928 research outputs found

    Lagrangian Motion Magnification with Double Sparse Optical Flow Decomposition

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    Motion magnification techniques aim at amplifying and hence revealing subtle motion in videos. There are basically two main approaches to reach this goal, namely via Eulerian or Lagrangian techniques. While the first one magnifies motion implicitly by operating directly on image pixels, the Lagrangian approach uses optical flow techniques to extract and amplify pixel trajectories. Microexpressions are fast and spatially small facial expressions that are difficult to detect. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for local Lagrangian motion magnification of facial micromovements. Our contribution is three-fold: first, we fine-tune the recurrent all-pairs field transforms for optical flows (RAFT) deep learning approach for faces by adding ground truth obtained from the variational dense inverse search (DIS) for optical flow algorithm applied to the CASME II video set of faces. This enables us to produce optical flows of facial videos in an efficient and sufficiently accurate way. Second, since facial micromovements are both local in space and time, we propose to approximate the optical flow field by sparse components both in space and time leading to a double sparse decomposition. Third, we use this decomposition to magnify micro-motions in specific areas of the face, where we introduce a new forward warping strategy using a triangular splitting of the image grid and barycentric interpolation of the RGB vectors at the corners of the transformed triangles. We demonstrate the very good performance of our approach by various examples

    Backbone NMR resonance assignment of the Abelson kinase domain in complex with imatinib

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    Imatinib (Glivec or Gleevec) potently inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity of BCR-ABL, a constitutively activated kinase, which causes chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Here we report the first almost complete backbone assignment of c-ABL kinase domain in complex with imatini

    Evaluating Prompt-Based Question Answering for Object Prediction in the Open Research Knowledge Graph

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    Recent investigations have explored prompt-based training of transformer language models for new text genres in low-resource settings. This approach has proven effective in transferring pre-trained or fine-tuned models to resource-scarce environments. This work presents the first results on applying prompt-based training to transformers for scholarly knowledge graph object prediction. Methodologically, it stands out in two main ways: 1) it deviates from previous studies that propose entity and relation extraction pipelines, and 2) it tests the method in a significantly different domain, scholarly knowledge, evaluating linguistic, probabilistic, and factual generalizability of large-scale transformer models. Our findings demonstrate that: i) out-of-the-box transformer models underperform on the new scholarly domain, ii) prompt-based training improves performance by up to 40% in relaxed evaluation, and iii) tests of the models in a distinct domain reveals a gap in capturing domain knowledge, highlighting the need for increased attention and resources in the scholarly domain for transformer models

    Identification of suitable controls for miRNA quantification in T-cells and whole blood cells in sepsis

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    Complex immune dysregulation is a hallmark of sepsis. The occurring phases of immunosuppression and hyperinflammation require rapid detection and close monitoring. Reliable tools to monitor patient's immune status are yet missing. Currently, microRNAs are being discussed as promising new biomarkers in sepsis. However, no suitable internal control for normalization of miRNA expression by qPCR has been validated so far, thus hampering their potential benefit. We here present the first evaluation of endogenous controls for miRNA analysis in human sepsis. Novel candidate reference miRNAs were identified via miRNA microArray. TaqMan qPCR assays were performed to evaluate these microRNAs in T-cells and whole blood cells of sepsis patients and healthy controls in two independent cohorts. In T-cells, U48 and miR-320 proved suitable as endogenous controls, while in whole blood cells, U44 and miR-942 provided best stability values for normalization of miRNA quantification. Commonly used snRNA U6 exhibited worst stability in all sample groups. The identified internal controls have been prospectively validated in independent cohorts. The critical importance of housekeeping gene selection is emphasized by exemplary quantification of imuno-miR-150 in sepsis patients. Use of appropriate internal controls could facilitate research on miRNA-based biomarker-use and might even improve treatment strategies in the future

    Impact of carbohydrate-reduced nutrition in septic patients on ICU: study protocol for a prospective randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: Sepsis is defined as detrimental immune response to an infection. This overwhelming reaction often abolishes a normal reconstitution of the immune cell homeostasis that in turn increases the risk for further complications. Recent studies revealed a favourable impact of ketone bodies on resolution of inflammation. Thus, a ketogenic diet may provide an easy-to-apply and cost-effective treatment option potentially alleviating sepsis-evoked harm. This study is designed to assess the feasibility, efficiency and safety of a ketogenic diet in septic patients. Methods and analysis: This monocentric study is a randomised, controlled and open-label trial, which is conducted on an intensive care unit of a German university hospital. As intervention enteral nutrition with reduced amount of carbohydrates (ketogenic) or standard enteral nutrition (control) is applied. The primary endpoint is the detection of ketone bodies in patients' blood and urine samples. As secondary endpoints, the impact on important safety-relevant issues (eg, glucose metabolism, lactate serum concentration, incidence of metabolic acidosis, thyroid function and 30-day mortality) and the effect on the immune system are analysed. Ethics and dissemination The study has received the following approvals: Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of Ruhr-University Bochum (No. 18-6557-BR). Results will be made available to critical care survivors, their caregivers, the funders, the critical care societies and other researchers by publication in a peer-reviewed journal

