним также относится крайне редко встречающийся синдром Симпсона—Голаби—Бемеля (ССГБ) II типа.Целью работы явилось ознакомление специалистов с возможностью одновременного присутствия у пациента с бронхоэктазами (БЭ) ССГБ II типа и ПЦД по данным клинического наблюдения.Результаты. Представлено первое в отечественной литературе клиническое наблюдение (данные анамнеза, объективного осмотра, включая клинико-морфологический осмотр, результаты дополнительных методов обследования и инициации терапии) 15-летнего пациента с БЭ и другими поражениями, типичными для ПЦД, подтвержденной на основании структурных изменений в ресничках респираторного эпителия трахеи, выявленных с помощью трансмиссионной электронной микроскопии, и патогенной мутации гена OFD1, ответственного за развитие как ССГБ II типа, так и ПЦД.Заключение. Установлено, что у одного пациента могут встречаться разные варианты цилиопатий, а ПЦД, таким образом, может иметь синдромальный характер