393 research outputs found

    Quantum rainbow scattering at tunable velocities

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    Elastic scattering cross sections are measured for lithium atoms colliding with rare gas atoms and SF6 molecules at tunable relative velocities down to ~50 m/s. Our scattering apparatus combines a velocity-tunable molecular beam with a magneto-optic trap that provides an ultracold cloud of lithium atoms as a scattering target. Comparison with theory reveals the quantum nature of the collision dynamics in the studied regime, including both rainbows as well as orbiting resonances

    Improved setup for producing slow beams of cold molecules using a rotating nozzle

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    Intense beams of cold and slow molecules are produced by supersonic expansion out of a rapidly rotating nozzle, as first demonstrated by Gupta and Herschbach. An improved setup is presented that allows to accelerate or decelerate cold atomic and molecular beams by up to 500 m/s. Technical improvements are discussed and beam parameters are characterized by detailed analysis of time of flight density distributions. The possibility of combining this beam source with electrostatic fields for guiding polar molecules is demonstrated

    Conformal dimension and random groups

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    We give a lower and an upper bound for the conformal dimension of the boundaries of certain small cancellation groups. We apply these bounds to the few relator and density models for random groups. This gives generic bounds of the following form, where ll is the relator length, going to infinity. (a) 1 + 1/C < \Cdim(\bdry G) < C l / \log(l), for the few relator model, and (b) 1 + l / (C\log(l)) < \Cdim(\bdry G) < C l, for the density model, at densities d<1/16d < 1/16. In particular, for the density model at densities d<1/16d < 1/16, as the relator length ll goes to infinity, the random groups will pass through infinitely many different quasi-isometry classes.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures. v2: Final version. Main result improved to density < 1/16. Many minor improvements. To appear in GAF

    Counting homomorphisms onto finite solvable groups

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    We present a method for computing the number of epimorphisms from a finitely-presented group G to a finite solvable group \Gamma, which generalizes a formula of G\"aschutz. Key to this approach are the degree 1 and 2 cohomology groups of G, with certain twisted coefficients. As an application, we count low-index subgroups of G. We also investigate the finite solvable quotients of the Baumslag-Solitar groups, the Baumslag parafree groups, and the Artin braid groups.Comment: 30 pages; accepted for publication in the Journal of Algebr

    The nonperturbative closed string tachyon vacuum to high level

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    We compute the action of closed bosonic string field theory at quartic order with fields up to level ten. After level four, the value of the potential at the minimum starts oscillating around a nonzero negative value, in contrast with the proposition made in [5]. We try a different truncation scheme in which the value of the potential converges faster with the level. By extrapolating these values, we are able to give a rather precise value for the depth of the potential.Comment: 24 pages. v2: typos corrected, clarified extrapolation in scheme B, and added extrapolated tachyon and dilaton vev's at the end of Section

    FMDV replicons encoding green fluorescent protein are replication competent

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    The study of replication of viruses that require high bio-secure facilities can be accomplished with less stringent containment using non-infectious 'replicon' systems. The FMDV replicon system (pT7rep) reported by Mclnerney et al. (2000) was modified by the replacement of sequences encoding chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase (CAT) with those encoding a functional L proteinase (Lpro) linked to a bi-functional fluorescent/antibiotic resistance fusion protein (green fluorescent protein/puromycin resistance, [GFP-PAC]). Cells were transfected with replicon-derived transcript RNA and GFP fluorescence quantified. Replication of transcript RNAs was readily detected by fluorescence, whilst the signal from replication-incompetent forms of the genome was >2-fold lower. Surprisingly, a form of the replicon lacking the Lpro showed a significantly stronger fluorescence signal, but appeared with slightly delayed kinetics. Replication can, therefore, be quantified simply by live-cell imaging and image analyses, providing a rapid and facile alternative to RT-qPCR or CAT assays

    The modular geometry of Random Regge Triangulations

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    We show that the introduction of triangulations with variable connectivity and fluctuating egde-lengths (Random Regge Triangulations) allows for a relatively simple and direct analyisis of the modular properties of 2 dimensional simplicial quantum gravity. In particular, we discuss in detail an explicit bijection between the space of possible random Regge triangulations (of given genus g and with N vertices) and a suitable decorated version of the (compactified) moduli space of genus g Riemann surfaces with N punctures. Such an analysis allows us to associate a Weil-Petersson metric with the set of random Regge triangulations and prove that the corresponding volume provides the dynamical triangulation partition function for pure gravity.Comment: 36 pages corrected typos, enhanced introductio

    Exact beta function from the holographic loop equation of large-N QCD_4

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    We construct and study a previously defined quantum holographic effective action whose critical equation implies the holographic loop equation of large-N QCD_4 for planar self-avoiding loops in a certain regularization scheme. We extract from the effective action the exact beta function in the given scheme. For the Wilsonean coupling constant the beta function is exacly one loop and the first coefficient agrees with its value in perturbation theory. For the canonical coupling constant the exact beta function has a NSVZ form and the first two coefficients agree with their value in perturbation theory.Comment: 42 pages, latex. The exponent of the Vandermonde determinant in the quantum effective action has been changed, because it has been employed a holomorphic rather than a hermitean resolution of identity in the functional integral. Beta function unchanged. New explanations and references added, typos correcte

    Guiding slow polar molecules with a charged wire

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    We demonstrate experimentally the guiding of cold and slow ND3 molecules along a thin charged wire over a distance of ~0.34 m through an entire molecular beam apparatus. Trajectory simulations confirm that both linear and quadratic high-field-seeking Stark states can be efficiently guided from the beam source up to the detector. A density enhancement up to a factor 7 is reached for decelerated beams with velocities ranging down to ~50 m/s generated by the rotating nozzle technique

    From Matrices to Strings and Back

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    We discuss an explicit construction of a string dual for the Gaussian matrix model. Starting from the matrix model and employing Strebel differential techniques we deduce hints about the structure of the dual string. Next, following these hints a worldheet theory is constructed. The correlators in this string theory are assumed to localize on a finite set of points in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. To each such point one associates a Feynman diagram contributing to the correlator in the dual matrix model, and thus recasts the worldsheet expression as a sum over Feynman diagrams.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure
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