    The Digitalization of Bioassays in the Open Research Knowledge Graph

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    Background: Recent years are seeing a growing impetus in the semantification of scholarly knowledge at the fine-grained level of scientific entities in knowledge graphs. The Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG, orkg.org) represents an important step in this direction, with thousands of scholarly contributions as structured, fine-grained, machine-readable data. There is a need, however, to engender change in traditional community practices of recording contributions as unstructured, non-machine-readable text. For this in turn, there is a strong need for AI tools designed for scientists that permit easy and accurate semantification of their scholarly contributions. We present one such tool, ORKG-assays. Implementation: ORKG-assays is a freely available AI micro-service in ORKG written in Python designed to assist scientists obtain semantified bioassays as a set of triples. It uses an AI-based clustering algorithm which on gold-standard evaluations over 900 bioassays with 5,514 unique property-value pairs for 103 predicates shows competitive performance. Results and Discussion: As a result, semantified assay collections can be surveyed on the ORKG platform via tabulation or chart-based visualizations of key property values of the chemicals and compounds offering smart knowledge access to biochemists and pharmaceutical researchers in the advancement of drug development

    How can weight-loss app designers' best engage and support users? A qualitative investigation

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12114. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.This study explored young adults' experiences of using e-health internetbased computer or mobile phone applications (apps) and what they valued about those apps.NIH

    Exclusion of PINK1 as candidate gene for the late-onset form of Parkinson's disease in two European populations

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. Recently, mutations in the PINK1 (PARK6) gene were shown to rarely cause autosomal-recessively transmitted, early-onset parkinsonism. In order to evaluate whether PINK1 contributes to the risk of common late-onset PD we analysed PINK1 sequence variations. A German (85 patients) and a Norwegian cohort (90 patients) suffering from late-onset PD were screened for mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the PINK1 gene. Both cohorts consist of well-characterized patients presenting a positive family history of PD in ~17%. Investigations were performed by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), denaturating high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and sequencing analyses. SNP frequencies were compared by the χ(2 )test RESULTS: Several common SNPs were identified in our cohorts, including a recently identified coding variant (Q115L) in exon 1. Genotyping of the Q115L variation did not reveal significant frequency differences between patients and controls. Pathogenic mutations in the PINK1 gene were not identified, neither in the German nor in the Norwegian cohort. CONCLUSION: Sequence variation in the PINK1 gene appears to play a marginal quantitative role in the pathogenesis of the late-onset form of PD, in German and Norwegian cohorts, if at all

    The federal government commissioner for patient issues in Germany: initial analysis of the user inquiries

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    BACKGROUND: The political objective in many countries worldwide is to give better consideration to the interests of patients within the health system. The establishment of a federal government commissioner for the issues of patients in the health system in Germany in 2004 is part of these endeavours. The structure and field of activities of this institution has been unique so far. This study investigates for the first time the inquiries the commissioner receives from the public. METHODS: A 33% sampling (n = 850) of the written inquiries (correspondence and e-mails) addressed to the commissioner in the first six months of the year 2005 (n = 2580) was investigated. In a procedure comprising combined qualitative and quantitative levels, the material was thematically encoded and the inquiries allocated to the resulting categories (multiple nominations). The results are presented in descriptive form and investigated especially with respect to sex and age-specific differences. The interdependences between the categorized criteria are analysed. RESULTS: The inquirers are equally spread out amongst the sexes (49% women, 51% men). Older persons outweigh the younger (69% over 60 years). In most cases the issues take the form of claims (72%, n = 609). In every fifth inquiry (n = 168) the personal financial burden for health services is considered as being too high; about equally high (n = 159) is the proportion of persons who criticize the communication with health professionals, especially hospitals and doctors' surgeries. Every third who mentions a medical practice uses terms such as "uncertainty" and "anxiety". It is conspicuous that men more often than women write that they feel unfairly treated in the health system (62% vs. 38%, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Predominantly older persons seek the assistance of the federal government commissioner for patient issues. Considerable uncertainty and anxiety with respect to services and charges within the system of the German health insurances become evident. It is not possible from the data to draw conclusions concerning the impact of the commissioner's work on the health system. Nor do we gain any knowledge about the usefulness of the service for the individual. Therefore, evaluation of the political impact and the user satisfaction should follow
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